Looking at the entire Qing Dynasty established by the Manchus, the only thing they are proud of is its military strength.

  However, the only thing that makes them proud now has been surpassed, even crushed.

  How could they accept this! No wonder if they didn't believe it! Only Dorgon shivered violently when he heard the words of the messenger, and an indescribable fear filled his heart.

  A fact that made him faint but unbelievable appeared.

  The strength of the Great Yan Army was beyond imagination, but it was unexpected by Dorgon, but subconsciously, Dorgon was unwilling to believe this intuition.

  As a matter of fact, all the information collected about the combat effectiveness of the Great Yan Army has long pointed out that the Great Yan Army is very strong, and its strength is beyond imagination, unbelievable clues.

  "It's hard to do now"

  Dorgon sighed in his heart, and there was a faint feeling of depression in his heart, which gave him a kind of "both bright, He Shengyu"


  In just a few days, the Great Yan Army destroyed Dashun's hundreds of thousands of troops in World War I.

  It brought unimaginable shock and horror to Dorgon.

  Subconsciously, he has realized that the current state of the Manchu and Qing Tartars is very wrong! What he has to consider now is not about winning the country or the world.

  Instead, we have to think with all our strength, how to make the Manchu Tartars live! After Dayan conquered the world, live! However, these are all subconscious thoughts, let alone convince all the princes of the Manchu Tartars Minister, even if it is to convince himself, Dorgon himself finds it difficult.

  Everyone has a sense of luck.

  At this moment, Dorgon has it, and he still wants to try the true combat power of the Great Flame Army.

  Just how strong is the Great Flame Army! "Now, where has the Xuanwu Corps of the Great Flame Army marched!"

  Ignoring the princes and ministers who were still in disbelief and had difficulty accepting the facts, still roaring loudly, and struggling frantically, Dorgon immediately asked the messenger.

  When the messenger was asked by Dorgon, he breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that these princes and ministers would swallow his eyes, and quickly replied: "Now the Xuanwu Legion of the Great Yan Army The soldiers were divided into two routes, one routed its elite and headed straight for the capital.

  Another way to march north, has already captured the Rongcheng, and is coming to us!"

  When Dorgon heard this, he immediately shouted: "Map!!"

  The servants and guards around them quickly picked up the map, knelt on the ground, and held them high in front of Dorgon.

  Looking at the map, Dorgon's face suddenly became cloudy and uncertain, with a solemn look on his face, and said solemnly: "Please calm down for this king, and listen to this king!!"

  "The other way, the Dayan Army, which is heading north, has already captured Rongcheng, and is heading towards Fengrun. Looking at their marching route, it is clear that they want to fully accept the Dashun Army's Zunhua, Fengrun, and Rongcheng defenses! "

  "If you want to trap us in Yongping Mansion, let us not make trouble, so that they can capture the capital and capture Beizhili!"

  "Once they have completed the strategic goal of capturing the capital and Beizhili, this king is sure that they will turn their heads and attack our Qing Dynasty with all their might, to drive us out of Yongping Prefecture, out of Shanhaiguan, and drive us out Back to Liaodong!"

  "We are not allowed to interfere in the struggle for the world of Shenzhou!"

  As soon as these words came out, the princes and ministers of the Qing Dynasty were boiling, and the crowd shouted excitedly: "It is absolutely impossible to satisfy them! We have to attack, attack!"

  "Be the first to attack the Great Flame Army!!"

Chapter [-] The Qing army sent troops and was happy to hear the battle

  Dorgon's proposal was unanimously approved by all the princes and ministers of the Manchu and Qing Tartars, and they all clamored to attack the Great Yan Army and completely control the initiative of the war.

  In fact, the situation forced them to have no choice.

  If it doesn't matter if you hang up high, sit and watch the Dashun army collapse, sit and watch Li Zicheng fall, sit and watch the Dayan army conquer the capital, occupy Beizhili, and even occupy the entire world.

  These Manchu Qing Tartars, the future will definitely not be easy! Once the Great Yan Army is free, they will definitely attack them.

  Therefore, no matter what the princes and ministers of the Manchu Tartars said or how many high-sounding reasons they found, they must be the first to send troops to attack the Great Yan Army.

  This is absolutely the choice as long as it is not someone whose head is kicked by a donkey.

  It seems that there are two choices for the Manchus to choose, but in fact, there is and only one choice.

  If you don't take the initiative to attack, you are waiting for death! The Great Yan Army, which only occupies the entire Shandong, is so difficult to deal with, and it can even be called an unprecedented strong enemy.

  It is difficult for the princes and ministers of the Manchu Tartars to imagine how much the strength of the Great Yan will expand once the entire world is occupied by the Great Yan Army.

  It is even more difficult to imagine whether they will have the courage to resist at that time! Instead, it is better to launch an attack first and fight for it! However, in fact, the princes and ministers of the Manchu Tartars, and even Dorgon, did not feel that they were Fighting.

  From the beginning to the end, they are still full of confidence in their own strength and in their eight-flag powerhouse.

  It is difficult for them to imagine that in the whole world, which infantry can stop the charge of their Qing cavalry! Since ancient times, the cavalry has always been hanging on the infantry! The Manchu Tartars who consider themselves the best in the world, there is no one in the Qing Dynasty. People will feel that their cavalry will be defeated and will not be the opponent of the infantry.

  Although intelligence shows that the Great Yan Army has a large number of artillery pieces.

  With artillery, the Dashun Army was bombarded and collapsed! But although the artillery was strong, they were not afraid at all.

  They do not fight fortified battles, nor do they fight positional battles.

