Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 73 - part two
Sector nineteen, Logan
I was about to pitch in the plan I had thought, however I was a fool not to expect the fearsome clan head already had a counter for it. We were not allowed to watch, after a quick word with captain -asking Lilia not to make a scene- we would be escorted back to the previous room underneath this place.
"Stay calm" captain whispered "I can do something about that guy… probably"
"Probably?..." I had my doubts. Humans didn't seem to have senses all that powerful, it's not a surprise he didn't feel the horror the clan head possessed. But again captain has some card of his own, he might actually get walk away from this as the winner.
"you done yet?"
"yeah yeah, I'm ready, what about weapons?"
"Weapons? You have a perfectly fine pairs of arms and legs don't you?"
I got to watch captain train once in the past few days. If I'm not wrong he prefers to use his fists considering he never practiced using anything other than his gauntlets.
Even if the clan head is also going to fight unarmed, the size gap and difference in natural instincts leaves captain at a huge disadvantage in a fist brawl.
I couldn't voice my concerns. At the point of several guns we were escorted away.
I was worried about captain, that's true, but for the time being I should use this chance to get something else done.
As long as he could hold for a while, I might find another way to offer some support, but for now, I had a favor to ask from miss Lilia, and keeping us away from the arena actually works for us now that I think about it.
In a few seconds we were back in the room from before.
"Hey, turn on the monitor" said one of the guards, his voice had a hint of excitement in it.
"Forget it, we have a job to do" said the second one
"But I want to see it~" said the third one
"right? We hardly ever get the chance to see boss fighting" the first guard walked to the wall, tapping it once to summon the control menu "don't you want to see it? The massacre that's about to occur?"
"Nah, better stay alert" the second one looked over at miss Lilia "Tess yawned for a second and lost his life, you don't want her kicking you in the back"
"And there isn't much to anyways" a new voice joined the guards conversation, ending it at that point "the head will dispose of that filthy human in no time, in the end, he is not the one we should be worried about"
The voice was one we heard not too long ago, it's the same guy who was standing beside the head, telling the crowd to settle down.
Coney Clayhead, the head's closest advisor.
He looks stupid, acts stupid, and is shorter than me. But one thing for sure, the guy got brains. It's said he is the real reason the clan was able to survive in outer space, and that they ow him the credit for the place they gained in the intergalactic underworld.
For most people that's the usual info you can find about this guy, but between the clan members -and those closely associated with them, like me- he is known as just another sick pervert.
He was eyeing miss Lilia ever since he talked the guards down. Miss Lilia, however, didn't appear to be bothered by the disgusting look directed at her.
'Ah! I guess she has already…'
He might be a sick pervert, but he still got some brains. Coney saw through miss Lilia, he knew she was preparing to bring the same fate as the guy from before down on them and made preparations of his own.
With a light swing he threw something at her feet, a pair of the same type of cuffs restraining our arms. The moment they collided with the floor they opened up and jumped at her legs. Miss Lilia didn't flinch at all as the two pieces wrapped themselves around her ankles. With a click they lit up with a faint green color indicating the invisible force field connecting them was now active.
"You fools are way too carefree, your comrade was just squashed and yet you failed to realize it could happen to you" shaking his head slowly, Coney walked over sighing at the carelessness of the guards.
The six guards who escorted us to this place at first were now reduced to five. The first thing they should have done was make sure they won't suffer the same end, but that must have slipped their minds when the clan head descended to the stage.
Coney stooped before miss Lilia. He glanced over at me then started ogling the beautiful female Zesionien in front of him, his yellowish fangs peering out in a disgusting grin
"I have never tasted a Zesionien female before, I wonder how you will taste?"
Miss Lilia didn't offer a reply.
What did he mean by that just now? It's both.
"You are quite the violent one as it seems, training you would surely take some time"
Coney Clayhead is a pervert. He does have strategic skills and is good at what he does, but what he is known for the most between the clan members is his l.u.s.t for females from other species.
Those with the same interests weren't exactly rare, captain is practically the same, but it would be a huge disservice to compare him to this piece of trash.
