The capital of the Ming Dynasty, and even Northern Zhili, had almost any resistance.

  Emperor Chongzhen also completely gave up on himself.

  Now the only thing that interests him is seeing the gentry go down! Especially the southern gentry! The more unlucky the southern gentry, the more he wants to laugh.

  The ministers of civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty saw that Emperor Chongzhen was unexpectedly quiet, calm, and even different from what they were in the past. When they heard that the front line was defeated, they were completely furious, shouting and furious, and they all looked at each other in dismay.

  Those who don't know the inside story are a little dumbfounded.

  Nanzhili's army of [-] to [-] people was completely destroyed. What a heavy loss. Why is their emperor, His Majesty, still able to laugh! This can't be crazy! And those who know the inside story, one by one He smiled bitterly in his heart, Emperor Chongzhen really gave up on himself! It was scarier than madness! Seeing their unlucky gentry, he laughed happily.

  This makes them extremely depressed! This is exactly what the old saying goes, Heaven has reincarnation, who will be spared by the heavens! In the past, Li Zicheng ravaged Zhongzhou and Daming.

  In any case, no matter how the dynasty changes, it cannot threaten the fundamental interests of their gentry.

  The Zhu family was lost, and they were replaced by the Li family, and they could still be promoted and made a fortune! Therefore, what is so scary about defeating the battle, losing the city and losing ground! However, they never imagined that one Weihaiwei would appear. Lin Fenglai, who wants to completely revoke their lives! This Lin Feng is much scarier than Li Zicheng! He is also much stronger! Not only has to revoke their old lives, but also the lives of their descendants! How can this be endured! There is no land , without the right to speak, without the privileges of scholars.

  How can they be so high, how can they bear it, those untouchables stand up one by one and be on an equal footing with them! Suppression and eradication must be done so as to avoid future troubles! It's just a pity that everything they do is against Lin Feng and Weihaiwei. All actions have failed, not to mention.

  They also suffered unprecedented losses! The decisive battle in Huaibei completely hurt their muscles and bones! It also completely hurt them.

  They all hated Lin Feng to death, and at the same time, they were afraid of Lin Feng to the core, fear from the depths of their souls! Now even more, when they heard the news of Lin Feng and Weihaiwei, they would be subconsciously fearful! Today, the Ming Dynasty is a monarch and a minister. Discord: Both look at each other and hate each other, each wishing for the other to be unlucky! The more unfortunate, the more miserable, the happier! Emperor Chongzhen after retreating from the dynasty, when he thought of the dark face of the minister of civil and military affairs, he was almost angry. Crazy eyes, couldn't help laughing.

  Now, his only pleasure is to see the unlucky gentlemen.

  Apart from that, he can't do anything!" Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei reported that Li Thief, who was entrenched in Guanzhong, was stimulated by Weihaiwei's decisive battle in Huaibei and wiped out hundreds of thousands of troops in Nanzhili. I can't sit still anymore, I start to cross the Yellow River and start the Eastern Expedition!"

  "Wherever the thieves passed, they looked down at the wind, and the magistrates, prefectures, prefects, generals and generals in Shanxi all surrendered, put on a layer of skin, and joined the thieves camp!"

  Wang Chengen whispered into Emperor Chongzhen's ear."

  The smile on Emperor Chongzhen's face suddenly stiffened and solidified, and then it subsided, his face was full of hideousness, his eyes were full of hatred, and he almost gritted his teeth and said: "Breaking a thief!!"

  Afterwards, there was a wry smile on his face, and he waved helplessly: "The general situation is like this, I can't go back to heaven!!!!"

  "My companion, follow me back to the bedroom, and spend this last quiet time with peace of mind."

  Although he gritted his teeth with hatred against Li Zicheng, Emperor Chongzhen had completely abandoned himself and was full of despair.

  All the gentry in the world have abandoned him, and the people's hearts are no longer in the Ming Dynasty.

The [-]th chapter of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was horrified

  Liaodong, Shengjing.


  "Emperor, Prince Regent, the great changes have taken place in the south of Daming!!"

  "Weihai Wei Lin Feng has occupied the entire territory of the six prefectures in Shandong, and his army has been victorious in successive battles.

  "The second army of Weihaiwei, even a few days ago, has been attacking the city and looting the land all the way, and it has made rapid progress. Before the reinforcements from the south of Zhili in the Ming Dynasty arrived at Yanzhou Prefecture, they captured Yanzhou Prefecture in one fell swoop, occupied the entire territory of Yanzhou Prefecture, and took southern Zhili. The army is blocked in the Huaibei land, neither up nor down!"

  "After a short rest for a few days, the main force of the Second Weihaiwei Army marched southward, and the road was unstoppable and unstoppable. In just a few days, they occupied the entire territory north of the Yellow River in Xuzhou Prefecture, South Zhili, not to mention killing them from Xuzhou Prefecture. Entering the Huaibei area of ​​Huai'an Prefecture, and encircling the southern Zhili [-] to [-] reinforcements in Huaibei!"

