Staring at the strength of the Great Yan Army, he was completely beaten and doubted his life. It was not surprising that he collapsed in despair.

  "Fight not afraid of death, morale is like a rainbow!"

  "I don't know what death is!"


  When the gentlemen of Weihui Mansion heard the messenger say this, they were all stunned. In their minds, the Great Yan Army, armed to the teeth, burst out with deafening killing roars, and launched a full-line charge without fear of death.

  Just thinking about it at will, it made them gasp and shiver.

  Even if they don't know how to fight, they also know that soldiers who are not afraid of death and whose morale is like a rainbow, their fighting power is extremely terrifying! What is even more terrifying is that the Dayan Army is not only fierce and not afraid of death, but also armed to the point of death. Teeth, well trained! Such an enemy.

  It is unshakable!! Thinking of this, all the gentlemen in Weihui Mansion collapsed and despaired on the spot! When the eyes were dark, they only felt that the road ahead was dark and hopeless! They could not see any hope!! They were struggling to the death and doing their best , still can't stop the fierce offensive of the Great Yan Army! What should they do! Besides despair, despair is still!

Chapter [-] and go to the land of the two houses


  The Great Yan Army, the White Tiger Army, has already reached the Weihui Palace!!"

  Just when the gentry of Weihui Mansion collapsed and despaired, another bad news came!! I just learned that the front line was defeated and the army collapsed, and then I received the news that the White Tiger Army of the Great Yan Army was killed.

  The news immediately caused an uproar among the gentry, panicked and screamed.

  "Is this Great Yan Army still human? They have just experienced a big battle, and they are killed on their heels. Don't they want to rest in the army!!"

  "Damn Great Yan Army, they want to kill us completely!!"

  "Hateful, really hateful!!"

  "Enough! Now is not the time to curse, what should we do next, should we defend Huifu City or abandon the city and run away?"

  "Escape, let's escape, you can't keep it at all!!"

  "That's right, not to mention the great defeat on the front line, the large number of defeated troops, the panic in the whole city, and the army's lack of military will! The large-scale artillery bombardment of the Great Flame Army!!"

  "Yes, yes, it's better to escape, if you can't hold it anymore, run for your own life and secure your destiny!!"

  "This is life!!"


  The gentlemen of Weihui Mansion were talking about each other, and their faces were full of panic, fear and fear.

  In just one battle, they were completely terrified by the Great Yan Army, and they collapsed! There was almost no resistance at all! Because the strength of the two sides, the army's combat effectiveness, the gap is too big! The big order People are desperate! Even if they don't want to give up their land, farmland and ancestral property, what can they do! If they can't keep it, what can they do! There's nothing they can do! "No! No way!!"

  The guarding general of Dashun Weihui Mansion, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened his mouth, shook his head and said, "There is no escape! The Dayan Army also has cavalry, and there are still a large number of cavalry. Even if the army withdraws, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the cavalry of the Great Yan Army!!”

  "The cavalry of the Great Flame Army is capable of chasing and killing, and it is even smarter and more ferocious than a dog. In front of them, there is no way to escape!!"

  "In the first battle at Jinmen, why did my Dashun Army destroy hundreds of thousands of troops? Was it not because the cavalry of the Dayan Army was too ferocious to chase and kill?"

  As soon as these words came out, all the gentlemen of Weihui Mansion were speechless.

  Face to face! The entire government office fell into silence.

  The last well-known gentleman said unwillingly: "I can't escape, so what should I do!"

  Dashun Weihui Mansion's garrison general spread his hands and said: "There is no other way than to defend and coexist with Weihui Mansion City!"

  "Do you want to die with dignity, or do you want to die like a dog, embarrassed!"

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the gentry present immediately turned red! They seemed to think of the gentry in the capital, and in their mouths, they died in embarrassment like a dead dog.

  All eyes are red! They all shouted: "Damn the Great Yan Army, then let's fight to the end!"

  "Fight to the death!!"

  "Fight to the death!!"

  The roars of the gentlemen of Weihui Mansion spread throughout the entire Weihui Mansion City, and even spread outside the Weihui Mansion City.

  outside the city.

  The South Route Army of the White Tiger Army has surrounded the entire Weihui City in great numbers. Various artillery positions have been set up, and a large number of cavalry are ready to attack.

  Hit any fleeing enemies.

  Hearing the angry roars coming from the city, the commander of the tenth field division curiously asked the chief of staff beside him, "What are the people inside shouting?"

  The chief of staff listened and said solemnly: "It seems to be shouting again, to fight to the death with us!"

  "Fight to the End"

  The commander of the tenth field division couldn't help but sneer when he heard the words: "The defeated dog who is dying is incompetent roaring, it's not worth mentioning!!"

  Between the expressions and expressions, there is contempt and disdain for these gentlemen who are shouting to the death to fight to the end.

  In his opinion, the gentry can be said to be the most spineless gangsters! They are the ones who are most greedy for life and fear of death! Do they have the courage to fight to the death? Once the cannon fodder is dead, they promise to surrender faster than anyone else! The standard of kneeling! "Ignore the incompetent roars of these defeated dogs!"

  The commander of the Tenth Field Division shook his hand, and then waved his hand: "The whole army will attack!!"

  Following his command.

  "Full army attack!!!"

  In an instant, many messengers roared and spread the order to attack throughout the entire army.


  The artillery was the first to attack, and they all took action. Hundreds of artillery roared angrily, and the shells slammed into the walls of Weihui City.

  Soon, the entire Weihui Mansion was bombarded by large-scale artillery, the sky was torn apart, and the earth shook as if it were doomsday.

  The artillery was always on: firing, smashing the defenders in the city, panic and panic.

