Last Man On Earth When There Is No Earth ?
Chapter 99 - part two
Sector eighteen, planet Imar nine, Astragali city, Seven
"So, how do I look?"
"Perfect, Mr.Seven"
Back in our hotel suite we were going through the preparations for our first visit to Fasad, the casino the hotel manager suggested we visit.
The place is a high class establishment were a lot of important personalities gather and do what people with their wealth and positions would do.
The purpose of the visit isn't just throwing money in meaningless gambling. The goal is to gather information and establish connections that would help Gorgola in the foreseeable future.
However, this is a slippery slope. I'm currently the only representative of our government and I'm not really well versed in the ways of politics, not to mention my cluelessness when it comes to intergalactic affairs. I might make some mistakes here and there and end up causing more trouble putting everyone under me in more danger. Or so is what the people who're expecting my visit think. While most of it true, I see it as something I plan to put to use.
The hotel manager might have made it seem like he was just advertising for Fasad to someone with a black membership card. It is hard to read the facial expressions of someone with a centipede head so I sneaked around last night and had Iris peak at him while he was in his private room. We were lucky enough to hear him report my planed visit to someone over a voice communication.
Iris said it looked like the scenes where some grunt is talking to the faceless puppet master who would later show up as someone friendly until their true nature is revealed. Meaning anyone who would try to side with us is a suspect.
G -Ginger- advised me to be cautious of those who have investment interests and even more so of those who don't. Depending on the image they already have on me they would certainly have their own ways of manipulation to try and reach their own goals.
I hope whatever little I know about such events and situations would come in handy. Most of it is from thee entertainment I consumed and of course no one knows if earth's way of doing things would be the same out here, however I have no choice but to try.
"Hm… Aley, just to be clear, what is the most influential specie here on Imar?"
"The most influential… hmm" pretending to think about it he answered my question after a few seconds "it depends on each part of the planet you"
Astragali aside, there are three dominant species on Imar nine, the Zesioniens, the Knon and Jalid.
The Knon and the Jalid are the locals who lived on Imar long before interstellar travel was an option. The Jalid inhabit the frozen continent while the Knon live in the other two.
As for the Zesioniens, they came later as refugees from Rooster. All of them were the dark skinned who were driven out of Zesion, they suffered the same fate twice.
I found it strange though. After what they went through I expected them to have enormous hate toward the other Zesioniens after what hey went through, but that guy we met yesterday was dancing and kneeling to Lilia as he tried to ask her out. I can't say for sure what his intentions were but I doubt that he was trying to put her through any harm. There is the second one too, the s.e.xy girl with the rough voice. She didn't seem to mind Lilia that much only giving her a warning not to make trouble, she clearly didn't have some I'll intent toward her.
Maybe I'm confusing it with the state back on earth. Astragali was filled with all kinds of creatures, skin color didn't matter much around this place.
Speaking of that s.e.xy dark skinned girl. Her voice was a bit off putting and she looked below average compared to Lilia, but just like Lisa I'm sure she would be wild on bed.
"What about Astragali?" I asked as I checked myself in the digital mirror.
"Astragali is right at the center of the Zesionien territory. However, since it's the only location with a space port a lot of other species gathered in it creating a greatly heterogeneous environment"
Apparently it is illegal to dock anywhere on Imar nine beside Astragali. They didn't ha e the same front gate like Rooster so I assumed there are other ports spread all over the planet, but I guess it's more of a security major to easily identify hostile groups.
"So the authority around this place goes to…"
"The governor is Zesionien, however many in his council are representatives from the species that helped Astragali become what it is right now"
I just want to know, what's wrong with Zesioniens and the power they have?
First I hear they colonize five whole planets, then learn they make the majority of the population on Rooster. Now I'm told that they not only are one of the dominant species on another planet, but they also hold a lot of political power.
Aren't they infesting a lot of places for a specie that could only give birth to one child per couple? Even China can't compete.
Aley refrained from giving any opinion or information on the individuals I might come into contact with, using the excuse of me needing to evaluate them myself so I wont have any biases even before our meeting.
Basically he wanted nothing to do with it in case something went wrong. He is an IU official after all, can't blame him for that.
"Seven… is that really you?"
Staring at me with eyes wide open, Lilia put a hand over her mouth. She seemed to be in shock by my appearance.
