Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?

Chapter 15 - four: How things where back then, How things are right now part one

The laboratory ruines, Lilia

we finished investigating the burned room. Although I say investigate, all we did was stand there and look at the scorched walls and the ash on the ground. I have never considered that one day I would run into this kind of situation, but I should have since traveling and exploring means dangerous and also unexpected things.

If I had considered the possibility I may have brought the right gear, and then we could have learned a lot more about this place , like how long has it been since it got abandoned and the age of the remaining . but sadly the only thing that we had on the ship was a substance scanner that allowed us to know which food is poisonous without stupidly trying it.

Going down the stairs Seven said without turning back

"it's hard to get a good grasp of time in here , should we return for the day?"

Certainly, being underground for too long can shake one's sense of time, but I have a 'toki' app on my 'book' so I lose track of it.

I take the 'book' out and press the scanner. after identifying its owner a hologram formed above it displaying the home page of the book, which contained several icons of the apps I usually use and a big 'toki' that say we were inside for five hours.

"yeah, we should return soon before the night crawlers wake up"

"night crawlers?"

"they are nocturnal beasts with eight legs, they hunt in the dark and are hard to fight "I stop for a moment before adding my personal thoughts on the things " they are creepy too"

"I feel like anything with eight legs would be creepy" Seven said.

"only if it tries to eat you "

"that would go beyond creepy you know"

Good. Talking about the night crawlers isn't my favorite topic, but it did its purpose. Seven isn't a talkative person, and even when we talk there is always this awkward silence. It wasn't too long since we met, and his memories have yet to return so that leaves really few things we could have a conversation about.

On our way out we had to pass through the large room from before. Its walls seemed to be build a lot sturdier than the rest of the facility, I find it hard to believe the destruction that acquired here was caused by a human, even if the weapons from the armory were used.

There is also that hole that went all the way to the outside, I'm not an expert but it looks like it was made in one hit, or it wouldn't have been this clean circular shape.

"hm? Is something wrong " I turn around after noticing that seven had stopped walking while I observed the hole.

He stood there with a blank expression as usual looking at the 'automata colossus ' which he called a 'robot' earlier

"yup, I don't like it at all" said seven

"you don't like what?" I asked confused by what he said.

"nah, it's just that I have never been into robots and meks, I feel a little excited seeing them, but I never understood the people who are crazy about them" he takes a few steps toward the thing " maybe it's the scientific part of the matter, I have never been too good at school"

Could this be … did he remember something?

" me too, to be honest I was better at sports than academics, it was something my parent really hated" Keep the conversation going, but be careful not to cut his line of thought "if you hated this type of things, then what did you like? "

" hmm…" he stops for a moment " I didn't have a fixation on one class, but I liked to use magic"


Wait….were humans able to use magic!! I thought only elementalists are able to use it!!? I-incredible , to think seven had such amazing abilities….

"what kind of-" my words were interrupted by the loud creaking sound.

Seven, now standing too close to the colossus, put his hand on its right leg and a moment later the orb on its head lit up and the thing started moving.

N-N-N-N-N-N-NO WAY!!!!! Did he just grant life to a mechanical object!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"a-amazing" maybe I have been too quick in my assumption, as a surprised look appeared on Sevens face before he jumped back and moved a distance from the thing

" what's wrong?" I ask as I walk toward him

"this thing is still functional!!" that was when a huge metallic hand hit the place Seven was standing in. if he wasn't fast enough in dodging it he would have been in laying in place of that crater .

The mechanic doll wasn't that fast, probably because of years without maintenance, but the force in which it hit the floor shouldn't be taken lightly, a direct hit could cause severe damage. It's dangerous, but nothing I can't handle.

"hey! Would you like me to take care of it? Or would you like to fight it on your own"

From what he said before, Seven has experience in other classes. But it's a little strange, if he has experience with a sword, but never seen a photon sword before , wouldn't he be more comfortable with the swords on the wall?

But instead of taking out his weapon and slicing the colossus apart he looked at me with open eyes then said

"yes, I would like you to take care of it please" he then turned and ran the other way

I was bewildered as to why he is acting like that, the metallic monster isn't that fast and one swing at its legs would be enough to cause it to collapse.

