"Only by killing all, killing all, can it be done once and for all!"

  After finishing speaking, Qiu Sheng waved his hand: "I order, the White Tiger Army, the whole army strikes!!"

  Following Qiu Sheng, the commander of the White Tiger Army, with an order, the entire White Tiger Army began to mobilize.

  He launched an attack on Zhangde Mansion, which borders Daming Mansion.

Chapter [-]: The soldiers are not bloody, and they go down to more than a dozen cities

  The entire army of the White Tiger Corps has three 3 field divisions, a cavalry division, a heavy artillery division, and another thirty 30 guards, with [-] farmers as support.

  Field divisions are composed of three mixed guards, one cavalry guard, and one artillery guard, with a total division of 3, 500 men and [-] men.

  The field troops of the White Tiger Army, nearly [-] people.

  Thirty 30 guards, totaling 500 men and [-] troops.

  It can be said that the strength of a legion, including farmers, is nearly [-]! [-] people, including a large number of purchased vehicles carrying supplies and heavy artillery, can be described as mighty, and the movement is astonishing.

  If it doesn't move, it will shock the world once it does.

  The White Tiger Legion set off from the headquarters of Daming Mansion, and an army of [-] people launched an all-out attack towards Zhangde Mansion in Zhongzhou to the west.

  Zhangde House, subordinate states and counties.

  "Oh my God!!, The Great Flame Army is attacking again!!"

  "There are too many troops. This time, the White Tiger Army is dispatched, with nearly [-] troops!!"

  "I can't stop it, I can't stop it, how can I stop it!"

  "Hurry up, hurry up and report it!!"

  "Damn, how to fight this!!"

  "Brothers, run, you can't beat it, you can't stop it!!"

  "Didn't you hear the brothers who escaped from Beizhili say that the Great Yan army attacked the city and plundered the land, and it was like a broken bamboo.

  The cannonballs bombard the infantry, and the infantry can't stop the cannonballs after they've finished!!"

  "If you don't want to be bombarded, run away!!"


  Zhangde Mansion, all the prefectures and counties attacked by the White Tiger Corps, and almost all the Dashun Army troops stationed in all the prefectures and counties of Zhangde Mansion, were all astonished, and their mentality collapsed on the spot.

  Unprecedented fear broke out in their hearts, and they were all terrified. There were countless people who fled on the spot! Almost no Dashun Army dared to carry the artillery of the White Tiger Army head-on! , there is no fighting spirit at all.

  As the White Tiger Corps of the Dayan Army broke out from the Daming Mansion and launched a full-scale attack on the Zhangde Mansion, the Dashun Army defenders stationed in the Zhangde Mansion collapsed on the spot and fled.

  The White Tiger Army took all the states and counties bordering Zhangde Mansion and Daming Mansion without any effort!


  "Legion commander, report from the front, our army launched a full-scale attack on the Dashun army in Zhangde House.

  "Our army easily captured Zhangde House and Youzhou County of Daming House!!"

  "The three 3rd field divisions have received good news. He set off from Zhangde Mansion City, striving to take Zhangde Mansion City as quickly as possible!"

  "At the same time, the rest of the guards point to good news, and they will take over the subordinate states and counties of Zhangde House as soon as possible!"

  The messengers excitedly reported victory to the army commander Qiu Sheng.

  The front line went smoothly and the good news kept coming. Qiu Sheng laughed and said to the chief of staff of the White Tiger Army beside him: "This is really a good start!!"

  The chief of staff of the legion nodded with a smile: "The Dashun Army has long been beaten by the Xuanwu Legion of our Dayan Army! Although the Dashun defenders of Zhangde Mansion have not been beaten by the Xuanwu Legion, I am a big I am afraid that the fighting strength and horror of the Yan Army have long since spread to all the soldiers of the Dashun Army!"

  "They have always been full of fear of my Great Yan Army, and now my White Tiger Army is nearly [-] people.

  The army launched a full-scale attack, and the [-]-strong army only entered a small Zhangde mansion.

  "I am afraid that just seeing so many people in my Great Yan Army will make my hands and feet go weak and have no will to fight!!"

  When Qiu Sheng heard this, he immediately laughed: "Since you said that, then guess how long it will take for our White Tiger Army to capture the city of Zhangde Mansion and capture the entire territory of Changde Mansion!"

  The chief of staff smiled and did not answer directly: "Then it depends on the marching speed of our army."

  Qiu Sheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter, and immediately said to the messenger: "The commanders of the divisions and the commanders of the guards under the messenger, I want to hear within three days that the entire Zhangde Mansion has been taken. Good news from the realm!"

  The messenger was stunned for a moment, then nodded fiercely, and ran out of the legion headquarters almost rolling and crawling.

  You can't run if you don't run! The time is too fast, he has to issue orders to the division commanders and garrison commanders as soon as possible.

  When the commanders of the various field divisions and the garrison commanders of the White Tiger Corps heard their corps commanders express their desire to hear the news of the capture of the entire Zhangde Mansion within three days.

  All of them took a breath of cold air, and then they all yelled.

