"You don't want to eat me, do you?" Lu Yuan came forward with an axe, his Adam's apple moving, and he quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Such a big wolf, so much meat, can it last for half a month?

This three-dimensional attribute is not very good, a few axes will kill you!

Finding that Lu Yuan was not afraid of him, the old wolf took a few steps back and roared fiercely.


Don't come over!

Perhaps because of his weak body, the old wolf almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

Only then did Lu Yuan realize that his blind left eye was full of yellow pus, and there were worms crawling faintly. This kind of wound infection is fatal to wild animals.

Its hair is gray with white, very dirty, and full of mud and water.

Such a big wolf is actually trembling slightly.

"It is afraid of its own death."

For some reason, Lu Yuan felt a little compassion.

At least he was full, healthy, had a few days' worth of food, and was in good spirits.

This old wolf must have no future...

So, Lu Yuan hesitated.

He was indeed very hesitant, just like giving money to those who claimed that they "could not afford the ticket" near the station, that kind of hesitation...

But he still threw part of the spider's internal organs over.

Originally, these internal organs were used as bait, and now that the wolf had eaten them, the fish would have to eat less.

"I'm giving it to you, no need to thank me."

"The flesh and blood of the extraordinary creatures is enough for you to have a full meal... Don't blame me for being rude if you chase me again! I really want to eat it, you know?"

The old wolf smelled the strong fishy smell, and came forward very vigilantly, sniffed it, and looked like he had a big appetite, and his saliva dripped directly on the ground.

However, with outsiders present, it did not let down its guard, and kept staring at Lu Yuan, refusing to bow its head.

"I'm leaving, you enjoy it."

For some reason, Lu Yuan's mood actually improved a lot after feeding this sick wolf.

Compassion, perhaps, is an emotion unique to intelligent life.

Even though his own situation was not very good, he could still pity an old wolf who was even worse than himself.

Then he returned to his shelter and transformed a storage box he picked up into a fishing trap.

The method of making a trap is simple. Make a hole in the suitcase, put in the bait, and throw the box into the water.

When the fish smell the smell, they will go through the hole and drill into the suitcase.

After drilling in, they may not come out.

After all, fish are a little cute and stupid, how can they know that this is a trap.

However, to be on the safe side, Lu Yuan made a "┐"-shaped plastic tube and inserted it into the hole.

In this way, if the fish want to escape, they have to pass through the tube, which greatly increases the difficulty.

After such preparations, it was already afternoon.

Lu Yuan had a sore back and felt deeply that his productivity was low. He just did some physical work casually, and the day passed like this.

He carried the fishing trap with great vigor and high spirits, tied it with vines, filled it with water, and sank it into the water.

"I hope there will be a big harvest tomorrow!"

When he returned, he found that the old wolf had left, and the spider entrails thrown on the ground had disappeared.

"Brother, I wish you good luck. I also wish myself good luck!"

This is Lu Yuan's third day in this world.

Three days are very short, and three days are also very long, so long that he seems to have adapted to his current life.

His life is too full and he has no time to think about messy things.

He must learn to accept reality.

God transformed his two eyes and gave him the ability of "storage space". Maybe there is really a little chance that he can embark on the extraordinary road alone.

He wants to live longer.

"I've been careless today, so I won't scold you, God."

As the sun sets, Lu Yuan sits by the fire and eats spider legs.

Today's mental state is pretty good, so he spent a lot of mental energy trying to open up a storage space that he can carry with him.

After closing his eyes, he activated the "storage space".

In the gray-black void, there seemed to be a purple thunder vibration.

With the injection of spiritual power, the space was directly pulled open like a layer of water.

Such a simple and crude method made Lu Yuan tremble with fear: "Why do I feel that my ability in the different space is more exquisite than the storage space?"

Of course, the storage space is different from the different space. After opening up, this space exists for a long time, and only when storing and retrieving things, it consumes spiritual power.

And the time elapsed inside is basically zero, so there is no need to worry about the deterioration of items.

"One cubic meter is enough for the time being."

A large refrigerator has a capacity of only 500 liters, which is 0.5 cubic meters.

1 cubic meter is really not a small amount.

Lu Yuan stored the remaining spider meat in it, which consumed little spiritual power and was quite convenient.

Opening up a storage space consumed a lot of spiritual power, and he felt a little tired, so he fell into a deep sleep.


A new day has begun again!

Instead of lying in bed, he had two dark circles under his eyes.

Lu Yuan took his axe and rushed to the direction of the fish trap at dawn. After all, this matter was related to his sustainable development.

Very anxious!

If the fish trap was a great success, it meant that he could solve the food problem once and for all!

He also used traditional skills to pick up some garbage along the way.

It was impossible not to pick up garbage, he loved this craft.

He picked up another car!

There were 6 cans, 12 bottles, and 3 broken semiconductor devices inside, which could be mobile phones or radios.

Take them all away and put them in the storage space!

There was also a schoolbag, which contained rotten organic matter and a number of colorful insects.

"Ordinary-level supplies." Lu Yuan poured out the contents of the schoolbag, put it on his back, and shrugged his shoulders twice. It felt a little small, but it was still usable.

Then his luck burst, and he actually found a faint golden color in the bushes.

He hurried over, dug the soil a few times with an axe, and dug out a square iron box.

"What is this?"

There was a brown glass bottle in the iron box.

It seemed to be made of some special material, very delicate, the plastic film on the bottle mouth was not torn off, and there were dozens of blue pills inside.

Lu Yuan's titanium alloy right eye gave the information: [A drug containing trace amounts of extraordinary elements that can treat most bacterial infections by enhancing the immune system. ]

[Although it has long passed its expiration date, it may still have a good effect due to its rigorous packaging. ]

"Hahaha! It's shipped! At least it's an SSR-level treasure!" Lu Yuan was ecstatic.

Could it be that he fed the wolf yesterday and did a good deed, which led to his character explosion?

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