Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 85 - part five
Sector twenty one, Gorgola's orbit
In her room, Lilia sat on the bedside looking somewhat nervous. She tried to calm herself taking one deep breath after the other, but each her heartbeat refused to settle, and her body felt hot.
Well, the heat shouldn't be a strange things considering she just finished showering, but instead of cooling down her temperature raised slowly.
'I-I have to keep calm, I can't let this go on!'
Just when the banquet was nearing its end Seven decided to take his leave. Thinking it was time to get some rest she was about to do the same, but when she raised to her feet Seven wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in a princess style carry.
Those who saw it were numbered, with everyone in that room either snoring or too drunk to know what's what, but she still felt the embarrassment of a crowd watching her being taken away knowing what was about to happen to her.
Seven was perfectly awake. Not that sleeping for days enables him through for as long, and with what happened in the past few hours there is no way he wasn't at least mentally exhausted.
He traveled down to the surface so he could get the traces of energy Verta left behind. Lilia couldn't bring herself to go with him, she wasn't ready to go back to that place.
After that short trip Seven had to face the whole clan. He had told her before that he wasn't a big fan of crowds. He dealt with the situation like a professional, his speech seemed so unnatural she found it hard to believe he never worked in politics before .
In the end it appeared as is she was the one stressed the most by all those events. Seven handled the situation perfectly, turning them from the prisoners they were the first time they landed in this ship to honorable guests then became the highest authority in the, and he did it all in one day.
"I wonder how he…" did it. As she murmured to herself the door opened.
"Ma~n, I'm beat" Seven entered the room, holding a towel over his head as his hair has yet to dry.
Seven had carried her all the way to her room, was obvious what he intended to do once they got there. When they arrived Lilia felt she was still unprepared for what to come, so with the right excuse she bought herself sometime while taking a shower. But she couldn't stay there forever.
She dried her hair before carefully brushing it, then wore a simple shirt over her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, remembering that he praised her appearance the last time she tried it. She couldn't say she knew him too well, but Lilia understood Seven's taste a little bit.
Though she managed to overcome the embarrassing and returned to the room, she ended up wasting more time than what she spent tending to herself.
Seven was waiting for her return, of course. The second she opened the door he walked over to her. That startled her a little, and ended in her more embarrassed than before.
He told her he's going to take a shower himself, then left the room before she said anything back.
'the bathing area had multiple showers, if he wanted to we could have…' the thought stopped and her face caught on fire 'no! It's not like that! It definitely is not like that!!'
He wasn't gone for as long as her, but it angered her nevertheless and the helped amplify her nervousness.
Whoever, a part of her wishes he would have taken a bit longer.
"how about it? Lilia?
As Seven sat by her side, Lilia turned the other way, unable to say anything.
"I handled the situation pretty well, don't you think?" he said, noticing she was actively avoiding his gaze.
"I expected everything to fall apart at some point, but… I think we can relax for now"
"… un…" She considered giving him some praise, but found it too embarrassing to do right now
"and I was finally allowed to par Blue!" he let out a short laugh "I think she is still scared of me though"
'come to think of it…' the topic of the ghost Blue told her about sounded like the right thing to bring up right now, but before she could speak he went on
"Lilia, I think I owe you an apology" his tone changed a bit, and Lilia noticed almost immediately "I know we had our plans but, I think we might be stuck around her for a while"
'Our plans…'
She wouldn't really call them plans though. They decided they would travel around for sometime, even though they had no destination for the long run.
Seven was really enthusiastic about vesting Namira ever since he met Blue, he even mentioned wanting to take a few females back with him. If that was his main goal you could say he's pretty much achieved it.
'… it's a bit frustrating… just a bit…'
The anger she felt at that time Lisa attempted to take him away from her was still fresh in her mind. Seven is clearly attracted to female Herara, what would she do if one of the clan members tried getting closer to him?
'Well… I don't think I would mind it somewhere down the line…' but she had to be the first!
If keeping him all to herself isn't an option she had to be the first!
