Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 75 - part four
Sector nineteen
When he said it was time to stop fighting like a normal living being, Hir, the Verta clan head stopped bothering with the human stealing energy from him.
Now that he is no longer trying to hold back, his power manifested healing his broken bones and growing back his fallen fangs with an unbelievable speed. His fur turned snow white, all the blue straps he had vanished and blue energy sparked all over his body.
For a moment Iris was able to draw ten times the amount she did before, but that only lasted for a moment. While Seven was still holding him down, Hir suddenly vanished.
"Where th-" a sharp pain ran through Seven's left, and the next thing he realized was him slamming into the ceiling. As he made his way back to the ground he was met with another attack, this time he was able to guard against it, but that did little to reduce the speed or force and ended up rolling on the floor after a rather painful impact sound.
"Fuwah! You really did cause me some trouble just now, didn't you?" with his left hand on his right shoulder, Hir slowly walked toward Seven while rotating his arm "energy absorption, right? A rather convenient ability you have…"
Seven struggled to get up just to get kicked back to the ceilings once more
"I don't Know why she gave it to you but…" just before he reached the floor Hir kicked him once more smashing him into a wall "you don't know the first thing about how to use it, right? The thunder that is"
The clan head didn't dive Seven any time to recover. He punched him deeper into the wall, pulled him out, slammed him too hard that he bounced from the floor then kicked him across the arena.
"I don't know if you noticed, but the thunder doesn't just improve your physical strength" he slowly made his way to the collapsed Seven and did the same slamming and kicking once more before resuming "strength, agility, damage reduction, and most importantly regeneration" he waited for seven to get back to his feet, fully enjoying the beaten up sight of the human who gave him so much trouble a few seconds ago.
Seven glared at the glowing white tiger, blood coloring his face. He seemed to regain some sense even though he was still in his white hair mode
"when your body sustain any injury no matter how small it is you consume a certain amount of the energy to heal in instantly" hearing that Seven began noticing the wounds on his head closing. His breathing returned to normal which meant his ribs are no longer broken. An amazing power, sure, but as the clan head explained it came with it's own defects
"Um… Seven? I think we have some trouble" Iris said, her voice full of worries.
'I know…'
Healing consumed from the little reserve they had, the graver the wound the more it took to fully heal
'And it's a passive skill at that… can't you turn it off?'
"I… I don't think it's possible" the voice in his head said spoke "the energy can't stay inside if the medium is broken, that's why healing is the top priority"
'just so we are clear…' Seven took a deep breath, not moving his eye away from his opponent ' if it isn't me, nor is it you, does that mean the energy has a mind of its own or something?'
"No, I practically am made of it so that's not the case. It's like you said, a passive skill, works the same as breathing to keep you alive"
'and consume a hell lot of juice at that'
It took a little more than a minute for his entire body to get back in perfect shape. 'All that's missing are some adamantium claws…' Seven instantly banished the thought. Fighting a macho fur covered humanoid tiger that pulls lightning from his a.s.s while holding back on tipping him apart, claws were his least favorite weapon in the list.
'I wonder if I could regrow half my body if-'
"let's not think about that" Iris warned "you don't want to get thrown around like that a second time"
She told him they didn't have what it takes to regenerate from that state again, and that's also considering not paying mind to how much she needed to stay awake.
"Forget absorbing more from him, just finish him off somehow before we run out of gas"
'and how do you suggest I do that?'
"Don't ask me, you are the one who spent years reading about things like this"
'aren't you supposed to be a warrior or something?'
"I used guns, I had a weak body remember?"
Hir waited patiently for Seven to finish his energy conversation with his freeloading ghost. He had no obligation to do so, but he waited nevertheless. Seeing the now fully healed the clan head began moving again
"You done yet?" He asked, sarcasm noticeable in his voice.
"oh, yeah, I'm done!"
No one was watching from the spectator seats, but they probably wouldn't have seen it anyway. Seven and his vanished for a moment, clashing at the center of the ring in the next.
Seven managed to stop both of Hir's arms as they closed on him just before they planted some sharp looking things into his sides.
