Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 67 - part five
Sector twenty one, Seven
"…Seven, I…"
"Lilia, silence"
Well, this isn't the way I pictured the situation would be.
"So, how is it?"
"Yeah… I fixed our course but…" Logan scratched his head as he stared at one of the monitors "we drifted quite far from the first stop... we're half way through the nineteenth sector now…"
"…sigh…" yep, we screwed up. I screwed up.
Actually I screwed up so badly that I'm embarrassed about it, it's been a while since I screwed up so badly.
"We are no longer in the Zesionien protected roads, I say we are lucky to not get targeted until now"
"fufufu... it would be quite problematic if that happened"
"so it wasn't part of your plan?"
"of course not, I myself didn't expect it to take this long~"
A little to the left near the corner was a half transparent green energy cube shedding a pale light on the grey floor underneath. Inside the light cube was an a.d.u.l.t women with dark purple hair and a pair of black horns. She was dressed in a rather revealing outfit and the way she sat, down on her knees with hands restrained behind her back, made her figure looks strangely appealing. Not to mention that for some strange reason her legs were uncovered leaving me with the struggle of avoiding to look at the pale skin of those awfully thick t.h.i.g.hs of hers, even though I was not in the right mood to enjoy the sight.
Lisa was wrapped in chains, and for obvious reasons we all agreed to put her in a cage just in case.
Now that we are awake, literally, we discovered the fact that we are way past Keion, one of our planned destinations and Lisa's supposed homeworld.
"Care to explain?"
"I don't have anything to say in particular. I saw an attractive male and didn't want to miss the chance~♡"
"You should drop the act already"
"Can I kill her now?"
"not now!"
Lilia shrunk back as she also sat on her knees hanging her head down. The reason for this punishment was obvious as well.
Going back a few minutes, in the bathroom where it all started. When Lisa was busy doing…doing what she did to me, and even though I was conscious during the whole thing, all power was drained from my body. I could let out any voice let alone move, all I could do was stare blankly as I felt my member being s.u.c.k.e.d and played with, which no matter how bad it should be, I can't say it didn't feel good . No, it actually felt really good. I hate to say it but I really enjoyed what she did, despite the context it ended up happening in.
"ya~~~wn… mnmm …" Iris appeared out off thin air, curled in a ball. she doesn't seem to be fully awake yet.
'Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?'
"yea… did I miss… anything?" she said, scratching behind her cat-like ears with eyes still closed.
'well, take a guess'
Iris looked around the room. It took her a few moments, but as her eyes slowly opened to the utmost and her face began beaming with a red color I knew she was done going through my memories of what happened after she went to bed.
"It seems you had too much fun with me not around" her lips turned into a really pissed off smile
'Before you say anything else you should probably read a little more' I'm not really in the mood for one of her lectures.
"I don't really want to see anything related to your little…" Iris froze suddenly, looking at empty air "…pffft!!" She then brock into an unstoppable laugher
"Hehehe…. She... haha… she almost… no… this is way too good… hahahahahaha"
Knowing this damned ghost girl it's easy to guess what's tickling her so much. When Lilia smashed the bath door open and came in the first thing she did was flinging her two headed sci-fi spear at Lisa, who still had my erect meat between her huge b.r.e.a.s.ts By the way. When Lisa jumped away to avoid the hit the spear almost ended up chopping off a very essential part of my male human body. It missed it by less than a centimeter, an experience so frightening that I lost consciousness immediately after.
When I woke up a few seconds later the place was in tatters. Lisa was able to dodge every attack that came her way and since her opponent was Lilia one could say she got the right skills. Aley and Logan were there but seemed to prefer watching from the sides in fear of getting dragged into slather.
"I think this might be a good time for an explanation" said Aley, tapping the ground twice with his wizard staff.
"About goddamn time" I have calmed somewhat after capturing and restraining Lisa, but for everyone around I might seem a little more pissed off about everything.
Aley stood in the center of the room and looked at each one of us, then with the usual smile he began speaking at an easygoing pace
"To put it simply, everyone on the ship, with me as an exception , was subjected to a form of magical effect"
"…what?" was my and Iris's reaction
"It took me some time to notice bu-"
"Wait wait wait wait wait!! Magic… you say? "
"yes. Unlike living organisms we synthetic beings are incapable of feeling it. While that is true, we are also perfectly immune to any effects it could normally have on others"
"No no no, you don't get it! Magic? For real? Is this a joke or something?"