  "The Nanzhili Army, which is passive and strategically surrounded, has no choice but to fight the main force of the Second Weihaiwei Army outside Suqian City!"

  "The result of the decisive battle is shocking. In front of the Weihaiwei Second Army, the [-] soldiers of Nanzhili were vulnerable to a single blow. In just one day, [-] soldiers were destroyed!"

  "Ma Shiying, the commander-in-chief of the Southern Zhili Army guarding Suqian, the Governor of Fengyang, saw that the situation was not going well, and fled, leading to the Southern Zhili Central Army.

  After the army, the army's heart collapsed, the whole line was defeated, and the second army of Weihaiwei chased the whole line, and within a day, they wiped out the [-] to [-] Nanzhili troops!!"

  "The decisive battle in Huaibei, the destruction of hundreds of thousands of troops in Nanzhili, the entire southern and central parts of the Ming Dynasty will no longer threaten Weihaiwei!!"

  "As soon as this battle broke out, the world shook.

  According to Li Zicheng, who was guarding the pass, the Dashun Army was deeply stimulated, and could no longer sit still. He launched the Eastern Expedition in advance, and crossed the Yellow River to fight in Shanxi.

  Wherever it goes, the army of the Ming Dynasty looks down on the wind, and in just a few days, it has conquered dozens of cities!!”

  "According to the old minister's opinion, it will only take a month or two for the Dashun army to reach the northern Zhili, the capital of Daming!"

  Once the intelligence minister's words were spoken, it caused an uproar in the entire Manchu court! All the Manchu princes and ministers could no longer sit still, and stood up one after another, shouting loudly.

  "Your Majesty, Prince Regent, you can't wait any longer! Now that Weihaiwei has become a major force, it has already occupied the land of the Eight Palaces, and its territory has already surpassed the land of one province. With their terrifying development speed, if it continues like this, Their strength will definitely expand rapidly! Moreover, Li Zicheng's Dashun Army is also madly attacking the city and looting the land, and is heading towards Zhili, north of the Ming Dynasty!! We can't sit on the sidelines and watch, we must break the pass and go south to enter the pass. !!”

  "Yeah, whether it is Li Zicheng's Dashun or Lin Feng's Weihaiwei, they are all staring at the capital of Northern Zhili in Daming at the moment, and are actively sending troops to attack the city and loot the land! Like a wolf, it is frantically devouring its prey, grow and develop.

  I can't wait any longer, I must send troops immediately and enter the pass!"

  "Prince Regent, you can't look at Wu Sangui, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan! Let's send a large army to fight it. If Wu Sangui doesn't surrender, then we will kill him! Time is running out, don't wait for me!!"

  "The situation has changed abruptly. The changes are so fast! We already knew that the Weihai Guards were extremely powerful, but we never imagined that the strength of the Weihai Guards was far beyond our expectations! I must speed up the Qing Dynasty. The armed construction of muskets and artillery has been completed, otherwise, even if I am a big Qing cavalry and hit the muskets and artillery of Haiwei, I will suffer a loss!!”

  "That's right, Wei

  The main force of the Second Haiwei Army, with only [-] men, was able to easily destroy nearly [-] soldiers in Nanzhili. This is such a powerful combat force that it can be easily killed and casualties are almost negligible. The combat power is too terrifying.

  Even if it is my Qing Dynasty cavalry, I must pay more attention to artillery and artillery before this step!!”

  "Yes, the firearm teams of the Han Eight Banners can be limited.

  But I have to build a firearms team that is full of eight flags!!"

  "The construction of firearms in the army needs to be added. It is a battle for territory, and it must be advanced!!"

  "In any case, we must speed up the acquisition of Shanhaiguan and open the entry channel!!"


  One by one, the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty began to discuss fiercely, entered the customs in advance, and accelerated the construction of the firearms team, which almost became their consensus.

  Even Dorgon, who is already in power, cannot stop the consensus of these princes and ministers.

  Dorgon frowned, he felt that the ministers of civil and military affairs in the Qing Dynasty were starting to panic and panic.

  They were all frightened by Weihaiwei's record in Huaibei, which completely wiped out [-] to [-] troops in Nanzhili! However, he didn't have many solutions! , the world is shaking, all the forces are horrified! Don't be afraid, that's fake! All the armies of all forces in the world are in a relatively bad environment, but there is a force like Weihaiwei, whose fighting power is against the sky. .

  How can it not be eye-catching, how can it not be scary! Almost all the forces in the world, after the decisive battle in Huaibei, have raised Weihaiwei to the highest level of threat sequence! Even the Manchu Qing Dynasty led by Dorgon The same is true for Dorgon! In Dorgon's heart, his biggest enemy is Lin Feng of Weihaiwei! However, Dorgon is still able to keep calm. He knows that for him, it is not to go Thinking about how to deal with the threat of Weihaiwei in the future.

