Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 50 - five part five
"maybe... it's really not a good time after all" said Iris with her back turned to me as I sit there with my shorts off, still holding my meat in my hand.
I was in the middle of the tenth round when this parasite of a ghost suddenly manifested, I expected her to scream or get angry but all she did was turn around and float away after saying as much.
I sighed, then removed all my clothes and opened the water. After a short shower I hesitated in returning to the room. Even if I use the sofa I probably wont be able to sleep at all so I sat down in the tub, hugged my knees and thought about pointless things.
'and? where have you been all this time?'
"asleep"said Iris. From how her voice sounded I could tell she is trying to peek at me from over her shoulder"I don't know why but... I was out, or should I say in, for far too long huh"
".... I wanna die"
"hey, get your act together. You shouldn't beat yourself abou it" she said "at least you are one step closer to realizing your dream!"
'one step closer my a.s.s, can't you see that I want to feel depressed alone?'
"no I can't, and I don't really care. Well you could say I pity you, but I also feel proud, you actually went and did something on your own, and you deserve your reward, I won't judge you this time"
'even if you say that, I feel pathetic after doing it'
'ugh, you aren't making me feel any better'
"it's not my job to" she let out an exasperated sigh "anyways, what's done is done so pull yourself together"
'easy said than done'
"I didn't say it would be easy, you will have the chance to fix things"
'...there is no fixing it after that'
"aren't you sure you are exaggerating it a little"
'hardly... you can see through my memories righ? aren't you able to see that we are done?'
"it's because I can read your memories that I say it, you are exaggerating things, just think about it"
I was in no mood to respond, but a part of me, a really small one at that, made me talk
" what, human?"
'is what Lilia said true?'
"what part?"
' the part about being married after only sleeping one night together'
Iris, defying all laws of physics lied on her stomach in midair, resting her head on her palms and swinging her legs a little. Her blue tiger ears twitched every now and then as she gathered her thoughts.
"some think it's just a tradition, but in fact there is an established law concerning it. To put it in your terms, in our world we don't forgive the existence of bastards, so much that most people don't know someone like that may actually exist"
'what do you mean?'
maybe I didn't need to hear the answer, as we had something similar back on earth, but I listened as if it actually mattered
"you are not wrong, it's quite similar to what you are thinking about. The laws is there to punish those who disregard their responsibilities. Not only would the parents be sentenced to death, but the newborn too would get disposed of as far as I know"
"some may agree with you, but not me. Someone born from an unfaithful relationship would suffer shame he didn't ask for, and the death sentence serves as a reminder to those who don't treasure life. And before you ask, no, I don't think it's possible"
I wondered what they would do in the case of ****, but then I remembered that the average Zesionien female can't be possibly overpowered by a male.
'so? what does it have to do with our situation?'
" hmm... I don't remember the exact story but most likely they started this tradition to give people a chance. Well, probably because no one did ever choose death over marriage it turned into married by default"
"too complicated for a human?"
'no, I was thinking how our society would had been way better if we took after your example' that way some of us might have had a better chance if all the popular guys settled.
"don't let it get to your head" her voice tone became serious all of a sudden. Iris slowly descended staring coldly into my eyes
"we are not in Zesion right now"
"you understand? you are going through this because Lilia wants it. No one knows about you two yet, and since you are officially a synthetic being no one on this planet would suspect that you are more than a servant"
'... you aren't making it any easier on me here'
Iris, being the ghost she is, just dissapeared into thin air
"again, you are a part of this only because Lilia wants you. Your own don't matter, if Lilia makes the decision to back away you have no saying in it"
I know, I already know. being an alien doesn't change the rules, I can't force anything on her and if she got bored of me she could just throw me. That's one of the sad truths about any relationship, especially for humans society where females have extremely unfair advantages
"if it makes you feel better, know that I'm on your side"
'yeah, you aren't exactly being that helpful'
"I try my best, you know? would you ever get to this point without my help? you are the first male Lilia had an interest in so all I want is for her to be happy"
I was and still am afraid of it happening, that's why I asked Lilia to keep our relationship a secret when contacting her family.
I may compete on the financial level and I may kick more a.s.s than any Zesionien dude but in the end, I'm still a human, that would never change.