"why would I joke about something like this, captain? It is a very dangerous situation, to be unaware of an elementalist boarding your ship" tapping the ground with his staff again, Aley manifested a large rectangular window.
What was displayed on it was what anyone no matter how ignorant they are about the topic would instantly recognize as a magic circle. A rather complex one at that with really small details and unrecognizable runes.
"I decided to investigate things after I noticed that Ms.Lisa cheated during the game we played before. This was what I found on the floor of her room"
A magic circle….
"As I thought…" looking at her again, she does have that vibe "you are a witch after all"
"Oh my~, please don't be mean" Lisa met my glare with her usual seductive smile "it took me a whole day to draw that, a little praise wouldn't hurt you know~♡"
"I have yet to decipher the code, until then we have no way of knowing the exact effects of the spell"
"Speak" I said, trying to sound as threatening as I could. Lisa who that word was directed at continued to smile, unaffected.
"you should burn her at a stake" Iris too didn't seem to be fond of her.
'I'm not sure that applies for space witches'
And I may have already figures out most of the effects her spell had on us. First is our perception of time, we never noticed that the duration it takes to arrive to Keion had passed. Second is sleep. Logan, Lilia and Blue were the most effected. Third is elusion, making it seem we were on the right course even after Logan checked. Paralysis, robbing me of the ability to move while she did… that.
"It may seem bad when you talk about it like that" finally, the witch in the box began speaking "but I assure you, captain, I only had the purest of intentions"
"… yep, that's what every rapist would say… "
"Yeah, it's not like you wanted to do her a few seconds before, right?"
'Still, she continued her advances even after I tried to retreat…' technically she was the one in the wrong.
"ms.Lisa, am I right to assume you weren't telling the truth about your reasons for deciding to ride on Mr.Seven's ship?" between all those currently present in the bridge, Aley was the least stressed. The calmness in which he dealt with the situation may be a reflection of his lack of emotions. Even though I tried I still can't shake off the thought that he is not a living creature.
"Hmm… I don' think there was a lie in anything that I said" the witch in the box said "I was on my way back to my homeworld, I plan to settle down and get married, that's all"
"if so, a spell that results in you missing your destination is uncalled for, right?"
"Well, there was a change of plans" she looked at me with her narrowed eyes "I ended up finding a suitable candidate earlier than expected~♡"
"Hmm, I understand now" Aley nodded his head
"Hmm, I don't understand at all" by a suitable candidate does she mean she intended on forcing me into marrying her?
"your skills must be exceptional if you have enough confidence that you would pull it off"
"If only a certain someone didn't interfere" Lisa heaved a dramatic sigh.
Probably right after discovering the magic circle Aley went and woke up Lilia telling her I was in danger.
"Breaking the effects of the spell was rather easy" even though it took more than a day to prepare all it takes is one sober person and all that work would amount to shit.
"That is because we arrived at the right time" Aley expression seemed to become more serious as he continued the explanation "if her aim was to establish a contract via a charming spell it be nearly impossible to free you from her control. Thankfully we were able to intervene before you engaged in reproductive i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e"
So basically if I f.u.c.k.e.d her I may have ended up being the one f.u.c.k.e.d?
"Exactly" looking at me from above, Iris spoke in utter disgust "keep it in your pants next time"
'Yeah, sure…'
"I did what I did to steal a march on that little princess over there~" she was talking about Lilia, who only glared in response "I hate to admit it but… there is no way for me to win in a fair fight against you~"
Well, isn't that goddamn obvious? Don't misunderstand, Lisa is indeed a beauty herself, but when put beside the ultra rare SSSSSS class goddess named Lilia anything she had to offer just pales in comparison.
"So, you planed to take the position of the first wife so you could manipulate all the resources Mr.Seven had to offer?"
"Yes~♡. A rich and strong male is something every female wishes for. But that aside, captain is so young and full of energy~" Lisa's cheeks began to blush " I'm sure he would be a beast during the night~♡"
"So it was p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e that you seek?"
"How embarrassing~, could you be a little more delicate asking such things?"