Coney was a sadistic bastard who played with female captives, forcing himself on them wasn't the only thing he did, he enjoyed making them suffer in indescribable ways torturing them until they die then when that happens he would sometimes devour their flesh.
"Advisor Clayhead, forgive my insolence, but I'm sure the head would prefer if-"
"What do YOU know?" Coney's sickening hobbies weren't exactly accepted among the rest of the clan as it seems. One of the guards tried to step in between him and Lilia, but since this guy is practically the second-in-command after the clan head he has more than enough authority to shutdown a single guard "you think you know what HE thinks? Know your place!"
Talk about authority abuse. He probably had his eyes on miss Lilia long before we even arrived to this place, he wont simply leave her alone.
Breaking the brief moment of silence was none other than miss Lilia
"You think those things would stop me from killing you?"
Before we know it miss Lilia had her arms up, joining her hands together. A menacing shadow loomed in her eyes
"Wai-" she left the short creep in front of her no time to fall back or plead for his life. Her arms swung down hitting him on the head, and with a splashing sound the whole room was painted on blood.
Speechless, everyone standing there whipped the red substance from their eyes then looked down at Coney, or what was once Coney.
Miss Lilia squashed him like a rotten fruit. he turned into an unrecognizable piece of flesh, the only things still intact were his limbs that looked like they popped off from the pressure of the hit. His skin wasn't able to contain what was inside.
As we stared blankly at what was once a living being miss Lilia stood up, her expression said she felt disgusted by the blood covering her from head to toe.
The guards started coming back to their senses, four of them were quick to point their guns but the fifth threw his weapon and held his hands up while retreating slowly
"forget it forget it, I'm done with this shit"
His statement shocked the rest of his group. His voice sounded somewhat indifferent like the event just now didn't faze him at all
"What the…!"
"Ginger you butthole!!"
"C'mon guys, you really think we stand a chance against her?"
The four looked at Lilia as she effortlessly broke out from her restraints
"I don't really wonna die so, I surrender"
"Haha, you don't wonna die you say? You think the head will spare you-"
"The head won't win the fight" the fifth guard, named Ginger, said something shocking without much feelings in his words. If anything the guy seemed really tired, the way he leaned his back on the wall then slid down said he didn't really care anymore "you guys felt it too right? That human absorbed the head's attack like it was the most normal thing in the world, how do you even bend thunder in the first place?"
"It was only for a second, when he broke his cuffs the aura around him changed, his hair turned white too, don't tell me you didn't see it"
It appear it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me. The other four probably felt it too. Captain, just for a moment, released the same kind of pressure as the clan head.
That thunder strike didn't have any effect on him either. I heard captain is capable of absorbing the energy blasts that hit him then use them to boost his strength, if he could do the same with the head's attacks he would gain a huge advantage.
"Anyways, the advisor was killed right in front of us, we are basically already dead. Better go see your kids while you have the time"
The four looked at each other, then at the blood covered miss Lilia, and without a word spoken they dropped their weapons and walked away.
Miss Lilia silently watched them leave then turned to the last one sitting on the floor
"You seem to be the smartest in your little group"
"Well, can't deny that" he shrugged his shoulders, smiling weakly "so, what are you going to do next? If you want to go support your leader, I'm not stopping you?"
"No" she went down and picked one of the guns at her feet "I was told to kill everyone on the ship if the negotiations broke, so…"
"Hmm… well, not much of a difference…"
His reaction was rather cold, it made it like he didn't care at all when he told the others to go see their kids.
"you know you are first on the list, right?" she said, pointing the gun at his face, but the guy stayed calm and collected.
"Like I said, sooner or later I'm going to die anyway" he looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh "I kinda get the idea behind the order given to you, but there are families living on this ship"
"the kids got nothing to do with this, at least wait until your boss is done, maybe he would have a change of heart"
I don't really get this guy. He doesn't seem to care about his life, he didn't seem to care about the others too, so why is he trying to delay the massacre?
Not that I'm eager to see thousands of my kind losing their life, and captain is really fond of our younglings too so maybe he would decide against it later on. But giving them time may come back to bite us later on, we are awfully outnumbered too. we have to keep ourselves from harm until we hear captain's opinion on the matter, that is what I prefer, but what about miss Lilia?