"I… I think it's a great thing to help those in need…" she said as she slowly pushed her bashfulness aside "we can take our time… there is no need to rush…"
"Is that so…" Seven laid down on his back spreading his arms "well, one step at a time…" he stretched his limbs while yawning "Tomorrow we plan on sending a team to scout the land. From the information we received from your brother the forest we lived in seems to be the safest place to start a settlement on… Running a simulation to learn how a new specie would… effect the planet's ecosystem and how other creatures would react… would take a while…. Ya~~wn….for the time being a…small group will…"
Seven's voice grew quieter and quieter as he recalled what he planned to do with the others the next day. Listening to him absentmindedly while trying to control her heartbeat, Lilia was a little late at noticing.
She started to hear his faint breathing and turned to look just to find out that he fell asleep.
Seven let himself doze off for a few second, but he woke up at the feeling of something pressing on his abdomen. He slowly opened his eyes to find a really pouty Lilia looking down on him, her fist about to forcefully make his sleepiness go away.
"Wait! Li-" a second too late and his face would've been smashed inside.
After catching the first one the second wasn't supposed to be too difficult to deal with, but when she went for his c.h.e.s.t instead of his face he was one second too late.
"Aww, what's gotten into you all of a sudden!" it wasn't enough to break his bones, but it did enough damage to activate his regeneration abilities.
"You tell me!!" she tried hitting him again but both her hands got caught, turning it into a contest of raw power and Seven wasn't really the winning side.
Furious Lilia kept pressing on him before freeing her right arm. She was about to take another swing when she noticed his expression has suddenly changed.
Seven lifted himself slowly pushing her down to his l.a.p. Lilia looked downward then to the side, stealing glances at him all the while
"So? Are you going to tell me why you got so angry"
"you should already know" Lilia answered in an adorably bashful tone of voice.
The way he brought her here made her think something was about to happen, he made her wait -though she did the same- and after all of that anticipation, he fell asleep.
Seven brought his face close to hers
"Could it be…" he whispered in her ear "were you expecting something?"
Seeing her blush so hard made him think she would get violent again, but to his surprise she kept her head down saying no words.
His heart skipped a beat and his little gay started to wake up. Her behavior was like cheating, she was too cute to resist.
He thought about teasing her a bit longer, but that might end up backfiring. So before he started hesitating any further he gently turned her face toward him, moving a few strands of her golden hair behind her ear.
He put his lips on hers. Seven carefully savored their softness for a while before separating.
"You're so cute, Lilia"
Putting his hand on her h.i.p.s he pulled her closer. Her soft swellings pressed on his c.h.e.s.t as he brought their mouths together once more.
"Mm…Mm! Uh…Mnm♡….uuh♡!
The kiss was slowly having an effect on Lilia and her mood changed for the better. She coiled her arms around his neck as their passion grew. Seven slowly c.a.r.e.s.sed her silky golden hair along the curves on her back until his hands landed on the meaty hills at the bottom.
"Mph!" Lilia leaked a cute voice as Seven ignored the fabric of her shirt and went right beneath.
"Mm…Mph! Mm~♡" Keeping their lips from separating he enjoyed the smoothness of her skin as his finger dug into her plump bottom.
"S-seven…" Lilia looked at him with misty eyes. His erection was touching her in a bad spot making her feel a bit strange, but the sensation from his hands fondling her a.s.s was gradually driving that feeling away.
She moves to kiss him again. A few seconds later he started slipping his tongue inside her mouth, the sugary sweet taste of her saliva made his d.i.c.k feel like it was about to burst.
Their mouths separated with thin threads of saliva still connecting them. Lilia was breathing heavily, her face whining a brilliant shade of red, while Seven looked calm contrary to what his raging erection said.
"There wont be any escape this time right?" he said with a smile, grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it up. Her mind was clouded so she failed to react, her long hair got in the way but beside that the shirt came off easily.
Seven was surprised by what he saw. Like the previous time she was wearing a swimsuit underneath her clothes, something he was expecting. But this time instead of a one piece she wore a cute white bikini.
Making a mind note to take some pictures of this this magnificent view he reached with both hands and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.ts, squeezing them gently
"Ahn!...nmnn.. hah…"
Hearing her suppressed m.o.a.ns Seven brought his face down to her neck, kissing it once then biting it gently.