"I'm sure we are already past that point"
"Even so~"
Are they really talking about me? I can't believe this alien woman. To say she feels l.u.s.t toward me… she is most likely not right in the head.
"I traveled for quite a while now" closing her eyes she started reminiscing about something- "I saw many things and met many people, but sadly it's very rare to find a male who's interested in females from species other than his. There are also the problems of compatibility…" only to revert back a few seconds later "captain is one of the only people with male parts that could fit our body type, and thankfully humans reproduce in the same way~♡"
'… was that a compliment?'
"nah, she just told everyone that your stick is too small"
"But what a shame~… it seems things are not going to work…"
"too bad, I almost feel sorry for you"
"Don't be so mean, captain~… I know!" Her eyes started to sparkle "I may have to give up on being the first wife, but would you mind taking me as the second? I would be fine as long as we get to have enough fun~♡"
"… is something wrong with your head"
"Not at all! I'm being completely honest here~"
"ms.Lisa, since you have experience traveling around you may already be aware of this but... each planet has it's own marriage laws right?"
"of course~♡"
"Does The Zesionien empire allow for one person to have multiple partners?"
"…wait, what?"
"Hmm~? What is it, captain~? Do you not know of this?"
'What is she talking about'
Lisa looked at Lilia once more, her smile widening a little bit "didn't the princess already tell you? Her number that is?"
Her number.
One thing came to mind.
I don't know why I didn't question it before. Back on the ZSFCO, when we had that conversation with old man Blitz Lilia introduced herself as 'the twenty third daughter of the Stoneheart household".
The twenty third daughter… that doesn't count the sons. Either Zesioniens multiply like rabbits or…
"Captain~, if I told you that Zesionien females are capable of giving birth only once, twice in some very rare cases, could you guess how many that little princess's father is married to?"
'… I'm not very good with maths so…'
"…. it's not strange for one male to be together with more than one female. When it comes to Zesioniens the numbers of the females far exceed those of the males so it only makes sense" the topic doesn't seem to be to Iris's liking "those that don't find a partner early on have no choice but to offer themselves for an already married male"
"her appearance and fighting abilities say she is from an above average family, but since she managed to leave her planet I doubt she is the first daughter~"
Lilia was silent, not even lifting up her head. There is still many things I don't know about her, no, that goes both ways. I'm also putting effort into hiding things, so I can't say anything if she thought it's best for me not to know about her past.
"it is very important for our females to chose their partners, because not only there would be no second chance, but after giving birth we lose our ability to feel p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e…"
"It is something most Zesioniens don't know of. Because it's only natural to mate and give birth, we usually never felt it was much to lose. But that restriction is lifted if we mate with males from other species"
"… huh…" as soon as Lisa said those words Lilia finally showed a reaction "what do you mean…?" She said, her voice trembling while staring with eyes wide open.
"Hmm… little princess, are you sure you know enough about the outside to be traveling around like this?"
"Just… answer me…"
The smile disappeared from Lisa's face, and for the first time since we met the witch showed a different kind of expression
"even if we understand each other, even if we can get along, all intelligent species are completely different from each other on the biological level" she let out a sigh, took in a deep breath then looked Lilia in the eyes "no matter how many times you try, mating with someone from a specie different from yours would lead to no result. The chances are less than one in a million, and even if by some miracle you succeed, it won't be able to stay alive for too long"
"…is that true…?" I turned to Aley with that question, but the one who answered was Logan who stayed silent up to this point
" I'm sorry, captain " scratching his cheek he spoke while looking down at the floor "I meant to tell you but… I could find a good way to put it"
"Of course you won't… there is nothing good about it"
"Like Lisa said, it's very rare for males and females from different species to be attracted to each other... "
"Marriage laws are different from planet to planet" Aley came forward, speaking with no emotion in his voice "most closed planets would be against relationsh.i.p.s such as yours, I doubt Zesion would be any different"
"You mean…"
"You can't get officially married" Lisa continued "no one would bother you on open planets, but you would most likely face discrimination on your homeworld. Tastes such as ours are perverted, it's only normal for us to face such fate"
Maybe I'm not so good at thinking things through after all. Never looked forward , never thought far ahead. My relationship with Lilia was nothing more than a verbal contract, rather than a married couple we are just two teenagers going out with each other. I never met her parents nor did we get their blessings, and meeting mine is next to impossible. And even if we somehow managed to do all of that it looks like we would still have no chance of getting recognized as a real… family…
"it is very sad for things to be like this, but it's not all that bad" if she is trying to sooth us with her words then she should know she isn't very good at it. Lisa's lips slowly curved into a gentle smile "if the feelings you have for each other are strong, then you won't be afraid of them weakening over time" her expression returned to normal -her normal- and her cheeks began turning red "you don't have to be afraid of giving birth so you get to do it all you want~♡" like I thought "so captain~, you don't have to hold back~♡" this woman is-"you can do me all you want~♡"
'… she is a hoe'
"… yes she is…"
I thought s.e.x addict were a myth, and here I'm meeting an alien perverted in more than one way.
