Lao Tzu Of The Three Kingdoms Is Lu Bu

Chapter 101: Hugh Goes Wild

Lu Bu and Zhao Yun and more than 50 people set up an ambush between Anling and Lingxian.

In the past few days, Lu Bu made many traps and traps by using the surrounding environment! He used the technology of making various traps he learned in the special forces later, and reset the ambush at the ambush site.

Zhao Yun and the others have learned a lot, and they all admire Lu Bu's ability.

Lu Bu also deliberately taught them these things. Lu Bu found that Zhao Shun, the sixth son of the Zhao family, seemed to learn very fast and had a high talent.

Taking advantage of the time of setting up an ambush here, Lu Bu simply taught them all. This is a skill that can be used almost on the battlefield. How much they can learn depends on each of them comprehending it. Special forces, Lu Bu is not very interested.

That's right, he thought about it before, but since the God of War system has a reward of Thousand Killing, Chuanbu feels that there is no need to waste time and energy.

Black armored cavalry, god arm crossbowmen, hell archers and crossbow chariots.

Are these elite troops of different arms not enough?

day four!

Zhao Mu, acting as a scout, rushed over quickly.

"Report to the lord, the enemy is found in the direction of Anling! The enemy's soldiers and horses should be about 10,000, and the general's flag has a character for Jiang, which should be Jiang Qi, the captain of Yueqi!"

"Well done! Let's go back to the team!" Lu Bu nodded.

Zhao Yundao: "Master, shall we ambush Jiang Qi?"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "Don't worry! When they pass by, we will attack their food and grass! Burn it!"

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, then said: "Jiang Qi is resourceful and good at fighting, he is not an ordinary general, I am afraid it will not be easy to sneak attack on their food and grass.

Lu Bu was a bit taken aback, the name Jiang Qi, he has a little impression, he is absolutely (aeae) not famous! Shouldn't this kind of general just play tricks? Why does Zhao Yun seem to attach great importance to this person? .

But on second thought, also, if this Jiang Qi was just playing tricks, would Yuan Shao send this person alone to lead an army of 10,000 to help Ling County?

It seems that people who are not well-known in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can't be completely ignored! It is very likely that Lao Luo deliberately belittled, but in fact it is not the case!

"Don't worry, we are cavalry, each of us has two horses, and we will use them alternately. They won't be able to catch up with us! In short, follow my command!"

Lu Bu said confidently.

Not long after, the reinforcements sent by Yuan Shao arrived, and the flags were hunted, and the battle was cold.

An army of 10,000 people is really not a small number!

What made Lu Bu feel somewhat admirable was that Jiang Qi was really cautious. The convoy transporting food and grass with the army was protected among the troops, not at the rear!

Moreover, this army has a neat military appearance and is relatively elite.

It's crazy to go head-to-head with 10,000 enemy troops with more than 50 people!

Lu Bu didn't want to kill Zhao Yun and the others.

He waited for Jiang Qi's troops to pass completely, and said: "Zilong, you continue to ambush here! If there are a small number of sporadic enemy troops coming, you can attack again! I will follow and see the situation!"

Knowing that Lu Bu was going to fight alone again, Zhao Yun's blood was racing and he said, "I'll go with the lord!"

Lu Bu smiled and said: "You should stay! If the opponent has only one or two thousand people, I will definitely ask you to go and kill it! But the opponent is ten thousand people! Even I can't fight to the end! What am I going to do with you?" ? Sending you to death? Don’t tell me I’ll be distracted to protect you after you can’t beat me?”

Zhao Yun was tongue-tied.

Lu Bu patted him on the shoulder: "I won't let you attack, not because I underestimate you, but because I value you!"

After saying that, Lu Bu got on his horse, held Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, and rode his horse out of the mountain depression, chasing after Jiang Qi's tribe.

Chituma chased after it at a fast speed, and after a while, he had already caught up with Jiang Qibu who was not moving fast.

With one round of the halberd, with ferocious strength, an enemy cavalry who turned his horse's head and was about to ask questions was swept off his horse. His internal organs were beaten so badly that his internal organs ruptured and he vomited blood to death.

"Lu Bu is here! Let's all die!"

He laughed out loud, without any fuss, and went straight to killing.

"Lu Bu! It's Lu Bu!"

"Lu Bu is coming!!!"

The enemy soldiers shouted, and the people at the rear turned around and came to block them, but no one could stop Lu Bu, and he slaughtered more than a dozen people in a blink of an eye. Then, he urged his mount, and after more than a hundred steps, he turned around again. head out!

Lu Bu's bravery shocked the enemy.

No one can resist for a moment, and usually kills one person at a time. Every time Fang Tian's painting halberd swings, he takes away a wisp of dead soul!

Breaking into a back and forth, has beheaded hundreds of people!

Blue light flickered on his Tang Ye armor, and the Tang Ye armor, which activated the "Grasp of Greedy Wolf" combat skill, greedily absorbed the soul of the enemy.

Back to the back, Lu Bu made a slight adjustment, and hit the second time!

The rear army was turned into a pot of porridge by him. Although there are many people, they can't shake Lu Bu!

In a blink of an eye, blood was flying and screams continued.

"Lu Bu is going crazy! Watch me kill you!" Suddenly, a cavalryman wearing ordinary leather armor shouted excitedly and killed him.

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