It's not that hard to imagine them taking her away against her will, that is if Lilia herself doesn't decide to leave on her own.
I know I'm just feeling insecure, it's part of being a gamer nerd in a relationship with an ultra high class beautiful alien woman.
Well, I have an ally. With how the world seems to be against me being happy it's good to know there is someone showing support.
"...thank you"
"see? that wasn't very hard"
".....■■■■■..... ■■■■■..... ■■■■■!!!!"
"huh....w-what?..."I wake up in an unfamiliar place. Yawning like I never did before I stretched my arms then rubbed my eyes
" is my class so boring for you, ■■■■■?" I squint my eyes really hard trying to identify the person looking down at me
"... who the f.u.c.k are you?"
"wha-" the stranger froze in place. A moment of silence came by and following it was a sudden burst of laughter.
The sleepiness clouding my mind vanished and my vision cleared.
I'm in a classroom. Not any classroom, but my physics classroom from last year.
last... year...?
"■■■■■... is something wrong?"
As I look around in surprise the laughing died down. Every pair of eyes in the classroom was fixed on me
" ...are you not feeling well?
I look around once more.
are those... humans?
"maybe you should go to the infirmary, we will discuss your inappropriate behavior at a later date"
"..." I look at both my hands, time seemed to slow down
"...■■■■■..." is that... my name... that was my name but...
I can't hear it
Even if I'm the one saying it, I can't hear myself.
Something snapped inside me and everything is swallowed by the dark. The next thing I noticed is my hand slowly pressing on the neck of the man.
He struggled to free himself, a few other students tried to separate us among the screams filling the room.
I had no intention of letting go, I continue putting strength into my hand as the other guys wasted efforts trying to free the man I'm strangling
" STOP IT ■■■■■!!!!"
" why the f.u.c.k..."
"is he on something?"
pitiful, that's the only way to describe the how four of those losers wrapped their arms all over me and are still unable to move me an inch
"don't worry" I turn to look at one of them, the one locking his arm around my neck "you will be next" I have to say, it's quite uncomfortable, he would go next
the screaming intensified, and like a group of animals they all rushed out leaving the man in my mercy.
He struggled, but no matter how many times he kicked I didn't lose the strength in my hand.
I'm about to end this guy's whole life career. that's right, he is one of them, a teacher. I'm about to crush his neck and I it makes me sooo go~~~~od
did I hate him that much? I can't remember, I just wanna kill, he deserves to die
yeah, he should die.
they should die.
wait... aren't all humans dead?
no... they said all human males are dead
who said it again?
Lilia... yeah, that blonde alien girl...
my eyes split open at the sound of someone shouting my name, and as if awakening from a nightmare I inhaled deeply while looking around.
Lilia was there, uneasiness showing on her face, beside her is Iris directing terrified looks toward me.
"um....uh... what just happened?"
they both stared at me for a long minute. Iris remained silent, she floated away turning her back to us. I was somewhat late realizing I had been following her with my eyes, to Lilia it might have appeared as if I have been looking at a ghost, which is true for the most part, but since she can't see Iris the spot I was looking at had nothing but air when she traced my line of sight.
"...Lilia... is something wrong?" she looked quite distressed when calling my name just now, is it an emergency or...
"um...uh..." the words were on the tip of her tongue, I could tell, but she had a hard time speaking them "your... your hair... it's white..."
"... eh?..."
I take another look around. It seems I have dozed off in the bathtub, only if it ended there though.
There are several cracks spreading from the place I sat in. Not only in the tub, the floor and the walls too, it feels like an earthquake hit the area.
I stood up in front of the large mirror just in time to watch the last few white spots on my head returning to the typical jet black color.
"so... did I do... this?"
"I... I came to check because you took too long after showering but..."
I was glowing.
Hugging my knees in the bathtub with my eyes closed, my hair white as blue light emerged from me. No matter how much she called I wouldn't wake up. It wasn't clear if getting close was safe, the last time this happened I almost killed a bunch of soldiers, the same was when we fought Verta. My hair turning white is bad news, and if it's starting to happen while I'm unconscious who knows what I could do next.
