Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 57 - Seven: Departure part one
Planet Rooster, Gram city, Iris
"Ugh… I'm gonna die…"
"No you won't"
"After taking all of that and walk away I every much doubt that would happen"
Thrown on a couch, one arm covering his eyes was seven, m.o.a.ning pathetically as his stomach made some really weird noises. The room we are in at the moment is one we previously visited. A dimly lit place with no windows, and a certain someone sat behind a counter, arms folded as she rested her head on a third one.
"I will say this one more time, don't you dare puke in my house"
A Warning that went in from one ear and exited from the other. Jar, the four armed red skinned female Homr managing the weapon shop had her own understandable reasons to be on guard, but just staying away from the direction Seven faced wasn't enough to put her at ease.
A few minutes earlier after Lilia massacred that foolish Herara group Seven unintentionally delivered the final blow to their boss. All the impure energy acc.u.mulated from that fur covered blockhead's weapon wasn't well received by Seven's body. One would agree it's amazing in itself that he survived getting shot from that distance not once or twice but who knows how many times, but with all the poison circulating his system in unpredictable courses and the craziness from his white state all that energy found it's way out the moment he opened his eyes to glare in his enemy's direction.
Two lines of dark red beams obliterated the enemy leader's head leaving him no time to react. His headless corpse fell to the ground with a heavy thud as his blood sprayed the road with its crimson color.
Even with how much he let out, Seven still felt a devastating headache accompanied by the fast return of the sickening feeling from the other day.
Giving it little mind he forced himself to stand. Hiss eyes refused to open after what just happened and that's probably for the best as I don't really think if be is ready to see Lilia in this state.
She made her way to his side, definitely unaware of the bloody state her appearance is in as vapor rose from the bulge stains covering her from head to toe.
Sigh… what a mess. Her hair is dripping with the fresh red juice of those unfortunate idiots who were too stupid to run for their lives. Well, not that I expected some aliens to know what faith awaited them when even Zesioniens still make the mistake of underestimating someone based on their approach. Getting her hair back to its usual radiance won't be as hard as cleaning the white dress she wore. That thing is pretty much done for, better throw it away and get a new one.
The crowd that shattered as Lilia dealt with the unfortunate idiots gathered once more to take a good look at the aftermath of the onslaught. Some admired the beautiful Zesionien warrior while the others were frightened by the indifference in her eyes toward the blood covering her body as she helped the other crazy individual who flips his aura like one flies a switch.
Soon after Jar appeared from between the onlookers and helped supporting Seven. That may have been a little mistake as no one expected the second wave discharge that has yet to come.
His mouth was forced open and a much larger beam was unleashed destroying the pavement as it disintegrated the corpses in the straight line it drew all the way toward the outer wall of the city.
Surprisingly, if you don't count the buildings the road and what was left of the enemy, no casualties resulted from Seven's… unique condition. His hair returned to its usual jet black color and with it he lost consciousness, forcing the female Homr into carrying him back to her shop where she offered them to take shelter.
'Is Lilia… alright…'
"Why wouldn't she?"
"Sigh… she is taking a shower, that's all"
His thoughts are a mess. Whenever his hair changes color I seem to lose my grip on him. If I had to put it in a term used back on his world, it's usually like he has his hands on the wheel while I sit beside him and look outside the window. But when he loses it I get ejected alongside the seat that deploys a parachute but is still tied to the car and ends up being pulled like a paper plane.
There is a lot we don't understand about him. In fact the little we know is what he told us and with his memories away on vacation it's impossible for me to learn more. The few last incident taught me that my voice, despite being directly transmitted into his mind doesn't reach him when his switch is flipped.
"So, until when do you plan on lazing around?"
"ugh…. Leave me alone…"
"Careful now, the red lady is still in the rom"
'shut…up a little... my head is about to split'
Thankfully, the shop owner didn't appear to notice his beaten words, only snorting a little and turning back to her work.
Lilia was done with the shower room after taking a little longer than what it should take to remove fresh blood from one's hair, meaning more than what anyone would take if they decided to relax in the tub.
You know how bad Seven must be feeling if he didn't take the time to look at Lilia and her beautiful t.h.i.g.hs when she changes into her pajamas as is usual after bathing. He didn't even respond clearly when she asked him how he felt, still covering his eyes.
Lilia thanked Jar for her hospitality once more as they sat for a hot drink. Considering their appearance after the encounter, they probably wouldn't have had any luck finding a hotel that would serve a blood soaked female carrying a broken machine.
