
  When Li Zicheng heard this, he cursed again.

  Niu Jinxing was already immune, as if he didn't hear it, he continued: "The flame of the golden dragon flag, the meaning is even more obvious, they are going to regain the mountains and rivers, and be reborn from the ashes!"

  This time, Li Zicheng couldn't bear it any longer, and asked loudly, "What this Great Yan Lin Feng means is that I have caused chaos in the world, so I must resolutely fight with me, and I will become an enemy of Da Shun!"

  Niu Jinxing nodded heavily: "That's what it means!"

  "Damn Lin Feng!"

  "Damn it!"

  "Dare to be my goal with Dashun, and my enemy as my enemy, I'm just impatient to live!!"

  "Raise troops, raise troops for me, make a million troops, and I want to lead the army to fight against this shit-like flame!! Destroy Lin Feng's dog's head!!"

  Li Zicheng was completely annoyed, and shouted loudly.

  Niu Jinxing quickly persuaded: "Think twice, Your Majesty, the most important thing for me now is to take down Shanhaiguan and lock the gate of Shanhaiguan!!"


  Li Zicheng suddenly had a headache again, and said angrily: "Has Wu Sangui of Shanhaiguan not yet agreed to surrender?"

Chapter [-] Wu Sangui voted for the Qing Dynasty

  Shanhaiguan is the most troublesome problem for Li Zicheng since he occupied the capital and entered the Forbidden City.

  Shanhaiguan is the gate of entry and exit, and it is an extremely important strategic location! If you do not take down Shanhaiguan, it means that the Dashun Army occupying the capital and Beizhili will be a broken house with the door wide open! It cannot be blocked. Where the air leaks, the enemy will pass through the opening of Shanhaiguan and directly enter his confidant! It also means that Dashun will never go south and unify Shenzhou.

  If the Dashun Army wants to go south, they must close the gate of Shanhaiguan and block the aliens outside the gate.

  However, Li Zicheng and the Dashun Army, who have always been smooth sailing, have a problem in Shanhaiguan that they mentioned steel plates.

  Wu Sangui is a tough guy, much tougher than other Ming generals.

  No matter how many people Li Zicheng sent, his tone has never been relaxed.

  Dashundu had already given Li Zicheng the conditions that Chengdu could no longer accept, but Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, still did not let go.

  The matter of making Wu Sangui surrender to Dashun was almost stagnant.

  Niu Jinxing was also very troubled by this, and he said helplessly: "Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, seems to have been dissatisfied with our conditions and has no intention of letting go!"

  "His people are greedy and ambitious!"

  "I've always wanted to be crowned king, and I'm still the kind of real king who has fiefs, military power and population!"

  "He wants to be the king of Liaodong!!"

  "And you have to keep Shanhaiguan in your hands!"

  When Li Zicheng heard this, he was immediately shocked by Wu Sangui's appetite, and said angrily: "He is just wishful thinking! The remnants of the previous dynasty have not achieved an inch of their achievements, yet they still want to be the king of real power. This makes me Dashun millions of soldiers. "

  Niu Jinxing nodded, even he didn't dare to think about being crowned king. Wu Sangui is really arrogant and greedy, and he wants to be crowned king!

  Li Zicheng immediately set the tone, then waved his hand, and said impatiently: "Why is this Shanhaiguan commander Wu Sangui so ignorant, then I will copy his house!"

  "This time, I will use him as an example to kill chickens and terrify monkeys!!"

  Li Zicheng is now full of the great event of going south to conquer the remnants of the Southern Ming Dynasty and rule the world.

  A mere Shanhaiguan general is so small: how can you ignore it! Immediately ordered: "Raise the army, I will lead the army and lead the army to take this Shanhaiguan!"

  "Cut off Wu Sangui's disgusting dog's head!!"

  "After stepping down the Shanhaiguan Pass, go south with all your strength, and step down on that damn guy's broken five, Dayan!"

