Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 43 - Four: hand holding is an early stage Part one
Planet Rooster, Gram city, Seven
"um... Seven, it's not that I'm complaining but..." walking through the crowded streets, Lilia said as a red color flushed on her cheeks " how long are we supposed to... to do this?"
"hm? does it bother you?"
"well..." she looked around, then at me, and from her upturned eyes I could guess she is struggling to keep eye contact " I don't see why we have to walk like this, and... I feel hostile vibs from their eyes"
"oh, don't worry about them...." I try to reassure her, but I myself am struggling to keep my usual poker face "it's an expected reaction after learning that you are taken"
there is no daytime in Rooster, only one continues long night, so as someone who spent only one day here it's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that the time right now is early in the morning.
But on the bright side, or should I say the dark one, it kinda reminds me of all the summer holidays I spent in my room only leaving when there is no icecream left.
when I was relaxing in the bathtub Iris explained how my energy absorbing works, or what she understood about it; long story short the guns the buff dudes on the ZSFCO use low cost low quality ammo which is poisonous to me and a workout is essential to get it out of my system. Punching things helps a little according to this floating plastic bag, and though there is a more efficient way to get it done with she wouldn't tell me what it is. She made me play her little game
"you must hold Lilia's hand the entire day, only then would I tell you"
I'm not so stupid to not understand that this is just a prank she thought of, but even if I refused to perform such a forbidden act -and I did- she kept bothering me until after we left the hotel when I gave up and submitted to her orders.
It was awkward at first, actually it is awkward even after. Lilia was behaving strangely the whole time after she woke up, like using the cold water by mistake, forgetting her bag and barely eating when we went to get breakfast. the way she talked was strange too, but after ordering an ultra sweet drink, too sweet for human tongue -couldn't finish mine- she returned to her usual self, at least until I took her hand by surprise.
She stared at me for a moment, then her face slowly flushed red and I could swear I saw steam exploding from her head. I could feel my face heating up too but seeing Iris finally shutting up I managed a victory smile taunting her until she left us alone.
Well, technically since she resides in my body we aren't completely alone but the quietness of her not making sure I wouldn't forget how pathetic I'm is something I intend to enjoy.
"so... we planned on getting one of those books for me right? where should we go?"
Lilia used her free hand to take out her smartphone like device. Our destination has already been desided on during breakfast, there is a whole street dedicated to tech trades. many of them were Zesionien managed, not surprisingly, so all we did was choosing a random one to go to.
With the chance of some space tech nightmare happening to us I tried to stay alert but that made it harder to keep my composure as I walk while holding Lilia's hand.
Though the red color still didn't leave her cheeks it seems like Lilia is getting used to it, she matched her walking speed to mine and smiled at me as our fingers intertwined
"your hand is a little rough isn't it, Seven?" her voice seems to be calmer now, a smile forms on her lips as she spoke
"no, it's just that your hand is too soft" I hope I'm not sweating, keep calm "you usually use your spear without gloves right?"
"yeah... Iris used to get angry about it" this time, there was no hint of the loneliness she usually felt when Iris is mentioned " it's not like using gloves is any different, but she made me pay more attention to my skin on a daily basis anyway"
"come to think of it" I look down to her legs, not trying to hide it this time "there is nothing left of that wound you got from the fight with Verta"
Yeah, I completely lost my shit at that time. the thought of a scar being left on her beautiful legs was too mush for me to handle.
"what are you talking about?" she stopped for a moment, then as if she just remembered she covered her mouth laughing "you thought something like that would leave a mark? it's more of a scratch than a wound"
" even if it's just a scratch, you have to take care of yourself"
"Seven..." suddenly her tone changed "are you by any chance underestimating me?"
that caught me off guard. the nice mood we had froze as she glared at me. I remember that look, it's the same one she had on the first time we met, in the lab on that godforsaken planet. I don't believe this is a case similar to what we had in human communities, Zesionien females are physically stronger than the males after all, but I'm out of ideas explaining what all the glaring means
"I'm not underestimating you or anything, I wouldn't want you getting permanent scars that's all"
"hm? could it be..." her eyes softened a little " do humans get scars so easily?"
"oh, right, just because we look alike doesn't mean we are the same" Lilia sighed in relief then looked forward, her lips curving into a smile "back in the academy even the weakest male looked a little intimidating, not only they have the size but the injuries they get always leave a mark, like some kind of badge or trophy" she held up her left arm, stil holding my hand "there was a time when I almost lost my arm, a mock battle went out of control and I... well, even though it was a really deep cut there isn't any trace of it left"
"...did you lose?"
