"If we knew that the Manchu Tartars were so unscathed, why should we take refuge in the Manchu Tartars!!"

  "Even if you take refuge in the Dashun Army, you will die if you die, and you won't suffer this kind of torture!"

  "Damn it, damn it!!"

  "It's over, it's over, we're completely over now!!"

  "Guanning iron cavalry will also become history"


  As soon as they heard that the Great Yan Army was going to conduct a public trial on them and nail them to the pillar of shame, just like Qin Hui, the high-ranking generals of the Guan Ning Iron Cavalry, these big traitors collapsed one by one.

  It was like the end of the day, falling on their heads.

  Let them collapse, despair, and their mentality explodes! Wailing, screaming, and finally numbness! They can't die if they want to die! Regret fills their hearts.

  Of course, from the beginning to the end, what they regret is not the fact that they took refuge in the Manchu Tartars and acted as traitors.

  What they regret is that if they had known that the Manchu Tartars would be defeated by the Great Yan Army, they would not have surrendered to the Manchu Tartars! In essence, they still think that whoever is stronger will surrender to whomever is stronger.

  There is no thought of family justice.

  There is no self-consciousness of being a Han Chinese.

  This is what the big traitor thinks! "Am I wrong"

  "Did i do something wrong!"

  "Haha, did I really do something wrong?"

  "Guanning iron cavalry does not take refuge in the Manchu Tartars, who else can take refuge?"

  "I am right!!"

  Wu Sangui squatted at the foot of the wall, lowered his head and muttered to himself, refusing to admit that he was wrong.

  However, the Great Yan Army does not matter whether they admit their mistakes or not, they only need to squeeze the last bit of value from these big traitors.

  The purpose of leaving their lives temporarily is to shake the prestige of the Great Yan Army! At the same time, the purpose is to slaughter chickens and terrify monkeys! With bloody slaughter, public judgment, and permanent nailing on the pillar of shame, to shock the world, who will Whoever dares to collude with a foreign race will die, and will be discredited, forever remembered by history and notorious!

Chapter [-] The Great Victory of Yongping House

  Dayan, Jinan Fucheng, Lord's Mansion.

  "Master, good news, great news!!"

  "There is good news from the North Route Army of the Xuanwu Legion. They were intercepted by the Tartar army led by the Manchu Tartar Regent Dorgon in Rongcheng, Shuntian Prefecture, and Fengrun, and a war broke out!"

  "The Manchu Tartars dispatched [-] iron cavalry and hundreds of thousands of infantry troops, with a force of [-] to [-]! Relying on the superiority of the cavalry, the Tartar [-] iron cavalry launched a violent attack on our army. charge!"

  "Our army uses the carriage formation, the shield formation, and the spear formation as the three lines of defense, and also has the artillery formation and the musket formation as the means of counterattack, and it is a strong confrontation with the [-] iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartarians!"

  "In this battle, our soldiers were brave and good at fighting, not afraid of sacrifice, and well-trained, and finally won the victory! On the spot, the army of Tartars was killed and wounded more than [-]!"

  "The commander of the North Road of the Xuanwu Legion, the commander of the [-]st Cavalry Division made a decisive decision, and when the Tartar army was withdrawing, he launched a fierce cavalry charge and launched a pursuit against the Tartar army!"

  "Pursue hundreds of miles away, chase and kill Kaiping City in Yongping Prefecture in one breath, and take advantage of the opportunity to capture Kaiping City when the Tartar defenders are in a panic!"

  "In this battle, our army annihilated a total of more than [-] Tartar cavalry, and captured hundreds of thousands of Tatar cavalry and all the Han flags! It devoured [-] Tatar troops in one go, and completely destroyed the Manchu Tatars!"

  "The Manchu Qing Tartars headed by Dorgon were frightened by the wind, urinating, and did not dare to be enemies with our army. They gave up Yongping Mansion and fled. They all escaped from Shanhaiguan and fled. I went back to my hometown in Liaodong!"

  Chief of General Staff Li Gan reported to Lin Feng excitedly. When he reported the good news, he was very excited.

  This is not exciting! After the heavy damage to the Dashun Army, the enemy who can pose a threat to Dayan is the Manchu Tartars, the overlord of the north.

  The Manchu and Qing Tatars were only able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of cavalry with the Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners alone! Hundreds of thousands of cavalry! The iron cavalry does not need anyone to say, just spread it out, it can scare people to death! Why did the Ming Dynasty, when they heard the Tartars, be afraid! It is not because the Manchu Tartars conquered Mongolia, they can use the power of the Mongolian cavalry Do you use it for your own use? The strength of Mongolia seems inconspicuous, but when Mongolia is united, millions of people, almost everyone is a soldier, the elderly, children and even women can act as cavalry.