Miss Lilia made up her mind in just a few seconds. The guard named Ginger released a long sigh as the blood covered female Zesionien turned her back to him and started walking away. He sounded awfully relieved for someone who didn't seem to care about his life up to this point.
"so, what are we going to do now?"
We left the waiting room through the entrance we came from the first time. According to miss Lilia going back using the elevator could cause us getting caught up in the brawl so she plans on finding another way to reach the arena.
It's only been a few days since I've known miss Lilia. From the few times we interacted and seeing how close she got with Blue I formed this image about her being a sweet young female, that image is now being shattered by the blood dripping from her dress and the gun she held in her hands. As we walked down the hallway I gathered the courage to ask what our next step would be
"we have to wait for Seven to get done so I'm going to go watch the duel and wait"
That seemed like the logical way to go through with this, but I can't see all those hyped Herara males reacting calmly to her just appearing and taking a seat.
I smiled wryly at the thought, then noticed that the miss who was walking in front of me came to a sudden stop
"Is something wrong?" I asked her
"hmm… maybe I should go get changed…" she was looking at her dress, white but now had the front sprayed red.
I didn't know what to say, shouldn't we worry more about supporting captain right now?
"I want to retrieve my spear too…" she stopped for a moment to think then asked me an obvious question while having a different plan in mind "do you know your way around this place?"
Her eyes no longer had that dark shadow from before in them, they regained their usual light but after what happened-and all the blood- I can't bring myself to see her the same as before
"may I ask what exactly are you going to do next, miss?"
"Hmm, I want to quickly change my dress. To tell the truth that fool's blood smells ten times worse than anything I have slain before"
If she is going back to the ship I could ask her to take care of 'that' matter, but with the situation right now shouldn't we…
"Shouldn't we, um…uh… shouldn't we worry about supporting captain first?"
"Huh? Why?"
"Huh?" am I missing something here? or did I just hear her wrong? "you ask why but… won't he be in trouble if we don't offer him some help? His opponent is the Verta clan's head, the one who received Verta's blessing you know"
"I-I know captain has some tricks on his hands but… do you really believe he could beat the head by himself?" I want to have faith in him too but… as his partner, shouldn't she show more concern?
"I don't know anything about their leader or what kind of power he received…" she continued to walk forward as she spoke in a calm voice, not a hint of bother was in it. I wanted to know were her trust in captain comes from and soon enough I got my answer "you see, we faced the real Verta less than two months ago. Well, more like Seven fought it alone , I wasn't of much help back then either"
"Hm hm" I nodded twice, encouraged her to continue
"sure, it was nowhere near it's full power, but it was a few times stronger than Seven's current opponent, I believe he would be able to find a way"
Wait wait wait wait….
Hold on a second
"Did… did you just say the real Verta?"
"you mean that Verta? One of the twelve mythical beasts known for bringing calamity to any planet they pass through?"
I have to admit, I didn't see that one coming
"Wait! You said not two months ago… you mean when you where trapped in Gorgola?"
"That's right"
"and captain survived an encounter with a creature that is worshipped as a god and has enough power to destroy planets one after the other?"
"Well, I did say it wasn't at its best"
No no no, that is irrelevant. The important part is that miss Lilia and captain actually encountered the legendary beast and managed to get away in one piece.
In the first place, isn't she a bit too calm about this? Seeing that she murdered Coney in cold blood then talked about how his blood stinks I think she might have some screws loose, but it takes some serious mental power to survive a living disaster and speak about it like it never happened
"Something like this… it would have brought you more fame than obtaining a whole planet, so why is it only now that I hear about it"
"Ah!" looking at me from over her shoulder , she spoke with one hand covering her mouth "Seven told me not to tell anyone, could you forget everything I said"
"That would be… hard to do" impossible to be exact. I hope she doesn't start thinking of a way to silence me, I don't think I could tell when she is about to do it.
"So… did captain receive his power from that encounter?" I wondered if captain was also forty enough to receive Verta's blessing just like the clan head, but is a human even qualified? I thought only Herara had the rare chance to.