"yeah... but the second time was different"
Lilia told me about how her academy works before, her athletic ability was the only thing that kept her from dropping. she wasn't good at studying, even with Iris helping her she barely passed her tests. as a consequence she had to win every mock battle and duel she faced to balance her score so she could safely graduate, and in all the five years she was there she only ever lost once.
"Zesioniens are amazing, for us it's more normal for girls to stay away from fighting" glad everyone from my time are dead, I honestly don't want to start that debate.
Come to think of it humanity is now made of a hundred percent female population. what a hellish nightmare it is, I probably should stay as far away as possible, but I have to admit I'm curious, just a little.
"umm, Seven, I don't know if it's appropriate for me to ask but could it be..." as we walk hand in hand dark clouds began gathering above my head "that you like legs?" and a bolt of lightning came striking down.
through all the coughing I could hear the ghost possessing me laughing her face off, and who would blame her? this conversation took a really funny turn, for everyone but me
"w-what do y-you mean?" I inhaled enough air to try and stop coughing, then turned to Lilia and asked. the surprise just now made me unconsciously let go of her hand
"well... yo do look a lot... and you were angry when I got injured" Lilia didn't seem to know, the easiness she talked about this made me doubt she felt bothered about it.
"sorry... did I bother you?" digging my own grave
" ah, no, not really..." Lilia started twirling her hair " although it feels a little strange..."
" hahahaha~ uwah~ she totally roasted you! smoke! I can see smoke! hahahaha" ghost girl jumped out, laughing while pointing at me, but what she said was true, Lilia had unintentionally roasted me so thoroughly that I could smell myself burning
"so thoroughly that you got the N word pass! hahahahahah"
'would you shut it for a moment, freeloader?'
" hahahaha... I never laughed...Haha... like this before....hahaha" Iris lost it, holding her belly while spinning in the air. Lilia was silent, still twirling a strand of her hair with her eyes in a corner, as for me I was desperately searching for a way to explain my t.h.i.g.h situation. but then it occured to me, I don't really have to explain, I'm talking to an alien after all
I cough in my fist, whip away the tears forming in the corner of my eyes then stood up after regaining my perfect poker face
" ahm... you see Lilia, the thing is we humans have many things we get attracted to" I know this is a bunch of bull crap, but it's the truth, even if it isn't "you were... almost correct, for reasons beyond my understanding I find t.h.i.g.hs attractive, more specifically perfectly thick and soft ones with smooth skin..." and for the final touch " just like yours"
Lilia stared at me in bewilderment for a whole thirty seconds before she spoke the results I expected
"o~h! so it's a... human thing?" her response lacked spirit, as if she already knew
"well there certainly are humans who have similar interests, but I don't know for other species"
"hmm... like I thought, humans are strange" Lilia might not understand a lot about how the relationship between a man and a woman -human male and Zesionien female to be precise- works, not that I do. I'm just a nerd who spent most of his time playing games, and ask anyone and they would tell you what that does to your social skills, and romance was just a subplot you find nearly everywhere. like anyone else I may be an expert when it comes to theoretical dating, but as for practical I'm still at level doughnut.
"hmm... those doughnuts are great! jelly filled are my favorite!"
'not now...'
I look at ghost girl having the time of her life -even thought she died- making fun of me, and I get reminded that with a third wheel I can't really call this a date.
"let's... get going..." I wanna go home... I want my games.
I sigh out my longing for some good MMO, but then a warm feeling finds its way to my palm
"let's go" it hurts, it really does, if one day I'm faced with the choice between my old life and Lilia's smile...
a hard choice, maybe, but currently with the way she took my hand without hesitation, I find myself leaning toward one more than the other.
Planet Rooster, Gram city, ****
"**** to *****"
" what's the matter, ****? anything new with the target?"
"I'm currently tailing both of them, it seems the male human plans on devouring the Zesionien"
"hoho~ interesting, what made you think so?"
"she asked him if he likes her legs, it seems the human had his eyes on that part of her from the beginning"
"hmm... whether humans are carnivores or not you should be more careful when following them from now on. Return to the base once they are back to their room, and ****..."
"Always keep your distance when they are alone"
"...a trap, they might prepare something if they feel your presence"
"Are Zesionien warriors really that good"
"...yes, of course they are. Anyways, be sure to retreat if they leave the crowded areas, I will contact you once ******* has some sort of plan"
"....okay, I'm out"
"um... Seven, it's not that I'm complaining but..." walking through the crowded streets, Lilia said as a red color flushed on her cheeks " how long are we supposed to... to do this?"