  Moreover, the riding is very good! In the Ming Dynasty, I don’t know how many cavalry, even the elderly, children and women in Mongolia can’t compare! Mongolia with all the forces integrated, it is simply a nightmare level existence! The military potential is really terrible! In the age of cold weapons, it is simply a natural fighting nation! It is extremely powerful! Hundreds of years ago, the Mongolian Iron Cavalry proved this.

  But now that the Manchu and Qing Tatars have conquered Mongolia, not to mention the integration of Mongolia's power, this alone makes people feel scared.

  Absolutely difficult character! Li Gan was also worried about the number of soldiers of the Manchu Tartars before.

  But after this battle, Li Gan was completely relieved! The hundreds of thousands of infantry troops were able to defeat the [-] iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars and suffered heavy losses! What else should he worry about! This The battle has proved that the Dayan Army, equipped with a large number of muskets and artillery, can hang and beat cavalry!!

  The impact of this battle is extremely far-reaching, and it also makes people feel proud and proud.

  "Show me the detailed battle report!"

  Lin Feng was not surprised for the first time, but was concerned about the detailed battle report, and carefully watched the decisive battle between the Northern Army of the Xuanwu Army and the Tartars.

  After reading it, he heaved a sigh of relief.

  In this battle, the Dayan Army has suffered the heaviest casualties since it was equipped with a large number of muskets and artillery! There were five or six thousand casualties! I have to say that a large number of cavalry assembled to charge, and the impact was too great! Even though the Great Yan Army had made adequate preparations and was armed to the teeth, there were still quite a few lines of defense, which were broken through by the cavalry of the Manchu Tartars and entered the interior line.

  If it weren't for the musketeers of the Great Flame Army, they were not afraid of death, they regarded death as their home, and they didn't panic at all. They would still be able to keep firing at the same frequency as usual, and carry out the tactics of queuing to kill.

  I am afraid that in this battle, who will win and who will lose, it is difficult to say! For Lin Feng, the real victory in this battle lies in the fact that the soldiers under his command are not afraid of death and are well-trained! Guns and artillery are just tools and weapons. Some dead things! To win the battle, it all depends on the life of the soldiers! This point must be admitted! If nothing else, it is possible to face thousands of troops charging forward, and still be able to remain calm. , the vast majority of soldiers who stably exert their combat effectiveness will be weak in their hands and feet! It is amazing to be able to stand still and not run! In most cases, there is no need for cavalry to break through the defense line. It collapsed! In the face of the charge of thousands of troops, apart from the Dayan Army, there were no troops or soldiers, so don't panic! Not to mention, a large number of cavalry broke through the defense line and rushed into the formation! After reading the detailed information , Lin Feng knew it.

  The Manchu Tartars were defeated very wrongly in this battle! They were indeed very strong, and they were extremely brave.

  The number of casualties on the charging road is more than half!! That's how it began to collapse.

  From this point of view, the Tartar cavalry is indeed very strong, and the self-proclaimed number one cavalry in the world is worthy of the name.

  It's just that what they encountered was the more perverted and unreasonable Great Yan Army! The Great Yan Army was brave and not afraid of death, and was no different from an emotionless killing machine.

  It can't be beaten at all, it can't be beaten.

  Ordinary tactics are useless against the Great Yan Army.

  Therefore, the loser was wronged! For Lin Feng, this battle proved that his Great Yan Army could be called the real No. [-] in the world, even with infantry and cavalry, they could still win the battle.

  But for other forces! If they believe that with a large number of muskets and artillery, they can collide with the cavalry head-on, then they will definitely be killed! In this battle, the infantry beat the cavalry, only the Great Yan Army can replicate.

  But for the armies of other forces, it is difficult to replicate! However, a large number of muskets and artillery can indeed wipe out the advantages of many cavalry over infantry.

  "Furthermore, the North Route Army of the Xuanwu Legion chased after the victory and occupied the entire territory of Yongping Mansion, and even led the army to pacify Shanhaiguan, and completely won the Shanhaiguan, the world's No. [-] pass!!"

  "The high-level generals of the Guanning Iron Cavalry led by Wu Sangui have been taken over by one pot, and we have all captured them alive!!"

  Li Gan once again reported good news.

Chapter [-] An unprecedented victory

  "Take Shanhaiguan!"

  "Wu Sangui was captured alive!"

  When Lin Feng heard this, his face immediately burst into joy. This is indeed a piece of good news that will not lose to the great defeat of the Manchu Tatar army! Shanhaiguan has been rated as the No. [-] Great Pass in the world. Apart from its steepness and difficulty in conquering, its strategic position is extremely important. Yes! It can be said that winning Shanhaiguan is equivalent to closing the gates inside and outside the customs.

  You can close the door and live with peace of mind! This is great news for Dayan, who wants to unify China with one heart. Strategically, he has an active advantage! It can even be said that Dayan wants to leave the country in the future. If you fight the Manchu Tartars, you will be able to fight! But if the Manchu Tartars want revenge, they are helpless, and there is no way to face the Great Yan Army retreating inside the pass.