"Aren't you exaggerating a little? All I did is stylize my hair a bit"
"How do I say this… the aura around you feels different…"
Well, she isn't exactly wrong. I do look completely different from the usual me.
Instead of the casual clothes I always wear I put on the first military uniform I ordered for myself as it is one of the formal dressing options specifies by Fasad.
It's black in color and had a few silver and blue decorations with no specific meaning. It looked more of a cosplay than an actual uniform but from the reaction Aley and Lilia had I think it is safe to go around in it. As for my hair instead of letting it fall over my face like usual I cut if a bit and pulled it back like what some characters do when they're attending some kind of formal event. I also made sure to shave my beard clean, although some blue haired ghost argued that I should grow it because apparently they are a thing between Zesioniens.
Anyways, I think I'm nailing the looks part, all that is left is to get into character and I would be all set to go.
Of course one thing I have to do no matter the circ.u.mstances is to praise my wife for her outstanding beauty. I took a good long look at Lilia, hoping the smile I'm showing is the same one I'm imagining
"You're a.s.s gorgeous as always, Lilia" my voice didn't shake in the least as I said it, that shows how much progress I'm making in our relationship.
"Thank you, Seven"
I felt an arrow piercing my heart. I love this girl, I love her so much.
Lilia was wearing another dress from the collection I bought for her before. As usual it was mostly white and went well with her fair skin and golden hair. An ornament in the shape of a blue flower held a few strands together on her right horn making her face shine all the more.
I made a mental note to do a photo session when we get back. Just picturing her in that flower field or sitting beside a lake with her b.a.r.e feet in the water fills my heart with delight. I can't believe this pure maiden is the woman sharing my life.
I took out my book and was about to hand it over to Aley so he would take a photo of the two of us, but then I remembered that all the embarrassing shots of Lilia in that skimpy tight suit I took a few days ago so I putt it back in the inner pocket of my jacket.
"Lilia, can I borrow your book for a moment?"
Lilia opened the small handbag she chose to go along with her dress and took her book out.
She passed it to me and I passed it to Aley then went and stood beside her. The first one was a normal pic of us just standing beside each other. In the second one I put a hand on Lilia's waist and pulled her closer, she seemed a bit tense about it but soon relaxed and rested her head on my c.h.e.s.t. I'm sure she heard my heart pounding like crazy but that was something I didn't really mind.
"So, how do I look?"
"Perfect, Mr.Seven"
Back in our hotel suite we were going through the preparations for our first visit to Fasad, the casino the hotel manager suggested we visit.
The place is a high class establishment were a lot of important personalities gather and do what people with their wealth and positions would do.
The purpose of the visit isn't just throwing money in meaningless gambling. The goal is to gather information and establish connections that would help Gorgola in the foreseeable future.
However, this is a slippery slope. I'm currently the only representative of our government and I'm not really well versed in the ways of politics, not to mention my cluelessness when it comes to intergalactic affairs. I might make some mistakes here and there and end up causing more trouble putting everyone under me in more danger. Or so is what the people who're expecting my visit think. While most of it true, I see it as something I plan to put to use.
The hotel manager might have made it seem like he was just advertising for Fasad to someone with a black membership card. It is hard to read the facial expressions of someone with a centipede head so I sneaked around last night and had Iris peak at him while he was in his private room. We were lucky enough to hear him report my planed visit to someone over a voice communication.
Iris said it looked like the scenes where some grunt is talking to the faceless puppet master who would later show up as someone friendly until their true nature is revealed. Meaning anyone who would try to side with us is a suspect.
G -Ginger- advised me to be cautious of those who have investment interests and even more so of those who don't. Depending on the image they already have on me they would certainly have their own ways of manipulation to try and reach their own goals.
I hope whatever little I know about such events and situations would come in handy. Most of it is from thee entertainment I consumed and of course no one knows if earth's way of doing things would be the same out here, however I have no choice but to try.
"Hm… Aley, just to be clear, what is the most influential specie here on Imar?"
"The most influential… hmm" pretending to think about it he answered my question after a few seconds "it depends on each part of the planet you"
Astragali aside, there are three dominant species on Imar nine, the Zesioniens, the Knon and Jalid.
The Knon and the Jalid are the locals who lived on Imar long before interstellar travel was an option. The Jalid inhabit the frozen continent while the Knon live in the other two.
As for the Zesioniens, they came later as refugees from Rooster. All of them were the dark skinned who were driven out of Zesion, they suffered the same fate twice.
