The power of Dayan, who has been dormant for two or three months, has actually tripled in strength! The speed at which his strength has grown is simply despairing! The gentry, officials and warlords all over the world are all worried about this, and they are madly cold-blooded. , was shocked.

  They began to rack their brains to think of all means, how to deal with the increasing threat of Dayan! They were afraid of Dayan, the gravedigger of the gentry and officials in the world! And as Dayan became more and more Powerful, this time it was revealed that there was an army of [-] million or nearly [-] million at once, which is already a source of fear and anxiety.

  This is no longer a simple threat! It is a real malice and hostility! No gentry and official are willing to give up everything and wait to die.

  They woke up one after another, began to act spontaneously, and began to do all the things of resistance urgently and anxiously.

  The northern gentry heard that Lin Feng's Dayan Army sent [-] troops and launched an all-out attack on the Dashun Army, all anxious like ants on a hot pot.

  Heartache and vomiting blood, like crazy, desperate to support the Dashun Army.

  Now they don't have much help, and they don't have much power to rely on.

  If you want to survive, you must cooperate with the Dashun Army and fully resist the Dayan Army.

  Otherwise, once the Dashun Army was defeated, they would all have to die! At the juncture of life and death, and it was at the juncture of life and death that their families would be raided and annihilated at every turn, the gentry and officials had all given their lives one by one.

  In particular, the gentlemen and officials of Shuntian Mansion who were close at hand were all astonished, and they all took out their family background and supported the Dashun Army desperately.

  In order to protect yourself! You can't do it if you don't work hard! No one is willing to give up everything they have! Especially the greedy gentry and officials.

  Because the Xuanwu Corps of the Great Yan Army dispatched an army of [-] troops and marched north to attack Northern Zhili.

  The terrifying strength of the Dayan Army was exposed, causing the world to be shocked and the gentry to be stunned! The nature of the war has also changed from China to the top. .

Chapter [-] The Dashun Army was smashed by heavy artillery

  Hejian House, Cangzhou.

  The absolute main force of the Xuanwu Legion, four 44 field divisions, one cavalry division, one heavy artillery division, and one hundred thousand elite field troops, after several days of rapid marching, finally arrived in Cangzhou, and completed the siege of Cangzhou.

  The passes, post stations, and traffic arteries around Cangzhou are firmly in the hands of the Xuanwu Legion.

  The enemies in Cangzhou City couldn't even get out of a bird, and they were completely surrounded.

  It can be said that Cangzhou at this time has almost become a fish on the board of the Xuanwu Legion.


  "Legion Commander, according to the information from the intelligence agency, Li Zicheng is still leading the army: the Zunhua generation, confronted the Qing army in Yongping Prefecture, and did not lead the army south!"

  "However, the Dashun Army stationed in the front line of Rongcheng, rushed to help Tianjin Sanwei, and wanted to block us in the south of Tianjin Sanwei, and prevent us from entering the territory of Shuntian Prefecture!"

  "Furthermore, this time, my Xuanwu Corps raised [-] troops into the Hejian Mansion and launched an all-out attack on the Dashun Army, and the powerful strength it showed shocked the world.

  The northern gentry and officials felt a deadly threat, panicked and panicked, so much so that they had to desperately support the Dashun Army, providing people and money and weapons, hoping that the Dashun Army could keep us in the Hejian Mansion!"

  The messengers broke into the army headquarters and reported to the army commander Liu Yuan one by one to collect the collected intelligence.

  Liu Yuan heard the words and shouted: "Map!"

  Immediately, the staff members in the headquarters acted one after another and put up the sand table map and paper map.

  Liu Yuan looked at the location of Tianjin Sanwei, and then looked at the distance between Tianjin Sanwei and the capital, as well as the distance from Cangzhou.

  After reading it, a sneer appeared on his face: "The Dashun Army wants to block my Xuanwu Army in the south of Tianjin Sanwei, and block it in the territory of Hejianfu, it is just wishful thinking!!"

  "Heavy troops are guarding Tianjin Sanwei, trying to block my Xuanwu Legion. This is really naive!!"

  "Exactly, I want to eat the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who are stationed in the three guards of Tianjin, and eat them all!!"

