The camp, Seven

"so… what are you doing?"

Lilia had just returned from her usual errands , bringing another strange fruit that looked a tomato, was the size of a tomato and felt like a tomato. I didn't dare to ask about the name, that will have to wait until we do the taste testing so for now it's an alien tomato.

As for me I -surprisingly- didn't appreciate the idea of sitting around doing nothing so I went and did the usual exercises

Some sit-ups, some pushups, some running and so on.

During this little physical test I learned that I could jump three meters in the air. This confirms that what happened with the automata colossus wasn't just a huge adrenalin doze I got from staring death in the eyes.

curiosity about the modifications made to my body lead me to try some things any sane pop-culture fan would do, starting with standing before a tree with eyes closed doing a hand sign like I'm trying to focus. And that was when my blond, horned and beautiful companion returned

'calm down, we are not on earth, nothing to be embarrassed about' thinking that while nearly dying of shame I said in the most monotone of voices

" I'm trying to gather chakra at the bottom of my legs to see if I could run up that tree"

"ch…chakra? Is that a martial arts term or something?"said Lilia. Her face told me she didn't understand the reference I just made, which is good… and bad at the same time.

Keeping the act going I tried to sound as believable as possible " you could say that, although it's too hard to pull off"

" hmm… would you mind if I watch a little?"

Please, anything but that…

"y-yeah, I don't mind" hey, I can jump that high, it's not a far fudged dream to do this. And we are on an alien planet for god's sake, nothing surprises me anymore.

I pretend to focus once more, then as if feeling the right moment I dash toward the tree



"…running up walls and the like is a convenient skill but it's easier to just climb those trees from one branch o the other"

Lilia helped me stand up, then showed a great performance as she easily lifted herself half the way to the top with a few spins and jumps.

"like this! Well I'm sure you would be able to do this much, you seem to have a more agility based built"

"eh? You mean this is agility based ?" I said looking at myself

I can tell I'm not so buff but I'm not anywhere close to how a thief or an assassin should be like.

"well you look a lot skinnier than most guys on my planet"


I can picture how the Zesionien dudes she is talking about look like. Basically a bunch of JoJo's part one to three type of guys with horns.

"well, I will practice that later " cause it looks fun " for now let's eat"

According to the catalog the tomato like fruits are called 'earth apples'. it's just a useless information I I'm somehow able to remember, but isn't 'earth apple' the way French people call potato?

That aside the easiest way to prepare this earth apple tomato thing is to cover them in burning wood and wait. Five minutes later we took them out and dipped them in cold water to cool them down and clean off the ash.

The tomato fruit shrank to half its original size and the wrinkles on the surface made it look like dried peach. as for the taste

"…it's sweet…" way to sweet. Sweet to the point my teeth started to scream. I look at Lilia who had her left palm on her cheek while slowly chewing the tomato with an extremely satisfied smile.

Yup, they are sweet.

It also had a faint tea fragrance and taste, and the texture wasn't that far from the image they gave.

But it's too sweet, I wonder how Lilia is able to eat such a thing, this goes beyond girls liking sweet things


"And because of that I would like to learn how to use those things" I said holding out the bracers.

Lilia took one and examined it " I have seen similar equipment to this before, but are you sure you want to use them? Aren't they a little heavy?"

So it wasn't just me, those things really are heavy. But that's to be expected, they transform into gauntlets that cover both arms, that mass won't come out of thin air

"hmm… this… it isn't a normal 'glove', put it on for a moment"


"…so? What are you waiting for?"

"…I actually don't know how to activate them"

"sigh… they activate by themselves, most weapons are made that way. Take a fighting stance, or hold your arms together like last time"

That sigh just now… is she annoyed by my lack of space weaponry knowledge?

" okay "

I brought my arms together mimicking the way I guarded against that laser beam, and just like Lilia said the bracers unfolded in the same transformers like motion turning into their gantlet form

"whoa…" space technology is awesome. I somehow understand how sci-fi fans feel even more now, sorry s.e.xy witches.

" let me see" Lilia held my arm and closely looked at it

"is something wrong?"

"...the alloy used to make the outer shell, there is no mistaken it" she posed for a moment before explaining "it made mostly of Glassume ,the strongest metal discovered in centuries "

" eh? ...Really?" but glass isn't what you usually think of when talking about endurance

"it's mostly used in light speed portals, and is the most expensive mineral at this point in time"

"I can imagine that. So you are basically saying I'm wearing a really pricy piece of jewelry?"

