Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 197 - part two
Sector twenty one, planet Gorgola, Tiga one, Seven
"So, what is it that you wanted to discuss?" I said as I sat down on my chair just to realize I could barely see over the desk. Tapping the armrest twice I summoned a window with the chair's parameters and adjusted its height to better accommodate for my current size.
I took the time to prepare drinks as well. A drone moved out of the wall placing cups in front of me and the fur covered guy.
"It must be rather inconvenient" said Ginger as he took one of the seats facing me "having to live in such a body"
Whether he was specifically referring to the inconvenience of being trapped in a child like body or my post s.e.x problems I didn't know. Either way it being a bother isn't felt only by me but also by everyone around me as well.
"Yeah, sorry about that" maybe I should put more effort into figuring out what's wrong with me and try finding a solution, however I'm still afraid of what I might learn. Am I even human anymore?
[At least you're alive] Iris murmured in my head.
"No, I'm the one who should apologize" Ginger bowed his head once more "you've already showed us far more than what could be considered kindness yet I've been rude to you even while I'm aware of your circ.u.mstances. I ask that you forgive my previous actions."
"Like I said, don't let it bother you." What's wrong with him? I thought he didn't feel guilty about skipping work? "Anyways, at this rate my body will be back to normal if about a week, however I'm still capable of working like normal even when like this."
"Well that's good to hear." Said a new voice "we are quite busy those days. Can't have you napping on us like last time."
"Oh, Hir, just on time" I waved for the fur ball standing at the entrance.
"We have quite the schedule today huh?" he asked, taking the seat beside me.
It's not that we have a lot of topics to discuss, it's that they're no small matters at all. Hir looked around, noticing that a few faces are missing.
"I don't see the ladies." He said.
"They sure are late, huh?" Lilia aside, it isn't like Estel to arrive late for a meeting. I wonder if something happened.
[I might have a guess…] Iris said telepathically.
Before she could elaborate though the door opened and a familiar golden hair jumped into the room.
"Sorry I'm late!" Lilia said, gasping for air.
"We were just getting started" I said, earning myself one of her gorgeous smiles.
"I lost myself in morning workout" she said as she sat on the chair to my right "if it wasn't for Estel I would've missed it completely"
"Speaking of Estel, where is she?" I asked.
"She's bathing Blue and Feather. I had to finish and leave first so I left everything to her. Even then I barely made it"
On a closer inspection Lilia's hair seems different than usual. It seems it was done in a hurry. I can still smell the nice shampoo coming from it, indicating how she just came out of bath. Though it felt nice, my five year old body doesn't seem to have developed to a point where I can feel that kind of excitement, because of that I'm able to savor Lilia's beauty from a perfectly pure filter, just like how it feels to have a childhood crush.
One thing that bothers me though it that, in the battle on Layl, a bit of her hair was cut but that female human. I didn't notice at the time being just glad she was alive, but seeing her try to work around it without getting a completely new haircut doesn't feel right. Maybe we can fix it while going out on a date?
"Well, we have all the key personal here so we might as well start the meeting." I said summoning a window with a list of the topics we plan on discussing. Usually it is Estel's job to read it for us, being my assistant and all, but since she isn't here I would be the one to do it.
"First of all let's talk about the lockdown" I said, reading the first item on the list "since my condition is more or less stable I think we should open up. Any thoughts?"
With Gorgola on lockdown nothing comes in or out, whether it's people or goods. It's been like this for over two months so I guess our economy which heavily relies on imports is suffering quite a bit. We can't be too sure about what we cultivated being enough to support the city so it's best to get more supplies soon.
"I think we should wait and observe first, my lord" said Ginger "we have opened and closed the gate multiple times in a short period so it might result in the civilians questioning the weight of your decision"
Aren't they already?
"By the way" I turned to Hir with a an obvious question "how is the public reacting to the second lockdown?"