I found it strange though. After what they went through I expected them to have enormous hate toward the other Zesioniens after what hey went through, but that guy we met yesterday was dancing and kneeling to Lilia as he tried to ask her out. I can't say for sure what his intentions were but I doubt that he was trying to put her through any harm. There is the second one too, the s.e.xy girl with the rough voice. She didn't seem to mind Lilia that much only giving her a warning not to make trouble, she clearly didn't have some I'll intent toward her.
Maybe I'm confusing it with the state back on earth. Astragali was filled with all kinds of creatures, skin color didn't matter much around this place.
Speaking of that s.e.xy dark skinned girl. Her voice was a bit off putting and she looked below average compared to Lilia, but just like Lisa I'm sure she would be wild on bed.
"What about Astragali?" I asked as I checked myself in the digital mirror.
"Astragali is right at the center of the Zesionien territory. However, since it's the only location with a space port a lot of other species gathered in it creating a greatly heterogeneous environment"
Apparently it is illegal to dock anywhere on Imar nine beside Astragali. They didn't ha e the same front gate like Rooster so I assumed there are other ports spread all over the planet, but I guess it's more of a security major to easily identify hostile groups.
"So the authority around this place goes to…"
"The governor is Zesionien, however many in his council are representatives from the species that helped Astragali become what it is right now"
I just want to know, what's wrong with Zesioniens and the power they have?
First I hear they colonize five whole planets, then learn they make the majority of the population on Rooster. Now I'm told that they not only are one of the dominant species on another planet, but they also hold a lot of political power.
Aren't they infesting a lot of places for a specie that could only give birth to one child per couple? Even China can't compete.
Aley refrained from giving any opinion or information on the individuals I might come into contact with, using the excuse of me needing to evaluate them myself so I wont have any biases even before our meeting.
Basically he wanted nothing to do with it in case something went wrong. He is an IU official after all, can't blame him for that.
"Seven… is that really you?"
Staring at me with eyes wide open, Lilia put a hand over her mouth. She seemed to be in shock by my appearance.
"Aren't you exaggerating a little? All I did is stylize my hair a bit"
"How do I say this… the aura around you feels different…"
Well, she isn't exactly wrong. I do look completely different from the usual me.
Instead of the casual clothes I always wear I put on the first military uniform I ordered for myself as it is one of the formal dressing options specifies by Fasad.
It's black in color and had a few silver and blue decorations with no specific meaning. It looked more of a cosplay than an actual uniform but from the reaction Aley and Lilia had I think it is safe to go around in it. As for my hair instead of letting it fall over my face like usual I cut if a bit and pulled it back like what some characters do when they're attending some kind of formal event. I also made sure to shave my beard clean, although some blue haired ghost argued that I should grow it because apparently they are a thing between Zesioniens.
Anyways, I think I'm nailing the looks part, all that is left is to get into character and I would be all set to go.
Of course one thing I have to do no matter the circ.u.mstances is to praise my wife for her outstanding beauty. I took a good long look at Lilia, hoping the smile I'm showing is the same one I'm imagining
"You're a.s.s gorgeous as always, Lilia" my voice didn't shake in the least as I said it, that shows how much progress I'm making in our relationship.
"Thank you, Seven"
I felt an arrow piercing my heart. I love this girl, I love her so much.
Lilia was wearing another dress from the collection I bought for her before. As usual it was mostly white and went well with her fair skin and golden hair. An ornament in the shape of a blue flower held a few strands together on her right horn making her face shine all the more.
I made a mental note to do a photo session when we get back. Just picturing her in that flower field or sitting beside a lake with her b.a.r.e feet in the water fills my heart with delight. I can't believe this pure maiden is the woman sharing my life.
I took out my book and was about to hand it over to Aley so he would take a photo of the two of us, but then I remembered that all the embarrassing shots of Lilia in that skimpy tight suit I took a few days ago so I putt it back in the inner pocket of my jacket.
"Lilia, can I borrow your book for a moment?"
Lilia opened the small handbag she chose to go along with her dress and took her book out.
She passed it to me and I passed it to Aley then went and stood beside her. The first one was a normal pic of us just standing beside each other. In the second one I put a hand on Lilia's waist and pulled her closer, she seemed a bit tense about it but soon relaxed and rested her head on my c.h.e.s.t. I'm sure she heard my heart pounding like crazy but that was something I didn't really mind.
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