  Damn, the legion commander is too ruthless! I want to make them exhausted on the road! But scolding, urging the soldiers below, marching frantically, going into battle lightly, Xiang Zhangde The various states and counties of the government rushed away

  Changde Palace City.


  "The general is not good, it is not good, the Dayan Army White Tiger Corps gathered in Daming Mansion, raised [-] troops, marched westward, and killed the whole line at our Zhangde Mansion!!"

  "All the prefectures and counties on the front line bordering the Daming Palace, the entire army collapsed, fled countless, and all fell to the ground!!"

  The messenger hurried to the garrison general's mansion in Zhangde Mansion City, full of fear and panic, reporting to the garrison general of the Zhangde Mansion of the Dashun Army.


  The garrison general of the Zhangde Mansion of the Dashun Army suddenly changed his face when he heard it, and let out a loud cry.

  Immediately afterwards, he complained frantically and cursed loudly.

  "Damn the Great Yan Army, why are they so perverted that they start wars one after another, don't they need a rest!!"

  "Damn, damn, they won the whole territory of Beizhili, and they are not satisfied with occupying the capital. Now they have to attack westward. They want to compete with me in Dashun for Shanxi!!"

  Cursing, cursing, the garrison general of the Zhangde Mansion of the Dashun Army suddenly became terrified, completely frightened.

  The White Tiger Army of the Great Yan Army on the opposite side dispatched nearly [-] troops.

  In his small Zhangde Mansion, he tried his best to gather tens of thousands of troops, how could he be able to withstand the attack of [-] troops! Thinking of this, the garrison general of the Zhangde Mansion of the Dashun Army suddenly panicked and became desperate. howled.

  The next moment, he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Withdraw, all withdraw for me!!"

  "Withdraw Zhangde Mansion, withdraw to Shanxi!!"

  "Zhangde Mansion can't be defended, nor can it be held to death!!"

  "On the contrary, it is better to save your strength and fight again in the future!!"

  He would never admit that he was afraid of despair, and he didn't dare to fight the Great Yan Army at all.

  Immediately leading the defenders of Zhangdefu City, the entire army abandoned the city and fled.

  On the other side, the White Tiger Army was like a fierce tiger coming out of the gate, and it was like a broken bamboo. Wherever it went, the Dashun Army collapsed and fled, almost without blood, and even went down to a dozen cities.

Chapter [-] Within three days, occupy the entire territory of Zhangde Mansion

  The [-]rd Field Division of the White Tiger Army, on the way to Zhangde Mansion City.

  A cavalry scout, angrily riding a horse, came to the commander of the [-]rd Field Division.


  "Master, the Dashun defenders of Zhangde Palace City have all abandoned the city and fled, and they all ran to the west of Lu'an Palace in Shanxi. Now Zhangde Palace City is an empty city, and there is no one to defend!"

  The commander of the Third Field Division was not at all surprised when he heard the cavalry scouts coming from the Dashun defenders of Zhangde House City, abandoning the city and fleeing.

  Along the way, he saw a lot of the Dashun Army of Zhangde Mansion, and when he saw the fierce offensive of the White Tiger Army, all of them collapsed, collapsed without fighting, and fled wildly.

  If the defenders of Zhangde Palace City dared to defend the city, it would surprise him.

  Nodding his head, he immediately asked, "Where are the gentlemen in the city of Zhangde?"

  The cavalry scout quickly replied: "Because the Dashun defenders of Zhangde City abandoned the city and fled, frightening all the gentry in Zhangde City, and now they are fleeing frantically, and the city is in chaos!"

  Hearing this, the commander of the Third Field Division didn't need to say anything, and immediately waved his hand: "The whole army accelerates, and captures the city of Zhangde City!!"

  Under his order, the soldiers of the Third Field Division once again accelerated their marching speed.

  In particular, the infantrymen, one by one, galloped towards the city of Zhangde Mansion.

  The city of Zhangde Mansion is not far from the Daming Mansion. It can be said that if the infantry moves at full speed, they can reach it within a day.

  Putting the artillery at the back of the line, the infantrymen went into battle lightly, ran all the way, and soon arrived under the city of Zhangde Mansion.

  "The Great Flame Army is coming!!"

  An exclamation instantly caused an uproar in the entire Zhangde Mansion and the whole city.

  Immediately after that, there were countless screams, wailing, and the pain of collapse and despair.

  "Damn, how can this be!"

  "The Great Flame Army is too fast!"

  "God, I haven't packed my things yet!!"

  "Dashun army, damn it, abandoned the city and fled, but killed the old man!!"

  "Damn Dashun Army, damn Li Zicheng, why are you fleeing and why don't you fight to the death with Dayan Army!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "It's dead, it's dead now!!"

  "I heard that after the Dayan Army occupied Beizhili, the gentry of the whole Beizhili would not exist in a hundred, no matter what.

  What kind of identity, as long as there is a little evil deed, it will be beheaded by the whole family, and the family will be wiped out!!"

  "Yeah, yeah, I heard that the capital of Caishikou is bloody, and the heads are rolling!!"

  "Ah!! I don't want to die, this old man doesn't want to die!!"

  "My God, why are you doing this to me!"


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