Just when Lu Yuan fell into the state of "missing family during every festival", the voice of God appeared again.

[New event: vision, also known as natural disaster. ]

[Some powerful visions have awakened from their slumber. ]

Somewhat unexpectedly, he hadn't heard this voice for a long, long time.

He quickly raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

[They are the mortal enemies of civilization, please be careful. ]

[Most visions are still trapped in the cage of time, but as time goes by, they will gradually wake up and break free from the cage. ]

[Based on the level of danger, visions can be divided into...衤,蠠,广,忄,夭,米... (% @*\u0026——)]

Lu Yuan couldn't understand the language behind it at all.

Yes, he couldn't understand it!

It felt like hearing the sharp tadpole sound of nails scratching on a blackboard.

A lot of noise interfered with the language of "God".

[Newly added event: Aliens, some powerful aliens, have awakened from their slumber. ]

[They may have good intentions, or they may have bad intentions, no one knows what their ultimate goal is. ]

[They are just traces of the ancient civilization, the last "existence". ]

These are two new terms, which made Lu Yuan, who was looking up at the sky, fall into a long-lost contemplation.

"Visions refer to... strange creatures like donkey-headed monsters..."

"What are aliens? Is this guy Lao Mao an alien?"

"Or does it mean that a certain proportion must be awakened before God will give such a prompt?"

"Anyway, I have to hurry up."

What surprised him even more was that visions and aliens were likely to be things that existed in Pangu Continent itself...

God is indeed not the creator of nature.

God is just a porter of nature.

In fact, Lu Yuan had already discovered the corresponding clues, and this discovery made him feel inexplicably complicated.

Without an omnipotent existence covering him, the worldview of Pangu World made him more and more nervous and uneasy.

"This world is too hard to survive."

"Lu Yuan, you are in a daze again. Why don't you break through your level and get on the road quickly!" The old cat, who could not hear the voice of "God", walked over with an elegant step, "creaking", and the two cat's eye stones were lifelike.

Lu Yuan deliberately made its body very fat...

It is now a big fat orange cat!

And the label [Alien·Silicon-based Transformer] was attached to the old cat's forehead.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

[Alien·Silicon-based Transformer. ]

[A warrior who has been fighting against "demon" for a long time, has survived from an unknown time to now. I have to admit that it has noble character and arrogant personality. ]

[Because he has completed his lifelong goal, he has lost his spiritual sustenance and cannot find his own civilization. This alien attaches great importance to the friendship of comrades. If you don't betray it, it will not betray you. ]

[You are very lucky. After all, not every alien has good intentions. 】

[Shape: 1.2]

[Qi: 5.1]

[Spirit: 0.1]

[Ability: Diamond, Adsorption]

[Supernatural Level: Level 1. 】

In fact, conventional identification ability can only identify the label of [Strange Person] at most, and it is even possible to identify the ambiguous result of "a robot cat".

The following paragraph is a more accurate conclusion drawn by Lu Yuan and the old cat after a long-term contact.

As for the attribute of lameness...

Forget it, the purpose of the old cat is not to fight.

"All day long, it's like asking for death. Have you completed your own task?" Old Lu scolded unceremoniously.

The old cat said proudly: "I have memorized most of the papers in the database in my mind and can call them at any time."

Its task is to record all the information.

It is an artificial intelligence with a much larger brain capacity than Lu Yuan.

Seeing its arrogant look with its butt sticking out and its head raised, Lu Yuan couldn't help but kick it away, but for the sake of "Strange Person", he forced himself to endure it.

So he coughed: "If you forget that knowledge at the critical moment, I will tear your body apart, how about that?"

"You can't doubt your comrades who have a life-and-death friendship." The old cat jumped onto the table and stared at Lu Yuan fiercely.

"I know, I'll be on my way after breaking through level three."

Lu Yuan leaned against the window weakly and hummed. He has been a little emo these days.

Because once he becomes stronger, he will have enough reasons to leave here...