"hmm… no, we discovered Seven's powers a while before we stumbled into that monster's cave, I don't think it has anything to do with it"
"Is that so…"
"Seven said it's most likely because of the experiments done on his body, although we still don't understand why he is able to absorb energy…"
Once again she came to a sudden stop
"What's wrong?" I asked
Her silence started to bother me so I came to take a look at her face. Her expression was a mix of concern and fear
"I… what if Seven ran out of energy during the fight?"
"I know he could just absorb the clan head's attacks, but what if he stopped using them?"
O~h, that could be a problem…
"Seven doesn't have his gauntlets right now, I… I don't think he can't hold his ground against their leader, but if it continues for too long…"
"Calm down, first we need to decide what to do next"
"I planed to use this if the odds started going against him" she held the gun in her hands up "but would just one be enough?"
Um… miss Lilia… did you just indirectly say you plan on shooting your partner?
"We need more fire power, is that what you mean?"
"If it's a much bigger gun, I know where to get one. Coincidentally I think it's the same place our weapons were taken to"
We arrived at an intersection with three different paths. One leads directly to where we left our ship, as for the other two
"we came from this way so…" the female Zesionien leading the way said, looking at corridors on her right and left.
"Thankfully…" I took out a small device I picked from the corps we left in the room behind us "this belonged to that guy you squashed just now, I think it has a map of the ship's layout"
It was a small wrist band with a computer built into it, similar to the books Zesioniens use.
"good" miss Lilia looked at the hologram and grimaced a little. I wouldn't blame her, everything was written in the native Herara language "so? Were to go next"
Maybe the concern she had for captain made her delay changing her clothes for a little bit, which somewhat of a problem since there is something I wanted her to do while she is at it.
"Miss Lilia… the armory is this way"
"Okay" she started walking the moment I pointed out the direction.
"Ah! Wait, there is something I wanted to talk to you about…"
"What is it? We are in a hurry so make it quick"
You didn't seem in a hurry a few minutes ago. If only I could tell her that, but now is not the time to start arguing with a female capable of squashing living beings into a fifth of their size, besides, this was one of our top priorities as well
"I will go get the weapons and then give captain the support he needs. The thing I need you to do is…"
I was about to pitch in the plan I had thought, however I was a fool not to expect the fearsome clan head already had a counter for it. We were not allowed to watch, after a quick word with captain -asking Lilia not to make a scene- we would be escorted back to the previous room underneath this place.
"Stay calm" captain whispered "I can do something about that guy… probably"
"Probably?..." I had my doubts. Humans didn't seem to have senses all that powerful, it's not a surprise he didn't feel the horror the clan head possessed. But again captain has some card of his own, he might actually get walk away from this as the winner.
"you done yet?"
"yeah yeah, I'm ready, what about weapons?"
"Weapons? You have a perfectly fine pairs of arms and legs don't you?"
I got to watch captain train once in the past few days. If I'm not wrong he prefers to use his fists considering he never practiced using anything other than his gauntlets.
Even if the clan head is also going to fight unarmed, the size gap and difference in natural instincts leaves captain at a huge disadvantage in a fist brawl.
I couldn't voice my concerns. At the point of several guns we were escorted away.
I was worried about captain, that's true, but for the time being I should use this chance to get something else done.
As long as he could hold for a while, I might find another way to offer some support, but for now, I had a favor to ask from miss Lilia, and keeping us away from the arena actually works for us now that I think about it.
In a few seconds we were back in the room from before.
"Hey, turn on the monitor" said one of the guards, his voice had a hint of excitement in it.
"Forget it, we have a job to do" said the second one
"But I want to see it~" said the third one
"right? We hardly ever get the chance to see boss fighting" the first guard walked to the wall, tapping it once to summon the control menu "don't you want to see it? The massacre that's about to occur?"
"Nah, better stay alert" the second one looked over at miss Lilia "Tess yawned for a second and lost his life, you don't want her kicking you in the back"
"And there isn't much to anyways" a new voice joined the guards conversation, ending it at that point "the head will dispose of that filthy human in no time, in the end, he is not the one we should be worried about"
The voice was one we heard not too long ago, it's the same guy who was standing beside the head, telling the crowd to settle down.
Coney Clayhead, the head's closest advisor.