"Ah! Wai-hyaan!! S-seven! Mm♡…ahn~♡"
Lilia didn't bother keeping her voice down as the sensation felt more and more pleasant. Seven passed down her neck kissing her collarbone then her c.h.e.s.t.
As she yelped in delight Lilia pulled his head in stuffing it between her into her deep cleavage
"Haa~~" Lilia had a moment to catch her breath, before a feather like sensation sent a current down through her body.
Seven's breath turned heavy as her ample bosom rubbed against his cheeks. He pulled a thin rope undoing the knot at the nape of her neck, causing her top to fall, then let his fingers dig into the soft things now that nothing was in between.
P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e surged through her nerves as he put more force into his hands. Seven stopped at the feeling of small protrusion gradually getting hard under his palms.
Seven pinched her between her fingers, making her m.o.a.n louder. After a few seconds he pushed her down on the bed, separating their bodies to take his shirt off.
"ha~h… c-can't you… be gentler…hah…please…" Lilia said, her voice masked under her gasps.
Seven smiled at her before returning his hands to her c.h.e.s.t. He c.a.r.e.s.sed them slowly, his fingers exploring every corner before stopping at the pink circles surrounding her Tracing the bumps with his thumb Seven brought his face down and kissed her on the right, then, while pinching the other one he put it in his mouth and began s.u.c.k.i.n.g.
A shill ran down her spine as his tongue played with her Lilia squirmed under him as he played with her c.h.e.s.t. Seven went lick her other b.r.e.a.s.t, slipping his freed hand down the smooth skin of her belly and between her legs.
"S-seven…hnhh…hah... ahnn♡…. N-no…" with his hand making it inside her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r a violent spark assaulted her mind as Seven stroked her secret flesh using his middle and ring fingers.
Lilia was already wet, but the more p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e she felt from his fingers the more soaked they become.
"mmm…. Ahnn~!! Seven… I'm about… ah! Ahhhh~~!!!"
Heat was gathering neat that spot. Her body stiffened all of a sudden as her love juices flowed out.
Seven looked at his right hand, soaked wet after it made Lilia climax.
Lilia was gasping for air. She looked at him with empty eyes, her b.r.e.a.s.ts moving a little with each breath she takes. Strength had left her body long ago and all she could do was accept his kiss before he gave her a moment to rest.
"We are just getting started yet you are already like this?" Seven said with a teasing smile. He took the blanket that was pushed aside and used it to wipe his hand.
"It's because…haa~… it's because you did that… ha~h"
"well, Lilia is so cute I simply couldn't resist" he went down and kissed her once more "I want to do more… ah! I almost forgot…" he extended his arm to the wall on has left and tapped it twice. A small rectangular panel, green in color, appeared at that spot.
It listed three things; the temperature, the light and the door lock.
The last time they got this intimate a certain handsome faced robot appeared to ruin the fun. He almost made the same mistake by forgetting to lock the door. While he was at it, he moved the slide on the light option darkening the room quite a bit.
"no one will disrupt us now"
"…un..." Knowing what's about to come, Lilia found it hard to look Seven in the eyes. Lilia nodded after a moment of uncertainty, giving him the go.
Seven started with kissing her, playing with her tongue for a some time, then went for her waist. He grabbed her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r from both sides, slowly removing it.
Tossing the wet piece of cloth on the floor the got to removing his own pants. Lilia watched as he revealed what was behind the bulge in his boxer.
Every time she sees it she can't help but grasp at it's size. Seven had no idea about Lilia fearing his member, he never thought it was especially big, but since he never got the chance to use it back on earth he has yet to learn it was quite a bit above the average.
Seven put his hands on her knees then carefully spreading her legs apart revealing her womanly hole. He positioned himself between them, swallowed down then placed his rod on her most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spot.
He moved his h.i.p.s slowly, stroking it a few times. He noticed that Lilia had her eyes fixed on his crotch, tears gathering at their corners as she pursed her lips.
Wanting to reassure her he joined their lips once more while rubbing his member on her p.u.s.s.y, then when he noticed her body was no longer tense he pushed his p.e.n.i.s in slowly penetrating her.
