The battle of crossing the river does not mean that the army crosses the river and goes south to the beachhead.

  The most important thing is to build bridges, hold bridges, and maintain logistics lines.

  Only in this way, the battle of crossing the river can be considered to be over.

  However, the Great Yan Army made an all-out attack, and within one day, the entire line broke the beachhead on the south bank of the Yellow River, which was a good start.

  The command headquarters of the Suzaku Legion and the White Tiger Legion were all cheering.

  This battle can be said to be the first victory! What we need to do next is to cross the Yellow River in full, build bridges, and maintain the logistics and transportation lines.

  Once the logistics transportation line is completed, materials and personnel can be transported from the north bank to the south bank at any time, then the army can continue to go south and launch attacks on various important towns.

  Huaian Palace City.

  "It's not good, the big thing is bad, Governor Ma!!"

  "The Dayan Army on the north bank launched an all-out attack, using the naval guns of warships to frantically bombard our beachhead. A large number of Dayan infantrymen boarded the boat to cross the river and boarded the south bank to launch a full-scale attack on our beachhead!"

  "The Great Yan Army's offensive is too fierce, and its strength is strong, our army can't stop it at all!!"

  "We lost all beachheads in just one day!!"

  "The main force of the Great Yan Army is now approaching our Huaian Palace City. It won't be long before the Great Yan Army will launch an attack on our Huaian Palace City!!"

  The messenger rushed into the Governor's Mansion with a panicked look on his face, reporting to Ma Shiying, who is now the Governor of Jiangbei.

  The Governor of Jiangbei, as the name suggests, is the Governor of all things north of the Yangtze River.

  However, because the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty only controlled the Jiangbei area of ​​Nanzhili, Ma Shiying, the governor of Jiangbei, was in charge of all the affairs of all the prefectures north of the Yangtze River in Nanzhili.

  Jiangbei's military and politics are all under his control! "What!!"

  Hearing that the Dayan Army on the other side launched a full-scale attack, the army crossed the Yellow River in just one day, and broke all the beachheads on the south bank of the Yellow River.

  Immediately afterwards, the whole person became: cloudy and sunny.

  The city of Huai'an is close to the edge of the Yellow River! Now that the south bank of the Yellow River has fallen, this flaming army is right in front of you! At any time, it can be

  Attack the Huaian Mansion! It's too dangerous! "It's too sudden, it's too sudden!!"

  "How come the Great Flame Army, without any warning, launched an all-out attack!"

  "Damn, our spies, why didn't they send any information that they would come!"

  Ma Shiying's face was very ugly, and she scolded and grinned, panicked, her eyes were full of fear, and she almost lost her mind.

  "Governor Ma, you forgot our spies in Dayan, almost the entire army was destroyed!! The information sent back is very little, very few!"

  "And at times like this, the spies we sent to the North Shore couldn't move at all.

  The defense on the North Shore is so tight that our spies can't get close!"

  The messenger had to remind.

  After hearing this, Ma Shiying's face turned black.

  "Damn it, it's all because of the sudden action of the Great Yan Army!!"

  "It was quiet before, and there was no movement! As soon as I made a move, it was a shock!!"

  "Damn, so cunning and shameless!!"

  Ma Shiying scolded and began to shirk his mistakes, and then his face collapsed, and now is not the time to shirk responsibility at this critical moment.

  But how to face this situation! As for Huai'an Mansion City, he dared not defend it, and he couldn't defend it! Now the Great Yan Army is coming across the river, gathering heavy troops to attack.

  With the strength of Huai'an Mansion, it's impossible to hold it! At that time, not only... not even Huai'an Mansion City is lost, but also his life is thrown in this small Huai'an Mansion Town, it will be greatly worthless. .

  Immediately, Ma Shiying said nothing and shouted: "Inform the entire army, immediately withdraw from Huai'an Mansion, and withdraw to Huai'an Mansion!!"

  "Withdraw Fengyang Mansion, even Yangzhou Mansion!!"

  Today's Ma Shiying was completely frightened by the strong and vigorous Dayan Army, and did not dare to lead the army to resist.

  Besides, if the beachhead on the south bank of the Yellow River was lost across the board, even if he led the army to resist, he would not be able to stop it! Ma Shiying, who had fought against the Dayan Army and was beaten by the Dayan Army, had thoroughly absorbed his lessons. , Until the critical moment, he will definitely not fight against the Great Yan Army! "Run, run, run!!"

  "Hurry up!!"

  "The Great Flame Army is here, run away!!"

  "Hurry up!!"


  Following Ma Shiying's order to withdraw from Huai'an City, the Jiangbei Army of the Southern Ming Dynasty under his command, the entire army also knew about the Dayan Army. News from the South Shore.

  One by one, they were also panicked and embarrassed, as if they had lost a major battle. People were panicking, throwing away their armor and armor, and fled.

  Before the Dayan Army attacked, they would lose Huaian Fucheng, an important city on the south bank of the Yellow River! The most important thing is that Huaian Fucheng is located on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

  With all the canals, the navy of the Great Yan Army can go south and kill Yangzhou in one breath! But even if it was such an important city, Ma Shiying still did not dare to take it, so he abandoned the city and fled.

  Compared with the last Huaibei decisive battle, it was a big defeat, and it was even more embarrassing.