He looks stupid, acts stupid, and is shorter than me. But one thing for sure, the guy got brains. It's said he is the real reason the clan was able to survive in outer space, and that they ow him the credit for the place they gained in the intergalactic underworld.
For most people that's the usual info you can find about this guy, but between the clan members -and those closely associated with them, like me- he is known as just another sick pervert.
He was eyeing miss Lilia ever since he talked the guards down. Miss Lilia, however, didn't appear to be bothered by the disgusting look directed at her.
'Ah! I guess she has already…'
He might be a sick pervert, but he still got some brains. Coney saw through miss Lilia, he knew she was preparing to bring the same fate as the guy from before down on them and made preparations of his own.
With a light swing he threw something at her feet, a pair of the same type of cuffs restraining our arms. The moment they collided with the floor they opened up and jumped at her legs. Miss Lilia didn't flinch at all as the two pieces wrapped themselves around her ankles. With a click they lit up with a faint green color indicating the invisible force field connecting them was now active.
"You fools are way too carefree, your comrade was just squashed and yet you failed to realize it could happen to you" shaking his head slowly, Coney walked over sighing at the carelessness of the guards.
The six guards who escorted us to this place at first were now reduced to five. The first thing they should have done was make sure they won't suffer the same end, but that must have slipped their minds when the clan head descended to the stage.
Coney stooped before miss Lilia. He glanced over at me then started ogling the beautiful female Zesionien in front of him, his yellowish fangs peering out in a disgusting grin
"I have never tasted a Zesionien female before, I wonder how you will taste?"
Miss Lilia didn't offer a reply.
What did he mean by that just now? It's both.
"You are quite the violent one as it seems, training you would surely take some time"
Coney Clayhead is a pervert. He does have strategic skills and is good at what he does, but what he is known for the most between the clan members is his l.u.s.t for females from other species.
Those with the same interests weren't exactly rare, captain is practically the same, but it would be a huge disservice to compare him to this piece of trash.
Coney was a sadistic bastard who played with female captives, forcing himself on them wasn't the only thing he did, he enjoyed making them suffer in indescribable ways torturing them until they die then when that happens he would sometimes devour their flesh.
"Advisor Clayhead, forgive my insolence, but I'm sure the head would prefer if-"
"What do YOU know?" Coney's sickening hobbies weren't exactly accepted among the rest of the clan as it seems. One of the guards tried to step in between him and Lilia, but since this guy is practically the second-in-command after the clan head he has more than enough authority to shutdown a single guard "you think you know what HE thinks? Know your place!"
Talk about authority abuse. He probably had his eyes on miss Lilia long before we even arrived to this place, he wont simply leave her alone.
Breaking the brief moment of silence was none other than miss Lilia
"You think those things would stop me from killing you?"
Before we know it miss Lilia had her arms up, joining her hands together. A menacing shadow loomed in her eyes
"Wai-" she left the short creep in front of her no time to fall back or plead for his life. Her arms swung down hitting him on the head, and with a splashing sound the whole room was painted on blood.
Speechless, everyone standing there whipped the red substance from their eyes then looked down at Coney, or what was once Coney.
Miss Lilia squashed him like a rotten fruit. he turned into an unrecognizable piece of flesh, the only things still intact were his limbs that looked like they popped off from the pressure of the hit. His skin wasn't able to contain what was inside.
As we stared blankly at what was once a living being miss Lilia stood up, her expression said she felt disgusted by the blood covering her from head to toe.
The guards started coming back to their senses, four of them were quick to point their guns but the fifth threw his weapon and held his hands up while retreating slowly
"forget it forget it, I'm done with this shit"
His statement shocked the rest of his group. His voice sounded somewhat indifferent like the event just now didn't faze him at all
"What the…!"
"Ginger you butthole!!"
"C'mon guys, you really think we stand a chance against her?"
The four looked at Lilia as she effortlessly broke out from her restraints
"I don't really wonna die so, I surrender"
"Haha, you don't wonna die you say? You think the head will spare you-"
"The head won't win the fight" the fifth guard, named Ginger, said something shocking without much feelings in his words. If anything the guy seemed really tired, the way he leaned his back on the wall then slid down said he didn't really care anymore "you guys felt it too right? That human absorbed the head's attack like it was the most normal thing in the world, how do you even bend thunder in the first place?"