  Niu Jinxing nodded and stepped back.

  On the same day, he began to send orders to the whole army, and prepare for the army to go out and conquer Shanhaiguan.

  Shanhaiguan, Zongbingfu.

  "Young master, Dashun is very insincere. He is slow to us. Don't say anything about making us kings. There is not even a marquis. I only want to give you a small earl of mountains and seas! The old housekeeper of the Wu family has a face. Dissatisfied, he said to Wu Sangui.

  Without waiting for Wu Sangui to reply, he said: "I just heard the news that Li Zicheng of Dashun was very angry at us for not surrendering for a long time. He has already ordered my Wu family's house in Beijing to be seized. Li Zicheng has been arrested!!"

  "Now Li Zicheng has even raised an army to kill us in Shanhaiguan!"

  "When the Dashun Army left the division, he uttered mad words, wanting to step down our Shanhaiguan and chop off your dog's head, young master!!"

  When Wu Sangui heard this, he was furious: "You said that the capital's mansion was raided and family members were also arrested. Isn't it Chen Yuanyuan and her?"

  The old housekeeper of the Wu family nodded his head: "Young madam, she is an unparalleled beauty, a rare beauty in the world, with Li Zicheng's arrogance and arrogance.

  And a common man who doesn't have much knowledge, the young lady is now terrifying."

  The old butler didn't say everything, but how could Wu Sangui not understand! As a man, how could he not be indifferent to beautiful women, especially a reckless man like Li Zicheng, who was born as a postman and has never seen a beautiful woman! After passing the beauty of Chen Yuanyuan's family, Wu Sangui believed that Li Zicheng would never let it go.

  When he thought of his favorite beauty, who was under Li Zicheng's body, Wu Sangui's eyes were red, his expression was hideous, his fists were clenched, and he roared in a low voice: "It is a great shame, a great shame!!!"

  When the old butler of the Wu family saw Wu Sangui's furious appearance, a smile flashed in his eyes, and as he disappeared without a trace, he said solemnly: "The regent of the Qing Dynasty has offered a very sincere condition, as long as Young master, our Guan Ning iron cavalry will take refuge in the past, and we will be able to give you the title of king immediately!"

  "And he is still a king with fiefs, population and military power!!"

  "It's almost the same as the banner owners of the Qing Dynasty, the Princes Baylors!"

  Hearing the sincerity of the Manchu Tartars, the anger in Wu Sangui's eyes disappeared a little, and he roared in a low voice: "Prepare for war, prepare for war with the whole army!!"

  "At the same time, send someone to ask the Regent of the Qing Dynasty for help!"

  "I will let go of Shanhaiguan and let the Qing Dynasty enter the customs!!"

  The old butler nodded heavily, and then retired.

  Leaving Wu Sangui with a hideous face and roaring in a low voice: "Yuanyuan, my Yuanyuan!!!"

  "Ah, Li Zicheng, I want you to die!!!"

  Liaodong, Shengjing.

  "Your Majesty, the Regent!"

  "Weihai Wei Lin Feng, has established a country, the country name is Dayan!!"

  In the Manchu Qing court, the intelligence minister knelt on the ground and lowered his head to report to the high-ranking Shunzhi and Dorgon.

  "Great Fire"

  Down in the hall, Han Chen, who was kneeling on both sides, all took a breath of air, showing a look of horror.

  Dorgon looked curious and asked, "Why is there something wrong with the national title of Great Yan? Is there any particularity in it!"

  Dorgon doesn't pay much attention to things like country names.

  He values ​​only two points, military power and financial power! Only with soldiers and money can you be king and hegemony. This is what he has learned in his life.

  "Back to the regent, this Weihai Wei Lin Feng, who named the country as Dayan, is very ambitious and shameless!!"

