They were somewhat dubious, but they dared not deny it.

  Because Da Yan is powerful, it is a fact! Two consecutive wars have been won, and the strength of Da Yan has been proved! This already has the strength to dominate the world and be the co-lord of the world! No matter whether they admit it or not, they must have a clear understanding.

  Since the Great Yan Army used hundreds of thousands of infantry troops to forcibly overwhelm the [-] iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars, and severely damaged them.

  The combat effectiveness of the Dayan Army can already be called the strongest army in the world! The large-scale cavalry army equipped with muskets and artillery will be the mainstream of future wars! Today's Dayan represents advanced! Represents the direction of the future Thinking of this, all the gentlemen present fell into silence again, each with a gloomy expression, very tangled.

  Resist but don't know how to resist, muskets and artillery are a threshold, so many of them can't participate at all.

  But if they don't resist, they sit and wait to die. They are very unwilling! Who is willing to give up their land and farmland? This is the family property created by the efforts of several generations or even a dozen generations! Yan obviously completely abolished the privileges of their gentry! This is the most deadly! If the privilege is there and there is no wealth, it is not a big deal, because it can be plundered and exploited at any time.

  But once all kinds of privileges are gone, let them work hard and fight again, it will be difficult! The gentry started out by plundering, exploiting and monopolizing, and they are very familiar with and skilled in these methods.

  But to let them run the business honestly is really embarrassing them.

  For a while, all the gentlemen present became a little flustered and confused, not knowing how to move forward.

  There were also quite a few gentry who, after being persuaded by the Dayan merchants and speaking out, felt that it was a good idea to give up their land and farmland and go to Dayan.

  After all, among so many gentlemen, there are always some who made their fortunes by diligence and ingenuity, and they can afford to run their families.

  Even if you go to Dayan, you will be able to achieve greater development! Not to mention the revival of the family, it is more likely to reach a higher level.

  Because of the heavy losses of the Manchu Tartars, the Great Yan Army won a great victory in Yongping Mansion, and even won Shanhaiguan.

  It has caused a great impact! As a result, the forces among the gentry in the world have been dispersed, but now they have become more dispersed! There are still many of them, and they have quietly changed their minds. of.

  Those who know the current affairs are Junjie! This is what the ancestors said!

Chapter [-] Tartars are unlucky, Dashun laughed

  Northern Zhili, Beijing, Forbidden City.


  "Your Majesty, I just heard the news that the Great Yan Army is in Rongcheng, the Fengrun frontline, and a war broke out with the army led by the Manchu Tartar Dorgon!"

  "In this battle, the Dayan Army's [-] foot cavalry force smashed the Manchu Tartars and [-] iron cavalry. The Manchu Tartarians suffered unprecedented heavy losses. Hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry were defeated, and hundreds of thousands of Han and Eight Banners troops were captured!"

  "The Tartars headed by Dorgon were beaten and fled, throwing away the entire territory of Yongping Mansion, escaping from the pass, and ran back outside the pass in despair!"

  "At the same time, the Dayan Army pursued the victory and occupied the whole territory of Yongping Prefecture in one fell swoop. They also trod down Shanhaiguan and captured Wu Sangui alive! The Guanning Iron Cavalry has been removed from the list!!"

  The messengers hurried to the palace hall and reported loudly to Li Zicheng who was running back to the Forbidden City.

  As soon as the voice fell, it caused an uproar in the civil and military affairs of the Dashun Man Dynasty.

  "What even the Manchu Tartarians have lost!"

  "If the old man remembers correctly, the Dayan Army went to Rongcheng, and the North Route Army on the Fengrun line should only be Dayan's second-line garrison."

  "Yes, it is indeed Dayan's second-line garrison!"

  "Hey! It's really terrifying. He used hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers to forcibly overwhelmed the [-] Tartar cavalry, and in one fell swoop, he severely wounded them, and they fled in the wild.

  It was only the second-line garrison that was dispatched!"

  "It seems that I am not complaining about the defeat!! The Tartars' [-] iron cavalry and [-] infantry troops add up to nearly [-] troops. Even Dayan's second-line garrison can't be beaten, and he was taught a hard lesson. for a while.

  I was defeated by Dayan’s elite Xuanwu Legion, and I really don’t complain!!”

  "Of course, the elite army of the Great Yan Army is too terrifying, with nearly [-] artillery pieces, it is simply crazy!!"

  "I can't fight, I can't fight, the Great Yan Army has too many guns and artillery, and they are not afraid of death, they can't fight at all!!"