" something like that. well it doesn't matter much here anyway"

Lilia had little reaction considering we could have accidentally trembled onto a treasure. It was as if she is thinking 'what's it worth in a place like this?'

It's worth aside, high class equipment is high class equipment. I took down a tree with a trunk of fifty centimeters in diameter with a few punches. It was an impressive feat for me but Lilia didn't bat an eye watching it.


" body hurts all over. "groaning in the shower while hot water did it's magic on my body, I thought of which part things went wrong.

it was a stupid idea. simply a stupid idea.

Lilia offered to help me train, I didn't think much of it and agreed at the spot, and then Lilia changed the way she treated me.

what I had to do is simple, keep dodging her spear until dinner time, which was nine hours away.

and no joking, I can't count how many times I sow the angel of death. he was sitting there drinking a cup of tea in a relaxed manner waiting for me to slip like it had been already decided.

I didn't even have time to analyse the effects of fast movement and gravity on bouncy body parts and really long skirts, for science you know.

but seriously I was reminded of the feeling when we first met and she had her knife spear thing pointed at me, only this time she went further than just pointing. Lilia could be as frightening as cute and adorable she looks, that's a very valuable lesson I learned today.

"you really don't have any battle experience do you?" said Lilia sitting somewhere in the room.

she was done with her shower and had already changed to her shorts T-shirt pajama, and like always she looked really cute in them.

not to mention her t.h.i.g.hs. man those look delicious, I wonder if I will ever get the chance to eat them.

back to business I spoke while massaging my neck and shoulders " I lived a more peaceful life before my body was turned into this"

" but you had really good reflexes. I got carried away a few times but you were able to handle them normally"

hey, did she just admit she had almost murdered me ?

" could say I liked virtual simulations" I read once that gamers had superhuman reactions but the body of a sea slug. I now have both but what it's worth if I no longer have my games.

" it's a little frustrating that you can keep up with me without actual combat experience " is she pouting? not again, why does this always happen when I can't see it.

"you said you were an athlete back in school right?"

" yeah, those where fun times. I even defeated a 'bagubagu' in my graduation ceremony "

"heeh~ that's really amazing" what the hell is a 'bagubagu' ?

" a 'bagubagu' is a bipedal beast with large arms and long claws, it's a little smaller than a automata colossus"

" ah... so you noticed"

" you have never been to my planet, it's the only place they live in after all"

" hmm... I would like to visit it sometime, your planet"

" you will have to wait until we get out of here"

getting out of here huh...

done with the shower I changed my sleeping clothes. time for my date with the fluffy pillow.

" ha~~h... this shower is great, wish we had something like this in my time" the temperature is great, the used water can be recycled by the ship for further use, clothes get cleaned and dried while you are in.

the relaxation I got after that hellish workout was worth it. I should have taken better care of my body in the past.



as I dried my hair with a towel Lilia was sitting on her bed giving me an instance stare.

" i-is something wrong?"

" not really. but I have been thinking... are you really more than a hundred years old?"

"well, you were the one who told me"

"even if I know you were preserved so you could last more than that I still find it hard to believe you are that old. can you tell how old you mentally are ?"

"about seventeen years old"

oh! that's right! the bad day. the day when I was nearly killed by those lizard like creatures, it was my birthday right? it was one of the reasons why I was in a really bad mood.

"one year older than me..."

" wait... you mean you are sixteen!? " a pillow was slapped at my face the moment I finished that sentence

" of course I'm! do I look any older than that!!"

I think I stepped on a minefield. wasn't she the one who said it by herself?

" w-wait! I didn't mean it like that!"

" then what did you mean!?"

" you are more developed than average!"

now, a little advice from your friend here : think trice about what you are going to say when talking to girls, or you would accidentally end up letting out something that could be considered s.e.x.u.a.l harassment.

Lilia stared at me just a second, then her blue eyes descended in slow motion, looking at that particular part of her body

I.... the reaction that came wasn't what you would expect to happened now

"ah, so that's what you mean" she said like she just noticed " Iris used to tell me I grew faster than normal, maybe it's because of my mom..." she suddenly stopped. her voice up until that was normal, the same as usual. but the rest of that sentence didn't come out

"Lilia... who is Iris?"


I couldn't avoid this any longer. asking that question was something I wanted to do the whole day, but anxiety got.

I had this barrier that I built around myself. it protected me from many things, but at the same time it got in the way of doing as many.

I wasn't sure if I could help Lilia with whatever this is, and that didn't change. but a part of me said I should at least listen before deciding whether or not I'm able to help

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