One by one, they roared in unison and jumped out violently, like a tiger rushing towards food, and launched the final charge.

  In one breath, he killed the defenders of the stronghold of the Yangzhou government army.

  A group of bloody storms have arisen! "Run!!"

  "Failed, defeated!!"

  "I can't beat it, I really can't beat it!!"

  "Run, brothers!!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "The Great Flame Army can't be shaken!!"


  The Yangzhou government army, who was already on the verge of collapse, could no longer hold it. One by one, their mentality exploded, their spirits collapsed, and the supervising team could not pull back.

  Hundreds of Great Flame Infantry troops, plus a few artillery pieces, easily crushed two or three thousand Yangzhou Prefecture troops.

  The whole process was crushed and beaten! And this scene happened on both sides of the canal. In various places, the Suzaku Corps fought and won, sweeping across both sides of the canal with an unstoppable momentum, opening the road to Yangzhou Fucheng.

Chapter [-] Desperate to the crazy Yangzhou gentry

  Suzaku Corps Command.


  "Good news came from the front line. Our vanguard troops have swept across both sides of the canal and opened up the road to Yangzhou Fucheng. My Suzaku Corps can go down the river and directly under Yangzhou Fucheng!"

  The messenger reported to Zhang Yang, the commander of the Suzaku Corps, with a happy face.


  When Zhang Yang heard this, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he immediately shouted.

  The staff around him spread out a detailed map for him. This is a detailed map of Yangzhou Prefecture.

  Looking at the map, Zhang Yang pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "Send three 3 guards to take over Xinghua, Gaoyou, Taizhou, Tongzhou and other Yangzhou prefectures and counties from the land route!"

  "The rest of the troops, take it with all your strength, and give me the first time to conquer Yangzhou Fucheng!"

  "Occupy the whole territory of Yangzhou Prefecture!"

  "My Suzaku Corps headquarters, within three days, will establish a station in Yangzhou Fucheng!"

  Zhang Yang's words were tantamount to giving an order to take over the entire territory of Yangzhou Prefecture within three days.

  It's just that there is no one around who refuses or shows embarrassment.

  The general situation is like this now. The Dayan Army is extremely strong and powerful, while the Jiangbei Army in the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty not only has few major generals, but also has weak combat effectiveness and extremely weak fighting will.

  It can't be called Suzaku's opponent at all.

  For the soldiers of the Suzaku Legion, there is no city that cannot be conquered or an enemy that cannot be defeated.

  To attack Yangzhou Mansion, for them, it was like crushing and beating the enemy! They couldn't even feel the strength of resistance.


  Immediately, many of the generals around Zhang Yang nodded and took orders.

  The main force of the army went down the river and headed for Yangzhou Fucheng.

  The troops of three 3 guards were separated and went to the various counties of Yangzhou to carry out the final occupation operation.

  In the entire Yangzhou Prefecture, only the Yangzhou Prefecture Army was stationed.

  As for the Yangzhou government army, most of them were the strength of the Yangzhou government gentry, and they were not the main force of the Jiangbei Army at all.

  The real power of the Jiangbei Army in the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty has long been dispatched by Ma Shiying, the governor of Jiangbei, and has already withdrawn to Fengyang Mansion.

  It can be said that the entire Yangzhou Prefecture has no resistance.

  Naturally, for the guards under the Suzaku Corps, the military operations of Yangzhou Prefecture were no different from receiving the territory.

  At the command of the corps commander, the whole army began to move.

  Board the steamship, form a mighty long dragon, go down the river, and go straight to Yangzhou Fucheng

  Yangzhou City.

  "Master is not good, big things are not good!!"

  "The main force of the Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army has swept across both sides of the canal, and has opened the road to our Yangzhou Fucheng, clearing all obstacles, and will soon come under my Yangzhou Fucheng!!"

  "The main force of the Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army is strong and mighty. It is like a long dragon with an invisible tail in the canal. It is endless and countless!"

  "With the strength of my Yangzhou city, tens of thousands of young people have been killed, and the rabble crowd can't stop the powerful army like the Great Yan Army!"

  "Master, run away!"

  "Let's, Yangzhou City can't be defended, and the entire Yangzhou City can't be defended!!"

  In the Yangzhou government office, a housekeeper rushed to the Yangzhou prefect, shouted in panic, and hurriedly turned around.


  "Why so fast!"

  No waiting: The prefect of Yangzhou replied, and the gentry of Yangzhou Prefecture around him all shouted loudly.

