"In addition to Dayan, there are a large number of iron ore mines and sulfur mines overseas. Once Dayan fully produces muskets and artillery, the number can drown the whole world!!"

  "There is no chance. After the birth of the steam engine, the whole world will have no chance to compete with the Great Flame!!"

  "All the forces in the world, including Dashun, including the Manchu Tartars, and the small courts in the south, one counts as one, and none of them are the opponents of Dayan!"

  "Even if they all unite, that's not it!!"

  "Not to mention, can these three major forces unite and fight the enemy together!"

  "So, we have to be fortunate that we were able to move to the territory of Dayan early and relocate with our family! What kind of land and fields in our hometown can we open factories and make money by sailing ships? No! Not all of them!"

  "Give me up to give up my fantasy and my nostalgia for the land!"

  "Without the land, don't we have a good time!"

  Inside a teahouse, a factory owner was heartbroken and even faintly in high spirits said to the clansmen who were sitting in the entire teahouse.

  The clansmen who were speaking lowered their heads one by one, unable to utter a single word.

  There is no reason to refute it at all! Today, Da Yan has wiped out hundreds of thousands of Dashun's main force with only [-] elites.

  Let everyone in the world know the powerful fighting power of its army.

  Looking around the world, I can hardly find any opponents! Dashun's army has been crushed and beaten! Who can do it in the world! Zhang Xianzhong can't do it, neither can the rubbish of the small court of Nanming! No! A very simple reason, the population of the Manchu Tatars is too small and too small, they can't stand any war of attrition! However, the Great Yan Army likes to fight attrition wars with others the most, and is not afraid of any attrition at all! If you want people and people, you need materials and materials! What is even more frightening is that the Great Yan Army dares to fight, and is not afraid of damage.

  Just by daring to fight this, the Manchu Tartars were naturally in a weak position and strategically passive.

  Before the Great Yan Army appeared, the iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars was indeed powerful, and it could be regarded as barbaric: forcing civilization.

  However, the Dayan Army represents a more advanced civilization. The large-scale muskets and artillery have completely wiped out the advantages of the cavalry! No matter how far the cavalry can run, they can run to where they can go! Drive them out of Liaodong completely, Run to the vast Mobei.

  Not to mention fighting, the Manchu Tartarians themselves will starve to death! Once the territory is lost, the Manchu Tartarians who have no production capacity will be immediately labeled as prototypes! Anyone with knowledge can see the Manchurian Tartars at a glance. The fatal flaws of the Qing Tartars, so they did not take Manchu Tartars seriously.

  Nor did they regard the Manchu Tartars as a threat at all.

  The decisive battle of Jinmen, the great victory of Jinmen, the Dayan Army destroyed hundreds of thousands of Dashun Army's main force.

  It has already made this situation of competing for the world become clear.

  The Dashun Army stepped on Daming's corpse to rise! In the same way, the Great Yan Army stepped on the army's corpse to rise! "Okay, from now on, let me stay honest, I am a Dayan man in life, and a Dayan ghost in death!"

  "Don't make a mess with me!"

  "If not, I will personally enforce the family law, and I will send him to a prison, let you dig and dig for a lifetime, and let you cut off your descendants!!"

  The factory owner of Dayan finally gave a vicious warning to the clan, with a ferocious and serious look on his face.

  No one would think this was a joke! The people of his tribe were all saddened.

  At the same time, the scene of this scene is happening everywhere in Great Yan.

  The merchants and factory owners of Dayan all scolded their clan, coerced and lured them, and used all means.

  There is only one purpose, and that is to make all the clansmen obey! Be obedient! These businessmen and factory owners have stayed in Dayan: for so long, they have long known the rules of Dayan.

  Da Yan didn't mean to let everyone in the gentry group die! It didn't mean that he didn't want to give these people a way out.

  It's just that the rules of the game have changed! Those who follow the rules and obey the orders of Da Yan can live well and are still very nourished, and their family business is making great strides.

  A gentry who doesn’t know how to be flexible and still controls the land firmly, then there is only one dead word! In the end, if the gentry wants to survive, they must give up the land! The smart gentry began to sell off the land in their hometowns and bring them with them. With silver dollars, they became naturalized in Dayan, and they invested and set up factories in Dayan! The stupid gentry still firmly controls the land, struggling and desperately waiting to die.

  After the news of the decisive battle in Jinmen spread, and it spread more and more widely.

  Smart gentlemen from all over the world sold off their land, took all their family property, and became naturalized in Dayan, becoming Dayan people.

  Successfully landed! Although in terms of power, there is no chance for them.

  But financially and economically, there are still opportunities for them to climb up.

  They can only act within the rules set by Lin Feng.

  In a short period of time, because a large number of smart gentry moved their families and became naturalized in Dayan, a large amount of hot money poured into Dayan.

  Almost all the gold and silver treasures in the world are gathered in the territory of Dayan.

  And with the victory of the Great Yan Army on the battlefield, after the momentum became more and more prosperous day by day, the influx of this hot money was even faster.

  I don't know how many old wealthy landlords and rich businessmen of the country gentry started to sell their ancestral property and transfer money frantically.

  It can be said that this move has accelerated the flow and accumulation of wealth accumulated over thousands of years.

  In Lin Feng's hands, there is a statistical data display.

  Since the Dayan Army sent troops to conquer Dashun, the speed of hot money pouring into the territory is getting faster and more and more.

  Various data and indicators of the territorial economy have been greatly improved.

  And all this, with the decisive battle in Jinmen, after the Great Yan Army defeated the Great Shun Army, it reached its peak.