"We have yet to give an official announcement on he matter" the big fur ball said "as far as the citizens are concerned, you elected to extend the lockdown on a whim as you rest a little more from your battle on Layl "
"I see…" that's a lot better than knowing the real reason. Hopefully I would be back to normal before next week, though I feel like I will have to get used to being a baby for obvious reasons.
"What do you think, Lilia?" I asked out general, the one responsible for the armed forces and soon enough the planet's entire defense.
"A few more days wouldn't hurt" Lilia tried to look serious but the nervousness was clear on her face "though I think we should be prepared to extend it more in case of unforeseen events"
"Okay" nodding once I turned to the next most important person in the room 'what do you think?'
[Doesn't matter, really] Iris replied telepathically [you've already showed your face a few days ago. We could always say you're too busy to go out as you deal with the consequences of Layl]
That makes sense since it's not unusual for me to work for weeks without going out, but even then we would still have a problem with the staff on the station. If I'm not seen on a regular basis when I used to eat my meals with them then surely some rumors will fly.
[You're overthinking this. It's not like seeing your current form is that big of a deal. After all everyone believes that you're a planet destroying monster who disguises himself as a human]
'… Why does what you say always make so much sense?'
[Maybe because I'm a genius? Or it could be that you're an idiot?]
"Alright…" ignoring Iris's last remark I announced the decision I arrived to "we will lift the lockdown five days from now whether I'm back to normal or not. Any objections?"
I looked at each one of those present and as I confirmed them nodding in agreement I moved on to the next topic.
"Now then, Hir, I would like to hear your report on the state of the city" I looked over at the giant humanoid tiger.
Hir took a deep before talking.
"The snowy season was more or less similar to that of our old homeworld. It took a while to readjust but thankfully everyone seems to be perfectly fine. The guards reported that certain wild animals started to appear around the barrier when the snow reached a certain level. Some plants also grew out of nowhere too, you can check out the more detailed analysis later. Finally the unrest that resulted of the news about the Layl incident spreading seems to have died down a little. The city council proposed a holding a celebration of your victory and safe return to put the citizens at ease"
"I see…" a celebration huh…
It was indeed a rather big incident and surviving it requires celebration, but would that really be ok when so many lives have been lost? My main concern is Hono and Feather who lost someone really important to them, especially the little one. One might think that the festivities would help take everything off her mind but perhaps it won't go the way we expect it. I should discuss this with Hono first.
"Let's put that off for a while, at least until we are done dealing with the aftermath of the incident"
'And speaking of celebrations…' I thought to myself as I read the next line on the list.
"Moving on to the next topic, as you already know it is almost a year since the Verta clan settled here on Gorgola as well as the day it was dissolved."
The atmosphere got more serious all of a sudden as both Hir and Ginger directed all their attention toward me.
The clan's end came up in the discussion I had with Iris. The day we joined the intergalactic union as well and soon after the founding of Iris city, the first colony on the planet. With a year according to Gorgola's solar cycle passing we will gain official recognition as an inhabited planet and our voice will be counted when making big decisions in the future. We will also have our own emblem, something I'm looking forward to.
The one year condition for gaining recognition after joining the union was made because many problems arise when a planet capable of supporting life is discovered. Though its ownership goes to the first person to set foot on its surface, according to the written law at least, things don't usually go as smooth as with my case. When it's a single individual a lot of accidents tend to happen and the ownership is then transferred many times, sold and bought before finally falling in the hands of a big enough entity. Sometimes two groups would claim ownership of a planet and wars would start over it. Other reasons exist as well but the conclusion is that one wouldn't know for how long they will be in possession of their space rock before someone decides to take their lives along with it.
The Verta clan and I had the mythical beast's name backing us up so no other planet tried their luck at overthrowing us, not to mention the Zesioniens guarding the entire sector. Though they must've funded some of the pirate groups that attacked us in the early weeks. Such a reason is why our relationship with the Zesionien empire is quite foggy. We suspected that they were trying to test the power of a mythical beast before deciding whether to make me disappear in mysterious circ.u.mstances or not.