As they discussed the event Lilia only told what she felt was fine to tell. Someone stole something from them and they chased them to that part of the city. She arrived a little late just to find Seven on the ground and reacted accordingly, thinking the Herara group had someone capable to take Seven on.
Lilia has her warrior license so her actions won't face any legal consequences. Self defense is a good excuse for someone with that level of authority to murder some criminals.
Gram city doesn't have a government or a legal system. Though there is a trade council each establishment has the responsibility for it's own protection, thus private protection services thrive near the city center and the further away from it the more violent things tent to get.
He gate we passed through before arriving to the surface belongs to one of those private organizations. Visitors pay a small fee to land in a guaranteed safe area, but that area doesn't stretch all the way to the slums or the outer wall, where a lot of criminal activities take place.
Obviously with the riot he caused, Seven now has to pay for the repairs of Red Ramoul restaurant he destroyed, the store he ran into when landing and a few other things that were in the way.
The compensation he got for having his belongings stolen in the supposedly safe area doesn't make up for a fraction of what he ended up paying, but with that seven digit daily earnings this human won't have a problem slapping a few thousands at them to have some quiet time.
But for now he all he could do was lay down and w.h.i.n.e like a little bitch.
"I'm sure I already explained how to rid yourself of that feeling ?"
'I know… I also want Lilia to give me a l.a.p pillow but…'
"Who said anything about that" this idiot… "go punch something, move around a little! They should have some space to test the weapons in, ask if you could use it and get yourself back together"
'…don't wonna…'
I may have used the word pathetic to describe this alien more times than he used it himself, but there are few words I can use seeing the sorry state he is in.
Thankfully I was able to push him to move before losing my voice -which shouldn't be possible since I don't have a body of my own-
He went to Lilia and asked for his gauntlets, then told the Jar he would borrow her resting ground for a few minutes.
He left them and went to the lower floor which the four armed female led him to, and began a light exercise by doing some really slow pushups.
A few minutes later the four armed shop owned regretted leaving him alone as a violent quake shook the building. They went to check on him just to find all the training dummies already beaten beyond repair as he dug into one of the walls with his fists.
Once he landed that first punch, all his vitality returned along with the white.
"Ugh… I'm gonna die…"
"No you won't"
"After taking all of that and walk away I every much doubt that would happen"
Thrown on a couch, one arm covering his eyes was seven, m.o.a.ning pathetically as his stomach made some really weird noises. The room we are in at the moment is one we previously visited. A dimly lit place with no windows, and a certain someone sat behind a counter, arms folded as she rested her head on a third one.
"I will say this one more time, don't you dare puke in my house"
A Warning that went in from one ear and exited from the other. Jar, the four armed red skinned female Homr managing the weapon shop had her own understandable reasons to be on guard, but just staying away from the direction Seven faced wasn't enough to put her at ease.
A few minutes earlier after Lilia massacred that foolish Herara group Seven unintentionally delivered the final blow to their boss. All the impure energy acc.u.mulated from that fur covered blockhead's weapon wasn't well received by Seven's body. One would agree it's amazing in itself that he survived getting shot from that distance not once or twice but who knows how many times, but with all the poison circulating his system in unpredictable courses and the craziness from his white state all that energy found it's way out the moment he opened his eyes to glare in his enemy's direction.
Two lines of dark red beams obliterated the enemy leader's head leaving him no time to react. His headless corpse fell to the ground with a heavy thud as his blood sprayed the road with its crimson color.
Even with how much he let out, Seven still felt a devastating headache accompanied by the fast return of the sickening feeling from the other day.
Giving it little mind he forced himself to stand. Hiss eyes refused to open after what just happened and that's probably for the best as I don't really think if be is ready to see Lilia in this state.
She made her way to his side, definitely unaware of the bloody state her appearance is in as vapor rose from the bulge stains covering her from head to toe.
Sigh… what a mess. Her hair is dripping with the fresh red juice of those unfortunate idiots who were too stupid to run for their lives. Well, not that I expected some aliens to know what faith awaited them when even Zesioniens still make the mistake of underestimating someone based on their approach. Getting her hair back to its usual radiance won't be as hard as cleaning the white dress she wore. That thing is pretty much done for, better throw it away and get a new one.
