
  Li Gan and others took a breath of air, and Li Gan pointed at the steam engine in front of him with a shocked expression: "My lord, this machine called a steam engine can be designed to match the machinery and be used in various factories. It greatly improves production efficiency, and it can also work without sleep!"

  "Just feed it coal and water!"

  Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. He pointed at the Type 1 steam engine in front of him and said, "It has the power of two horses. Just provide it with coal and fresh water, and it can run without sleep!"

  Upon receiving Lin Feng's confirmation, Li Gan was shocked on the spot, pointed at the steam engine and said, "This also means that with it, ten of us, 10 or even 100 people working non-stop, can't stand a machine like this. !"

  Lin Feng was dumbfounded, waved his hand and said, "It's okay to understand it this way!"

  He understood the shock in the hearts of Li Gan and others very well. Now that the territory has newly occupied the land of the six houses, the site has been greatly expanded, and various infrastructure constructions are going on frantically.

  And these infrastructures can be said to be a powerful tool to devour the population, no matter how many people fill them in, it will not be enough.

  Not to mention, these infrastructure constructions require too many materials, which in disguise makes all factories in the territory start frantically, continue to expand production and scale, and attract more people to become workers.

  Even though the territory has exceeded [-] million people, it is still far from enough.

  This is also the limitation of the handicraft era. If you want to develop greatly, you need population, but the more you develop, the more population you need. It seems to have entered an endless cycle, and the population will never be enough.

  In particular, Weihaiwei's development model of frantically consuming newly occupied areas and frantically carrying out infrastructure construction, the urgent shortage of population resources is beyond everyone's imagination in this era.

  In addition, natural and man-made disasters in the north of Daming continued for decades, the army was in chaos, the population was greatly lost, and it was difficult to absorb the population! What's more, the gentry around the Weihaiwei territory would not be willing to let their tenant farmers run to Weihai. Wei go.

  In this era, population is the most precious resource.

  Especially for the gentry who regard land as the most precious productive capital, the more tenant farmers under their command, the more grain they can harvest and the more silver they can earn.

  Under such circumstances, how could they be willing to let people go and want to tie all the population to the land, work for them, and give them production.

  It is precisely because of the sharp shortage of population that Li Gan was shocked and even more pleasantly surprised by the appearance of this steam engine that uses mechanical power instead of human power.

  The people behind him also showed ecstasy. They could imagine the scene of the powerful productivity that erupted from the large-scale application of steam equipment in various industries in the territory.

  "Master, immediately increase the production of steam, we need at least one thousand, no, ten thousand steam engines!!"

  Li Gan immediately shouted excitedly.

  "[-] units is far from enough, in my opinion, more than [-]!!"

  "Yes, yes, there is no need for a machine. I think our territory, just a factory under the lord's mansion, needs a lot of steam engines! Not to mention, seeing the steam discovery, those factory owners in our territory must not go crazy and buy them. Steam engine!"

  "Yeah, yeah, especially the expansion

  For the factory owners of the production scale, the appearance of the steam engine will definitely make them jealous, and they will buy it at all costs!!"


  People from various departments behind him started talking.

  One by one, they are full of jealousy towards steam engines, and they can't wait to bring thousands of steam engines back immediately! Lin Feng quickly interrupted their quarrel and reassured them: "Don't worry, the steam engine production line is now being debugged. , The workers of the machinery manufacturing center are also undergoing emergency training, and they will soon be able to use steam engines to produce steam engines, and the output will increase at that time.

  Major mines and military factories will get the first batch of steam engines and carry out mechanized production transformation!"

  "Take your time, everyone don't have to rush, first increase the scale of raw material mining, and slowly spread to the upstream industry chain!"

  "Otherwise, even if each finished product manufacturing plant is equipped with steam engine production lines, there will not be so many raw material supplies!!"


  After some words, these subordinates who were eager to get the steam engine were finally suppressed.

  Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief! This is crazy! Besides, this is just an empty machine like a steam engine! If they can see a production line made with a steam engine as the core power source, they will see these The production efficiency of the production line should not be madly fighting each other! Even if they beat each other's dog brains out, Lin Feng believes it.

  After appeasing Li Gan and others, Lin Feng hurriedly said to the person in charge of the machinery manufacturing center: "Next, we will do our best to produce steam engines, develop all kinds of supporting machinery and equipment, and develop production lines for various industries!"

  "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

  Being stared at by so many superiors with red eyes, he wanted to eat himself. The person in charge of the machinery manufacturing center was sweating coldly on his forehead and was soaked all over. He felt a lot of pressure, but he had to issue a military order. mission accomplished.

  Lin Feng patted his shoulder: "Don't be under too much pressure, just do your best and ensure quality production!"

  Having said that, with a large army, the inspection of the first steam engine ended.

  There is no need for him to do anything next, just wait.

  With one steam engine, there will be a second and a third.

  Soon, there will be a large number of steam engines in the territory, as well as various supporting mechanical equipment and steam power production lines, all over the territory's factories.

  It only took some time for him to see the exponential explosion of productivity in the territory, and the scene of the rampant production capacity.

  At that time, Lin Feng's territory can truly be called a complete industrialization! From hand-made to mechanized production.

  Productivity will have a qualitative improvement! And these will directly drive the strength of the entire territory to skyrocket! It can be said that now Lin Feng dares to scoff at any force in the world, and the entire territory has entered the industrialized production mode, how could he possibly Even if they lose, all the resistance forces will be crushed! Countless muskets, countless large and small artillery pieces, countless armors, soldiers, and logistical materials.