  As soon as Liu Yuan's words fell, the staff around him broke their fingers and worked hard to calculate, and then they all nodded and said, "With the firepower of our heavy artillery division carrying [-] heavy artillery pieces, the Dashun Army cannot defend Tianjin Sanwei. of!"

  "North Zhili is a big plain, and the terrain is flat, and there is no condition to defend against danger! No matter where they go to defend, our heavy artillery division can be transferred to carry out heavy artillery bombardment!"

  "They want to block my Xuanwu Legion to the south of Tianjin Sanwei, and they are doomed to collapse!"

  Liu Yuan suddenly laughed when he heard the words, which was exactly what he thought.

  After the First Army was restructured and expanded into the Xuanwu Army, it has a full artillery division! Its firepower is extremely ferocious! The most feared is the tough battle! Not to mention the Tianjin Sanwei, even in Shanhaiguan, which is known as the world's most powerful pass, Liu Yuan also has it. Confidence, if you have your own heavy artillery masters, you will be able to smash Shanhaiguan into rubble! The large-scale installation of heavy artillery has led to the Xuanwu Legion's ability to attack fortifications, which is extremely powerful.

  Nowadays, the Xuanwu Legion is not afraid of a tough battle! On the contrary, if the Dashun Army exerts its old skills and fights guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare with the Xuanwu Legion, Liu Yuan may have a headache.

  As for the soldiers and officials in the north who heard later, they felt the crisis, they desperately rescued themselves, and they almost vomited blood to support the Dashun Army.

  Liu Yuan didn't look surprised at all, it was all his.

  In this world, there is no one who is willing to sit and wait to die, not to mention the gentry and officials who dare to do anything for their own interests! It is not surprising that they resist desperately.

  Even Liu Yuan would believe that these gentry officials wanted to protect their own

  Wealth and land, the whole family defends the city! Liu Yuan would not be surprised if such a thing happened.

  Because it is human nature to resist desperately for the sake of profit! The gentry and officials are not... those ordinary people who are easy to capture, obedient and obedient.

  Their courage and bloodliness are very big! Liu Yuan said with a nonchalant expression: "Don't care about the resistance of those gentry officials, follow our rhythm, advance step by step, and beat them one by one!"

  "I'm not afraid of consumption, I'm not afraid of sacrifice!"

  "Just to be so dignified, domineering, and tyrannical, to crush it!"

  "Let them know the sense of despair that they are crushed to death by the torrent of history, struggling and powerless!"

  "Let them die one by one in despair and mourning!"

  "Also let them know what it's like to be bullied, bullied and humiliated!"

  After Liu Yuan finished speaking, he immediately raised his binoculars, looked in the direction of Cangzhou, and said to the chief of staff, "Order the entire army to start the attack. Today I'm going to spend the night in Cangzhou City!"

  The chief of staff of the Xuanwu Legion nodded, and then passed Liu Yuan's words into the ears of the six 66 division commanders.

  The six 66 division commanders nodded solemnly, waiting for the messenger to leave.

  The commander of the heavy artillery division immediately ordered: "Give me a cannon and smash the city of Cangzhou to the ground!!"


  One hundred and fifty heavy artillery, the lightest is fifteen pounds, the heaviest is as high as thirty-five pounds.

  With a flash of fire in the dark muzzle.

  Boom boom boom! Dense shells blasted out from the muzzle, like a meteorite, smashing heavily on the city wall of Cangzhou.

  Bombarded by [-] heavy artillery pieces, the entire city of Cangzhou was shaking, as if there had been a major earthquake. The sky was shaking, and the people in the city could not stand firm! Not to mention the Cangzhou defenders who were guarding the top of the city. Now! They were all buried alive by the collapsed city walls! The people in the entire Cangzhou city were shivering under the heavy artillery bombardment, and praying frantically, this doomsday-like scene quickly disappeared.

  They can't stand it! Being bombarded by [-] artillery pieces is terrifying! "Insane, insane!!"

  "Is this Great Flame Army spending so much money that it has mobilized so many artillery pieces to bombard us, and the most terrifying thing is that they keep bombing!!"

  "How much money does this need, these prodigals!!"

  "Is this how the Great Flame Army fights!"

  The Cangzhou garrison general in the Dashun Army opened his mouth wide, shouting in shock, fear and heartache.