"Captain~ you find Zesioniens attractive right? We do look like humans after all~. I don't mind becoming your slave, as long as I get to be with you I don't mind doing anything~♡"
Logan facepalmed himself so hard and Aley shook his head with a wry smile. Lissa looked intoxicated, she breathed heavily as she looked at me with hearts in her eyes -not really-
"…what happened to getting married and settling down?"
"Why would I go for something so boring when I can have a thrilling life m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e with a human male~♡?"
"… I never said I would take you"
"But you are considering it right? Right?" Lisa started panting at some point. It took all her efforts to keep herself from drooling. her b.r.e.a.s.ts gently bounced along her ragged breaths and her legs rubbed each other as if something else was about to leak out.
She is horny as hell. Right now Lisa looks like a lonely widow who held it in for way too long and wasn't able to resist getting gangbanged.
"Logan…" I would have liked to do her… I want to do her "continue directly to Imar"
"… alright"
"Listen, Lisa" we had our talk and I heard what she had to say "if there was a chance for you to get what you wanted, you blew it away when you forced yourself on me back then" no pun intended.
"I'm going to spare your life this time" I stood up from my seat, turning my back to her "I don' want to ever see your face again, you got that?"
"… but captain~…"
"the talk ends here. Logan, if you don't mind, could you lock her in a cell when you are done?"
With a bitter taste in my mouth, I left everyone behind and went to my room.
"…What a bad day"
Indeed. What a bad day.
"…Seven, I…"
"Lilia, silence"
Well, this isn't the way I pictured the situation would be.
"So, how is it?"
"Yeah… I fixed our course but…" Logan scratched his head as he stared at one of the monitors "we drifted quite far from the first stop... we're half way through the nineteenth sector now…"
"…sigh…" yep, we screwed up. I screwed up.
Actually I screwed up so badly that I'm embarrassed about it, it's been a while since I screwed up so badly.
"We are no longer in the Zesionien protected roads, I say we are lucky to not get targeted until now"
"fufufu... it would be quite problematic if that happened"
"so it wasn't part of your plan?"
"of course not, I myself didn't expect it to take this long~"
A little to the left near the corner was a half transparent green energy cube shedding a pale light on the grey floor underneath. Inside the light cube was an a.d.u.l.t women with dark purple hair and a pair of black horns. She was dressed in a rather revealing outfit and the way she sat, down on her knees with hands restrained behind her back, made her figure looks strangely appealing. Not to mention that for some strange reason her legs were uncovered leaving me with the struggle of avoiding to look at the pale skin of those awfully thick t.h.i.g.hs of hers, even though I was not in the right mood to enjoy the sight.
Lisa was wrapped in chains, and for obvious reasons we all agreed to put her in a cage just in case.
Now that we are awake, literally, we discovered the fact that we are way past Keion, one of our planned destinations and Lisa's supposed homeworld.
"Care to explain?"
"I don't have anything to say in particular. I saw an attractive male and didn't want to miss the chance~♡"
"You should drop the act already"
"Can I kill her now?"
"not now!"
Lilia shrunk back as she also sat on her knees hanging her head down. The reason for this punishment was obvious as well.
Going back a few minutes, in the bathroom where it all started. When Lisa was busy doing…doing what she did to me, and even though I was conscious during the whole thing, all power was drained from my body. I could let out any voice let alone move, all I could do was stare blankly as I felt my member being s.u.c.k.e.d and played with, which no matter how bad it should be, I can't say it didn't feel good . No, it actually felt really good. I hate to say it but I really enjoyed what she did, despite the context it ended up happening in.