  Even, they don't even have the courage to get close to Shanhaiguan and the Great Wall defense line! Without him, the Dayan Army has too many guns and artillery! In the defensive battle, it has an absolute advantage! The cavalry dominates the force, a helpless advantage! "Very good, very good!!"

  Lin Feng couldn't help but shouted hello, his face was full of excitement and joy, the map of the entire Great Wall defense line appeared in his mind, and he said: "Shanhaiguan is in hand, the enemy outside the customs has nothing to do with us, and also threatens us. not to us!"

  "This is of great significance for us to win the capital, win Beizhili, and go south to the entire north!"

  "Strategic significance, very important!"

  "It means that our army can launch a war of unification without worry!!"

  "You can concentrate your forces and kill the Dashun Army as soon as possible!!"

  "Destroy all enemies!!"

  Li Gan listened to the heavy head, and he also thought so, Shanhaiguan has an extremely important position for the forces within the customs.

  Even if the Ming Dynasty perished, Shanhaiguan was not lost! From this, we can see how important the significance of Shanhaiguan is.

  "Announce the news of the great victory of Yongping Prefecture and the heavy damage to the Manchu Tartars!"

  "Get Shanhaiguan and announce the news of Wu Sangui's live capture!"

  "To fight for the hearts and minds of the world, further increase the offensive!"

  "Let everyone in the world have a clear understanding and realize that I am the Great Yan, and that is the power that can inherit the great Ming Dynasty!"

  "He is the true co-lord of the world since the Ming Dynasty!"

  "Crack down on the delusions of all careerists!!"

  Lin Feng immediately sent the order.

  I won a battle, and it was a big victory, how could I hide it? Now is not the time to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger and make a fortune in silence.

  Now is the time to fight for the world and win the world! Propaganda must be carried out with great fanfare! Win the hearts of the people! Of course, Lin Feng also has a secret idea, then the power of the lower gentry will continue to be scattered, and the gentry in the world will be completely panicked Get up, and the heart of resistance is completely lowered.

  From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng never said that all the gentry in the world must die.

  It also gave them a way to live in Dayan, that is, a way to live.

  It's just that the gentry group, unwilling to give up their land and wealth, resisted so stubbornly to the end.

  But now, Dayan first hit Li Zicheng's Dashun Army, and then he hit the Manchu Tartars, took back Shanhaiguan, and drove the Manchu Tartars out of the customs.

  It can be said that the trend of hegemony has been achieved! It can even be directly said that the two decisive battles that will determine the world have been completely won! Looking at the world, there is no force that can compete with Dayan! In this case, it is still Don't give up all delusions sooner

  , Surrender early and stand by the side, then it is no wonder that it will be subjected to liquidation and massacre in the future.

  Because, this is all self-inflicted! Although Lin Feng gave the gentry in the world a way to survive, it cost them most of their lives, and even the foundation of their lives! Because the gentry in the world are all based on land and farmland.

  It's just that the situation is like this, people have to bow their heads under the roof! Lin Feng believes that after the news of the Manchu Qing Tartars, the occupation of Yongpingfu, and the recapture of Shanhaiguan will be made public.

  It will definitely cause an uproar in the world! It is bound to cause panic among the gentry in the world.

  The economic development of Dayan will explode again! The speed of gathering the world's wealth will speed up a little bit.

  Each of them is beneficial to him and Dayan, and it is strange that there is not much publicity in Dayan! He not only wants to make a scene in Dayan, but also uses the intelligence personnel under his command to spread the news all over the world. reach everyone's ears.

  As for Wu Sangui, the big traitors who recognized the traitors as fathers and took refuge in the Manchu Tartars, Lin Feng also had a decision long ago.

  After winning the capital, he will publicly judge Wu Sangui, these big traitors, in the capital's land in front of the world! Completely nail these big traitors to the pillar of shame, and never turn over! People who don't even recognize their ancestors! Let's kill chickens and terrify monkeys! Let the world realize that colluding with aliens is absolutely unacceptable! In a word, those who collude with aliens will be punished even if they are far away! "Sell the newspapers, sell the newspapers! The Yongping prefecture was victorious. The Northern Route Army of the Xuanwu Army fought against the Manchu Tartars, and the infantry troops hit the Manchu Tartars with [-] iron cavalry! Hundreds of thousands of Tartar cavalry were beheaded on the spot, and Han Han was captured. Eight Banners Hundreds of Thousands!!”

  "Great victory, great victory, the Xuanwu Legion made another extraordinary contribution, and after battering hundreds of thousands of Dashun troops, they fought consecutive victories, battering hundreds of thousands of troops of the Manchu Tatars!!"

  "Sell newspapers, sell newspapers!! The Xuanwu Corps has made another extraordinary contribution, hit the Manchurian Tartars, occupied the whole territory of Yongping Prefecture, stepped down Shanhaiguan, and captured Wu Sangui alive!!!"

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