  He was really frightened by the heavy artillery division of the Xuanwu Legion. He had never dreamed of such a terrifying scene! No one in the Dashun Army had experienced such a level of artillery battle! The heavy artillery division just fired the artillery. , The moment the dense cannonballs fell, the Dashun defenders in Cangzhou City were completely smashed and smashed, and they were smashed to pieces, and they doubted their lives.

  "General, they fought like this from beginning to end!!"

  "If you stay in the city, you will mobilize hundreds or even hundreds of artillery bombardments. If you want to blow down the city walls, the entire city will be bombed into ruins. They don't feel bad!!"

  "And if they defend against danger, they will use a tactic of bombarding the infantry, and the infantry will finish the bombardment! It's such a prodigal style of play, and they will smash all the dangers to Xiongcheng!!"

  "It's the most embarrassing to fight with them! You may not have encountered anyone, and the soldiers under your command are almost dead!"

  The adjutant who was familiar with the tactics of the Great Yan Army said that he had taken refuge from the Daming Army.

  It was almost as if the Cangzhou garrison general of the Dashun Army had collapsed.

Chapter [-] Easily conquer Cangzhou, Li Zicheng wants to conquer

  "Play ball, die!!!"

  "I haven't seen this enemy, and I will be bombarded to death by artillery. What kind of battle is this!!"

  "You shouldn't be defending the city!! The Great Yan Army is not the Great Ming Army, how can it still defend the city wall!"

  "It's dead, it's dead, this cannon is so scary!!"

  "It's more than scary, the entire city of Cangzhou will be bombarded into ruins by artillery!!"

  "I don't know if the Great Yan Army is strong, but the artillery of the Great Yan Army is really powerful, so powerful that people can't fight!!"

  "Damn, how many artillery pieces, how many shells, the city wall was smashed by them, and they still haven't stopped!!"


  According to the Dashun Army soldiers guarding Cangzhou City, they were completely stunned by the artillery that covered the sky, and collapsed.

  At this time, they didn't even dare to escape! There were too many shells falling from the sky, so many of them terrified them and terrified him.

  They have never fought this kind of battle! Even the veterans who have followed the Dashun Army since the refugee army, at this moment, were smashed by the artillery, collapsed, and lost all fighting spirit.

  Under the bombardment of heavy artillery, I shivered! Finally, as time passed, as if after a long time, the continuous artillery finally stopped.

  The Dashun Army in Cangzhou City breathed a sigh of relief.

  One was like a gopher, crawling out from all over the city, lying on the ground, and staring at the sky weakly.

  They are now, bombarded with artillery, and have no strength to escape.

  They were all paralyzed with fright! As a result, the field divisions of the Xuanwu Legion rushed through the collapsed city wall and entered Cangzhou City. They were surprised to find that the Dashun defenders in Cangzhou City were lying on the ground without their helmets and armor. On the ground, one by one weak, all lost the power to resist.

  Even if they did not lose their resistance, they all lost their hearts of resistance! After seeing the terrifying heavy artillery bombardment of the Xuanwu Legion, they were all desperate for this war! No one felt that their struggle and resistance would make sense! Except that they will die, everything is meaningless! As a result, the elite infantry of the Xuanwu Legion occupied the entire city of Cangzhou without firing a shot, and captured nearly [-] Dashun defenders! The smoothness of the battle surprised them. .

  I never imagined that the Dashun Army's will to resist artillery was so low.

  But after thinking about it carefully, it is understandable.

  Up and down the Dashun Army, there are several soldiers and generals, and they have seen hundreds of artillery bombing scenes! Although I have always heard of Dayan Army's guns and artillery, I have heard of it, but I have never experienced being attacked by hundreds of artillery pieces. The people who were bombarded by artillery can't imagine how terrifying that scene of the bombardment field was! "Give me all the gentry and officials in the whole city, and put them all in custody, and let the guards at the back be stationed in Cangzhou, Trial the gentry and officials of all Cangzhou!"

  "Come as you want!"

  "Give me the fastest speed to get up and down Cangzhou, clean it up, and completely control it!!"

  He took Cangzhou, the Hejian Mansion, and even the entire important town of Northern Zhili effortlessly, with a calm expression on Liu Yuan's face.

  For him, winning Cangzhou is a matter of time. He never thought that he might not be able to win Cangzhou! However,

  Calmness is calm, and there is still joy.

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