  "Yeah, the Great Yan Army is not afraid of death, well-trained, and the Tartars dispatched [-] iron cavalry, but they couldn't kill their battle formation. We are only infantry, how can we break their battle formation?"

  "Don't complain if you lose!"

  "Obviously, losing to the Great Yan Army is not because my Dashun Army is too weak, but because the Great Yan Army is too strong!"

  "Yes, yes, even the mighty Tartars have been defeated by the Great Yan Army. Who in the world can stop the Great Yan Army's front!"


  The Manchu Tatars were defeated by the Great Yan Army, and they were also defeated by the second-line garrison of the Great Yan Army, and suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

  This news did not shock or surprise the civil and military officials of Dashun.

  Instead, one by one, they relaxed and comforted themselves.

  Even the mighty Tartars were defeated so miserably. Their Dashun Army was defeated by the elites of the Dayan Xuanwu Army. Even though they were defeated, it was still a glorious defeat! For a while, the Dashun court was overwhelmed. few.

  A smile appeared on each of their faces, and they regained their anger.

  In the past few days, their Dashun army suffered a fiasco, and hundreds of thousands of troops were destroyed, which brought unprecedented pressure to the Dashun court.

  Up to Li Zicheng, down to the civil and military officials, one of them has a difficult life! Every time they appear on the streets of the capital city, they will be met with different eyes from the people of the capital.

  That kind of gaze seems to be questioning them, why are they still not dead! It can be said that this period of time is the most difficult time.

  From the height of the sun to the waning mountains, the entire Dashun court has a feeling that life is not as good as death, extremely depressed, pessimistic and hopeless.

  Now when I heard that the Manchu Tartars were defeated by the Great Yan Army, I immediately let him

  They were all excited.

  Although they are defeated, they are still honored! As soon as the news came out, no one dared to look at them strangely! You must know that the old man who was bullied by the Manchu Tartars in the capital land was miserably. Yes! As soon as I heard the news that the Tartars had entered the pass, it would immediately cause a huge panic.

  How come the Manchu Tartarians have been defeated! Facts have proved that the Dayan Army is too strong, it is not that their Dashun Army is not up to the standard! Thinking of this, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty all sighed in relief. , It seems that the heavy pressure of a mountain has been removed, and everyone's face has returned to a smile.

  Seeing that the Manchu Tartars also fell badly, Dashun did not feel the opposite of the enemy, but rather felt a sense of relief, and it was impossible to gloat at the misfortune.


  Even Li Zicheng couldn't help sighing heavily at this moment.

  It must be said that the Manchu Tartars suffered unprecedented heavy losses, and they were defeated by the second-line garrison of the Dayan Army, which made Li Zicheng laugh.

  Dorgon, the Manchu Tartar, is really a good brother! Seeing that Li Zicheng's Dashun Dynasty was unlucky, he couldn't help but come forward to help his brothers. It's as if the burden has been lifted off and you can go into battle with ease.

  Li Zicheng, who was relieved of the burden and did not have much pressure, began to ask very easily: "My dear friends, the Dayan army is unstoppable, and its strength is unstoppable! My Dashun army suffered a crushing defeat before, although it returned to the capital, but the capital even In the entire capital of the capital, it is difficult to block the sharp edge of the Great Flame!"

  As soon as Li Zicheng opened his mouth, the civil and military officials immediately knew that Li Zicheng wanted to evacuate the capital and did not dare to stand in the way of the Dayan Army! This is obviously afraid of being attacked by the Dashun Army! However, the Dashun Army is not Just like Daming, you have to suffer in life to save face.

  If you can't beat it, run away, this is the style of the Dashun Army, and it is also an old tradition.

  It's just that it's been really smooth recently, with successive victories and innumerable victories, causing the Dashun army to float up and down.

  no, no matter

  Whether it is a human or a dynasty force, it will suffer a big loss as soon as it floats away! The old brothers of the Dashun Army who have conquered half of the country have suffered more than half of their casualties! The Dashun Army suffered a severe downfall, and the Dashun army all woke up.

  Dayan is really too strong! Unstoppable! Even the mighty Manchu Tartarians have suffered heavy losses. They have already been severely injured, and there is no Dashun army that has recovered its vitality. How can they be able to withstand Dayan's unstoppable front Better to retreat early.

  Immediately, several ministers and generals stepped forward to persuade them.

  "Your Majesty, the Great Yan Army has been victorious in successive battles, and the two battles have not been wounded. Their forces are unstoppable. It is absolutely impossible for us, Da Shun, who is already injured, to stop!"