  It's an exponential explosion! How powerful is Dayan's army, and how crazy is the speed at which this hot money is pouring in.

  Being naturalized as Dayan, you will be able to live very well. On the surface, it seems that this is a way for Lin Feng to live for those gentlemen who are willing to obey.

  In fact, this is Lin Feng's tool for collecting money! It is impossible to copy the assets of the gentry and officials just by looting the house and destroying the family.

  It would be nice to be able to copy half of it.

  It is very likely that even one-third of the wealth cannot be copied.

  But if these gentlemen who are willing to obey, become naturalized with wealth, then it will be much easier.

  Once they have determined that Dayan has the strength and hope to dominate the world, they will frantically transfer assets and wealth.

  And once these wealth have poured into Lin Feng's territory, they still want to go out.

  They will take every penny out of their pockets! Entering Lin Feng's territory, Lin Feng has too many ways to let them spend the wealth of the eighteenth generation of their ancestors in an instant, and they also owe a A lot of debt! "Very good, let these gentlemen take out all their wealth, support our economic construction, and drain their residual value, this is very good!"

  "Keep doing this!!"

  "Also, issue an order that all large-value transactions in the future must be conducted in banknotes!"

  "Prepare for our next step in currency banknotes!"

  Lin Feng waved his hand and said to the person in charge of the Government Council.

Chapter [-] The desperate and wailing capital gentry

  Northern Zhili, Beijing.

  "Master, master is not good, not good!"

  "The front line was defeated, and the entire army of hundreds of thousands was destroyed. Even His Majesty, Bu Li, fled from Chengdu and returned to the capital!!"

  In a luxurious mansion, a housekeeper panicked, broke into the study in a panic, and reported loudly.

  "What did you say"

  The master of the mansion, the gentleman, stood up in shock when he heard this, and cried out in disbelief, with a look of disbelief and disbelief on his face: "The Dashun Army has hundreds of thousands of troops, how come it only lasts a few days? , it's gone all of a sudden!"

  "Are all the soldiers on the front line pigs!!"

  "Besides, didn't Li Zicheng personally go to the front line to supervise the battle? Why did he lose hundreds of thousands of troops so quickly, and he was defeated all at once!"

  The gentleman is really incomprehensible. How could he be defeated so quickly in just a few days. "Master, the strength of Lin Feng's Great Flame Army is really too strong, far beyond our expectations!"

  "They used nearly [-] artillery pieces. Just the artillery pieces, the Dashun Army can't take care of themselves!!"

  "Not to mention they have tons of muskets!"

  "Their muskets are of high quality and are numerous in number. When they are lined up to shoot, it is like lining up to be shot. The soldiers of the Dashun Army, when they go to the battlefield, go to the battlefield one after another to die!!"

  "All the generals of the Dashun Army who have seen the frontline fighting with their own eyes have collapsed!!"

  "The Dashun Army has never fought this kind of battle, and they can't think of any way to deal with it!!"

  "Master, this is the crushing of strength!!"

  "This Great Flame Army is simply invincible"

  The housekeeper reported the news from the outside one by one, and his expression was extremely frightened, as if he had seen it with his own eyes, trembling.

  When the gentleman heard it, he was silent for a while, and he didn't want to say anything, he waved his hand and said, "Go and call Mr. Lu, Mr. Jiang and the others!!"

  When the butler heard this, he hurriedly retreated and began to gather gentlemen in the capital who had extraordinary prestige, reputation and even strength.

  All the gentry in the capital city came upon hearing the news, and their faces showed panic, like ants on a hot pot, rushing around.

  Obviously, they have also learned the news that the front-line Dashun Army has suffered a fiasco and the entire army has been destroyed.

  I even learned that the Dayan Army had occupied Jinmen and was marching towards the capital.

  As soon as the gentry of the capital gathered, they immediately entered the subject, anxious and panicked, arguing.

  "Everyone tell me what to do, what to do next!!"

  "Dashun has hundreds of thousands of troops, and half of them are elites. The main force of Dashun is now destroyed. If you want to defend the capital next, Dashun does not have many troops."

  "Yes, yes, if you don't take measures urgently, I am afraid that the capital of the Great Yan Army will fall!!"

  "Action, we must act immediately, we can't sit and wait to die!!"

  "Act what you say

  I will ask you, what price should we pay for our actions, so that we can completely stop the offensive of the Great Yan Army and prevent the Great Yan Army from approaching the capital city!"

  "Action must be taken, but the question is, how many troops do we need to be able to defend the capital!"

  "Everyone must not only guard the capital, but also the entire Beizhili, otherwise it will be useless if you only defend the capital and lose Beizhili.


  "Beijing Zhili, let's not talk about it, the top priority is to defend the capital!! If the capital can't be defended, we all have to die!!"

  "The prime minister of Dashun, Niu Jinxing, told me that in order to stop the Great Flame Army, a large-scale installation of muskets and artillery is necessary. Use muskets, hundreds of artillery pieces!! Only in this way can we be able to pose a threat to the Great Flame Army, and can effectively kill the Great Flame Army when they are stationed at the defensive line!!”

  "Yeah, I looked at it. The reason why the Dashun Army was defeated so badly that it was beaten without any strength to fight back was because the weapons and equipment of the Dashun Army were so backward! They couldn't even break the defense. How can you stop the Great Flame Army!"

  "So there must be artillery, and there must be muskets!!"

  "Without muskets and artillery, and large-scale muskets and artillery, then the Dashun Army is not even qualified to be the opponent of the Dayan Army, and it is impossible to defend against it!"


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