"AH! NGHH!!!!"
Hearing Lilia's pained voice did nothing to stop him. Seven felt like the walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a were the ones pulling him in. His member slowly tore it's way through the thin layer of protection that was there and didn't stop until all of it was inside.
Seven watched as red blood gushed from were his member and her freshly deflowered hole while trying to get his breathing under control. It was too tight. The feeling that came from being inside her was so intense that he couldn't help but think that all the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e nerves in his body have been relocated to his p.e.n.i.s.
"does it hurt… Lilia…" fighting the heavenly sensation Seven checked if Lilia was fine. Same as him Lilia was gasping for air herself. Trying to get herself back together she shook her head and answered his question
"…just…haa…. Just a little…."
It did hurt as he was pushing it into her, but now that it was inside her previous fears were beginning to fade away.
"Then..." Seven readied himself, holding her thin waist with both hands "I will start moving… okay?"
Not that he was about to wait for a response. He pulled his h.i.p.s out then slowly pressed forward
"Ngh!!....ah… hahh…ahh!!"
He didn't want to cause her any more pain so he started slowly, but despite himself his pace started to pick up and in less than a minute he was thrusting inside her at full force
"S-seven!! Hyahh!! AHH!!NGHAH….AHHH"
Seven lost control of his lower half, he kept pumping nonstop filling the room with Lilia's voice as she m.o.a.n.e.d with each move he made.
"Lilia… I can't… I'm about to c.u.m…!!"
Pushing his rod into Lilia's deepest part Seven reached his limit and began shooting loads of s.p.e.r.m quickly filling her inside.
His ejaculation stopped at last. Seven felt a slight dizziness. Giving up he allowed himself to lean over Lilia resting him head on top of her c.h.e.s.t.
'If this was back on earth, I would be worrying about her getting pregnant by now'
But this wasn't earth, and Lilia wasn't a human. No matter how many times he released his s.e.m.e.n inside her he could never i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e her. That might sound like a bad thing but for now he was happy he could have all the creampie s.e.x he wants with her.
It was his first time having s.e.x, he never thought it would feel this good. He couldn't say for sure if his partner being a gorgeous alien girl played a big part, but he doubted any human women he ever met in his life could ever do the same.
A brief period of silence passed by. Seven remembered his member was still inside. Gathering his strength Seven got up. A mix of red and white fluids streamed out the moment he removed his p.e.n.i.s. He knew the amount he released wasn't small but still he was surprised by how much he produced in one go.
Not only that, but his meat pole was still fully erect even though he ejaculatory not that long ago.
'This isn't weird… right?' there was a clear difference between now and when he did it himself. He felt tired a moment ago, but his thing was rearing to go.
"Lilia, are you okay?"
Seven looked up at the girl laying beneath him on the bed. For her first time to be so rough, he expected to see a face of someone who went through a bad event. But his partner wasn't weak at all.
Lilia nodded at him, appearing to have had recovered a little. She still doesn't get what happened. She felt a lot of pain at the start but as Seven continued pumping his h.i.p.s the pain started to feel pleasant and when she got the finishing point something hot started pouring into her making her mind go blank.
She always thought it would be a painful experience she would forever regret, but now that she saw it through, Lilia didn't mind if they did it again.
Though, when she saw Seven holding his rod and about to insert it back into her hole, the fear returned like it never left her at all.
"W-wait! Seven… didn't we just…"
"sorry, Lilia, but I can't hold back anymore!"
Seven invaded her v.a.g.i.n.a, pushing his thing all the way inside in a single move. Lilia suppressed her voice fighting the urge to scream.
Seven immediately began to move in a steady rhythm as her v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls coiled around him with pressure that intended on wringing him dry.
Hearing Lilia's muffled m.o.a.ns only helped to excite more.
"Lilia…" He leaned down and whispered in her ear "I love you"
Before her mind could register what he said Seven connected their lips, pressing his tongue on hers until she let it in.
His pace quickened as he approached his second climax, and with one last powerful push his rod hit her deepest part while c.u.m.m.i.n.g a massive amount.