"I see you have changed a bit"
Maybe because he is more focused on reducing what amount fuel he used Seven appears to be less crazy than he was at the start of the fight. However that caused the strength gap to widen so holding on in this situation wasn't going to last for too long. His only was that Iris would manage to steal enough from the fury basterd to keep them going, then he could go back to beating the living shit out of him
"I wouldn't rely on that if I were you" saying that the head went for a kick but Seven blocked it using his own foot
"I told… you…" Seven smirked "I'm taking all you have"
Regaining the upper hand for a bit Seven clenched Hir's wrists and pulled him down then jumped and kneed him in the jaw, put his hands together and hammered him down then with a little bit more power into hiss leg he delivered a satisfying hit to the face.
Sadly Hir didn't fly into the ceiling or the wall, he regained his balance just a few feet away and went for a counter, but Seven was able to see through his attack
"You have a bad habit!" just like the second time Hir tried to claw him Seven evaded the hit by lowering his posture and immediately countered.
'This better work' he tried doing that thing he saw in some old anime were they gather their life energy in one par of their bodies to increase the power of their attacks. It was his first time doing it, but it worked wonders as his fist didn't stop until it appeared through an exit on Hir's back.
Seven pulled his hand out and they both retreated to a safe distance.
"Now… look at what you did" even while coughing blood the head was still grinning while covering the place Seven punched a hole through.
"I will return this" the white haired human side with a smile, throwing something in front of the clan head.
It was something of a peculiar shape, covered in enough blood to make a small puddle underneath it. Seven didn't know what it was but looking where he got it from it could only be one of Hir's organs
"Haha… every time, you keep reminding me not to underestimate you" he spoke out between the blood gushing from his mouth grinning all the while.
Not wasting any time Hir took a deep breath with eyes closed and stood up, the whole that was supposed to be in his right flank was completely gone, no scar was left behind and the fur grew back.
"impressive, right?" he pointed at the spot "you may be able to steal from me, but that's it!" He turned his claw at Seven "even if you continue stealing from me you will ran out at some point. Me on the other hand, I can produce the thunder myself, that's the difference between someone who received Verta's blessing and someone who did not"
'Hey, you heard that?'
Seven's expression softened a bit and he too began to grin
"Looks like I found myself a really nice battery"
"Huh?" what puzzled the head wasn't what the human said, but why he said it. Hir clearly had an overwhelming advantage in this fight, sooner or later the human wouldn't have the power to heal himself, and that would be his end.
Even now he doesn't look in the best shape to go on
'however…' doubt found it's way through Hir's mind 'restoring organs is no big deal, the problem is him penetrating my skin like it was made of paper…. what if he is still hiding something? Or is it a bluff?' the conclusion led him to the same decision as before, beat him again and again until he can no longer heal then finish him off.
Seven didn't mean it but in the end it was indeed nothing more than a bluff. His plan didn't change as well, beat the fury guy and steal as much of his energy as you can then beat him some more.
But that might prove to be difficult, they didn't have much fuel left and Iris found it hard to concentrate. Things might not turn out well for Seven after all.
Hir bent forward, preparing to initiate his attack with the same high speed step. Seven braces himself for the impact.
The clan head left a dent in the metallic floor as he launched himself. This was the fastest he has ever been, Seven wasn't in a state to dodge and was about to receive a direct hit from the front. But before the head reached him he slowed down and tilted his head to the left.
Seven held his hand up to catch the projectile, getting pulled along with it upon the impact.
Hir did slow down but he didn't stop, more like he could not bring himself to stop. In the panic he prepared to swing his left even thought the human knew how to counter it.
But Seven did not duck, he stumped his right foot firmly into the floor then swung his left arm as well.
Their fists clashed, a shockwave spread through the ring, and blood splattered all over the place.
Seven was unscathed and Hir lost his whole left arm. down from the shoulder, it was shattered entirely instead of being torn apart.
Hir failed to understand what went wrong, but when he looked at the first that did all of that to him. Stained with his blood, the arm that human struck him with was covered in a glove made of a grayish white material, with lines of blue linking its parts
You didn't need to be an expert to notice what that thing was, Hir knew almost immediately that the gauntlet was made of pure glass. He looked back in the direction the projectile came from.
There, one golden haired girl stood with her hands in front of her face about to shout something at the top of her lungs
The one in question looked at his left hand, and with his eyes opened to their utmost he glanced back at the girl that called his name
When he said it was time to stop fighting like a normal living being, Hir, the Verta clan head stopped bothering with the human stealing energy from him.