  "That's right, the strength of the Great Yan Army is extremely sharp and unstoppable. Even the Manchu Tartarians have suffered a tragic defeat, and it is still its second-line defender! Now the main force of the Xuanwu Army of the Great Yan Army is attacking the capital, not our army. Stop it! It would be better to leave the capital early and retreat to Shanxi!"

  "It must be planned slowly, now that the Great Yan Army is in full swing and unstoppable, we must retreat to Shanxi just in case!!"

  "Even if Shanxi can't hold it, I can still hold Guanzhong in Dashun!!"

  "That's right, that's right, keep the green hills and not worry about no firewood!!"

  "When the fist is retracted, it can be punched out more powerfully!!"

  "We retreated not because we were afraid of the Great Yan Army, but for the consideration of all the people in Dashun!!"

  "Considered by the world!!"


  For a time, all the civil and military officials of Dashun persuaded them one after another, and even its prime minister, Niu Jinxing, couldn't help but participate.

Chapter [-] Soldiers approaching the capital

  Li Zicheng was very happy to hear that the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all supported the withdrawal of the army, withdrawing from the capital, withdrawing to Shanxi, and avoiding the edge of the now-prosperous Great Yan Army.

  Because that's what he thought! Of course, the reasons for the withdrawal of troops mentioned by these ministers of civil and military affairs are all nonsense. The real reason is that he, Li Zicheng and the entire Dashun Army were all afraid of being attacked by the Dayan Army! Especially I heard that The [-] iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars were defeated and severely damaged by the Great Yan Army in the field.

  Li Zicheng and even the entire Dashun Army were all afraid! He was already inexplicably afraid of the Dayan Army! What's even more terrifying is that, reflecting on the decisive battle in Tianjin, the Dashun Army still couldn't come up with a single one to deal with. The method of the Great Yan Army.

  It is simply impossible to break through and resist the muskets and artillery of the Great Yan Army! Today, the [-] iron cavalry of the Manchu Tartars have suffered heavy losses and suffered an unprecedented defeat. In front of him, there is no way.

  This is a headache! Even the cavalry can't use the musketeers who fight in large-scale formations, so there is no way to defend against the Great Yan Army! After thinking about it, only muskets and artillery can be used to deal with muskets and artillery.

  However, whether it is to buy or build, it takes time! Now the Dashun Army is short of time! Although the capital, the entire Shuntian Prefecture, and even the entire Beizhili, are very important, and it can be said to be the center of the world.

  But in order for the Dashun Army to survive, Li Zicheng must reluctantly give up his love and abandon the capital! He has to abandon it! If he fights another large-scale defensive battle with the Dashun Army, his Dashun Army cannot bear it at all. Such a loss! The Dayan Army's infantry and cavalry troops are well-configured, and there are special cavalry troops to chase and kill.

  The muskets and artillery are used to siege cities and swept the land and break the defense lines of the army.

  In the first battle of Jinmen, hundreds of thousands of troops were completely destroyed, and almost no one escaped.

  It proves that when you start a war with the Great Yan Army, don't think about preserving your strength.

  You can't keep your strength at all! Once the army is defeated, you can't even run away! A small number of troops to defend the city is to die, and a large number of troops to defend the city, once it fails, it can't afford to lose.

  Li Zicheng had no choice but to reluctantly give up his love! If you lose the capital, you will lose it!! If you can't beat it, you will admit it! This is Li Zicheng's battle for more than ten years. life experience.

  A man can bend and stretch! He, Li Zicheng, can't bear any grievances.

  Previously, it was because the early stage was too smooth, and he was floating.

  But now, after being beaten by the Great Yan Army, he almost doubted his life. He was completely awake and could no longer float.

  If you can't beat it, then run! Thinking of this, Li Zicheng nodded immediately and said, "So, all of you Aiqing agree that the capital can't be kept, so prepare to evacuate!"

  "Lost the land of the capital, lost the Tiantianfu, lost the entire Beizhili! "We withdraw to Shanxi!!"

  Li Zicheng issued the order to withdraw the army. Wu was very happy. It is hard to say whether he can survive in the future, but now, if he withdraws the army ahead of schedule and does not fight the Great Yan Army, that is happiness! In the first battle at Jinmen, the Great Yan Army taught him a hard lesson. After a while, they were completely afraid of being beaten by the Great Yan Army, and they were also full of fear of the Great Yan Army.

  If it is not a last resort, they have no courage, and they will fight again with the Great Yan Army! Didn't the Great Yan Army want the capital of the capital? Well, give it to you, give it to you! In a moment, the Dashun Dynasty was full of dynasties. Up and down, all the civil and military ministers were full of excitement and joy, discussing the appropriate withdrawal.


  People, they thought they had won the battle! "Report!!"

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