In her room, Lilia sat on the bedside looking somewhat nervous. She tried to calm herself taking one deep breath after the other, but each her heartbeat refused to settle, and her body felt hot.
Well, the heat shouldn't be a strange things considering she just finished showering, but instead of cooling down her temperature raised slowly.
'I-I have to keep calm, I can't let this go on!'
Just when the banquet was nearing its end Seven decided to take his leave. Thinking it was time to get some rest she was about to do the same, but when she raised to her feet Seven wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in a princess style carry.
Those who saw it were numbered, with everyone in that room either snoring or too drunk to know what's what, but she still felt the embarrassment of a crowd watching her being taken away knowing what was about to happen to her.
Seven was perfectly awake. Not that sleeping for days enables him through for as long, and with what happened in the past few hours there is no way he wasn't at least mentally exhausted.
He traveled down to the surface so he could get the traces of energy Verta left behind. Lilia couldn't bring herself to go with him, she wasn't ready to go back to that place.
After that short trip Seven had to face the whole clan. He had told her before that he wasn't a big fan of crowds. He dealt with the situation like a professional, his speech seemed so unnatural she found it hard to believe he never worked in politics before .
In the end it appeared as is she was the one stressed the most by all those events. Seven handled the situation perfectly, turning them from the prisoners they were the first time they landed in this ship to honorable guests then became the highest authority in the, and he did it all in one day.
"I wonder how he…" did it. As she murmured to herself the door opened.
"Ma~n, I'm beat" Seven entered the room, holding a towel over his head as his hair has yet to dry.
Seven had carried her all the way to her room, was obvious what he intended to do once they got there. When they arrived Lilia felt she was still unprepared for what to come, so with the right excuse she bought herself sometime while taking a shower. But she couldn't stay there forever.
She dried her hair before carefully brushing it, then wore a simple shirt over her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r, remembering that he praised her appearance the last time she tried it. She couldn't say she knew him too well, but Lilia understood Seven's taste a little bit.
Though she managed to overcome the embarrassing and returned to the room, she ended up wasting more time than what she spent tending to herself.
Seven was waiting for her return, of course. The second she opened the door he walked over to her. That startled her a little, and ended in her more embarrassed than before.
He told her he's going to take a shower himself, then left the room before she said anything back.
'the bathing area had multiple showers, if he wanted to we could have…' the thought stopped and her face caught on fire 'no! It's not like that! It definitely is not like that!!'
He wasn't gone for as long as her, but it angered her nevertheless and the helped amplify her nervousness.
Whoever, a part of her wishes he would have taken a bit longer.
"how about it? Lilia?
As Seven sat by her side, Lilia turned the other way, unable to say anything.
"I handled the situation pretty well, don't you think?" he said, noticing she was actively avoiding his gaze.
"I expected everything to fall apart at some point, but… I think we can relax for now"
"… un…" She considered giving him some praise, but found it too embarrassing to do right now
"and I was finally allowed to par Blue!" he let out a short laugh "I think she is still scared of me though"
'come to think of it…' the topic of the ghost Blue told her about sounded like the right thing to bring up right now, but before she could speak he went on
"Lilia, I think I owe you an apology" his tone changed a bit, and Lilia noticed almost immediately "I know we had our plans but, I think we might be stuck around her for a while"
'Our plans…'
She wouldn't really call them plans though. They decided they would travel around for sometime, even though they had no destination for the long run.
Seven was really enthusiastic about vesting Namira ever since he met Blue, he even mentioned wanting to take a few females back with him. If that was his main goal you could say he's pretty much achieved it.
'… it's a bit frustrating… just a bit…'
The anger she felt at that time Lisa attempted to take him away from her was still fresh in her mind. Seven is clearly attracted to female Herara, what would she do if one of the clan members tried getting closer to him?
'Well… I don't think I would mind it somewhere down the line…' but she had to be the first!
If keeping him all to herself isn't an option she had to be the first!