Now that he is no longer trying to hold back, his power manifested healing his broken bones and growing back his fallen fangs with an unbelievable speed. His fur turned snow white, all the blue straps he had vanished and blue energy sparked all over his body.
For a moment Iris was able to draw ten times the amount she did before, but that only lasted for a moment. While Seven was still holding him down, Hir suddenly vanished.
"Where th-" a sharp pain ran through Seven's left, and the next thing he realized was him slamming into the ceiling. As he made his way back to the ground he was met with another attack, this time he was able to guard against it, but that did little to reduce the speed or force and ended up rolling on the floor after a rather painful impact sound.
"Fuwah! You really did cause me some trouble just now, didn't you?" with his left hand on his right shoulder, Hir slowly walked toward Seven while rotating his arm "energy absorption, right? A rather convenient ability you have…"
Seven struggled to get up just to get kicked back to the ceilings once more
"I don't Know why she gave it to you but…" just before he reached the floor Hir kicked him once more smashing him into a wall "you don't know the first thing about how to use it, right? The thunder that is"
The clan head didn't dive Seven any time to recover. He punched him deeper into the wall, pulled him out, slammed him too hard that he bounced from the floor then kicked him across the arena.
"I don't know if you noticed, but the thunder doesn't just improve your physical strength" he slowly made his way to the collapsed Seven and did the same slamming and kicking once more before resuming "strength, agility, damage reduction, and most importantly regeneration" he waited for seven to get back to his feet, fully enjoying the beaten up sight of the human who gave him so much trouble a few seconds ago.
Seven glared at the glowing white tiger, blood coloring his face. He seemed to regain some sense even though he was still in his white hair mode
"when your body sustain any injury no matter how small it is you consume a certain amount of the energy to heal in instantly" hearing that Seven began noticing the wounds on his head closing. His breathing returned to normal which meant his ribs are no longer broken. An amazing power, sure, but as the clan head explained it came with it's own defects
"Um… Seven? I think we have some trouble" Iris said, her voice full of worries.
'I know…'
Healing consumed from the little reserve they had, the graver the wound the more it took to fully heal
'And it's a passive skill at that… can't you turn it off?'
"I… I don't think it's possible" the voice in his head said spoke "the energy can't stay inside if the medium is broken, that's why healing is the top priority"
'just so we are clear…' Seven took a deep breath, not moving his eye away from his opponent ' if it isn't me, nor is it you, does that mean the energy has a mind of its own or something?'
"No, I practically am made of it so that's not the case. It's like you said, a passive skill, works the same as breathing to keep you alive"
'and consume a hell lot of juice at that'
It took a little more than a minute for his entire body to get back in perfect shape. 'All that's missing are some adamantium claws…' Seven instantly banished the thought. Fighting a macho fur covered humanoid tiger that pulls lightning from his a.s.s while holding back on tipping him apart, claws were his least favorite weapon in the list.
'I wonder if I could regrow half my body if-'
"let's not think about that" Iris warned "you don't want to get thrown around like that a second time"
She told him they didn't have what it takes to regenerate from that state again, and that's also considering not paying mind to how much she needed to stay awake.
"Forget absorbing more from him, just finish him off somehow before we run out of gas"
'and how do you suggest I do that?'
"Don't ask me, you are the one who spent years reading about things like this"
'aren't you supposed to be a warrior or something?'
"I used guns, I had a weak body remember?"
Hir waited patiently for Seven to finish his energy conversation with his freeloading ghost. He had no obligation to do so, but he waited nevertheless. Seeing the now fully healed the clan head began moving again
"You done yet?" He asked, sarcasm noticeable in his voice.
"oh, yeah, I'm done!"
No one was watching from the spectator seats, but they probably wouldn't have seen it anyway. Seven and his vanished for a moment, clashing at the center of the ring in the next.
Seven managed to stop both of Hir's arms as they closed on him just before they planted some sharp looking things into his sides.