"Announcing that you aren't the god we believed in and dissolving the Verta clan had a big impact." Ginger said with a wry smile "I'm afraid we might start seeing its consequences soon for several particular reasons"
I could see Hir flinch a bit as he listened. Being the previous head he must've faced quite the backlash after things turned out the way they did. Though they received the new land they were promised and the protection of the mythical beast they revered, things are way too underwhelming for what you'd expect from meeting your God.
"I see…"
I won't pretend I've expected it all but I should've seen it coming. For the better or worse I denied Verta being a divine being and demanded everyone in the clan stop treating me like one. Added to that the fact that I technically scared them into submission and a portion of them not being so happy with the current state of affairs is perfectly reasonable.
"Are you saying there are some who doubt me being Verta?" because that would be a problem.
[Let's just hope it isn't one of those lies that get exposed early on] Iris commented.
It's not that I've forced any of them to stay. Actually although they were few, some had decided not to settle here on Gorgola and left to live their own lives away from the clan. It all depended on how willing they were to abandon their faith and most of them were too exhausted to let the chance to settle down slip away.
Lilia gave me a worried look but quickly turned away, probably remembering that some of us don't actually know that in just a human with a bit of Verta juice running through my veins.
"Since the public already knows of the Layl incident, no one dares to question your power or authority" Hir said "however the civilians have yet to fully adapt to the new lifestyle and their religion coming to an end isn't helping in the least."
So in the end they're still afraid of me, huh…
[What did you expect?] Iris sighed [you had to show them what you have or we couldn't maintain the lie. It's not as if we had many choices when taking them in was the objective.]
Just because we were doing them a favor doesn't mean they will just accept whatever we offer them. A hint of fear had to be added in to ensure their obedience. Still the reason I took them in is because I wanted to be loved by cat-girls, I don't want them to be terrified of me.
[Good luck with that] I could feel her rolling her eyes.
"Since we no longer worship the mythical beast the religious practices and holidays we are used to have been removed" going on Ginger explained what worried him about the current state in the city "for example, previously we would have celebrated the star light in a couple weeks time, it's the supposed day of Verta's first descent onto Namira. We still did so even while living in outer space which makes it quite difficult to abandon such custom"
"Ooh! I see now…" holidays were an essential part of any society. They help lessen the stress from hectic daily life and provide a much needed time to relax. Not only that but they also serve as a reason to celebrate and have fun with those you care about, something I've yearned for back on earth.
"Tell me more about this star light event" I said driven by my growing interest.
"Yes" though it's only a bit, Ginger's expression seemed to brighten. That was a dead give away of him having more of a personal reason to mention this event than he's trying to play it as.
"The star light is a holiday celebrated by most of the Herara whether they're from the clan or not. It is the one day in Namira's solar cycle when the night is at its longest allowing for a clear vision of the stars decorating the clear summer night sky. The legends say that Verta had descended to this realm on such day which gave it a much more significance to those who worship the beast. The day is spent fasting while praying for Verta's blessings and the night is spent feasting and star gazing."
"I see…" nodding once I urged him to continue.
"As for its importance to those who don't belong to the clan" Ginger said, his expression indicating the importance of the next part "it is the day young Herara announce their partners and officially start a family. Group weddings are common on such a day"
"Oh-oh…" I see what this is about…
[I guess it does make sense] I can feel Iris's smugness radiating inside me.
"Ginger… how is Noel doing?" I asked, feeling my mouth slowly warp into a broad grin.
Ginger looked at me wide eyed then a few seconds later he sighed.
"I knew you were the one planning it but…" smiling a little he followed "she's doing just fine."
Lilia tilted her head, taking a few seconds to understand what we are talking about.
"I see… so how did it go?" I asked, eager to know the details of this hermit's first relationship.