  Especially when these cannons are smashed down, they will roll wildly.

  It is impossible to predict its rolling trajectory at all.

  One sweep is a large piece!! "The city wall has collapsed!!"

  Suddenly, there was a terrified roar from the city, and the city walls of Weihui Mansion could not withstand such a violent artillery bombardment and began to collapse.

  "Infantry Charge!!"

  Seeing this, the commanders and envoys of the guards immediately issued an order to charge.

  A large number of infantrymen burst into the sky-shattering killing roar, and followed the direction of the collapse of the city, killing the Weihui City.



  Bang Bang Bang! Row after row of musket fire sounded, continuous, and the last resistance of the Weihui House Army was completely destroyed! The entire Weihui House defenders in Dashun fled across the board. Out of control! As a large number of Great Yan Army soldiers rushed into the city, opened the city gates, and controlled the city gates one by one.

  The chief of staff said excitedly: "Weihui City has been won!!"

  The commander of the tenth field division nodded, his face was flat, and he just said in a low voice: "Speed ​​up the time, occupy Weihui Mansion, and then the whole army will kill Huaiqing Mansion, and Kaifeng Mansion north of the Yellow River!"

  "I want to see the state capital north of the Yellow River in Zhongzhou, occupied by our army as soon as possible!"

  The chief of staff nodded.

  Immediately, the entire South Route Army began to divide its troops, leaving two guards at Weihui Mansion, one guard guard heading to the north bank of the Yellow River in Kaifeng Mansion, and the rest of the army concentrated their forces to kill Huaiqing Mansion.

  The South Route Army, with its mighty strength and undeterred style, could not break down any city wherever it went. No matter how desperately the local gentry resisted, they could not escape the word failure in the end.

  In the end, the Dashun Army of the two provinces in Zhongzhou was pushed horizontally, and the Weihui House, Huaiqing House and a part of Kaifeng House were occupied.

  The White Tiger Legion, and then go to the land of the two prefectures!

Chapter [-]: The expansion of the five mansions, the laughter of the lord's mansion

  Zhangde House, the headquarters of the White Tiger Corps.


  "The commander of the regiment, the commander of the tenth field division commanded by the South Route Army has received good news. After several battles, they pushed the Dashun Army of the two prefectures horizontally, and have successfully captured the Weihui and Huaiqing mansions! They also successfully captured Kaifeng. The prefecture is located in the prefecture and county on the north bank of the Yellow River, and the strategic goal of the South Route Army has been successfully accomplished!"

  The messengers hurried to the headquarters of the White Tiger Army and reported to the army commander, Qiu Sheng.

  When Qiu Sheng heard the words, there was a touch of joy on his face, and he rubbed his palms and laughed: "Okay!! Very good!!"

  Having said that, he hurried to the sand table, and placed the flame golden dragon flag of Dayan on the positions of Weihui Mansion and Huaiqing Mansion. After winning these two places in Qingfu, the road to Pingyangfu has been completely opened!!”

  The chief of staff nodded and said excitedly: "Winning these two houses means that the east of Pingyang House in Shanxi and the north bank of the Yellow River belong to my Dayan, and all are my Dayan territory!"

  Speaking of this, he went from the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal not far from Jinan Fucheng to the Yellow River in the south, and went upstream along the Yellow River, smiling: "Along the route of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and the Yellow River, our army can use merchant ships to transport logistics. Supplies are sent all the way to the front line!"

  "This will undoubtedly relieve a lot of logistical pressure on our army!!"

  Qiu Sheng looked at the water transport line, and had to nod his head. He said excitedly, "As soon as the logistical supplies come along, our army will have a decisive battle with the main force of the Dashun army in Shanxi, but it will be much easier!!"

  The most difficult logistical supply problem was solved, Qiu Sheng felt a lot more relaxed, and immediately ordered: "The South Route Army led by the Tenth Field Division and the Central Route Army led by the Third Field Division, the two armies converged, and concentrated in one place. Go west and enter Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi!!”

  "The North Route Army led by the Field Division will be able to go north from Lu'an House, enter Bizhou and Liaozhou, and hold the main force of Dashun's army in the two states!"

  Speaking of this, Qiu Sheng smiled and said softly: "Didn't Li Zicheng want to rely on the Taihang Mountains in Bizhou and Liaozhou to block my White Tiger Army's offensive? Then I will do it!"

  "Only send the North Road Army to hold their main force, the main force of the legion will go all out into Pingyang Mansion, and finally enter Taiyuan Mansion from Pingyang Mansion!"

  "Let's see if Li Zicheng is afraid that I will copy his Taiyuan mansion nest!!"

  "I heard that Li Zicheng and all the civil and military officials of the Dashun Army are in Taiyuan City! Hehe, will Li Zicheng panic when he sees my army attacking him!"

  When the chief of staff heard this, he immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "Li Zicheng will definitely panic. Even if he doesn't panic, the civil and military ministers under his command will panic too!!"

  "When the time comes, the Dashun Army will definitely withdraw from Liaozhou and Bizhou, shrink its forces and defend Taiyuan City!!"

  Qiu Sheng nodded and waved his hand: "Let's make arrangements like this!!"

  The battle of the big legion is to see the move, and the battle plan is not static, but adjusted from time to time with the change of the opponent.

  Jinan Fucheng, the lord's mansion.

  "Lord, good news, good news"

  "The commander of the White Tiger Legion has heard good news. After the White Tiger Legion was ordered to go out, he set off from Daming Mansion in northern Zhili and launched a full-scale attack on Zhangde Mansion in the west!!"

  "My White Tiger Corps officers and men use their lives, everyone is very brave, and push the Dashun Army horizontally!!"

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