The crowd that shattered as Lilia dealt with the unfortunate idiots gathered once more to take a good look at the aftermath of the onslaught. Some admired the beautiful Zesionien warrior while the others were frightened by the indifference in her eyes toward the blood covering her body as she helped the other crazy individual who flips his aura like one flies a switch.
Soon after Jar appeared from between the onlookers and helped supporting Seven. That may have been a little mistake as no one expected the second wave discharge that has yet to come.
His mouth was forced open and a much larger beam was unleashed destroying the pavement as it disintegrated the corpses in the straight line it drew all the way toward the outer wall of the city.
Surprisingly, if you don't count the buildings the road and what was left of the enemy, no casualties resulted from Seven's… unique condition. His hair returned to its usual jet black color and with it he lost consciousness, forcing the female Homr into carrying him back to her shop where she offered them to take shelter.
'Is Lilia… alright…'
"Why wouldn't she?"
"Sigh… she is taking a shower, that's all"
His thoughts are a mess. Whenever his hair changes color I seem to lose my grip on him. If I had to put it in a term used back on his world, it's usually like he has his hands on the wheel while I sit beside him and look outside the window. But when he loses it I get ejected alongside the seat that deploys a parachute but is still tied to the car and ends up being pulled like a paper plane.
There is a lot we don't understand about him. In fact the little we know is what he told us and with his memories away on vacation it's impossible for me to learn more. The few last incident taught me that my voice, despite being directly transmitted into his mind doesn't reach him when his switch is flipped.
"So, until when do you plan on lazing around?"
"ugh…. Leave me alone…"
"Careful now, the red lady is still in the rom"
'shut…up a little... my head is about to split'
Thankfully, the shop owner didn't appear to notice his beaten words, only snorting a little and turning back to her work.
Lilia was done with the shower room after taking a little longer than what it should take to remove fresh blood from one's hair, meaning more than what anyone would take if they decided to relax in the tub.
You know how bad Seven must be feeling if he didn't take the time to look at Lilia and her beautiful t.h.i.g.hs when she changes into her pajamas as is usual after bathing. He didn't even respond clearly when she asked him how he felt, still covering his eyes.
Lilia thanked Jar for her hospitality once more as they sat for a hot drink. Considering their appearance after the encounter, they probably wouldn't have had any luck finding a hotel that would serve a blood soaked female carrying a broken machine.
As they discussed the event Lilia only told what she felt was fine to tell. Someone stole something from them and they chased them to that part of the city. She arrived a little late just to find Seven on the ground and reacted accordingly, thinking the Herara group had someone capable to take Seven on.
Lilia has her warrior license so her actions won't face any legal consequences. Self defense is a good excuse for someone with that level of authority to murder some criminals.
Gram city doesn't have a government or a legal system. Though there is a trade council each establishment has the responsibility for it's own protection, thus private protection services thrive near the city center and the further away from it the more violent things tent to get.
He gate we passed through before arriving to the surface belongs to one of those private organizations. Visitors pay a small fee to land in a guaranteed safe area, but that area doesn't stretch all the way to the slums or the outer wall, where a lot of criminal activities take place.
Obviously with the riot he caused, Seven now has to pay for the repairs of Red Ramoul restaurant he destroyed, the store he ran into when landing and a few other things that were in the way.
The compensation he got for having his belongings stolen in the supposedly safe area doesn't make up for a fraction of what he ended up paying, but with that seven digit daily earnings this human won't have a problem slapping a few thousands at them to have some quiet time.
But for now he all he could do was lay down and w.h.i.n.e like a little bitch.
"I'm sure I already explained how to rid yourself of that feeling ?"
'I know… I also want Lilia to give me a l.a.p pillow but…'
"Who said anything about that" this idiot… "go punch something, move around a little! They should have some space to test the weapons in, ask if you could use it and get yourself back together"
'…don't wonna…'
I may have used the word pathetic to describe this alien more times than he used it himself, but there are few words I can use seeing the sorry state he is in.
Thankfully I was able to push him to move before losing my voice -which shouldn't be possible since I don't have a body of my own-
He went to Lilia and asked for his gauntlets, then told the Jar he would borrow her resting ground for a few minutes.
He left them and went to the lower floor which the four armed female led him to, and began a light exercise by doing some really slow pushups.
A few minutes later the four armed shop owned regretted leaving him alone as a violent quake shook the building. They went to check on him just to find all the training dummies already beaten beyond repair as he dug into one of the walls with his fists.
Once he landed that first punch, all his vitality returned along with the white.
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