"hm? does it bother you?"
"well..." she looked around, then at me, and from her upturned eyes I could guess she is struggling to keep eye contact " I don't see why we have to walk like this, and... I feel hostile vibs from their eyes"
"oh, don't worry about them...." I try to reassure her, but I myself am struggling to keep my usual poker face "it's an expected reaction after learning that you are taken"
there is no daytime in Rooster, only one continues long night, so as someone who spent only one day here it's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that the time right now is early in the morning.
But on the bright side, or should I say the dark one, it kinda reminds me of all the summer holidays I spent in my room only leaving when there is no icecream left.
when I was relaxing in the bathtub Iris explained how my energy absorbing works, or what she understood about it; long story short the guns the buff dudes on the ZSFCO use low cost low quality ammo which is poisonous to me and a workout is essential to get it out of my system. Punching things helps a little according to this floating plastic bag, and though there is a more efficient way to get it done with she wouldn't tell me what it is. She made me play her little game
"you must hold Lilia's hand the entire day, only then would I tell you"
I'm not so stupid to not understand that this is just a prank she thought of, but even if I refused to perform such a forbidden act -and I did- she kept bothering me until after we left the hotel when I gave up and submitted to her orders.
It was awkward at first, actually it is awkward even after. Lilia was behaving strangely the whole time after she woke up, like using the cold water by mistake, forgetting her bag and barely eating when we went to get breakfast. the way she talked was strange too, but after ordering an ultra sweet drink, too sweet for human tongue -couldn't finish mine- she returned to her usual self, at least until I took her hand by surprise.
She stared at me for a moment, then her face slowly flushed red and I could swear I saw steam exploding from her head. I could feel my face heating up too but seeing Iris finally shutting up I managed a victory smile taunting her until she left us alone.
Well, technically since she resides in my body we aren't completely alone but the quietness of her not making sure I wouldn't forget how pathetic I'm is something I intend to enjoy.
"so... we planned on getting one of those books for me right? where should we go?"
Lilia used her free hand to take out her smartphone like device. Our destination has already been desided on during breakfast, there is a whole street dedicated to tech trades. many of them were Zesionien managed, not surprisingly, so all we did was choosing a random one to go to.
With the chance of some space tech nightmare happening to us I tried to stay alert but that made it harder to keep my composure as I walk while holding Lilia's hand.
Though the red color still didn't leave her cheeks it seems like Lilia is getting used to it, she matched her walking speed to mine and smiled at me as our fingers intertwined
"your hand is a little rough isn't it, Seven?" her voice seems to be calmer now, a smile forms on her lips as she spoke
"no, it's just that your hand is too soft" I hope I'm not sweating, keep calm "you usually use your spear without gloves right?"
"yeah... Iris used to get angry about it" this time, there was no hint of the loneliness she usually felt when Iris is mentioned " it's not like using gloves is any different, but she made me pay more attention to my skin on a daily basis anyway"
"come to think of it" I look down to her legs, not trying to hide it this time "there is nothing left of that wound you got from the fight with Verta"
Yeah, I completely lost my shit at that time. the thought of a scar being left on her beautiful legs was too mush for me to handle.
"what are you talking about?" she stopped for a moment, then as if she just remembered she covered her mouth laughing "you thought something like that would leave a mark? it's more of a scratch than a wound"
" even if it's just a scratch, you have to take care of yourself"
"Seven..." suddenly her tone changed "are you by any chance underestimating me?"
that caught me off guard. the nice mood we had froze as she glared at me. I remember that look, it's the same one she had on the first time we met, in the lab on that godforsaken planet. I don't believe this is a case similar to what we had in human communities, Zesionien females are physically stronger than the males after all, but I'm out of ideas explaining what all the glaring means
"I'm not underestimating you or anything, I wouldn't want you getting permanent scars that's all"
"hm? could it be..." her eyes softened a little " do humans get scars so easily?"
"oh, right, just because we look alike doesn't mean we are the same" Lilia sighed in relief then looked forward, her lips curving into a smile "back in the academy even the weakest male looked a little intimidating, not only they have the size but the injuries they get always leave a mark, like some kind of badge or trophy" she held up her left arm, stil holding my hand "there was a time when I almost lost my arm, a mock battle went out of control and I... well, even though it was a really deep cut there isn't any trace of it left"
"...did you lose?"