Humans are emotional creatures, and they have always been sentimental and sad about parting. And he, Lu Yuan, is always a little nostalgic.

Just then, the old wolf with a face of evil and madness came back in small steps.

Looking at its drooping tongue, you can tell that it has done something bad again.

The old wolf may be the one who has lived the most chic life in recent years. He has a unique mating right. Although he is not young, he has a second spring because of the high-quality food.

The number of children is already a company.

The average life span of animals raised by humans is much higher than that of wild animals.

The average lifespan of wild wolves on Earth is only 6-8 years, while the average lifespan of dogs is 15 years.

So this guy can only be considered a middle-aged wolf, with fairly agile legs and feet, and can travel with us...

What's more, the old wolf has made a lot of progress in the past three years.

[Perhaps because the food is too good, a Pangu gray wolf that has undergone moderate mutation is stronger, its reproductive ability is greatly enhanced, and its lifespan is also increased a lot. 】

[It turns out that being a dogleg does have its benefits. If it is not a dog-legger, it has already become dung. 】

[Shape: 6.6]

【Qi: 14.2】

【God: 1.9】

[Extraordinary Level: Level 0]

[Ability: None]

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly.

After eating so many good ones, I only managed to mutate moderately, and the mutation was focused on cows. What’s the use of raising you?

As for the wolves…

When the little wolf grows up, it is not so cute.

Moreover, when the number of wolves increases to a certain level, they will automatically divide.

The original wolf pups will go to other wolf packs and form new families.

Nature is so wonderful. The power of genes allows them to avoid inbreeding and expand their territory.

However, expanding the territory will bring many life and death consequences. Lu Yuan cannot help them all the time, so he can only let them develop and reduce the frequency of feeding...

As long as you don't get emotionally involved, even if the wolves suffer some casualties, it won't be that sad.

This may be the price of growth...

Only the original female wolves were relatively close to him, and they would occasionally run over to him wagging their big tails to beg for food.

As the saying goes, "A poor wife should not be forgotten, and a poor wife should not be forgotten." When you encounter a she-wolf when you are down and out, you always have to treat them better.

Oh, by the way, there are those three Pangu grizzly bears!

Bears are solitary creatures, and when they grow up, they have to live alone.

The territory of a female bear is about 3 to 40 square kilometers, while that of a male bear is 20 to 100 square kilometers.

Besides mating, bears don't see bears and fight when they do.

Three years have passed, and the mother bear is still living under her corn tree, leading a heartless and comfortable life.

But the two brothers, Xiong Da and Xiong Er, have disappeared.

This parting happened suddenly.

A few days ago, Lu Yuan had a fight with the two brothers and praised them for "growing up and being as strong as an excavator."

I went back the next day and found that they no longer lived in the cave.

It's not that they are hunted by other animals, but that these two bears have grown to a certain extent and must leave their mother and live alone in the jungle.

They just left suddenly.

From this perspective, animals are actually much stronger than humans. They can easily accept separation, but humans cannot.

"Sigh...Actually, before I came to Pangu Continent, I had been living with my parents, so I can be considered an animal that has never left the nest."

"The last thing I said to them was: I have to work overtime tomorrow. Do you want me to go on a blind date all day long? Do you mind? Or you can go to the photoshoot yourself and take the girl you like directly home. I will go get the certificate tomorrow! "

"The tone is not very good. No one is right or wrong... I still have to go home!"

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly felt a strange feeling.

With the strong emotions, the opportunity for breakthrough suddenly appeared!

The extraordinary fire in my mind is burning, showing signs of instability, and may explode at any time!

Lu Yuan's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "I am indeed a collapse artist. As long as I collapse emo, I will be inspired."

He trotted into a small room next to the window. Under the sunlight, there was the Tree of Life and the fiery red spiritual crystal.

Three years later, the color of the spiritual crystal has become lighter, and about 50% of its energy has been consumed.

The Tree of Life is indeed a big money swallower.