"I… I think it's a great thing to help those in need…" she said as she slowly pushed her bashfulness aside "we can take our time… there is no need to rush…"
"Is that so…" Seven laid down on his back spreading his arms "well, one step at a time…" he stretched his limbs while yawning "Tomorrow we plan on sending a team to scout the land. From the information we received from your brother the forest we lived in seems to be the safest place to start a settlement on… Running a simulation to learn how a new specie would… effect the planet's ecosystem and how other creatures would react… would take a while…. Ya~~wn….for the time being a…small group will…"
Seven's voice grew quieter and quieter as he recalled what he planned to do with the others the next day. Listening to him absentmindedly while trying to control her heartbeat, Lilia was a little late at noticing.
She started to hear his faint breathing and turned to look just to find out that he fell asleep.
Seven let himself doze off for a few second, but he woke up at the feeling of something pressing on his abdomen. He slowly opened his eyes to find a really pouty Lilia looking down on him, her fist about to forcefully make his sleepiness go away.
"Wait! Li-" a second too late and his face would've been smashed inside.
After catching the first one the second wasn't supposed to be too difficult to deal with, but when she went for his c.h.e.s.t instead of his face he was one second too late.
"Aww, what's gotten into you all of a sudden!" it wasn't enough to break his bones, but it did enough damage to activate his regeneration abilities.
"You tell me!!" she tried hitting him again but both her hands got caught, turning it into a contest of raw power and Seven wasn't really the winning side.
Furious Lilia kept pressing on him before freeing her right arm. She was about to take another swing when she noticed his expression has suddenly changed.
Seven lifted himself slowly pushing her down to his l.a.p. Lilia looked downward then to the side, stealing glances at him all the while
"So? Are you going to tell me why you got so angry"
"you should already know" Lilia answered in an adorably bashful tone of voice.
The way he brought her here made her think something was about to happen, he made her wait -though she did the same- and after all of that anticipation, he fell asleep.
Seven brought his face close to hers
"Could it be…" he whispered in her ear "were you expecting something?"
Seeing her blush so hard made him think she would get violent again, but to his surprise she kept her head down saying no words.
His heart skipped a beat and his little gay started to wake up. Her behavior was like cheating, she was too cute to resist.
He thought about teasing her a bit longer, but that might end up backfiring. So before he started hesitating any further he gently turned her face toward him, moving a few strands of her golden hair behind her ear.
He put his lips on hers. Seven carefully savored their softness for a while before separating.
"You're so cute, Lilia"
Putting his hand on her h.i.p.s he pulled her closer. Her soft swellings pressed on his c.h.e.s.t as he brought their mouths together once more.
"Mm…Mm! Uh…Mnm♡….uuh♡!
The kiss was slowly having an effect on Lilia and her mood changed for the better. She coiled her arms around his neck as their passion grew. Seven slowly c.a.r.e.s.sed her silky golden hair along the curves on her back until his hands landed on the meaty hills at the bottom.
"Mph!" Lilia leaked a cute voice as Seven ignored the fabric of her shirt and went right beneath.
"Mm…Mph! Mm~♡" Keeping their lips from separating he enjoyed the smoothness of her skin as his finger dug into her plump bottom.
"S-seven…" Lilia looked at him with misty eyes. His erection was touching her in a bad spot making her feel a bit strange, but the sensation from his hands fondling her a.s.s was gradually driving that feeling away.
She moves to kiss him again. A few seconds later he started slipping his tongue inside her mouth, the sugary sweet taste of her saliva made his d.i.c.k feel like it was about to burst.
Their mouths separated with thin threads of saliva still connecting them. Lilia was breathing heavily, her face whining a brilliant shade of red, while Seven looked calm contrary to what his raging erection said.
"There wont be any escape this time right?" he said with a smile, grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it up. Her mind was clouded so she failed to react, her long hair got in the way but beside that the shirt came off easily.
Seven was surprised by what he saw. Like the previous time she was wearing a swimsuit underneath her clothes, something he was expecting. But this time instead of a one piece she wore a cute white bikini.
Making a mind note to take some pictures of this this magnificent view he reached with both hands and cupped her b.r.e.a.s.ts, squeezing them gently
"Ahn!...nmnn.. hah…"
Hearing her suppressed m.o.a.ns Seven brought his face down to her neck, kissing it once then biting it gently.
