“Freeze her card for me!”

The secretary nodded quickly and said yes.

Yan’an sat down and smoked a cigarette.

Calm down. No. He has to calm down.

He pressed his chest, took a few deep breaths, and then instructed the secretary: “Arrange a flight for me. I’m going to Europe.”

It’s eight o’clock at night.

The secretary said: “There is no flight there at this time. The nearest flight will be at 9 o’clock tomorrow evening.”

Yan’an: “Can’t you arrange a flight with my private jet?!”

The secretary was shocked by Yan’an’s anger and took two steps back.

Yan’an picked up his jacket and left, slamming the door loudly.

The secretary looked aggrievedly at the door.

“But, but your wife left with your private jet…”

At this time, Zheng You’an just woke up from the hotel bed.

She stared at the ceiling for a long time, unwilling to get up.

Empty. Her whole person feels empty.

Yesterday, several of her good friends learned that she was in Europe and came over to give her a surprise.

Even though it was to give her a surprise, she also has to treat her friends well.

Have a party and celebrate.

Even her friends flew here all the way for her, but she didn’t even hear a word from her husband.

Although it’s only her husband in name… No, now it’s more than just a husband in name.

Zheng You’an turned over irritably.

All night long, she hoped that Yan’an would say ‘Happy Birthday’ to her, but at the same time she was also afraid that Yan’an would say it to her.

After waiting for most of the day, her brain went blank. She ordered eight models, and specially took a picture of it.

She wanted to post it to her circle of friends only for Yan’an to see, but was also afraid that Yan’an would not find it suspicious and would only post comments like a common friend, so she only set it up for his secretary to see.

But after so long, Yan’an didn’t respond at all.

Maybe his secretary saw it but did not dare to tell him.

The saddest thing is that when she checked out, she realized that she didn’t have that much money.

She is no longer the former Miss Zheng, so she doesn’t dare to ask her family for money at will, and she has to swipe her husband’s card.

This marriage is really too meaningless.

Zheng You’an slowly sat up and stared at her disheveled self in the mirror for a while.

No, she can’t act like an abandoned wealthy wife.

It’s her birthday! Her birthday!

Even plastic couples have to say ‘Happy Birthday’, right?!

When they hadn’t got married two years ago, he even especially asked people to send her the gifts. How come now that they have a marriage certificate but he doesn’t even send a word?

The more Zheng You’an thought about it, the more angry she became and her hair was about to stand up.

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Yan’an, let me tell you, send me a message within ten seconds, or you will lose your wife.

Zheng You’an takes out her mobile phone and stares at the screen.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, nine, eight, seven, nine, eight, seven…”

She doesn’t know how many times Zheng You’an has counted and her mobile phone finally rang.

——Account freezing information from the bank.


Zheng You’an clearly heard the sound of herself gasping for air.

When Yan’an already arrived at the airport, the secretary finally called to tell him the situation tremblingly.

Very good.

Yan’an smiled.

He stood silently in the business terminal, staring at the large glass and the reflection inside, but said nothing.

The person who followed behind him tried to speak several times, but in the end, still did not dare to speak.

“President Yan, would you like me to arrange the flight from Hengshi Airline for you?”

The secretary said cautiously, “It will take off at nine o’clock tomorrow evening, and you will get off the plane just at noon over there.”

“No need.”

Yan’an hung up the phone.

Ran away with my plane, spent my money to entertain yourself with beautiful men, and still want me to come all the way to Europe to find you?

Zheng You’an, let me tell you.

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