"She's a fine female, I'm honored that she chose me as her partner" this might be the happiest I've ever seen Ginger be. He's always so serious and most of the time looked tired and annoyed. But a workaholic like him has finally found himself a wife, that would indeed change him quite a bit.
"Wait… you're getting married!?" finally catching on the topic Lilia looked quite shocked.
"Is it that strange?" Ginger appears to be a bit offended from Lilia's reaction.
"Who's the bride?" she asked.
"That girl from the pie shop I often visit" I answered.
You can't really blame her. Ginger isn't exactly an old man, but he is indeed way past the marriage age. With many younger Herara as well as those of his age already raising their kids you would think he gave up on starting a family, but I guess it's never too late.
"This is quite shocking" Lilia gave Ginger a troubled look "I've heard some of the female staff talk about how they gave up on getting close to you, to think there is one out there that is able to do it…"
I might have a guess as to how she was able to conquer him.
"The power of food" I said, grinning "she used her cooking skills to make him fall for her."
"Now that I think about it…" Hir looked Ginger up and down "you seem to have gained some weight"
"So the reason you skipped work the past four days was to spend time with her and get your belly filled?" It's barely noticeable, but he does indeed seem quite healthy for someone who's overworked. They say the road to a man's heart starts in his stomach, that must be true for male Herara as well.
"… I once again ask that you forgive me…"
He isn't denying it! Ma man is totally in love!
"G, no, Ginger" all things aside, I'm truly happy for him "congratulations. I wish you two find happiness in each other"
"Thank you for your kind words, my lord"
This man has been by my side ever since I became a lord. Without his help I would never had made it so far. His strong intuition always reassured me when making difficult decisions and without his help governing this planet would've been an impossible task.
I watched as Ginger brought his cup to his mouth, just then it occurred to me to not waste such an opportunity to tease him just a little bit more.
"So… how many kids did you make?" I said causing him to cough out his drink.
"my…. Cough… my lord, it's barely been two months… cough"
Man, this guy is a funny one.
"So, what is it that you wanted to discuss?" I said as I sat down on my chair just to realize I could barely see over the desk. Tapping the armrest twice I summoned a window with the chair's parameters and adjusted its height to better accommodate for my current size.
I took the time to prepare drinks as well. A drone moved out of the wall placing cups in front of me and the fur covered guy.
"It must be rather inconvenient" said Ginger as he took one of the seats facing me "having to live in such a body"
Whether he was specifically referring to the inconvenience of being trapped in a child like body or my post s.e.x problems I didn't know. Either way it being a bother isn't felt only by me but also by everyone around me as well.
"Yeah, sorry about that" maybe I should put more effort into figuring out what's wrong with me and try finding a solution, however I'm still afraid of what I might learn. Am I even human anymore?
[At least you're alive] Iris murmured in my head.
"No, I'm the one who should apologize" Ginger bowed his head once more "you've already showed us far more than what could be considered kindness yet I've been rude to you even while I'm aware of your circ.u.mstances. I ask that you forgive my previous actions."
"Like I said, don't let it bother you." What's wrong with him? I thought he didn't feel guilty about skipping work? "Anyways, at this rate my body will be back to normal if about a week, however I'm still capable of working like normal even when like this."
"Well that's good to hear." Said a new voice "we are quite busy those days. Can't have you napping on us like last time."
"Oh, Hir, just on time" I waved for the fur ball standing at the entrance.
"We have quite the schedule today huh?" he asked, taking the seat beside me.
It's not that we have a lot of topics to discuss, it's that they're no small matters at all. Hir looked around, noticing that a few faces are missing.
"I don't see the ladies." He said.
"They sure are late, huh?" Lilia aside, it isn't like Estel to arrive late for a meeting. I wonder if something happened.
[I might have a guess…] Iris said telepathically.
Before she could elaborate though the door opened and a familiar golden hair jumped into the room.
