Landing 500 years in advance, I became a god by digging for treasures

Chapter 92 Tiger's Elegant Cat Mama? ! (4K words)

Cat Mama? ! (4K words)

Lu Yuan was silent, quietly watching the performance of his "comrades in arms".

The "comrade" seemed a little embarrassed and explained: "It feels good to be able to speak, have a body, and be able to move."

It started scratching again, and various parts fell to the ground again.

Lu Yuan:......

What's going on with this guy?

He cleared his throat: "Who are you?"

"I am...da-da..."

Lu Yuan picked up the wire-like thing, connected it back, and then held it down to prevent it from scratching.

"I am an artificial intelligence. As for who I am...I...have no name."

"My goal is to defeat the devil until the day I die."

"So you're a robot?"

"According to the standards set by ordinary civilization, it is like this, but it is not a robot in the pure sense. My superpowers are King Kong and adsorption... As for this language, it comes with the speaker, not my ability."

"King Kong is a divine skill that makes me difficult to destroy."

"Adsorption is also a divine skill. It allows me to be permanently attached to the target of attack. It will never be able to get rid of me. So, I entangled that terrible demon."

Lu Yuan's cerebral cortex became highly active.

A talking, intelligent robot. Although it's not a girl, it can talk!

You can talk!

You can talk! ! !

How long has it been since he had no one to talk to?

All of a sudden, my mind became active.

But his expression remained tense, soothing his heart that was about to jump out of his throat, and looking for loopholes in the other person's words: "I see, but can artificial intelligence also use superpowers?"

"As far as I know, the source of superpowers is psychic energy. Do machines also have minds?"

The small ball rolled on the ground: "Is this important, comrade?"

Lu Yuan said seriously: "Of course it's important... You destroyed my precious instrument. According to the laws of my civilization, you committed the crime of theft and are already a prisoner of my civilization."

The pile of cat-shaped parts shook wildly, as if trying to escape.

Lu Yuan straightened his body: "Well, as long as you tell me the answer, this speaker will be given to you, and I won't hold you responsible for destroying my baby. It's a reasonable deal, right?"

The cat-shaped garbage was silent for a moment and replied: "My intelligence core comes from part of the brain of the strongest warrior of my civilization. It is a biological brain formed after silicon-based transformation through mechanical neural network, so it is between life and non-life. ”

"So I can use my abilities during my lifetime, but I can't practice or evolve."

Biological brain, what a noble term, it is indeed a civilization that can fight against "demons".

"That warrior's name?"

The cat-shaped garbage said: "The Elegance of the Tiger·The God of War of the Empire·The Newborn Dongxi·The Extraordinary Caregiver·The Billionaire·Member of the High Council·Cat Mama."

"Wha...what?" Lu Yuan was confused by the name. He could only understand that it was a translation problem.

"Following my civilized etiquette and adding your own honors to the front can help build your image the fastest."

"Warrior, your name and honor?"

Lu Yuan was silent for a long time, and said solemnly and solemnly: "The pioneer of the era, the hunter of demons, the highest and only eternal leader of the 18th human civilization, worth countless people, Lu Yuan."

"Hello, the highest and only eternal leader of the 18th human civilization." The cat-shaped garbage trembled crazily, twitching like an epilepsy, and the metals made a "clang, clink, clink" sound.

The supreme and only eternal leader? It’s a bit awesome!

"Just call me Lu Yuan, no need to be polite. Can you please restrain yourself? Why do you keep convulsing?" Lu Yuan couldn't hold himself tight.

The cat-shaped garbage twitched while saying: "My current behavior pattern has followed that warrior. The tickling action will bring a feeling of 'I am still alive', which can be understood as an AI defect."

"I haven't scratched my itch for a long time. The AI ​​defects have accumulated for too long, so I have to make up for it in one go. It will take about 1.2 years of twitching."

? ? ?

Lu Yuan's mind was filled with questions.

"My current form is a smaller version of that warrior."

"The Elegance of the Tiger and Mama the Cat are at least three or four meters in length. They are very strong warriors."