"yeah... but the second time was different"
Lilia told me about how her academy works before, her athletic ability was the only thing that kept her from dropping. she wasn't good at studying, even with Iris helping her she barely passed her tests. as a consequence she had to win every mock battle and duel she faced to balance her score so she could safely graduate, and in all the five years she was there she only ever lost once.
"Zesioniens are amazing, for us it's more normal for girls to stay away from fighting" glad everyone from my time are dead, I honestly don't want to start that debate.
Come to think of it humanity is now made of a hundred percent female population. what a hellish nightmare it is, I probably should stay as far away as possible, but I have to admit I'm curious, just a little.
"umm, Seven, I don't know if it's appropriate for me to ask but could it be..." as we walk hand in hand dark clouds began gathering above my head "that you like legs?" and a bolt of lightning came striking down.
through all the coughing I could hear the ghost possessing me laughing her face off, and who would blame her? this conversation took a really funny turn, for everyone but me
"w-what do y-you mean?" I inhaled enough air to try and stop coughing, then turned to Lilia and asked. the surprise just now made me unconsciously let go of her hand
"well... yo do look a lot... and you were angry when I got injured" Lilia didn't seem to know, the easiness she talked about this made me doubt she felt bothered about it.
"sorry... did I bother you?" digging my own grave
" ah, no, not really..." Lilia started twirling her hair " although it feels a little strange..."
" hahahaha~ uwah~ she totally roasted you! smoke! I can see smoke! hahahaha" ghost girl jumped out, laughing while pointing at me, but what she said was true, Lilia had unintentionally roasted me so thoroughly that I could smell myself burning
"so thoroughly that you got the N word pass! hahahahahah"
'would you shut it for a moment, freeloader?'
" hahahaha... I never laughed...Haha... like this before....hahaha" Iris lost it, holding her belly while spinning in the air. Lilia was silent, still twirling a strand of her hair with her eyes in a corner, as for me I was desperately searching for a way to explain my t.h.i.g.h situation. but then it occured to me, I don't really have to explain, I'm talking to an alien after all
I cough in my fist, whip away the tears forming in the corner of my eyes then stood up after regaining my perfect poker face
" ahm... you see Lilia, the thing is we humans have many things we get attracted to" I know this is a bunch of bull crap, but it's the truth, even if it isn't "you were... almost correct, for reasons beyond my understanding I find t.h.i.g.hs attractive, more specifically perfectly thick and soft ones with smooth skin..." and for the final touch " just like yours"
Lilia stared at me in bewilderment for a whole thirty seconds before she spoke the results I expected
"o~h! so it's a... human thing?" her response lacked spirit, as if she already knew
"well there certainly are humans who have similar interests, but I don't know for other species"
"hmm... like I thought, humans are strange" Lilia might not understand a lot about how the relationship between a man and a woman -human male and Zesionien female to be precise- works, not that I do. I'm just a nerd who spent most of his time playing games, and ask anyone and they would tell you what that does to your social skills, and romance was just a subplot you find nearly everywhere. like anyone else I may be an expert when it comes to theoretical dating, but as for practical I'm still at level doughnut.
"hmm... those doughnuts are great! jelly filled are my favorite!"
'not now...'
I look at ghost girl having the time of her life -even thought she died- making fun of me, and I get reminded that with a third wheel I can't really call this a date.
"let's... get going..." I wanna go home... I want my games.
I sigh out my longing for some good MMO, but then a warm feeling finds its way to my palm
"let's go" it hurts, it really does, if one day I'm faced with the choice between my old life and Lilia's smile...
a hard choice, maybe, but currently with the way she took my hand without hesitation, I find myself leaning toward one more than the other.
Planet Rooster, Gram city, ****
"**** to *****"
" what's the matter, ****? anything new with the target?"
"I'm currently tailing both of them, it seems the male human plans on devouring the Zesionien"
"hoho~ interesting, what made you think so?"
"she asked him if he likes her legs, it seems the human had his eyes on that part of her from the beginning"
"hmm... whether humans are carnivores or not you should be more careful when following them from now on. Return to the base once they are back to their room, and ****..."
"Always keep your distance when they are alone"
"...a trap, they might prepare something if they feel your presence"
"Are Zesionien warriors really that good"
"...yes, of course they are. Anyways, be sure to retreat if they leave the crowded areas, I will contact you once ******* has some sort of plan"
"....okay, I'm out"
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