"Sorry I'm late!" Lilia said, gasping for air.
"We were just getting started" I said, earning myself one of her gorgeous smiles.
"I lost myself in morning workout" she said as she sat on the chair to my right "if it wasn't for Estel I would've missed it completely"
"Speaking of Estel, where is she?" I asked.
"She's bathing Blue and Feather. I had to finish and leave first so I left everything to her. Even then I barely made it"
On a closer inspection Lilia's hair seems different than usual. It seems it was done in a hurry. I can still smell the nice shampoo coming from it, indicating how she just came out of bath. Though it felt nice, my five year old body doesn't seem to have developed to a point where I can feel that kind of excitement, because of that I'm able to savor Lilia's beauty from a perfectly pure filter, just like how it feels to have a childhood crush.
One thing that bothers me though it that, in the battle on Layl, a bit of her hair was cut but that female human. I didn't notice at the time being just glad she was alive, but seeing her try to work around it without getting a completely new haircut doesn't feel right. Maybe we can fix it while going out on a date?
"Well, we have all the key personal here so we might as well start the meeting." I said summoning a window with a list of the topics we plan on discussing. Usually it is Estel's job to read it for us, being my assistant and all, but since she isn't here I would be the one to do it.
"First of all let's talk about the lockdown" I said, reading the first item on the list "since my condition is more or less stable I think we should open up. Any thoughts?"
With Gorgola on lockdown nothing comes in or out, whether it's people or goods. It's been like this for over two months so I guess our economy which heavily relies on imports is suffering quite a bit. We can't be too sure about what we cultivated being enough to support the city so it's best to get more supplies soon.
"I think we should wait and observe first, my lord" said Ginger "we have opened and closed the gate multiple times in a short period so it might result in the civilians questioning the weight of your decision"
Aren't they already?
"By the way" I turned to Hir with a an obvious question "how is the public reacting to the second lockdown?"
"We have yet to give an official announcement on he matter" the big fur ball said "as far as the citizens are concerned, you elected to extend the lockdown on a whim as you rest a little more from your battle on Layl "
"I see…" that's a lot better than knowing the real reason. Hopefully I would be back to normal before next week, though I feel like I will have to get used to being a baby for obvious reasons.
"What do you think, Lilia?" I asked out general, the one responsible for the armed forces and soon enough the planet's entire defense.
"A few more days wouldn't hurt" Lilia tried to look serious but the nervousness was clear on her face "though I think we should be prepared to extend it more in case of unforeseen events"
"Okay" nodding once I turned to the next most important person in the room 'what do you think?'
[Doesn't matter, really] Iris replied telepathically [you've already showed your face a few days ago. We could always say you're too busy to go out as you deal with the consequences of Layl]
That makes sense since it's not unusual for me to work for weeks without going out, but even then we would still have a problem with the staff on the station. If I'm not seen on a regular basis when I used to eat my meals with them then surely some rumors will fly.
[You're overthinking this. It's not like seeing your current form is that big of a deal. After all everyone believes that you're a planet destroying monster who disguises himself as a human]
'… Why does what you say always make so much sense?'
[Maybe because I'm a genius? Or it could be that you're an idiot?]
"Alright…" ignoring Iris's last remark I announced the decision I arrived to "we will lift the lockdown five days from now whether I'm back to normal or not. Any objections?"
I looked at each one of those present and as I confirmed them nodding in agreement I moved on to the next topic.
"Now then, Hir, I would like to hear your report on the state of the city" I looked over at the giant humanoid tiger.
Hir took a deep before talking.
"The snowy season was more or less similar to that of our old homeworld. It took a while to readjust but thankfully everyone seems to be perfectly fine. The guards reported that certain wild animals started to appear around the barrier when the snow reached a certain level. Some plants also grew out of nowhere too, you can check out the more detailed analysis later. Finally the unrest that resulted of the news about the Layl incident spreading seems to have died down a little. The city council proposed a holding a celebration of your victory and safe return to put the citizens at ease"
"I see…" a celebration huh…
It was indeed a rather big incident and surviving it requires celebration, but would that really be ok when so many lives have been lost? My main concern is Hono and Feather who lost someone really important to them, especially the little one. One might think that the festivities would help take everything off her mind but perhaps it won't go the way we expect it. I should discuss this with Hono first.