So it's a tiger warrior? Also called Mama the cat?

"Okay, I probably understand. So what is the extraordinary level of that warrior?" Lu Yuan wanted to know the combat power of past civilizations.

"I don't remember, most of the database has been damaged. But the demons at that time seemed much stronger than now... What... what is the name of this suppressed demon?!"

Lu Yuan fell silent and said, "It's called defecation."

"It turns out it's called poop... I remembered it. It's true. I'm a little impressed!" The cat-shaped garbage made a look of realization, "We actually defeated the demon of poop!"

"Comrade, we really won! I still can't believe it now, really, comrade!"

Lu Yuan couldn't help shaking his body, and instinctively wanted to cover his eyes, but he was afraid of affecting his own image, so he forcibly lowered his hand that was raised in the air.

What level of artificial intelligence is this?

What am I talking to?

Is it crazy, or am I crazy?

How should I spend the rest of my life?

"What do you remember? The database is cleared?" He pursed his lips and straightened his body, which made him look like a hypocritical leader in the company.

"I still remember... Warrior, did you mate today?" The cat-shaped garbage pile said a weird sentence.

"What... what?" Lu Yuan tried his best to maintain a majestic look.

The cat-shaped garbage shook twice: "In my civilization, there are 182 genders. When different genders meet, mating is a social etiquette, as simple as eating and drinking."

"So this sentence is a polite greeting... It is also the most profound thing in my memory."

So that's it...

Lu Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air in his chest and said seriously: "I am such a powerful warrior, of course I mated."

The cat garbage trembled: "That's good, comrade, I am very relieved, because I didn't mate... Did my civilization conquer Pangu Continent with its huge reproductive capacity? By the way, what is my civilization? What era is it now?"

Lu Yuan turned his head and looked into the distance.

Good guy, really good guy

These few words almost knocked him down.

He walked over and gently patted the cat-shaped garbage: "Comrade, if you are sad, don't keep it in your heart, you can tell me."

Cat-shaped garbage: "I don't have emotions myself, I'm just a robot. Comrade, tell the truth."

Lu Yuan said: "It's already the Ninth Era... The Ninth Era, it's almost the eighth month, you understand what this means? Your civilization is definitely not the Ninth Era, right?"

The cat-shaped garbage trembled violently, and then all the parts collapsed, and it fell into silence for a long time.

Finally, it made a sad "Meow~~!!"

This resentful howl, whoever heard it was sad, and whoever listened to it cried.

The old wolf was startled and roared with bared teeth: "Ah! Ah!"

This scene is really pitiful.

The civilization is gone, only a brainless artificial intelligence exists in the world, fighting with the terrifying demon until the last moment... If Lu Yuan hadn't taken action, it would have to continue fighting.

"Lu Yuan, I just violated the law of robots, and my thinking malfunctioned. So my system reset, sorry." Cat-shaped trash once again said a weird sentence.

It may also be this protection mechanism that allows it to endure everything, stick to the "demon", and keep making "da da da" prompt sounds.

So, Lu Yuan, who was shocked, hugged the cat-shaped trash again affectionately.

"It's okay."

"Comrade... you seem very sad."

Lu Yuan said the truth: "Actually, I don't have a mating partner."

"How pitiful." Cat-shaped trash said sadly, "If you are sad, don't keep it in your heart, you can tell me. After all, we are comrades."

Lu Yuan always felt that this sentence was a bit familiar.

Then he slapped his forehead, didn't I just say this?

Damn, I sympathized with this guy in vain, and morality really can't be too high.

He immediately turned expressionless: "I'll call you Cat Mama from now on."

"No, the great Cat Mama is dead... I'm just an artificial intelligence, I can't take over the magpie's nest." The cat-shaped trash rejected this name that represents some kind of destiny.

"How about this, I call you Old Cat, okay?" Lu Yuan is a person without imagination.

"I accept this proposal." The cat-shaped garbage said, "Comrade, can you help me make a body?"

"Of course no problem."