Lu Yuan deeply lamented that his worth was completely insufficient!

"If this continues, in three years, the spiritual crystal will have no energy."

With the cultivation of a large amount of resources, it quickly grew to a height of more than one meter. On a certain branch, there was a shiny gem-like fruit (not yet mature).

That's his other life!


With a thought in Lu Yuan's mind, the tree of life quickly disappeared and turned into a point of light that penetrated into his mind.

Taking a deep breath, he took out the piranha fruit and took a few bites. Suddenly, a large amount of life force poured into his body.

[State of vitality]

According to the research of Meda Civilization, there is basically no risk for extraordinary fire to break through from the first level to the second level.

The increase in level will only make the extraordinary fire more condensed and the fire more powerful.

But breaking through from level two to level three will create certain risks.

Because the energy of the third-level fire has been enhanced again!

It is difficult for a simple sea of ​​consciousness to accommodate the increasingly powerful extraordinary fire.

Too strong idealistic power may "burn" part of a person's consciousness, and he will become an idiot by then.

Therefore, just like breaking through level two, if you force a breakthrough, you will die!

This is also the main reason why Lu Yuan went to a distant place to seek stronger extraordinary power.

It's too dangerous to explore alone... Just like cultivating immortals, there is no method. How can it be possible to practice from the Qi refining stage to the Mahayana stage?

So, how to accommodate the third level of extraordinary fire?

The method given by Meda Civilization is very clever and unique: simply explain and open up a new "world".

Qiankun refers to the birthplace of the three-dimensional attributes of "form, energy and spirit".

These kobolds believe that their bodies have a total of three universes, namely "upper", "middle" and "lower".

The original location of the extraordinary fire is the brain, which is the location of the upper universe.

But the upper universe is too mysterious and fragile, involving the mysteries of the soul and consciousness. Once the upper universe is damaged, it will become a vegetable.

The extraordinary fire does have the ability to repair the body, but it can't repair the brain.

The brain has turned into a paste, and you still want to repair it? Dreaming!

So the fire must be transferred to the "middle universe" or "lower universe", and then you can break through with confidence.

But the problem is that the "middle universe" or "lower universe" is just a theoretical thing.

It is equivalent to an acupuncture point, not even an organ...

It is not an easy task to expand the "middle universe" or "lower universe". It requires accurate location and corresponding medical assistance!

Lu Yuan has no medical assistance. He only has a twisting cat and a dog who thinks about mating every day.

Moreover, his body structure is different from that of the Meda civilization after all.

Complete plagiarism still has a high failure rate.

He could only rely on the inspiration from the unknown, plus his own wisdom, and learn from these materials to explore on his own.

"Are you finally going to break through? Don't worry, your comrades will never lie to you." The old cat crawled over excitedly, and touched his lower abdomen with its furry claws, "I have helped you deduce hundreds of millions of times, and this place is your lower Qiankun."

"You must believe in the calculation ability of your comrades."

The "lower Qiankun" area it deduced is a part of the area above the bladder and below the stomach.

"Middle Qiankun" is at the position of the heart.

So the safety zone of the lower Qiankun is slightly higher than that of the middle Qiankun.

For some reason, this cat is so curious that it is not like a normal person. It is eager to know what the breakthrough of the extraordinary fire is like.

After all, in its era, there seems to be no such thing as "extraordinary fire"... Of course, it may also be because of its memory loss.

It can't remember!

Lu Yuan actually knows that his ability to deduce data is not as good as artificial intelligence, and the location pointed out by the old cat is a bit like the "Dantian" in Daxia culture, which is not without reason.

So he made up his mind.

"Then I'll start."

The extraordinary fire in his mind trembled slightly under the control of his thoughts.

This concentrated fire radiated white light and heat.

This is a sign of extreme condensation, and also the limit of level 2 life.

One after another, the light and heat continued to surge towards the direction of "Xia Qiankun", wanting to expand this "new home" a little bit.

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