"I see you have changed a bit"
Maybe because he is more focused on reducing what amount fuel he used Seven appears to be less crazy than he was at the start of the fight. However that caused the strength gap to widen so holding on in this situation wasn't going to last for too long. His only was that Iris would manage to steal enough from the fury basterd to keep them going, then he could go back to beating the living shit out of him
"I wouldn't rely on that if I were you" saying that the head went for a kick but Seven blocked it using his own foot
"I told… you…" Seven smirked "I'm taking all you have"
Regaining the upper hand for a bit Seven clenched Hir's wrists and pulled him down then jumped and kneed him in the jaw, put his hands together and hammered him down then with a little bit more power into hiss leg he delivered a satisfying hit to the face.
Sadly Hir didn't fly into the ceiling or the wall, he regained his balance just a few feet away and went for a counter, but Seven was able to see through his attack
"You have a bad habit!" just like the second time Hir tried to claw him Seven evaded the hit by lowering his posture and immediately countered.
'This better work' he tried doing that thing he saw in some old anime were they gather their life energy in one par of their bodies to increase the power of their attacks. It was his first time doing it, but it worked wonders as his fist didn't stop until it appeared through an exit on Hir's back.
Seven pulled his hand out and they both retreated to a safe distance.
"Now… look at what you did" even while coughing blood the head was still grinning while covering the place Seven punched a hole through.
"I will return this" the white haired human side with a smile, throwing something in front of the clan head.
It was something of a peculiar shape, covered in enough blood to make a small puddle underneath it. Seven didn't know what it was but looking where he got it from it could only be one of Hir's organs
"Haha… every time, you keep reminding me not to underestimate you" he spoke out between the blood gushing from his mouth grinning all the while.
Not wasting any time Hir took a deep breath with eyes closed and stood up, the whole that was supposed to be in his right flank was completely gone, no scar was left behind and the fur grew back.
"impressive, right?" he pointed at the spot "you may be able to steal from me, but that's it!" He turned his claw at Seven "even if you continue stealing from me you will ran out at some point. Me on the other hand, I can produce the thunder myself, that's the difference between someone who received Verta's blessing and someone who did not"
'Hey, you heard that?'
Seven's expression softened a bit and he too began to grin
"Looks like I found myself a really nice battery"
"Huh?" what puzzled the head wasn't what the human said, but why he said it. Hir clearly had an overwhelming advantage in this fight, sooner or later the human wouldn't have the power to heal himself, and that would be his end.
Even now he doesn't look in the best shape to go on
'however…' doubt found it's way through Hir's mind 'restoring organs is no big deal, the problem is him penetrating my skin like it was made of paper…. what if he is still hiding something? Or is it a bluff?' the conclusion led him to the same decision as before, beat him again and again until he can no longer heal then finish him off.
Seven didn't mean it but in the end it was indeed nothing more than a bluff. His plan didn't change as well, beat the fury guy and steal as much of his energy as you can then beat him some more.
But that might prove to be difficult, they didn't have much fuel left and Iris found it hard to concentrate. Things might not turn out well for Seven after all.
Hir bent forward, preparing to initiate his attack with the same high speed step. Seven braces himself for the impact.
The clan head left a dent in the metallic floor as he launched himself. This was the fastest he has ever been, Seven wasn't in a state to dodge and was about to receive a direct hit from the front. But before the head reached him he slowed down and tilted his head to the left.
Seven held his hand up to catch the projectile, getting pulled along with it upon the impact.
Hir did slow down but he didn't stop, more like he could not bring himself to stop. In the panic he prepared to swing his left even thought the human knew how to counter it.
But Seven did not duck, he stumped his right foot firmly into the floor then swung his left arm as well.
Their fists clashed, a shockwave spread through the ring, and blood splattered all over the place.
Seven was unscathed and Hir lost his whole left arm. down from the shoulder, it was shattered entirely instead of being torn apart.
Hir failed to understand what went wrong, but when he looked at the first that did all of that to him. Stained with his blood, the arm that human struck him with was covered in a glove made of a grayish white material, with lines of blue linking its parts
You didn't need to be an expert to notice what that thing was, Hir knew almost immediately that the gauntlet was made of pure glass. He looked back in the direction the projectile came from.
There, one golden haired girl stood with her hands in front of her face about to shout something at the top of her lungs
The one in question looked at his left hand, and with his eyes opened to their utmost he glanced back at the girl that called his name
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