At least for the time being, from how Lilia described it, I was still asleep during the whole thing. One more thing to worry about, I couldn't be any happier.
I was in the middle of the tenth round when this parasite of a ghost suddenly manifested, I expected her to scream or get angry but all she did was turn around and float away after saying as much.
I sighed, then removed all my clothes and opened the water. After a short shower I hesitated in returning to the room. Even if I use the sofa I probably wont be able to sleep at all so I sat down in the tub, hugged my knees and thought about pointless things.
'and? where have you been all this time?'
"asleep"said Iris. From how her voice sounded I could tell she is trying to peek at me from over her shoulder"I don't know why but... I was out, or should I say in, for far too long huh"
".... I wanna die"
"hey, get your act together. You shouldn't beat yourself abou it" she said "at least you are one step closer to realizing your dream!"
'one step closer my a.s.s, can't you see that I want to feel depressed alone?'
"no I can't, and I don't really care. Well you could say I pity you, but I also feel proud, you actually went and did something on your own, and you deserve your reward, I won't judge you this time"
'even if you say that, I feel pathetic after doing it'
'ugh, you aren't making me feel any better'
"it's not my job to" she let out an exasperated sigh "anyways, what's done is done so pull yourself together"
'easy said than done'
"I didn't say it would be easy, you will have the chance to fix things"
'...there is no fixing it after that'
"aren't you sure you are exaggerating it a little"
'hardly... you can see through my memories righ? aren't you able to see that we are done?'
"it's because I can read your memories that I say it, you are exaggerating things, just think about it"
I was in no mood to respond, but a part of me, a really small one at that, made me talk
" what, human?"
'is what Lilia said true?'
"what part?"
' the part about being married after only sleeping one night together'
Iris, defying all laws of physics lied on her stomach in midair, resting her head on her palms and swinging her legs a little. Her blue tiger ears twitched every now and then as she gathered her thoughts.
"some think it's just a tradition, but in fact there is an established law concerning it. To put it in your terms, in our world we don't forgive the existence of bastards, so much that most people don't know someone like that may actually exist"
'what do you mean?'
maybe I didn't need to hear the answer, as we had something similar back on earth, but I listened as if it actually mattered
"you are not wrong, it's quite similar to what you are thinking about. The laws is there to punish those who disregard their responsibilities. Not only would the parents be sentenced to death, but the newborn too would get disposed of as far as I know"
"some may agree with you, but not me. Someone born from an unfaithful relationship would suffer shame he didn't ask for, and the death sentence serves as a reminder to those who don't treasure life. And before you ask, no, I don't think it's possible"
I wondered what they would do in the case of ****, but then I remembered that the average Zesionien female can't be possibly overpowered by a male.
'so? what does it have to do with our situation?'
" hmm... I don't remember the exact story but most likely they started this tradition to give people a chance. Well, probably because no one did ever choose death over marriage it turned into married by default"
"too complicated for a human?"
'no, I was thinking how our society would had been way better if we took after your example' that way some of us might have had a better chance if all the popular guys settled.
"don't let it get to your head" her voice tone became serious all of a sudden. Iris slowly descended staring coldly into my eyes
"we are not in Zesion right now"
"you understand? you are going through this because Lilia wants it. No one knows about you two yet, and since you are officially a synthetic being no one on this planet would suspect that you are more than a servant"
'... you aren't making it any easier on me here'
Iris, being the ghost she is, just dissapeared into thin air
"again, you are a part of this only because Lilia wants you. Your own don't matter, if Lilia makes the decision to back away you have no saying in it"
I know, I already know. being an alien doesn't change the rules, I can't force anything on her and if she got bored of me she could just throw me. That's one of the sad truths about any relationship, especially for humans society where females have extremely unfair advantages
"if it makes you feel better, know that I'm on your side"
'yeah, you aren't exactly being that helpful'
"I try my best, you know? would you ever get to this point without my help? you are the first male Lilia had an interest in so all I want is for her to be happy"
I was and still am afraid of it happening, that's why I asked Lilia to keep our relationship a secret when contacting her family.
I may compete on the financial level and I may kick more a.s.s than any Zesionien dude but in the end, I'm still a human, that would never change.