  It is how to seize the opportunity, break through the border and go south, compete for the future of tomorrow, and enter China! It is impossible to directly break through the border and go south! No matter how he decorates, it is difficult to change the minds of the people of the Ming Dynasty that he is an alien in the Qing Dynasty. .

  To break through the border and go south to fight for the hegemony of Shenzhou will only make Daming's internal forces, together with the enemy, join forces and besiege him first! People who are greedy for life and afraid of death! But now, a Weihaiwei has appeared out of thin air, and his fighting power is so powerful that he is afraid.

  At such a time, he wouldn't dare to act rashly! Once the internal forces of the Ming Dynasty were really aroused by the same enemy and besieged him in the Qing Dynasty, it would be a difficult day.

  Breaking the border and heading south, you must be careful! Be careful, be careful, be careful! This is what Dorgon thought, but now all the princes and ministers of the dynasty are afraid in their hearts, and he does not dare to go forward and pour cold water on them, and He nodded his head on the surface, but secretly, he sent someone to Shanhaiguan to contact Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan.

  Accelerate the pace of letting Wu Sangui secretly take refuge.

  Dorgon knows Wu Sangui very well. He is ambitious but lacks strength.

  It is impossible to compete for hegemony, but to go to the next level is full of desire.

  Daming can't give him a king of different surnames, but he can make him a king of the opposite sex in Qing Dynasty, and he is still a prince with real power! Dorgon doesn't believe that Wu Sangui will not be moved! Shanhaiguan Wu Sangui, he Dorgon has decided on him! Fei Lu Remind you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and score

Chapter [-] The world shakes

  Shanhaiguan, Zongbingfu.

  "Master, the Tartars are urging us again"

  Inside the mansion, the housekeeper of the Wu family whispered to Wu Sangui.

  "Are you urging again?"

  Wu Sangui frowned slightly, having a headache. At the moment, he is unsteady and doesn't know how to go.

  The Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, who had been brilliant for decades, seems to have come to an end at this moment.

  Within the Ming Dynasty, various forces rose up and emerged one after another, and the movements became more and more noisy.

  The old rival of the Manchu Qing Tartars outside the pass is also eyeing the tiger, thinking about entering the pass and entering the Divine State all the time.

  And the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry led by Wu Sangui, caught in the cracks of these forces, didn't know what to do.

  As for Daming! Not to mention the decisive battle between Weihaiwei and the Southern Zhili Army in Huaibei, the first battle annihilated hundreds of thousands of troops in the southern Zhili, directly breaking the backbone of the southern Zhili, which also led to the power and influence of Daming. , weakened sharply.

  Not to mention, at this very moment, Li Zicheng led the Dashun Army, had already crossed the Yellow River, launched the Eastern Expedition, fought successive victories, conquered dozens of cities in a short period of time, and wherever he went, he looked down at the wind.

  Dashun, Weihaiwei, Manchu.

  All these great forces aimed at the capital of Beizhili, and began to compete.

  Let Wu Sangui, who is in the gap between the three major forces, be confused and confused, who should not defect to.

  Wu Sangui has ambitions, but Guan Ning's iron cavalry can't support his ambitions, so he didn't think about it at all, and he didn't dare to think about it.

  The only thing that can be done is to lead Guan Ning's iron cavalry and go to the protection of a force.

  However, the three major powers that are rising today, one is more popular than each other, and which one seems to have the capital of the emperor, which directly confuses people like Wu Sangui, and it is difficult to choose.

  "Master, can you listen to the old slave?"

  Wu Sangui, who was watching by the housekeeper, thought so hard, hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously.

  The housekeeper is the old housekeeper of the Wu family, and Wu Sangui's father is still there: Shi, he is the old housekeeper of the Wu family.

  Therefore, Wu Sangui trusted him very much and made an appeal: "Uncle Wu, say it!"

  The old butler pondered for a moment, then said, "Young master's headache now is that the three major forces, Dashun, Weihaiwei, and Manqing, are all powerful and in the limelight.

  Wu Sangui nodded.

  "That old slave understands!"

  The old butler nodded and said bluntly: "From the point of view of this old slave, this Weihaiwei is the first force that must be eliminated.

  Weihaiwei Lin Feng, this old slave doesn't quite understand him, but Weihaiwei doesn't give the gentry a way to survive, but instead wants to overthrow the gentry in the world, and he's still in the eighteenth hell, and he can't get up at all."

  "Let those untouchable mud legs stand up and be on an equal footing with me!"

  "What he has done is to cut himself off from the world gentry!"

  "If it's not from the standpoint, Lin Feng, Emperor Yang of Sui, and Zhu Yuanzhang are very similar.

  However, what he did was stronger than what they did, and what he did was more unacceptable and extreme.

  For thousands of years in China, I have always said that the 100-year-old dynasty, the thousand-year-old family, Lin Feng and Weihaiwei may be able to fight against the world's gentry! "Even if it is a short-term victory, it still cannot change its nature of being the enemy of the world! "

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