Lao Tzu is the Devil

Chapter 620: I am your god

  England's top management has completely collapsed!

   They have been high for hundreds of years, even if they are now in decline, they still have royal dignity and pride! !

Before the national media, the high level of England declared: "England, never compromise! Since the big devil relies on the strong to bully the weak and bully others! Then we in England will go all out! Hope the whole world can prove to us that it is not that Great Britain violated the nuclear weapons agreement, but The other party is deceiving too much! After the notification, all nuclear warheads are ready to be launched!"

   The world is shocked!

  England is going to launch nuclear weapons? ? !

   Many civilians in China began to panic: "Oh my God, what to do, what to do, England is about to launch nuclear weapons!"

   The Chinese high-level next, enter the highest level of alert state, all intercepting missiles are fully prepared, ready to intercept at any time! !

The whole world is watching this war. Since North America first dropped an atomic bomb in a war decades ago, there have been 70 years without nuclear weapons. The whole world wants to see it. Seventy years have passed. How powerful is the weapon now, and whether it can defeat the evolutionary powerhouse! !

   There are 380 nuclear warheads in England. Of course, the senior officials in England are not so stupid. They fired them all at once. They decided to launch an intercontinental nuclear bomb first symbolically to frighten the devil! !


   As the fuel of the rocket booster is ignited, the intercontinental missile is lifted straight into the air, and then the guidance system locks onto the other end of Asia, and advances at high speed! !

   The military base from which the intercontinental missile was launched is very far away from Chen Mo!

   And the speed of the intercontinental missile is very fast, Chen Mo has no time to fly in front of the intercontinental missile to stop it! !

   However, Chen Mo has already had a response plan from beginning to end. He had no intention of letting Europe fly out any missiles! !

   Demon Code!

  Chen Mo held up the Demon Code, and the endless demon energy was injected into the Demon Code. Chen Mo Cayin put on the suit and the demon descended.

Chen Mo is not Napoleon VII. With Napoleon VII’s god-level elementary strength, he can summon eight demon clones, the gate of the devil; Chen Mo dominates the high-level strength and directly summons a hundred demons. Doppelganger, one hundred and eight demon gates!

   And these one hundred and eight demon gates are located in one hundred and eight directions in Europe!


   One hundred and eight demon gates emit demon beams, all of which are launched in the demon code!

   Then the Demon Code created a huge black demon barrier to confine the whole of Europe!

   rumbling! !

   The intercontinental missile hit the black demon barrier, and a huge mushroom cloud burst out! Numerous nuclear radiation energy leaked out, but the demon barrier directly absorbed the nuclear radiation energy, and did not cause any harm to the surroundings.

  England’s senior leaders are full of self-confidence. They believe that this intercontinental missile can deter China and the Great Devil.

   However! Slap on the face in the next second!

   Through satellite radar, governments of all countries can see that the intercontinental missile hits a black barrier and detonates directly.

   The world was shocked again.

   "Gosh?! What is that!"

   "Does God want to punish Europe!"

  England's senior management is even more crazy!

   launch! emission! Shoot me all! !


   England launched fifty intercontinental missiles in one go!

   Boom boom boom boom!

   All fifty intercontinental missiles were unable to fly out of Europe. They all hit the demon barrier and turned into mushroom clouds, and the nuclear radiation energy was all absorbed by the demon barrier.

   despair, helpless despair!

  The English government is completely desperate!

   Not only the government of England, most countries in Europe are desperate.

   You must know that England is the world's fourth largest country with nuclear warheads. Even if they can't do anything, other countries are even more powerless to fight.

   Within China.

   "Awesome! The devil is awesome! The devil is so awesome!!"

   "These tortoise grandsons are like bombing us with a nuclear bomb! Come on! Come on, blow up dad!"

   "I'm so proud, I am proud to be a Chinese, I am proud that there is a great devil in China!!"

   The civilians are proud and excited.

  The senior officials of China are all dumb.

They no longer know how to express their feelings at the moment. Some high-level officials have formulated countless strategies to restrict Chen Mo, restrict Chen Mo, use force, morality, relatives, etc., various methods; but After seeing England launching fifty nuclear bombs and Chen Mo was able to stop them, this part of the senior management suddenly found that the strategies they had formulated were very funny.

   When a person's strength is so powerful that even looking up is a luxury, all strategies will be clouded.

After a long silence, Lei Dongtian finally said: "Dear seniors, I will leave my words here today. From now on, I will be a loyal follower of Chen Mo. I will no longer participate in the plans you made before! I now finally understand Chen Mo’s thoughts. While you are still worried about whether Chen Mo will rob you of your rights, Chen Mo is already thinking about the fate, pattern, pattern of the entire planet! Everyone is taking a long-term view, The earth is too small!!"

   After finishing Lei Dongtian unilaterally withdrew from the meeting and left the United Front Center.

  At this time, Chen Mozheng emitted an ultrasound, covering the entire Europe: "The next time the city is destroyed, there are still two minutes, and the next target is your capital! There is not much time left for you to think!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you! From today, the whole of Europe has been imprisoned by me. Don't even want to fly out any missiles! Any country that doesn't obey me, even people don't want to go out! Well, the time is up. , Next I will destroy the capital of England!!!"

  After Chen Mogang finished speaking, the high-level England sent a declaration of surrender. In front of the national and foreign media, he announced: surrender to the European military alliance! Surrender to the devil! !

   In the next second, Chen Mo disappeared over England and appeared at the press conference of the European Union of Military Divisions in Belgium.

   Chen Mo's reappearance made the atmosphere of the entire venue suddenly become depressing.

   Now everyone looks at Chen Mo like a devil.

   Chen Mo smiled and looked at the former English female reporter: "Now your country has surrendered, do you surrender!"


   The English female reporter's legs weakened and she slumped on the ground: "I, I surrender! Ooo!"

   A female reporter, she cried like a helpless little girl.

   Many reporters were exaggerated by crying, their eyes were red, and they couldn't help crying.

Chen Mo laughed and said: "Why! Now come here to sell me miserables one by one! Why didn't you come to sell miserables when the European Military Union slaughtered our soldiers! Don't you believe in God! I tell you, from today, I am your God! Whoever dares to refuse, I will destroy whoever!!"

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