"It was only for a second, when he broke his cuffs the aura around him changed, his hair turned white too, don't tell me you didn't see it"
It appear it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me. The other four probably felt it too. Captain, just for a moment, released the same kind of pressure as the clan head.
That thunder strike didn't have any effect on him either. I heard captain is capable of absorbing the energy blasts that hit him then use them to boost his strength, if he could do the same with the head's attacks he would gain a huge advantage.
"Anyways, the advisor was killed right in front of us, we are basically already dead. Better go see your kids while you have the time"
The four looked at each other, then at the blood covered miss Lilia, and without a word spoken they dropped their weapons and walked away.
Miss Lilia silently watched them leave then turned to the last one sitting on the floor
"You seem to be the smartest in your little group"
"Well, can't deny that" he shrugged his shoulders, smiling weakly "so, what are you going to do next? If you want to go support your leader, I'm not stopping you?"
"No" she went down and picked one of the guns at her feet "I was told to kill everyone on the ship if the negotiations broke, so…"
"Hmm… well, not much of a difference…"
His reaction was rather cold, it made it like he didn't care at all when he told the others to go see their kids.
"you know you are first on the list, right?" she said, pointing the gun at his face, but the guy stayed calm and collected.
"Like I said, sooner or later I'm going to die anyway" he looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh "I kinda get the idea behind the order given to you, but there are families living on this ship"
"the kids got nothing to do with this, at least wait until your boss is done, maybe he would have a change of heart"
I don't really get this guy. He doesn't seem to care about his life, he didn't seem to care about the others too, so why is he trying to delay the massacre?
Not that I'm eager to see thousands of my kind losing their life, and captain is really fond of our younglings too so maybe he would decide against it later on. But giving them time may come back to bite us later on, we are awfully outnumbered too. we have to keep ourselves from harm until we hear captain's opinion on the matter, that is what I prefer, but what about miss Lilia?
Miss Lilia made up her mind in just a few seconds. The guard named Ginger released a long sigh as the blood covered female Zesionien turned her back to him and started walking away. He sounded awfully relieved for someone who didn't seem to care about his life up to this point.
"so, what are we going to do now?"
We left the waiting room through the entrance we came from the first time. According to miss Lilia going back using the elevator could cause us getting caught up in the brawl so she plans on finding another way to reach the arena.
It's only been a few days since I've known miss Lilia. From the few times we interacted and seeing how close she got with Blue I formed this image about her being a sweet young female, that image is now being shattered by the blood dripping from her dress and the gun she held in her hands. As we walked down the hallway I gathered the courage to ask what our next step would be
"we have to wait for Seven to get done so I'm going to go watch the duel and wait"
That seemed like the logical way to go through with this, but I can't see all those hyped Herara males reacting calmly to her just appearing and taking a seat.
I smiled wryly at the thought, then noticed that the miss who was walking in front of me came to a sudden stop
"Is something wrong?" I asked her
"hmm… maybe I should go get changed…" she was looking at her dress, white but now had the front sprayed red.
I didn't know what to say, shouldn't we worry more about supporting captain right now?
"I want to retrieve my spear too…" she stopped for a moment to think then asked me an obvious question while having a different plan in mind "do you know your way around this place?"
Her eyes no longer had that dark shadow from before in them, they regained their usual light but after what happened-and all the blood- I can't bring myself to see her the same as before
"may I ask what exactly are you going to do next, miss?"
"Hmm, I want to quickly change my dress. To tell the truth that fool's blood smells ten times worse than anything I have slain before"
If she is going back to the ship I could ask her to take care of 'that' matter, but with the situation right now shouldn't we…
"Shouldn't we, um…uh… shouldn't we worry about supporting captain first?"
"Huh? Why?"
"Huh?" am I missing something here? or did I just hear her wrong? "you ask why but… won't he be in trouble if we don't offer him some help? His opponent is the Verta clan's head, the one who received Verta's blessing you know"
"I-I know captain has some tricks on his hands but… do you really believe he could beat the head by himself?" I want to have faith in him too but… as his partner, shouldn't she show more concern?