  As soon as they heard the news that the Dayan Army had crossed the Yellow River, they were frightened and fled! Let the Dayan Army, without dispatching a single soldier or a single soldier, take Huaian Fucheng, which is an important town in Jiangbei!

Chapter [-] The small court of Nanming was scared to pee!

  When Zhang Yang, the commander of the Suzaku Legion, had just crossed the Yellow River and set foot on the south bank, he learned that Ma Shiying, the governor of Jiangbei, had fled again, and his soldiers had taken Huaianfu City, an important town in Jiangbei, without bloodshed. similar time.

  Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing: "Ma Shiying, Governor Ma, this is really the lucky general of our Dayan!!"

  If it wasn't for Ma Shiying being a true gentry fighter, Zhang Yang would have thought that this... Governor Ma was on his side.

  However, Zhang Yang was very happy that such an important Huai'an mansion was just won.

  With Huai'an City in hand, the army can go west and enter Fengyang Palace.

  You can also follow the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, go down the river, and march your troops into Yangzhou Prefecture.

  And once the Yangzhou Mansion is captured, it has already reached the edge of the Yangtze River! No matter which direction it is killed from, it is extremely important for the Suzaku Corps who want to sweep all areas north of the Yangtze River.

  After pondering for a moment, he immediately ordered: "After the army crosses the river, the army will be divided into three routes!"

  "All the way from Huaian Fucheng to Yangzhou Fu along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal!"

  "All the way from Huai'an Mansion City to the west, go to Fengyang Mansion and Xuzhou Mansion!"

  "As for the way to attack Kaifeng Mansion in Zhongzhou, Henan, we will attack Kaifeng Mansion with all our strength, and after capturing Kaifeng Mansion, we will take down the Guide Mansion by the Yellow River!"

  "After all this is done, my Suzaku Legion, the army will press from east to west, from north to south!"

  "Strive to sweep the north of the Yangtze River in the shortest time!"

  The chief of staff and the staff around him nodded.

  After the army crossed the Yellow River, it can be said that it has passed the most passive and most difficult time.

  The next time will be the time of sieging the city and sweeping the north of the Yangtze River! It is conceivable that the next time will be full of harvest! Cross the Yellow River and head towards Henan Prefecture in Zhongzhou, and cross the Yellow River all the way to the west towards Guanzhong.

  Go directly to the Great Wall defense line where Yulin is located! After preparing to take the Great Wall defense line, go south and sweep across Guanzhong.

  Looking at the overall situation, the Dayan Army attacked across the board and achieved brilliant results. It swept across the south and west banks of the Yellow River, seized the beachhead, built bridges, raced against time to transport logistics materials, and opened up supply lines.

  Began to launch a fierce attack along the Yellow River to the deeper towns.

  For a time, the fierce offensive, the Nanming Army and the Dashun Army were defeated and retreated, unstoppable.

  South Zhili, Yingtianfu, Nanjing, Imperial Palace.

  "Your Majesty, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "Dayan sent five million troops, two hundred and five soldiers, three million farmers, and marched south!!"

  "The Yellow River Line of Defense has fallen across the board!!"

  "The Great Flame Army is extremely ferocious, and its strength is unstoppable!!"

  "The city of Huai'an has been lost, and the whole of Huai'an has been lost!!"

  "The Governor of Jiangbei, Ma Shiying, came to report that now the Dayan army is divided into two groups, all the way down the canal south, and come to Yangzhou Prefecture. The Yangzhou prefect is in an emergency and urgently asks for help!!"

  "The other way is to wave troops to the west and enter Fengyang Mansion, the Governor is in a hurry!"

  The commander of Jinyiwei rushed to the Nanming Palace in a hurry, and shouted in a panic.

  The voice just fell.

  Immediately attracted the entire Nanming Dynasty Hall.

  "how is this possible!"

  Zhu Yousong jumped up from the dragon chair in shock, with a look of horror on his face, his face changed greatly, he looked at his Jinyiwei commander and asked: "The news is that the Great Yan Army really used it.

  Nearly five million troops!!"

  The commander of Jin Yiwei nodded his head with force: "Exactly, but not all of these five million troops are attacking my Daming!! Most of them are attacking the Zhongzhou and Guanzhong sites of Dashun!"


  Hearing that the Great Yan Army did not raise troops to attack, Zhu Yousong breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again.

  The moment he heard that the Great Yan Army dispatched an army of five million, he was so shocked that his heart almost jumped out, and he almost scared him to death! Only Zhu Yousong relaxed, but the civil and military officials of the small court of Nanming were shocked. The whistling continued, and the expressions of each one changed greatly, and they shouted and yelled in an extremely ugly way.

  "Damn it, how could it be so possible that Da Yan could take out nearly five million troops all at once!!"

  "Could it be that Dayan will change? Silently, he took out five million troops in one breath!"

  "My God, five million troops, what concept is this!!"

  "Damn it, damn it, an army of five million, how can we handle this, even if the Dashun army bears most of the pressure, it is an army of more than two million!"

  "Hey!! An army of more than two million is in Jiangbei! It can almost swept across Jiangbei. We in Jiangbei do not have such a strong military force to be able to withstand these two million army!!"

  "The most hateful thing is that the Great Yan Army's combat effectiveness is terrifying!!"

  "With strong combat power and numerous troops, this Great Yan is simply invincible!"

  "Can't carry it, can't carry it!!"

  "According to this old man, prepare to lose Jiangbei as soon as possible!"

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