"Ah! Wai-hyaan!! S-seven! Mm♡…ahn~♡"
Lilia didn't bother keeping her voice down as the sensation felt more and more pleasant. Seven passed down her neck kissing her collarbone then her c.h.e.s.t.
As she yelped in delight Lilia pulled his head in stuffing it between her into her deep cleavage
"Haa~~" Lilia had a moment to catch her breath, before a feather like sensation sent a current down through her body.
Seven's breath turned heavy as her ample bosom rubbed against his cheeks. He pulled a thin rope undoing the knot at the nape of her neck, causing her top to fall, then let his fingers dig into the soft things now that nothing was in between.
P.l.e.a.s.u.r.e surged through her nerves as he put more force into his hands. Seven stopped at the feeling of small protrusion gradually getting hard under his palms.
Seven pinched her between her fingers, making her m.o.a.n louder. After a few seconds he pushed her down on the bed, separating their bodies to take his shirt off.
"ha~h… c-can't you… be gentler…hah…please…" Lilia said, her voice masked under her gasps.
Seven smiled at her before returning his hands to her c.h.e.s.t. He c.a.r.e.s.sed them slowly, his fingers exploring every corner before stopping at the pink circles surrounding her Tracing the bumps with his thumb Seven brought his face down and kissed her on the right, then, while pinching the other one he put it in his mouth and began s.u.c.k.i.n.g.
A shill ran down her spine as his tongue played with her Lilia squirmed under him as he played with her c.h.e.s.t. Seven went lick her other b.r.e.a.s.t, slipping his freed hand down the smooth skin of her belly and between her legs.
"S-seven…hnhh…hah... ahnn♡…. N-no…" with his hand making it inside her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r a violent spark assaulted her mind as Seven stroked her secret flesh using his middle and ring fingers.
Lilia was already wet, but the more p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e she felt from his fingers the more soaked they become.
"mmm…. Ahnn~!! Seven… I'm about… ah! Ahhhh~~!!!"
Heat was gathering neat that spot. Her body stiffened all of a sudden as her love juices flowed out.
Seven looked at his right hand, soaked wet after it made Lilia climax.
Lilia was gasping for air. She looked at him with empty eyes, her b.r.e.a.s.ts moving a little with each breath she takes. Strength had left her body long ago and all she could do was accept his kiss before he gave her a moment to rest.
"We are just getting started yet you are already like this?" Seven said with a teasing smile. He took the blanket that was pushed aside and used it to wipe his hand.
"It's because…haa~… it's because you did that… ha~h"
"well, Lilia is so cute I simply couldn't resist" he went down and kissed her once more "I want to do more… ah! I almost forgot…" he extended his arm to the wall on has left and tapped it twice. A small rectangular panel, green in color, appeared at that spot.
It listed three things; the temperature, the light and the door lock.
The last time they got this intimate a certain handsome faced robot appeared to ruin the fun. He almost made the same mistake by forgetting to lock the door. While he was at it, he moved the slide on the light option darkening the room quite a bit.
"no one will disrupt us now"
"…un..." Knowing what's about to come, Lilia found it hard to look Seven in the eyes. Lilia nodded after a moment of uncertainty, giving him the go.
Seven started with kissing her, playing with her tongue for a some time, then went for her waist. He grabbed her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r from both sides, slowly removing it.
Tossing the wet piece of cloth on the floor the got to removing his own pants. Lilia watched as he revealed what was behind the bulge in his boxer.
Every time she sees it she can't help but grasp at it's size. Seven had no idea about Lilia fearing his member, he never thought it was especially big, but since he never got the chance to use it back on earth he has yet to learn it was quite a bit above the average.
Seven put his hands on her knees then carefully spreading her legs apart revealing her womanly hole. He positioned himself between them, swallowed down then placed his rod on her most s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spot.
He moved his h.i.p.s slowly, stroking it a few times. He noticed that Lilia had her eyes fixed on his crotch, tears gathering at their corners as she pursed her lips.
Wanting to reassure her he joined their lips once more while rubbing his member on her p.u.s.s.y, then when he noticed her body was no longer tense he pushed his p.e.n.i.s in slowly penetrating her.