The cat-shaped garbage began to mutter in a low voice: "This human has only one hand, can he really help me make a body? Does he have this ability? Is he a person who likes to brag? Shouldn't I question my comrades? Will we get along smoothly in the future?"

"Wait, we actually joined forces to defeat a demon!"

"What does this mean? It means that we defeated a demon! Hahahaha, this damn demon! Someone will always get rid of you!"

"What did you say?"

The large cat garbage found that Lu Yuan was listening, and immediately collapsed, a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I just accidentally said the thinking running in the background."

"Now I will restart the system and correct this mistake."

? ? ?

The corner of Lu Yuan's mouth twitched, and he quickly constructed a new image of this artificial intelligence with a serious brain disease...

Damn, I can't help it, I have to cover my old face!

Kick it away!

Just like that, Lu Yuan lost a communicator, but found the first thing that can talk in Pangu Continent.

An artificial intelligence, the brain is not small.

But it can talk!

It can talk!

How good is it to not have to talk to yourself?

It's just like the feeling of liberation after the college entrance examination, and fighting passionately with classmates in the Internet cafe for three days and three nights!

The first lackey in the world, Laolang, has fallen out of favor. He is very jealous and doesn't know what his master is talking about all day long.

And this garbage cat is also a chatterbox with a strong desire to communicate.

"Comrade, I'm really miserable. In the long battle, I even forgot the name of that demon...Is it really called the feces demon? Actually, I have some doubts. You are lying to me."

"Comrade, the great cat Mama once said that when you look at the opposite sex, look at its eyes first. If it doesn't look at you, you can admire its reproductive organs openly."

"Can you be more elegant?" Lu Yuanda said.

Cat-shaped garbage with no self-awareness: "Of course, I am a noble artificial intelligence. Even in my civilization, I am still elegant and noble."

The two sides talked for a whole night, their tongues were in full bloom and they couldn't stop at all!

Both sides have tragic pasts, and...tragic futures.

So after a simple contact at the beginning, they accidentally found each other's weaknesses and developed a common language.

But I don’t know why, the real great harmony only lasts for three days?

The way male humans and machines get along is...attacking each other!

Rather than comforting each other.

This morning, an old metal cat squirmed outside the door.

The tail made of iron chains flicked like a slippery loach.

Lu Yuan used the parts he found in the garbage dump to give it a simple body. Because it was all rusty garbage, it made a "creak" sound when it moved.

But at least it won't fall apart immediately - a veritable trash cat.

The first thing it said when it came in was: "Lu Yuan, is pink sweater your hobby? Why? I can't understand."

Lu Yuan was caught at the pain point and pretended that he was fine: "Our human culture is different from yours. We humans need to wear clothes, but you don't..."

"By the way, starting from today, please help me mark the time."

He launched a vicious mental attack!

Why? Because now is the ninth era, recording time means that it has to realize that its own civilization is gone.

Don't run away!

Cat Junk stopped twisting and scratched his head, and a screw on his head flew out with a bang.

But the loudspeaker in its body is still talking: "When will you set off and return to the human world?"

It also launches a virulent mental attack.

Lu Yuan inserted his fingers into his hair and regretted saying so many things to it, but his momentum did not diminish at all: "Humanity has been conquered by your civilization a long time ago. By the way, what kind of civilization do you have?"

The cat's tail also fell off.

This is its pain point. It doesn't even remember what civilization it belongs to. It's really miserable.

It just said: "Lu Yuan, the great cat Mama once said: Bullying the mentally retarded is not a hero."

I have to admit that as a combat robot, its verbal taunting ability is indeed full.

Lu Yuan, who was deeply shocked, rushed over and hugged the pile of garbage affectionately: "The great cat Mama once said, old wolf, bite it!"

The old wolf roared angrily and launched a charge. The pinned Doraemon was unable to move, and its parts flew everywhere.

"Comrade, how could you let your dog bite me?"

"This is its deep love for you~"

The old wolf was praised and bit more vigorously. His mouth was full of rust and he looked like a werewolf that had sucked blood.

(New important role, please vote for me!)

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