"ya~~~wn… mnmm …" Iris appeared out off thin air, curled in a ball. she doesn't seem to be fully awake yet.
'Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?'
"yea… did I miss… anything?" she said, scratching behind her cat-like ears with eyes still closed.
'well, take a guess'
Iris looked around the room. It took her a few moments, but as her eyes slowly opened to the utmost and her face began beaming with a red color I knew she was done going through my memories of what happened after she went to bed.
"It seems you had too much fun with me not around" her lips turned into a really pissed off smile
'Before you say anything else you should probably read a little more' I'm not really in the mood for one of her lectures.
"I don't really want to see anything related to your little…" Iris froze suddenly, looking at empty air "…pffft!!" She then brock into an unstoppable laugher
"Hehehe…. She... haha… she almost… no… this is way too good… hahahahahaha"
Knowing this damned ghost girl it's easy to guess what's tickling her so much. When Lilia smashed the bath door open and came in the first thing she did was flinging her two headed sci-fi spear at Lisa, who still had my erect meat between her huge b.r.e.a.s.ts By the way. When Lisa jumped away to avoid the hit the spear almost ended up chopping off a very essential part of my male human body. It missed it by less than a centimeter, an experience so frightening that I lost consciousness immediately after.
When I woke up a few seconds later the place was in tatters. Lisa was able to dodge every attack that came her way and since her opponent was Lilia one could say she got the right skills. Aley and Logan were there but seemed to prefer watching from the sides in fear of getting dragged into slather.
"I think this might be a good time for an explanation" said Aley, tapping the ground twice with his wizard staff.
"About goddamn time" I have calmed somewhat after capturing and restraining Lisa, but for everyone around I might seem a little more pissed off about everything.
Aley stood in the center of the room and looked at each one of us, then with the usual smile he began speaking at an easygoing pace
"To put it simply, everyone on the ship, with me as an exception , was subjected to a form of magical effect"
"…what?" was my and Iris's reaction
"It took me some time to notice bu-"
"Wait wait wait wait wait!! Magic… you say? "
"yes. Unlike living organisms we synthetic beings are incapable of feeling it. While that is true, we are also perfectly immune to any effects it could normally have on others"
"No no no, you don't get it! Magic? For real? Is this a joke or something?"
"why would I joke about something like this, captain? It is a very dangerous situation, to be unaware of an elementalist boarding your ship" tapping the ground with his staff again, Aley manifested a large rectangular window.
What was displayed on it was what anyone no matter how ignorant they are about the topic would instantly recognize as a magic circle. A rather complex one at that with really small details and unrecognizable runes.
"I decided to investigate things after I noticed that Ms.Lisa cheated during the game we played before. This was what I found on the floor of her room"
A magic circle….
"As I thought…" looking at her again, she does have that vibe "you are a witch after all"
"Oh my~, please don't be mean" Lisa met my glare with her usual seductive smile "it took me a whole day to draw that, a little praise wouldn't hurt you know~♡"
"I have yet to decipher the code, until then we have no way of knowing the exact effects of the spell"
"Speak" I said, trying to sound as threatening as I could. Lisa who that word was directed at continued to smile, unaffected.
"you should burn her at a stake" Iris too didn't seem to be fond of her.
'I'm not sure that applies for space witches'
And I may have already figures out most of the effects her spell had on us. First is our perception of time, we never noticed that the duration it takes to arrive to Keion had passed. Second is sleep. Logan, Lilia and Blue were the most effected. Third is elusion, making it seem we were on the right course even after Logan checked. Paralysis, robbing me of the ability to move while she did… that.
"It may seem bad when you talk about it like that" finally, the witch in the box began speaking "but I assure you, captain, I only had the purest of intentions"
"… yep, that's what every rapist would say… "
"Yeah, it's not like you wanted to do her a few seconds before, right?"
'Still, she continued her advances even after I tried to retreat…' technically she was the one in the wrong.
"ms.Lisa, am I right to assume you weren't telling the truth about your reasons for deciding to ride on Mr.Seven's ship?" between all those currently present in the bridge, Aley was the least stressed. The calmness in which he dealt with the situation may be a reflection of his lack of emotions. Even though I tried I still can't shake off the thought that he is not a living creature.