"AH! NGHH!!!!"
Hearing Lilia's pained voice did nothing to stop him. Seven felt like the walls of her v.a.g.i.n.a were the ones pulling him in. His member slowly tore it's way through the thin layer of protection that was there and didn't stop until all of it was inside.
Seven watched as red blood gushed from were his member and her freshly deflowered hole while trying to get his breathing under control. It was too tight. The feeling that came from being inside her was so intense that he couldn't help but think that all the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e nerves in his body have been relocated to his p.e.n.i.s.
"does it hurt… Lilia…" fighting the heavenly sensation Seven checked if Lilia was fine. Same as him Lilia was gasping for air herself. Trying to get herself back together she shook her head and answered his question
"…just…haa…. Just a little…."
It did hurt as he was pushing it into her, but now that it was inside her previous fears were beginning to fade away.
"Then..." Seven readied himself, holding her thin waist with both hands "I will start moving… okay?"
Not that he was about to wait for a response. He pulled his h.i.p.s out then slowly pressed forward
"Ngh!!....ah… hahh…ahh!!"
He didn't want to cause her any more pain so he started slowly, but despite himself his pace started to pick up and in less than a minute he was thrusting inside her at full force
"S-seven!! Hyahh!! AHH!!NGHAH….AHHH"
Seven lost control of his lower half, he kept pumping nonstop filling the room with Lilia's voice as she m.o.a.n.e.d with each move he made.
"Lilia… I can't… I'm about to c.u.m…!!"
Pushing his rod into Lilia's deepest part Seven reached his limit and began shooting loads of s.p.e.r.m quickly filling her inside.
His ejaculation stopped at last. Seven felt a slight dizziness. Giving up he allowed himself to lean over Lilia resting him head on top of her c.h.e.s.t.
'If this was back on earth, I would be worrying about her getting pregnant by now'
But this wasn't earth, and Lilia wasn't a human. No matter how many times he released his s.e.m.e.n inside her he could never i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e her. That might sound like a bad thing but for now he was happy he could have all the creampie s.e.x he wants with her.
It was his first time having s.e.x, he never thought it would feel this good. He couldn't say for sure if his partner being a gorgeous alien girl played a big part, but he doubted any human women he ever met in his life could ever do the same.
A brief period of silence passed by. Seven remembered his member was still inside. Gathering his strength Seven got up. A mix of red and white fluids streamed out the moment he removed his p.e.n.i.s. He knew the amount he released wasn't small but still he was surprised by how much he produced in one go.
Not only that, but his meat pole was still fully erect even though he ejaculatory not that long ago.
'This isn't weird… right?' there was a clear difference between now and when he did it himself. He felt tired a moment ago, but his thing was rearing to go.
"Lilia, are you okay?"
Seven looked up at the girl laying beneath him on the bed. For her first time to be so rough, he expected to see a face of someone who went through a bad event. But his partner wasn't weak at all.
Lilia nodded at him, appearing to have had recovered a little. She still doesn't get what happened. She felt a lot of pain at the start but as Seven continued pumping his h.i.p.s the pain started to feel pleasant and when she got the finishing point something hot started pouring into her making her mind go blank.
She always thought it would be a painful experience she would forever regret, but now that she saw it through, Lilia didn't mind if they did it again.
Though, when she saw Seven holding his rod and about to insert it back into her hole, the fear returned like it never left her at all.
"W-wait! Seven… didn't we just…"
"sorry, Lilia, but I can't hold back anymore!"
Seven invaded her v.a.g.i.n.a, pushing his thing all the way inside in a single move. Lilia suppressed her voice fighting the urge to scream.
Seven immediately began to move in a steady rhythm as her v.a.g.i.n.a.l walls coiled around him with pressure that intended on wringing him dry.
Hearing Lilia's muffled m.o.a.ns only helped to excite more.
"Lilia…" He leaned down and whispered in her ear "I love you"
Before her mind could register what he said Seven connected their lips, pressing his tongue on hers until she let it in.
His pace quickened as he approached his second climax, and with one last powerful push his rod hit her deepest part while c.u.m.m.i.n.g a massive amount.
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