
  The princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty broke into the fact that they were able to explode an army of five million in one breath.

  Damn, five million troops! With so many troops, Dui can kill him! Not to mention, the battle of the Great Yan Army is notoriously terrifying.

  Their infantry, but even their Qing Dynasty's iron cavalry, can't break through the existence of the defense line! The combat effectiveness is already so unbelievable, and the number is so unbelievable, it doesn't even need people to live! This is simply, no

  Give people a way to live! Not only the princes and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty do not believe it, but even Dorgon does not believe it, because this news is too shocking and too unacceptable.

  What's more, this news made him so desperate that the whole court collapsed in despair.

  Five million troops! He added up all the clansmen in the Qing Dynasty, and there is no one million! This motherfucker does not need to fight, and putting this number out will make people despair! The princes and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are doubting themselves , Even Dorgon, the regent, was questioning. The intelligence minister of the Qing Dynasty almost died of grievances, and screamed madly: "Your Majesty, the regent, the servants dare not speak falsely, really dare not speak falsely!!"

  "These are all facts! And after the small court of Nanming and the Dashun Dynasty, both sides have confirmed the facts!"

  "The Great Yan Army has truly dispatched an army of five million!"

  "For almost half a year, Dayan has not made any movement, and has not moved troops.

  In fact, they are frantically expanding the army and training new recruits frantically! They just want to make a contribution in this war, once and for all, and completely eliminate the forces of the world!"

  "Achieving the goal of unifying the world in one fell swoop!!"

  "Furthermore, information from all quarters confirms this.

  Among the five million troops dispatched this time, Dayan only dispatched two legions, two million soldiers and three million farmers!"

  "Our old opponent, the Xuanwu Legion, has not been dispatched at all, and is still: stationed at the Great Wall defense line, guarding us!!"

  Hiss!! As soon as Dorgon heard it, he gasped, his expression became solemn and solemn, and he quickly asked: "Your consciousness said that the Great Yan Army only dispatched two legions, and it was as high as five million troops. now!"

  "There are also one million soldiers of the Xuanwu Army, stationed at the defense line of the Great Wall, without moving"

  The Minister of Intelligence nodded heavily: "Yes, we have received information from all sides, and for the past six months, Dayan is frantically expanding and training his troops.

  The two armies of the Suzaku and White Tigers have nearly one million soldiers!"

  "And the Xuanwu Legion has always been the most elite legion of Dayan, and its number of soldiers is only a lot more than the two legions of the Vermillion Bird and the White Tiger!!"

  At this moment, Dorgon couldn't help wailing and screaming! He was shocked by this news! He was completely dumbfounded! Originally, he heard that the Great Yan Army was attacking the Dashun Dynasty and the small court of Nanming, and wanted to rule the world. .

  He also thought of leading the recovered cavalry of the Qing Dynasty, going south again, attacking Dayan, and preventing Dayan from unifying the world.

  Who knows, this Xuanwu Legion, which has one million soldiers, is on the defense line of the Great Wall, guarding against him! For a while, he didn't know what to do.

  He clearly knew that waiting for Dashun and Nanming to be attacked one by one by the Dayan Army would be harmful to him, but not beneficial, and his lips would die! Waiting for him.

  He immediately persuaded! This is not because he did not want to send troops to prevent Dayan from unifying the world.

  But, he was really powerless! That day, the hundreds of thousands of Xuanwu Legion infantry troops beat him, the Eight Banners powerhouse, and fled.

  Now, in the Xuanwu Legion with one million soldiers, even if he had eaten the guts of a leopard, Dorgon would not dare to go! For a time, Dorgon was stunned, and all the princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were also attacked. This news shocked me.

Chapter [-] The world is terrifying

  Huguang, Wuchang Prefecture.


  "It's not good, it's not good, my lord!!"

  "Dayan sent nearly five million troops to the south and launched a war of unification!!"

  "Now the Great Yan Army has crossed the south bank of the Yellow River and has broken through the Yellow River defense line of Dashun and the small court!"

  "Among them, Dayan's Suzaku Corps crossed the Yellow River from Huaibei to the south and occupied the entire Huai'an Prefecture in one breath. Ma Shiying, the governor of Jiangbei, fled!"

  "Where the Great Yan Army passes, it is like a broken bamboo and cannot be resisted!!"

  The messenger hurriedly broke into Zuo Liangyu's handsome account, and shouted to Zuo Liangyu with a panic-stricken expression.


  When Zuo Liangyu heard this, he jumped up in shock and asked loudly with an incredible face: "What did you say the Great Yan Army dispatched five million troops!"

  "How is it possible that the Great Yan Army can dispatch five million troops all of a sudden!"

  "You know, an army of five million, what is that concept!"

  Even after killing Zuo Liangyu, he couldn't believe that Dayan could send out five million troops in one breath.

  You must know that Zuo Liangyu is sitting on the land of Huguang, and the land he owns is almost half of that of Dayan! Moreover, where is Huguang? This is a granary! In order to maintain the army under his command and support the soldiers below, they all began to frantically use their brains, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil.

  The pain you have suffered, you know it yourself.

  It was precisely because he knew how difficult it was to raise troops that Zuo Liangyu knew that it would be almost impossible to mobilize an army of millions at every turn! An army of five million!! And it was still a war! In a war, the consumption of food and glutinous rice was less than that. Usually I don't know how many times it is scary! Not to mention, in order to maintain the front line, I don't know how difficult it is to transport the grain.