  It can drown all enemies! This is the meaning of the birth of the steam engine, and this is the coming age of steam! And this is also the power brought by mechanized production!

Chapter [-] The shocking mechanized production

  Time passed quietly, and more than half a month passed.

  During this period, Lin Feng received good news. In the direction of Dongchangfu, Liu Yuan, the commander of the First Army, and Qiu Sheng, the commander of the Third Army, joined together, launched an attack on Beizhili, and entered Beizhili.

  Because of the decisive battle in Huaibei, the prestige of annihilating the hundreds of thousands of troops in southern Zhili in the first battle, the gentry of northern Zhili had no resistance, they all fled, and they took the entire Daming Mansion without a single shot.

  In addition, the front has also advanced a lot to the northern Zhili, successfully pushed the defense line out of Shandong, and advanced it into the northern Zhili, and successfully completed the strategic deployment.

  Today, the Third Army is in charge of the Western Front battlefield north of the Yellow River, while the First Army is in charge of the Northern Front battlefield in Beizhili.

  After the strategic deployment was completed and the enemy was successfully defended from the outside, Lin Feng ordered the front-line army to stop all war operations, and began to recuperate and build up their territories.

  It's not that they don't want to occupy a larger territory, but that as the front lines get longer and longer, the three major battlefields have led to extremely long logistical supply lines.

  In addition, the roads in the newly occupied land have not been repaired, and the logistical pressure is too great.

  Therefore, we had to stop the war, start building with all our strength, and accumulate strength.

  Now, all newly occupied prefectures and various traffic roads have begun to build with all their strength.

  Basic construction work, fully started, is changing almost every day.

  During the frantic infrastructure construction, because the people of the prefectures and counties in the newly occupied areas were included in the territory management system, they all began to work for the territory, and gradually the people's hearts were regained.

  Days get better and better, this can be seen and felt.

  Therefore, it is not difficult to regain the popular support of the newly occupied territory, and it only takes some time.

  With the passage of time, this kind of people's heart will become more and more condensed, and in the end, it will fall to Weihaiwei in an all-round way.

  All the construction work in the territory is progressing smoothly, the progress bar is improving every day, and Lin Feng is extremely satisfied.

  He was most concerned about the steam engine, and in the past half a month, mass production has begun, and various supporting equipment has also been researched and produced.

  Mechanized production has also begun to gradually spread to various factories in the territory.

  As expected by Lin Feng, the appearance of the steam engine was immediately regarded as a divine weapon by the territorial people! In the territory, it caused an unprecedented shock

  "That's the steam engine that's been making a lot of noise in the city these days!"

  In Weihai Acropolis, a steam engine was pulled by several tall horses and sent into a factory in the industrial zone.

  This strange-looking, but the whole body is made of steel, the steam engine full of power at first glance, immediately aroused heated discussions among the people on the street.

  In the past half a month, as more and more steam engines have been produced, they have entered various factories, and the territorial residents have learned about it.

  Everyone who has seen the steam engine working is astonished and exclaimed as an artifact.

  I can't wait to tell everyone about this.

  Many people have just heard that there is a kind of iron cattle in the territory that does not eat grass or grain, but only eats coal and water, and works tirelessly every day, and when it is extremely powerful, the first One reaction is disbelief.

  I don't believe anything! How can there be such an iron bull in this world! It's a divine bull! It's just that as time goes by, I see it more and more with my own eyes.

  And as the steam engine appeared on the street, sent to the industrial area, and witnessed by more people, many people began to believe it.

  "Yes, yes, it is this iron bull, which can be called a divine bull. It is surprisingly powerful. It is said that there are two horses with such great strength, and they can maintain such strength all the time. They can work without sleep or night. Tired!!"

  "Wow, it's made of whole steel, it's too big!"

  "What a big deal, it's so easy to use!!"

  "Don't call it a steam engine!!"

  "Steam chicken what kind of chicken is this"

  "Oh, it's not the chicken you eat, it's the machine, the machine of the machine!!"

  "It turned out to be an organ, so why can it move?"

  "Have you ever boiled water!"

  "Burned! What's wrong!"

  "Since you have boiled water, you should have seen it. After the water is boiled, the water vapor keeps rising up, and it is going up against the cap of the water bottle!"

  "I've seen it, I've seen it, what does that have to do with this steam chicken!"

  "It essentially uses the power to boil water! The gas that rises up after the water is boiled is water vapor. This machine uses a baffle to block the water vapor from rising upwards, hitting the baffle. The workmanship that keeps going up and down, after the exquisite structural design, turns this kind of constant up and down movement into a circle, so you can see the iron circle outside it is constantly rotating!"

  "So that's the case, wow, these people are too smart, too powerful! They can even use the power of water vapor!"

  "It's a very simple principle, which exists in natural sciences. In the future, your children will learn it. At that time, your children will also make this kind of steam engine, and will be able to invent even more powerful machines!"

  "Wow, this kind of artifact will teach that, won't our children be able to be immortals in the future, and they will be omnipotent!"



  After listening to the explanation of the people who understood the principle of steam engine, many people were amazed and sighed.

  On the other hand, the major factory owners in the territory have all entered the major factories under the lord's mansion to visit the mechanized production.

  Driven by several steam engines, the products on the production line are rapidly casting and forming. The production speed is frightening. What is even more frightening is that the three-shift system can also be implemented, and the people stop the machine without stopping. The production efficiency , an increase of dozens or hundreds of times.

  The major factory owners were completely shocked.

  "Too fast, this is too fast!!"

  "My God, this old man never imagined that one day, when making things, he would be able to make things so fast, just like the flow of water, the continuous flow down the production line!!"

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