"I don't know anything about their leader or what kind of power he received…" she continued to walk forward as she spoke in a calm voice, not a hint of bother was in it. I wanted to know were her trust in captain comes from and soon enough I got my answer "you see, we faced the real Verta less than two months ago. Well, more like Seven fought it alone , I wasn't of much help back then either"
"Hm hm" I nodded twice, encouraged her to continue
"sure, it was nowhere near it's full power, but it was a few times stronger than Seven's current opponent, I believe he would be able to find a way"
Wait wait wait wait….
Hold on a second
"Did… did you just say the real Verta?"
"you mean that Verta? One of the twelve mythical beasts known for bringing calamity to any planet they pass through?"
I have to admit, I didn't see that one coming
"Wait! You said not two months ago… you mean when you where trapped in Gorgola?"
"That's right"
"and captain survived an encounter with a creature that is worshipped as a god and has enough power to destroy planets one after the other?"
"Well, I did say it wasn't at its best"
No no no, that is irrelevant. The important part is that miss Lilia and captain actually encountered the legendary beast and managed to get away in one piece.
In the first place, isn't she a bit too calm about this? Seeing that she murdered Coney in cold blood then talked about how his blood stinks I think she might have some screws loose, but it takes some serious mental power to survive a living disaster and speak about it like it never happened
"Something like this… it would have brought you more fame than obtaining a whole planet, so why is it only now that I hear about it"
"Ah!" looking at me from over her shoulder , she spoke with one hand covering her mouth "Seven told me not to tell anyone, could you forget everything I said"
"That would be… hard to do" impossible to be exact. I hope she doesn't start thinking of a way to silence me, I don't think I could tell when she is about to do it.
"So… did captain receive his power from that encounter?" I wondered if captain was also forty enough to receive Verta's blessing just like the clan head, but is a human even qualified? I thought only Herara had the rare chance to.
"hmm… no, we discovered Seven's powers a while before we stumbled into that monster's cave, I don't think it has anything to do with it"
"Is that so…"
"Seven said it's most likely because of the experiments done on his body, although we still don't understand why he is able to absorb energy…"
Once again she came to a sudden stop
"What's wrong?" I asked
Her silence started to bother me so I came to take a look at her face. Her expression was a mix of concern and fear
"I… what if Seven ran out of energy during the fight?"
"I know he could just absorb the clan head's attacks, but what if he stopped using them?"
O~h, that could be a problem…
"Seven doesn't have his gauntlets right now, I… I don't think he can't hold his ground against their leader, but if it continues for too long…"
"Calm down, first we need to decide what to do next"
"I planed to use this if the odds started going against him" she held the gun in her hands up "but would just one be enough?"
Um… miss Lilia… did you just indirectly say you plan on shooting your partner?
"We need more fire power, is that what you mean?"
"If it's a much bigger gun, I know where to get one. Coincidentally I think it's the same place our weapons were taken to"
We arrived at an intersection with three different paths. One leads directly to where we left our ship, as for the other two
"we came from this way so…" the female Zesionien leading the way said, looking at corridors on her right and left.
"Thankfully…" I took out a small device I picked from the corps we left in the room behind us "this belonged to that guy you squashed just now, I think it has a map of the ship's layout"
It was a small wrist band with a computer built into it, similar to the books Zesioniens use.
"good" miss Lilia looked at the hologram and grimaced a little. I wouldn't blame her, everything was written in the native Herara language "so? Were to go next"
Maybe the concern she had for captain made her delay changing her clothes for a little bit, which somewhat of a problem since there is something I wanted her to do while she is at it.
"Miss Lilia… the armory is this way"
"Okay" she started walking the moment I pointed out the direction.
"Ah! Wait, there is something I wanted to talk to you about…"
"What is it? We are in a hurry so make it quick"
You didn't seem in a hurry a few minutes ago. If only I could tell her that, but now is not the time to start arguing with a female capable of squashing living beings into a fifth of their size, besides, this was one of our top priorities as well
"I will go get the weapons and then give captain the support he needs. The thing I need you to do is…"
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