It's not that hard to imagine them taking her away against her will, that is if Lilia herself doesn't decide to leave on her own.
I know I'm just feeling insecure, it's part of being a gamer nerd in a relationship with an ultra high class beautiful alien woman.
Well, I have an ally. With how the world seems to be against me being happy it's good to know there is someone showing support.
"...thank you"
"see? that wasn't very hard"
".....■■■■■..... ■■■■■..... ■■■■■!!!!"
"huh....w-what?..."I wake up in an unfamiliar place. Yawning like I never did before I stretched my arms then rubbed my eyes
" is my class so boring for you, ■■■■■?" I squint my eyes really hard trying to identify the person looking down at me
"... who the f.u.c.k are you?"
"wha-" the stranger froze in place. A moment of silence came by and following it was a sudden burst of laughter.
The sleepiness clouding my mind vanished and my vision cleared.
I'm in a classroom. Not any classroom, but my physics classroom from last year.
last... year...?
"■■■■■... is something wrong?"
As I look around in surprise the laughing died down. Every pair of eyes in the classroom was fixed on me
" ...are you not feeling well?
I look around once more.
are those... humans?
"maybe you should go to the infirmary, we will discuss your inappropriate behavior at a later date"
"..." I look at both my hands, time seemed to slow down
"...■■■■■..." is that... my name... that was my name but...
I can't hear it
Even if I'm the one saying it, I can't hear myself.
Something snapped inside me and everything is swallowed by the dark. The next thing I noticed is my hand slowly pressing on the neck of the man.
He struggled to free himself, a few other students tried to separate us among the screams filling the room.
I had no intention of letting go, I continue putting strength into my hand as the other guys wasted efforts trying to free the man I'm strangling
" STOP IT ■■■■■!!!!"
" why the f.u.c.k..."
"is he on something?"
pitiful, that's the only way to describe the how four of those losers wrapped their arms all over me and are still unable to move me an inch
"don't worry" I turn to look at one of them, the one locking his arm around my neck "you will be next" I have to say, it's quite uncomfortable, he would go next
the screaming intensified, and like a group of animals they all rushed out leaving the man in my mercy.
He struggled, but no matter how many times he kicked I didn't lose the strength in my hand.
I'm about to end this guy's whole life career. that's right, he is one of them, a teacher. I'm about to crush his neck and I it makes me sooo go~~~~od
did I hate him that much? I can't remember, I just wanna kill, he deserves to die
yeah, he should die.
they should die.
wait... aren't all humans dead?
no... they said all human males are dead
who said it again?
Lilia... yeah, that blonde alien girl...
my eyes split open at the sound of someone shouting my name, and as if awakening from a nightmare I inhaled deeply while looking around.
Lilia was there, uneasiness showing on her face, beside her is Iris directing terrified looks toward me.
"um....uh... what just happened?"
they both stared at me for a long minute. Iris remained silent, she floated away turning her back to us. I was somewhat late realizing I had been following her with my eyes, to Lilia it might have appeared as if I have been looking at a ghost, which is true for the most part, but since she can't see Iris the spot I was looking at had nothing but air when she traced my line of sight.
"...Lilia... is something wrong?" she looked quite distressed when calling my name just now, is it an emergency or...
"um...uh..." the words were on the tip of her tongue, I could tell, but she had a hard time speaking them "your... your hair... it's white..."
"... eh?..."
I take another look around. It seems I have dozed off in the bathtub, only if it ended there though.
There are several cracks spreading from the place I sat in. Not only in the tub, the floor and the walls too, it feels like an earthquake hit the area.
I stood up in front of the large mirror just in time to watch the last few white spots on my head returning to the typical jet black color.
"so... did I do... this?"
"I... I came to check because you took too long after showering but..."
I was glowing.
Hugging my knees in the bathtub with my eyes closed, my hair white as blue light emerged from me. No matter how much she called I wouldn't wake up. It wasn't clear if getting close was safe, the last time this happened I almost killed a bunch of soldiers, the same was when we fought Verta. My hair turning white is bad news, and if it's starting to happen while I'm unconscious who knows what I could do next.
At least for the time being, from how Lilia described it, I was still asleep during the whole thing. One more thing to worry about, I couldn't be any happier.
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