"Hey, I thought that we could defend the city with five or six artillery pieces. Who would have thought that the Great Yan Army's artillery and artillerymen would be so strong! We were not opponents at all in the artillery battle. Destroyed!! I was so naive to wait!!"


  Within the city, the magistrates and the gentry in the county, seeing the situation on the battlefield, looked at each other in dismay, despaired one after another, and almost collapsed.

  I don't know if I don't fight, I'm startled by a dozen! They don't know how much it cost, they came with five or six artillery pieces, prepared to defend the city, and thought about how they could block the Great Flame Army for a long time.

  Who knows, the truth is so cruel.

  A guard of the Great Yan Army, with only ten artillery pieces, destroyed five or six of their artillery pieces.

  In artillery battle, the whole

  Being crushed and beaten, it was of no use at all.

  The only benefit, perhaps, was that they spent the money and delayed it for a while, allowing the Great Yan Army to shell their artillery.

  The time for the collapse of the city wall was slightly delayed.

  But, what's the use of it! For them, it's useless at all! The city is still unstoppable, and their land, wealth, and generational privileges can't be defended! "The city has collapsed!!"

  "The city collapsed!!"

  A series of exclamations sounded, and then caused an uproar in the whole city, people panicked, and countless people in the city panicked, screamed and looked at the crumbling city wall.

  I saw that the city wall, which had been bombarded for a long time, finally could no longer hold it.


  With a bang, it completely collapsed.

  "Kill it!!"

  "Kill brother!!"

  "Great flame mighty!"

  "Da Yan is domineering!"

  "For Da Yan!"

  "For Your Majesty!!"

  "Long Live Your Majesty!!"


  Outside the city, the Great Flame Infantry, who had been waiting for a long time for a long time, saw the complete collapse of the city wall, and burst out with a deafening roar, charging from outside the city and running all the way.

  In a race against time, they rushed to the collapsed place of the city wall as soon as possible, and seized the height of the collapsed spot of the city wall.

  This kind of war for land is the bloodiest and most tragic war.

  As long as there is still a little bit of resistance, the defending army will not be willing to let it go.

  Because the collapsed area of ​​the city wall at this time is equivalent to the city gate opened by the city hole.

  Almost the same is to send a large number of troops at all costs, trying to use flesh and blood to forge a wall of flesh and blood to block the Great Yan Army.

  In the area where the city wall collapsed, a fierce battle broke out.

  The front-line infantry of the Great Yan Army, the sword and shield soldiers and the spearmen, launched a death charge almost immediately.

  The purpose is to open up a wider space, seize the geography, and open up access to the city.

  Due to the narrow terrain, the musketeers couldn't go up to fire immediately, so a fierce battle of cold weapons broke out.

  And still, a battle that does not form a complete battle formation.

  In the end, with the advantages of the front row infantrymen of the Great Yan Army, they were brave enough not to fear death, well-armed and well-trained to open up a lot of battlefield space and support the arrival of the musketeers from the rear.


  Bang bang bang! At the critical moment, the musketeers followed up as soon as possible, lining up to fire.

  Wave after wave of musketeers opened fire, knocking down a large area of ​​the defenders who were trying to block the collapsed area of ​​the city wall with their flesh and blood.

  Falling down in rows! The musketeer's lining up shooting tactics, at this moment, exerted extremely terrifying lethality.

  The killing made the defenders shudder.

  In just a few minutes, the defenders couldn't bear such terrifying casualty data, their morale completely collapsed, and they all retreated and began to collapse, causing the entire line to collapse.

  After the Great Yan Army opened the passage into the city, it opened the city gate immediately, expanding the battlefield and allowing more soldiers to enter.

  "Kill it!!"

  When a large number of Great Flame Army swarmed into the city, it meant that another city was conquered by the Great Flame Army.

  And this scene happened in various states and counties on the Jiangbei Western Front battlefield. Dozens of guards from the Suzaku Corps attacked at the same time.

  In just a few days, dozens of states and counties were conquered!

Chapter [-] Linking two states and one government

  Dozens of guards from the Dayan Army launched an all-out attack to the west, with Chuzhou and Hezhou bearing the brunt. In just a few days, all the prefectures and counties below were captured, and even the prefectures of the two states did not hold back for long.