  "Yeah, that's right, Yan is the meaning of Emperor Yan, and the name of the country is Dayan, which means that Lin Feng doesn't say that he is a descendant of Emperor Yan, but he also inherits Emperor Yan's will. What's more shameless is that he takes Yan as the country's name. This is a statement to the world that after the demise of the Ming Dynasty, the Great Yan is the orthodox!!"

  "I, the Han people, believe in orthodoxy. The jade seal of the country is one of them, and the title of the country is the second!"

  "And the Imperial Jade Seal was obtained by Liu Han from Ying Qin, but Emperor Yan is far older than Qin!"

  "He didn't pass on the National Jade Seal, so he traced it back, trying to prove its orthodoxy from the ancestors of Yan and Huang!"

  "In the eyes of the Han people, the ancestors are more orthodox and convincing than the jade seal of the country!!"

  "Not only that, the word "Yan" has the meaning of innovation and reform. Lin Feng's setting the country's name as "Da Yan" is to express to the world that he has the great ambition and determination to restore the mountains and rivers and rebuild the country!"

  Han Chen, who was kneeling on both sides below, denounced one after another.

  Listening to Dorgon's expression gradually became: solemn, if he wants to enter the Chinese state, then he must grasp the psychology of the Han people.

  I didn't care much before, but I never thought that a country name could contain so many meanings.

  Lin Feng's national name is Dayan, it can be seen that his heart can be punished!! Fei Lu reminds you: the three things of reading: collect, recommend, and divide

Chapter [-] Manchu Tartars Entry

  "Lin Feng!"

  "Da Yan!"

  "Have to guard against"

  Dorgon sighed, although at this time Dayan was entrenched in Shandong, and he was still a whole distance from Northern Zhili from Liaodong, the Qing Dynasty! And for the current Qing Dynasty, entering the customs and heading south is the best way to go. Important matter.

  If you can't enter the customs and go south, then everything will be forgotten! But Dorgon is still in his heart, and he is full of fear and caution about the Great Yan who is entrenched in Shandong.

  Country name or not, these really don't matter to him.

  Dayan has an advantage on the country number, and he still has the Imperial Jade Seal in his hands! He only cares that Dayan's strength is too powerful! .


  "Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, sent someone to express his willingness to surrender to me in the Qing Dynasty!"

  "At the same time, he sent a letter of distress, saying that Li Zicheng personally led hundreds of thousands of Dashun troops and was heading for Shanhaiguan, vowing to step down Shanhaiguan!"

  Suddenly, a messenger rushed into the Manchu Qing court and shouted loudly.

  As soon as these words came out, Dorgon pursed his lips and smiled, and he knew that Wu Sangui would definitely not be able to stop the king's condition he offered in the Qing Dynasty, and he would definitely let Shanhaiguan be opened.

  No, Li Zicheng would never satisfy Wu Sangui's ambition, so Wu Sangui had to turn to him in Qing Dynasty.

  Of course, it is not necessarily without Li Zicheng that since the Eastern Expedition, he has occupied Shandong with smooth sailing, entered the capital, and became the Forbidden City. He was so complacent that he was full of disdain and contempt for the Ming army.

  It's just that Li Zicheng didn't know that Guan Ning's iron cavalry and other Daming frontier troops were two concepts, and they were the only elites left in Daming.

  Although the era of the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry has come to an end, Dorgon, as an opponent, is still very clear in his heart that the combat effectiveness of the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry is still very strong.

  It is also a well-deserved elite in the world! Of course, if it can solve the warlord practice of Guan Ning's iron cavalry who is greedy for life and fears death, and likes to preserve his strength.

  Then the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry can burst out extremely powerful, even shocking strength.

  "Wu Sangui is finally willing to surrender to me!"

  "Hahaha, this is really good news, Wu Sangui surrendered to my Qing Dynasty, and my Qing Dynasty was not only worth [-] to [-] yuan in vain, Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, but also was able to immediately control Shanhaiguan, an important southern gateway, my Eight Banners Power Brigade, I can finally enter the customs and go south!!”

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