"Let's put that off for a while, at least until we are done dealing with the aftermath of the incident"
'And speaking of celebrations…' I thought to myself as I read the next line on the list.
"Moving on to the next topic, as you already know it is almost a year since the Verta clan settled here on Gorgola as well as the day it was dissolved."
The atmosphere got more serious all of a sudden as both Hir and Ginger directed all their attention toward me.
The clan's end came up in the discussion I had with Iris. The day we joined the intergalactic union as well and soon after the founding of Iris city, the first colony on the planet. With a year according to Gorgola's solar cycle passing we will gain official recognition as an inhabited planet and our voice will be counted when making big decisions in the future. We will also have our own emblem, something I'm looking forward to.
The one year condition for gaining recognition after joining the union was made because many problems arise when a planet capable of supporting life is discovered. Though its ownership goes to the first person to set foot on its surface, according to the written law at least, things don't usually go as smooth as with my case. When it's a single individual a lot of accidents tend to happen and the ownership is then transferred many times, sold and bought before finally falling in the hands of a big enough entity. Sometimes two groups would claim ownership of a planet and wars would start over it. Other reasons exist as well but the conclusion is that one wouldn't know for how long they will be in possession of their space rock before someone decides to take their lives along with it.
The Verta clan and I had the mythical beast's name backing us up so no other planet tried their luck at overthrowing us, not to mention the Zesioniens guarding the entire sector. Though they must've funded some of the pirate groups that attacked us in the early weeks. Such a reason is why our relationship with the Zesionien empire is quite foggy. We suspected that they were trying to test the power of a mythical beast before deciding whether to make me disappear in mysterious circ.u.mstances or not.
"Announcing that you aren't the god we believed in and dissolving the Verta clan had a big impact." Ginger said with a wry smile "I'm afraid we might start seeing its consequences soon for several particular reasons"
I could see Hir flinch a bit as he listened. Being the previous head he must've faced quite the backlash after things turned out the way they did. Though they received the new land they were promised and the protection of the mythical beast they revered, things are way too underwhelming for what you'd expect from meeting your God.
"I see…"
I won't pretend I've expected it all but I should've seen it coming. For the better or worse I denied Verta being a divine being and demanded everyone in the clan stop treating me like one. Added to that the fact that I technically scared them into submission and a portion of them not being so happy with the current state of affairs is perfectly reasonable.
"Are you saying there are some who doubt me being Verta?" because that would be a problem.
[Let's just hope it isn't one of those lies that get exposed early on] Iris commented.
It's not that I've forced any of them to stay. Actually although they were few, some had decided not to settle here on Gorgola and left to live their own lives away from the clan. It all depended on how willing they were to abandon their faith and most of them were too exhausted to let the chance to settle down slip away.
Lilia gave me a worried look but quickly turned away, probably remembering that some of us don't actually know that in just a human with a bit of Verta juice running through my veins.
"Since the public already knows of the Layl incident, no one dares to question your power or authority" Hir said "however the civilians have yet to fully adapt to the new lifestyle and their religion coming to an end isn't helping in the least."
So in the end they're still afraid of me, huh…
[What did you expect?] Iris sighed [you had to show them what you have or we couldn't maintain the lie. It's not as if we had many choices when taking them in was the objective.]
Just because we were doing them a favor doesn't mean they will just accept whatever we offer them. A hint of fear had to be added in to ensure their obedience. Still the reason I took them in is because I wanted to be loved by cat-girls, I don't want them to be terrified of me.
[Good luck with that] I could feel her rolling her eyes.