The colossus sent another punch at the running Seven, but only hit the ground.

I dash toward the 'robot' while spinning my spear then jump a few feet in the air before swinging down, severing it's arm from the elbow joint.

It could be because of the rust, but This thing isn't even that hard as the blade went through easier than expected.

"why are you running away? Can't you handle this much?"

"did you expect me to fight that thing!!? That isn't something humans can do!!"

"Eh? But didn't you say you could use magic?" he said it right? I'm sure I heard him say it…

"I'm not sure I can understand. Are you saying magic is real?"he said with a surprised look.

Did I misunderstand something? He certainly did say he liked to use magic, that means he can use it right? did he mean something else by that? Does what he just said mean he thinks that magic isn't real?

"don't tell me… you don't know how to fight at all?"

"of course I don't! I lived my whole life in a peaceful way!!!!"he yelled, seeming a little embarrassed by his own statement.

I take a few steps back then said "on, I will take care of it then" and prepared to engage the enemy. But going against my expectation, the automata colossus ignored me and went after seven. It's movements are too slow but seven kept running away like his life depends on it.

It's actually a little funny, watching him run while almost crying his eyes out.

A few seconds later he finally realized that the thing chasing him isn't able to catch up with him running at full speed

" wait a minute… isn't that thing a little slow?" he turns my way while asking

"did you notice that just now?" isn't he a little too scared? I'm starting to think that he really doesn't have any fighting power.

"why don't you try using the photon sword you brought with you? You should be able to do it easily that way"

I don't know what he meant by saying he lived peacefully, but the world isn't such a forgiving place for the weak to survive, especially outside their home world. And since we are on an uninhabited planet full of creatures that would like to taste us, Seven has to learn how to fight even if he doesn't like to.

I stand there and watch the automata slowly approaching Seven. He took out the photon sword and switched it on, he looked my way, then at the colossus, then at me again. There were only a few meters between them, the colossus prepared to launch another punch, and seven prepared to dodge it.

Jumping aside as the metallic fist went down, Seven wasted no time and kecked the ground to clear the distance between him and the automata's left leg before swinging his sword in a horizontal line. The sword went through without resistance leaving behind a red line of melting metal.

"see? You can do it if you try" I say felling somewhat proud.

The colossus went down on one knee and stopped moving, did that attack do more damage than it appeared to?

" it feels good actually, I might get used to this " said Seven as he stares at the photon sword

But that was when something unexpected happened, the automata colossus turned its head his way, the orb placed there had a really bright red light coming from it

"Se-" but before I could call for him he was blasted across the room with a single hit from the light beam.

I felt like my heart stopped

"SEVEN!!!!"I call for him as I watch his body hit the ground .

"no way..not gain….please….not again please….. anything but this please"

I walk toward the collapsed Seven, weakness had gotten to my legs. Smock was raising from his body, like a burned piece of wood

Sense returned to me and I started running

'please don't leave me alone… I'm sorry, I'm really sorry…I don't want to be left alone…not again'

Time felt slower as I approached the smoking corps, memories of after our ship crushed went through my mind.

I had been careless, because of my thoughtless decisions another person is going to die.


" aw aw aw aw aw!! That really hurts!!!"a voice came through the smoke, stopping the tears that formed

"fuk!! That thing!! it's really trying to murder me!!!! I'm gonna é"'^$é@@]{@[#]]#}#]]{"

The voice yelled some strange things , so strange that there are no translations for them.

Seven slowly stood up. The smoke I sow just now didn't come from his body, but from his arms.

His arms were covered in gantlets, and the smoke was raising from them


And again before I could say a word Seven took off running in the colossus's direction

"wait, isn't he a lot faster than before?"

Seven seemed so furious that he didn't even notice me. He passed by at an incredible speed and jumped into the air

The colossus followed him with its head preparing to release another beam but before it could

" DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!!" Seven yelled before punching it's head off.

The automata colossus collapsed on its back and seven landed with ease. The gantlets on his hands folded themselves returning to their original shape, the bracers he took from the armory before.

He looked at the collapsed colossus then turned my way scratching his head and said the same words that went through my mind

" what was that just now?"

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