"Hmm… I don' think there was a lie in anything that I said" the witch in the box said "I was on my way back to my homeworld, I plan to settle down and get married, that's all"
"if so, a spell that results in you missing your destination is uncalled for, right?"
"Well, there was a change of plans" she looked at me with her narrowed eyes "I ended up finding a suitable candidate earlier than expected~♡"
"Hmm, I understand now" Aley nodded his head
"Hmm, I don't understand at all" by a suitable candidate does she mean she intended on forcing me into marrying her?
"your skills must be exceptional if you have enough confidence that you would pull it off"
"If only a certain someone didn't interfere" Lisa heaved a dramatic sigh.
Probably right after discovering the magic circle Aley went and woke up Lilia telling her I was in danger.
"Breaking the effects of the spell was rather easy" even though it took more than a day to prepare all it takes is one sober person and all that work would amount to shit.
"That is because we arrived at the right time" Aley expression seemed to become more serious as he continued the explanation "if her aim was to establish a contract via a charming spell it be nearly impossible to free you from her control. Thankfully we were able to intervene before you engaged in reproductive i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e"
So basically if I f.u.c.k.e.d her I may have ended up being the one f.u.c.k.e.d?
"Exactly" looking at me from above, Iris spoke in utter disgust "keep it in your pants next time"
'Yeah, sure…'
"I did what I did to steal a march on that little princess over there~" she was talking about Lilia, who only glared in response "I hate to admit it but… there is no way for me to win in a fair fight against you~"
Well, isn't that goddamn obvious? Don't misunderstand, Lisa is indeed a beauty herself, but when put beside the ultra rare SSSSSS class goddess named Lilia anything she had to offer just pales in comparison.
"So, you planed to take the position of the first wife so you could manipulate all the resources Mr.Seven had to offer?"
"Yes~♡. A rich and strong male is something every female wishes for. But that aside, captain is so young and full of energy~" Lisa's cheeks began to blush " I'm sure he would be a beast during the night~♡"
"So it was p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e that you seek?"
"How embarrassing~, could you be a little more delicate asking such things?"
"I'm sure we are already past that point"
"Even so~"
Are they really talking about me? I can't believe this alien woman. To say she feels l.u.s.t toward me… she is most likely not right in the head.
"I traveled for quite a while now" closing her eyes she started reminiscing about something- "I saw many things and met many people, but sadly it's very rare to find a male who's interested in females from species other than his. There are also the problems of compatibility…" only to revert back a few seconds later "captain is one of the only people with male parts that could fit our body type, and thankfully humans reproduce in the same way~♡"
'… was that a compliment?'
"nah, she just told everyone that your stick is too small"
"But what a shame~… it seems things are not going to work…"
"too bad, I almost feel sorry for you"
"Don't be so mean, captain~… I know!" Her eyes started to sparkle "I may have to give up on being the first wife, but would you mind taking me as the second? I would be fine as long as we get to have enough fun~♡"
"… is something wrong with your head"
"Not at all! I'm being completely honest here~"
"ms.Lisa, since you have experience traveling around you may already be aware of this but... each planet has it's own marriage laws right?"
"of course~♡"
"Does The Zesionien empire allow for one person to have multiple partners?"
"…wait, what?"
"Hmm~? What is it, captain~? Do you not know of this?"
'What is she talking about'
Lisa looked at Lilia once more, her smile widening a little bit "didn't the princess already tell you? Her number that is?"
Her number.
One thing came to mind.
I don't know why I didn't question it before. Back on the ZSFCO, when we had that conversation with old man Blitz Lilia introduced herself as 'the twenty third daughter of the Stoneheart household".
The twenty third daughter… that doesn't count the sons. Either Zesioniens multiply like rabbits or…
"Captain~, if I told you that Zesionien females are capable of giving birth only once, twice in some very rare cases, could you guess how many that little princess's father is married to?"
'… I'm not very good with maths so…'
"…. it's not strange for one male to be together with more than one female. When it comes to Zesioniens the numbers of the females far exceed those of the males so it only makes sense" the topic doesn't seem to be to Iris's liking "those that don't find a partner early on have no choice but to offer themselves for an already married male"
"her appearance and fighting abilities say she is from an above average family, but since she managed to leave her planet I doubt she is the first daughter~"
Lilia was silent, not even lifting up her head. There is still many things I don't know about her, no, that goes both ways. I'm also putting effort into hiding things, so I can't say anything if she thought it's best for me not to know about her past.