  Anyway, if Zuo Liangyu was killed, he couldn't think of any way to maintain the supply of the five million troops on the front line.

  Hearing this news, he immediately didn't believe it! Resolutely didn't believe it! He didn't believe it if he was killed! His subordinates were also in uproar, and there was a lot of discussion, and he didn't believe anything. come out.

  This number is really too terrifying, and too despairing! The Great Yan Army is known for its combat effectiveness, and it is the world's first-class strong army.

  This also makes the world's forces, how to fight and how to carry it. If a five million army is dispatched, it will not be able to stop it! Even if you take your life to fill it, you will not be able to fill it! "Absurd, this is really absurd. !!”

  "Tell me, how did the Great Yan Army dispatch an army of five million!"

  "Da Yan only sits on the land of three provinces, how can he support an army of five million!"

  "Nonsense, nonsense!"

  "Kill me to death, I don't believe it either!!"


  Zuo Liangyu's subordinate generals, no literati or military generals, did not believe a single one, they all shook their heads, not believing anything.

  Started to slander and slander wildly.

  The messenger was full of grievances: "My lord, this is a fact! The Dayan Army really dispatched five million troops! Among them, two million soldiers and three million farmers!"

  "Furthermore, among the five million troops, there are only two legions of Suzaku and Baihu of Dayan.

  Its first regiment, the White Tiger Corps, was not dispatched, and was still stationed at the Great Wall defense line to strictly guard against the Manchu and Qing Tartars!"

  As soon as this word comes out.


  In the entire handsome account, there was a mad sound of cold air.

  They were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, their jaws almost dropped.

  The expression on Zuo Liangyu's face was even more exaggerated, and he asked with a face of astonishment: "Your consciousness is that this Great Yan Army dispatched

  The five million troops of the PLA are not all the troops of Da Yan!!”

  "The First Corps, the Xuanwu Corps, was not dispatched!"

  "And the Great Yan's Imperial Guard, still guarding the capital!"

  The messenger nodded his head: "Yes, lord, this information has been confirmed by all aspects! The five million troops dispatched by Dayan are real, and there is no moisture!!"

  Pfft! Zuo Liangyu slumped on the ground in fright, his face full of despair, almost collapsed.

  No matter what he said, he didn't believe it was a fact, but deep down, he still recognized it.

  Besides, even if the Great Yan Army did not dispatch five million troops, there were still several million.

  With millions of troops crossing the border, how could the hundreds of thousands of rabble under his Zuo Liangyu command be able to stop it! He couldn't stop it at all! Therefore, it is meaningless to compare the troops dispatched by Dayan.

  After sitting paralyzed for a long time, he quickly got up and shouted: "Map, map!!"

  He quickly checked the map, and when he saw it, he almost fainted from fright.

  Huguang, Nanzhili to the east and Zhongzhou to the north.

  The Great Yan Army has already killed from both sides! In the end, the one who really faced the main force of the Great Yan Army turned out to be Zuo Liangyu!! "Damn it, damn it!!"

  "What to do now!"

  Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu looked at the map and turned around anxiously, his face full of despair.

  His subordinate generals, likewise, showed despair and almost collapsed.

  In fact, Dayan dispatched an army of five million in one breath, which is too scary! This number, once said, makes people despair! At the same time, Zhang Xianzhong, who is guarding Sichuan and Chongqing, heard that Dayan dispatched an army of five million, Go south in a big way, cross the Yellow River, and imagine the news of unifying the world.

  He also jumped up in horror on the spot, and hurriedly yelled: "Map, map!!"

  Looking at the map, Zhang Xianzhong was even more desperate, and muttered to himself in a state of collapse: "Ma Shiying, the governor of Jiangbei in the small court of Nanming, can't stop it, the Dashun army in Zhongzhou is also dead, and Zuo Liangyu in Huguang is even more unreliable. spectrum!"

  "Damn it, this Great Yan Army will still kill Chuanyu Lai in the west of my country!!"

  "It's finished, it's finished, it's really finished!!"

  Although Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi is a little better than the previous three, he has no confidence in the power of the first three 3 to block his gun:.

  In his eyes, whether it is the Dashun Army in Zhongzhou, the Nanming Army in Jiangbei, or the Zuo Liangyu Army in Huguang.

  In front of the Great Yan Army, they are all garbage! They can't stop it at all! Sooner or later, the Great Yan Army will attack Sichuan and Yulai in the west of his country! almost collapsed.

  The Great Yan Army burst out with an army of five million in one go.

  As soon as any force heard it, it almost collapsed on the spot, extremely desperate.

  At the same time, the news spread all over the world at an extremely fast speed.

  When people all over the world heard that the Great Yan Army had sent five million troops to the south in one go, to unify the country and restore the old land of the Ming Dynasty.

  They were all gasping for air, terrified.

  This news is really amazing! "Five million army, and it's still five million Great Flame Army!!"

  "No one in the world can stop it at all!"

  "Don't say stop, you will be scared to death!!"

  "It seems that from now on, the world will be in great flames!"

  "It seems that this is the general trend! There are more soldiers, more generals, strong troops, and strong combat power. If you have too much food, you can't finish it. This is the real general trend in the world!!"

  "Whether it is Dashun, Nanming or Daxi, they are all dead!"

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