  Everyone's face showed panic and despair.

  They were all stunned by the news! "Didn't the Dayan Army just cross the Yellow River? Why did they come under my Yangzhou city so quickly!"

  "Damn, it must be that Ma Shiying... son of a bitch, he must have escaped again!!"

  "That's right, Ma Shiying, our... Governor Ma, will definitely abandon the city and flee, giving up the city of Huai'an and even the entire Huai'an Mansion!!"

  "Once Huai'an City is lost, the Great Yan Army can go down the river and reach my Yangzhou City!!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's really over now! I'm waiting for all the gentry in Yangzhou Prefecture, although we can gather a lot of soldiers, even an army of [-] people, but that's useless!! Great Yan Army With such a fierce force and a large number of muskets and artillery, it is impossible to defend the city at all!"

  "What to do now what to do"

  "Otherwise, let's run away!"

  "Where can I escape to Zhenjiang Prefecture on the other side of the Yangtze River? I can't escape. Now, all the artillery and battleships of Dayan are besieging the river. If any ship appears, they will bombard it without hesitation!! "

  "Even if we don't bombard us, we escape, and we won't be able to take our land and property with us!!"

  "Damn it, we can't fight and we can't run, then we just sit here and wait to die!"


  A group of gentry from Yangzhou Mansion, panicked, turned around in a hurry, and in the end, they screamed with despair on their faces.

  One by one is about to collapse! They have done everything to protect their land, wealth, and generational privileges.

  Even the annexation of each other, the raiding of the family and the destruction of the family have been done, and they have been devoured and grown wildly at all costs.

  However, when the Great Yan Army was really under pressure, they realized that all their previous crazy actions had been done in vain! Because no matter how they strengthened themselves, how crazy they expanded their private armed forces.

  In the end, all the surviving gentry united frantically and sent troops to resist.

  But it's still useless! The Yangzhou government army that came out is still the same goods, broken five, shelves, a rabble that collapsed at the touch of a touch! Both sides of the canal were easily swept by the Great Yan Army, which proved this point.

  You must know that they also know the importance of the canal, so they hoarded a large number of troops on both sides of the canal, and sent heavy troops to guard the passes, docks, strongholds, etc.

  But in the end, even a little wave broke up! The Great Yan Army was drowned in the blink of an eye! There was not even a sound! When they knew that the troops on both sides of the canal were almost wiped out, the Great Yan Army was all over the city. "One or two, two breaks, since we can't live, let's not even think about living!!"

  "Bring all the men, women and children of the entire Yangzhou Fucheng to the battlefield!!"

  "Fight with the Great Flame Army!!"

  A gentleman, after his despair collapsed, went completely crazy, and roared fiercely, almost gnashing his teeth.

  As soon as these words came out, it immediately aroused the resonance of all the gentlemen, and they all agreed and shouted viciously.

  "That's right, we can't live, so don't even think about living!!"

  "When we die, all the people of the city will be buried with us!!"

  "Pull, all pull to the battlefield!!"

  "Damn the Great Yan Army, even if they die, we will break their teeth!!"


  A famous Yangzhou gentry screamed wildly.

  The prefect of Yangzhou listened stunned, looking at these desperate gentry, it was like looking at a demon, and muttered to himself: "Crazy, crazy!!"

  He never thought that these gentlemen would come up with such a crazy way.

  However, he still couldn't refute it.

  The gentlemen have no way to live, why should he stop them from desperately trying!

Chapter [-] The crazy gentry

  Bang Bang Bang! "Come out, all come out!!"

  "All bring weapons, hoes, kitchen knives, hatchets, scissors, poles, etc.!!"

  "The Great Yan army is pressing down on the territory and has already invaded my Yangzhou City. The prefect has an order to guard Yangzhou City. It is the responsibility of every man. Today, hundreds of thousands of people in Yangzhou City, swear to live and die with Yangzhou City!!"

  "Don't waste time, hurry up!!"

  "Hurry up!!"

  "Don't cry, I'll slash you when you're crying, and let you go underground and cry!!"

  "Stand up, stand up for me!"


  A pair of private troops, formed by the gentry of Yangzhou Prefecture, walked in the streets and alleys of Yangzhou City, smashing open the doors of every household, and with a strong attitude, dragged people out of the house.

  With war knives and whips, strong men! Even the elderly, children and women were not spared, and they were all driven to the city wall.

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