"it is very important for our females to chose their partners, because not only there would be no second chance, but after giving birth we lose our ability to feel p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e…"
"It is something most Zesioniens don't know of. Because it's only natural to mate and give birth, we usually never felt it was much to lose. But that restriction is lifted if we mate with males from other species"
"… huh…" as soon as Lisa said those words Lilia finally showed a reaction "what do you mean…?" She said, her voice trembling while staring with eyes wide open.
"Hmm… little princess, are you sure you know enough about the outside to be traveling around like this?"
"Just… answer me…"
The smile disappeared from Lisa's face, and for the first time since we met the witch showed a different kind of expression
"even if we understand each other, even if we can get along, all intelligent species are completely different from each other on the biological level" she let out a sigh, took in a deep breath then looked Lilia in the eyes "no matter how many times you try, mating with someone from a specie different from yours would lead to no result. The chances are less than one in a million, and even if by some miracle you succeed, it won't be able to stay alive for too long"
"…is that true…?" I turned to Aley with that question, but the one who answered was Logan who stayed silent up to this point
" I'm sorry, captain " scratching his cheek he spoke while looking down at the floor "I meant to tell you but… I could find a good way to put it"
"Of course you won't… there is nothing good about it"
"Like Lisa said, it's very rare for males and females from different species to be attracted to each other... "
"Marriage laws are different from planet to planet" Aley came forward, speaking with no emotion in his voice "most closed planets would be against relationsh.i.p.s such as yours, I doubt Zesion would be any different"
"You mean…"
"You can't get officially married" Lisa continued "no one would bother you on open planets, but you would most likely face discrimination on your homeworld. Tastes such as ours are perverted, it's only normal for us to face such fate"
Maybe I'm not so good at thinking things through after all. Never looked forward , never thought far ahead. My relationship with Lilia was nothing more than a verbal contract, rather than a married couple we are just two teenagers going out with each other. I never met her parents nor did we get their blessings, and meeting mine is next to impossible. And even if we somehow managed to do all of that it looks like we would still have no chance of getting recognized as a real… family…
"it is very sad for things to be like this, but it's not all that bad" if she is trying to sooth us with her words then she should know she isn't very good at it. Lisa's lips slowly curved into a gentle smile "if the feelings you have for each other are strong, then you won't be afraid of them weakening over time" her expression returned to normal -her normal- and her cheeks began turning red "you don't have to be afraid of giving birth so you get to do it all you want~♡" like I thought "so captain~, you don't have to hold back~♡" this woman is-"you can do me all you want~♡"
'… she is a hoe'
"… yes she is…"
I thought s.e.x addict were a myth, and here I'm meeting an alien perverted in more than one way.
"Captain~ you find Zesioniens attractive right? We do look like humans after all~. I don't mind becoming your slave, as long as I get to be with you I don't mind doing anything~♡"
Logan facepalmed himself so hard and Aley shook his head with a wry smile. Lissa looked intoxicated, she breathed heavily as she looked at me with hearts in her eyes -not really-
"…what happened to getting married and settling down?"
"Why would I go for something so boring when I can have a thrilling life m.a.k.i.n.g. .l.o.v.e with a human male~♡?"
"… I never said I would take you"
"But you are considering it right? Right?" Lisa started panting at some point. It took all her efforts to keep herself from drooling. her b.r.e.a.s.ts gently bounced along her ragged breaths and her legs rubbed each other as if something else was about to leak out.
She is horny as hell. Right now Lisa looks like a lonely widow who held it in for way too long and wasn't able to resist getting gangbanged.
"Logan…" I would have liked to do her… I want to do her "continue directly to Imar"
"… alright"
"Listen, Lisa" we had our talk and I heard what she had to say "if there was a chance for you to get what you wanted, you blew it away when you forced yourself on me back then" no pun intended.
"I'm going to spare your life this time" I stood up from my seat, turning my back to her "I don' want to ever see your face again, you got that?"
"… but captain~…"
"the talk ends here. Logan, if you don't mind, could you lock her in a cell when you are done?"
With a bitter taste in my mouth, I left everyone behind and went to my room.
"…What a bad day"
Indeed. What a bad day.
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