  The huge Northern Zhili Great Plain, this is the home ground of their Great Qing Iron Cavalry! On this great plain, they do not believe that the artillery of the Great Yan Army can catch up with their Iron Cavalry! After conquering and occupying Mongolia, the Manchu Qing Tatar Son, the number of cavalry is terrifying, they never lack warhorses, and warhorses are abundant.

  If they attacked the city, they might still be afraid that the Great Yan Army had so many artillery pieces, after all, their father Boarskin died under the artillery pieces.

  Let them be filled with a kind of fear from the bottom of their bones about the city that has artillery and stick to it.

  But if it is a field battle, and it is still a field battle on the Great Plains, they are not afraid of anyone! Of course, this does not mean that they are arrogant! It is that they have been winning for decades, and they have accumulated strong self-confidence.

  The cavalry will always have the advantage and the initiative over the infantry.

  "Order the entire army to go out of Yongping Mansion, attack Zhongtunwei, intercept the Dayan army between Rongcheng and Fengrun, and force the Dayan army to fight with me in a decisive battle!!"

  "This battle must be crushed.

  Get rid of them!"

  "Let me, the Eight Banners, swept through Shuntian Prefecture and occupied the land of the capital!"

  "Tell the world that I am here!"

  Dorgon, who was full of confidence in his cavalry, gave the order to go to the army in high spirits.

  "Follow the orders of the Regent!"

  The princes and ministers who led the troops under their command followed the orders one after another.

  With a single order, a total of [-] cavalrymen and hundreds of thousands of infantry troops rushed out from the Yongping Palace City.

  The [-] cavalry were from the Eight Banners of Manchu and Mongolia, and most of the infantry were soldiers of the Eight Banners of Han.

  At this moment

  The Manchu Tartars, the troops are extremely abundant.

  The strength is also really strong.

  Among them, even the Han Baqi, which they themselves looked down upon, were also equipped with guns and artillery on a large scale.

  This is the result of the continuous accumulation of muskets and artillery by the Manchu Tartars for more than ten years.

  It can be said that in the whole world, except for the Great Yan, only the Manchu Tartars attach the most importance to muskets and artillery.

  Don't look at their mouths saying that they are Jurchen iron cavalry, they can sweep the world and can't find any opponents.

  In fact, every time a large army goes to expedition, they will be very honest with almost all the artillery of their net worth.

  In every previous war with the Ming Dynasty, the number of artillery pieces of the Manchu Tartars actually far exceeded that of the Ming Dynasty.

  In addition, they also renamed the red-clothed cannon of the Ming Dynasty to the red-clothed cannon.

  The word Hongyi has a contemptuous meaning, which is Daming's contempt for the Western countries.

  But after changing to the word red, it has a kind of admiration.

  Just from the name of the artillery, it can be seen that the Manchu Tartars attached great importance to the artillery.

  After all, this is the price to pay in blood! The lessons of being bombarded by artillery have led them to admire artillery extremely

  Fengrun and Rongcheng are on the front line.


  "Master, the Manchu Tartarians of Yongping Prefecture have dispatched troops!!"

  "They used almost [-] to [-] troops, and more than half of them were cavalry. They started from Kaiping Zhongtunwei, and they killed Yongping Mansion and came to us!"

  "Want to stop our march to Fengrun!"

  The Dayan Xuanwu Corps, the Second Route Army heading north, led by the cavalry division commander, led twenty guards, marched north, and was responsible for blocking the Manchu Tartars in Yongping House.

  This is the first stage of the strategic plan designated by the Xuanwu Legion, in order to prevent the Manchu Tartars from disturbing the elite of the Xuanwu Legion, to capture the capital, and to occupy the entire northern Zhili.

  The army from Jinmen successfully won an important support point on the defense line of Rongcheng.

  I just wanted to take the second support point, when it was plump.

  The Manchu Tatars sent troops.

  The commander of the [-]st Cavalry Division sneered when he heard the words: "It seems that the Manchu Tartarians are not stupid. Realizing the seriousness of the matter, they will definitely join forces with the Dashun Army to prevent my Dayan from occupying the capital and occupying Beizhili. !!”

  "Everyone, prepare for war!"

  "The war has begun!!"

  The [-] guards and envoys below heard the words and laughed instead of being shocked. They rubbed their fists and feet, and said excitedly: "Haha, it's still a happy journey for us to go north. It's really great to fight against the Dashun Army. It’s not interesting, it’s interesting to be with the Manchu Tartars!!”

  "It's the same, we're so lucky, I've wanted to see it for a long time, whether the Jurchen iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars is...the rumored power! Let's see if their cavalry is powerful, or whether our muskets and artillery are more powerful! !"

  "Don't underestimate the cavalry, the Manchu Tatars conquered Mongolia, with a large number of war horses and a large number of cavalry.

  Once this cavalry charges in a group, its power is not small! Our sword and shield soldiers and spearmen may not be able to stop the charge of the cavalry!!"

  "Haha, isn't it death, mutual consumption? What I'm not afraid of the most is a war of attrition!! If you work hard, you will work hard, see who is afraid of who!"

  "That's right! The cavalry of the Manchu Tatars is really powerful, but they have a fatal flaw, that is, there are too few Tatars, and they can't afford it at all!!"


  The guards and the envoys, one by one, rejoiced when they heard the battle, sharpened their fists and rubbed their feet, and waited for the cavalry of the Manchu Tartars to attack.

Chapter [-] The Tartar Army who bullies the soft and fears the hard


  "Senior Commander, a large army of Manchu Tatars was discovered in front, and they really intercepted us in front!"

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