"Since we no longer worship the mythical beast the religious practices and holidays we are used to have been removed" going on Ginger explained what worried him about the current state in the city "for example, previously we would have celebrated the star light in a couple weeks time, it's the supposed day of Verta's first descent onto Namira. We still did so even while living in outer space which makes it quite difficult to abandon such custom"
"Ooh! I see now…" holidays were an essential part of any society. They help lessen the stress from hectic daily life and provide a much needed time to relax. Not only that but they also serve as a reason to celebrate and have fun with those you care about, something I've yearned for back on earth.
"Tell me more about this star light event" I said driven by my growing interest.
"Yes" though it's only a bit, Ginger's expression seemed to brighten. That was a dead give away of him having more of a personal reason to mention this event than he's trying to play it as.
"The star light is a holiday celebrated by most of the Herara whether they're from the clan or not. It is the one day in Namira's solar cycle when the night is at its longest allowing for a clear vision of the stars decorating the clear summer night sky. The legends say that Verta had descended to this realm on such day which gave it a much more significance to those who worship the beast. The day is spent fasting while praying for Verta's blessings and the night is spent feasting and star gazing."
"I see…" nodding once I urged him to continue.
"As for its importance to those who don't belong to the clan" Ginger said, his expression indicating the importance of the next part "it is the day young Herara announce their partners and officially start a family. Group weddings are common on such a day"
"Oh-oh…" I see what this is about…
[I guess it does make sense] I can feel Iris's smugness radiating inside me.
"Ginger… how is Noel doing?" I asked, feeling my mouth slowly warp into a broad grin.
Ginger looked at me wide eyed then a few seconds later he sighed.
"I knew you were the one planning it but…" smiling a little he followed "she's doing just fine."
Lilia tilted her head, taking a few seconds to understand what we are talking about.
"I see… so how did it go?" I asked, eager to know the details of this hermit's first relationship.
"She's a fine female, I'm honored that she chose me as her partner" this might be the happiest I've ever seen Ginger be. He's always so serious and most of the time looked tired and annoyed. But a workaholic like him has finally found himself a wife, that would indeed change him quite a bit.
"Wait… you're getting married!?" finally catching on the topic Lilia looked quite shocked.
"Is it that strange?" Ginger appears to be a bit offended from Lilia's reaction.
"Who's the bride?" she asked.
"That girl from the pie shop I often visit" I answered.
You can't really blame her. Ginger isn't exactly an old man, but he is indeed way past the marriage age. With many younger Herara as well as those of his age already raising their kids you would think he gave up on starting a family, but I guess it's never too late.
"This is quite shocking" Lilia gave Ginger a troubled look "I've heard some of the female staff talk about how they gave up on getting close to you, to think there is one out there that is able to do it…"
I might have a guess as to how she was able to conquer him.
"The power of food" I said, grinning "she used her cooking skills to make him fall for her."
"Now that I think about it…" Hir looked Ginger up and down "you seem to have gained some weight"
"So the reason you skipped work the past four days was to spend time with her and get your belly filled?" It's barely noticeable, but he does indeed seem quite healthy for someone who's overworked. They say the road to a man's heart starts in his stomach, that must be true for male Herara as well.
"… I once again ask that you forgive me…"
He isn't denying it! Ma man is totally in love!
"G, no, Ginger" all things aside, I'm truly happy for him "congratulations. I wish you two find happiness in each other"
"Thank you for your kind words, my lord"
This man has been by my side ever since I became a lord. Without his help I would never had made it so far. His strong intuition always reassured me when making difficult decisions and without his help governing this planet would've been an impossible task.
I watched as Ginger brought his cup to his mouth, just then it occurred to me to not waste such an opportunity to tease him just a little bit more.
"So… how many kids did you make?" I said causing him to cough out his drink.
"my…. Cough… my lord, it's barely been two months… cough"
Man, this guy is a funny one.
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