  Under the strong force of the Great Yan Army's passing through the border, there was almost no resistance, and they were conquered.

  The speed of the Great Yan Army's attack was too fast, too sudden, and too violent.

  The defenders of Chuzhou and Hezhou, as well as the prefectures and the gentry, did not react at all, and they could not even do a decent resistance, so they lost the territory of the two states.

  A large number of gentry from the two prefectures fled and fled to the Luzhou and Anqing houses further west.

  After occupying the two states, the Great Yan Army left ten 10 guards behind to clear, integrate, control and construct the two states.

  The remaining more than thirty 30 guards, after resting for just a few days, launched a fierce attack on the west side of Luzhou Mansion!! Luzhou Mansion City, Mansion Hall.


  "The prefect is not good, it is not good, the Dayan Army launched a massive attack westward, and in just a few days, even defeated Chuzhou and Hezhou.

  The gentry of the two states fled in embarrassment, and a large number fled to my Luzhou mansion!"

  "What's even more terrifying is that after a short rest, the Great Yan Army rushed out from the two states and entered our Luzhou mansion in an all-round way!"

  "The eastern prefectures and counties on the border of the two states can't resist the fierce attack of the Great Yan Army, and they have all been declared lost!!"

  "Today, the Great Yan Army, with more than thirty 30 guards, is attacking my Luzhou Fucheng with a force like a broken bamboo and an irresistible force!!"

  The messenger rushed to the hall of the government office in a hurry, shouting with a panic-stricken expression, reporting the great changes that happened in just a few days.


  "The Great Yan Army has started to attack again"

  "And in just a few days, we have conquered Chuzhou and the land of the two states!"

  The prefect of Luzhou Prefecture stood up from his chair in shock, with a look of disbelief, and at the same time, his eyes were full of fear.

  The contact time with the Dayan Army is not short. Today in the world, who does not know that the Dayan Army has a garrison guard, a guard force, infantry, cavalry, artillery, and can adapt to any battlefield.

  After taking Chuzhou and Hezhou, he was able to use thirty 30 garrison troops to launch a fierce attack on Luzhou Prefecture.

  Looking at this, it is the determination to win the whole territory of Luzhou Prefecture!!!! Moreover, this is only the number of soldiers, and the farmers who have a larger number are not counted! Only the soldiers , Nearly [-] giants! [-] soldiers came to Luzhou Prefecture! Just thinking of this number, in that picture, the prefect of Luzhou Prefecture almost suffocated.

  It almost collapsed on the spot.

  This is really terrifying, and it’s too terrifying! Even if the Luzhou government recruits soldiers at all costs, it will not be able to get a [-] rabble out! How to stop the [-] soldiers of the Dayan Army! Not to mention the [-] rabble, even if they pull out [-], [-], [-], and [-] million troops, the prefect of Luzhou Prefecture has no confidence. , capable of blocking the [-] soldiers of Dayan.

  The Dayan Army is the best in the world in combat effectiveness, that's not to brag! It's real, it was achieved with countless brilliant records! "More than [-] guards!!"

  "Nearly [-] soldiers!!"

  "What should I do, what should I do, I can't fight at all, and I can't fight!!"

  "It's over, it's over, with the speed of the Great Yan Army's attacking the city and the land, and their abnormal marching speed, within three days, they will be able to kill our Luzhou City!"

  "There is no prefecture or county in the east that can stop it, not even the Great Yan Army!"

  "It's over, it's over now!!"


  Upon hearing this news, the gentry of the Luzhou government in the government office were in despair.

  One by one seems to be crazy, almost out of reason.

  Even a sensible gentleman was a pale, shivering, weak-legged, trembling, wailing in pain.

  Upon seeing this, the prefect of Luzhou Prefecture immediately said: "Everyone, everyone has seen that the Dayan Army dispatched more than [-] guards, nearly [-] soldiers, and entered the territory of my Luzhou Prefecture."

  "They are equipped with guns and artillery, and there are also a lot of cavalry. This is the real regular army of Dayan, and it is definitely not the strength of my Luzhou Prefecture, which can resist!"

  "Even if it is the strength of all the gentry in my Luzhou Prefecture, or even the combined strength of all of them, it is not the opponent of the nearly [-] soldiers of the Great Yan Army!"

  "If you resist stubbornly, there is only one dead end!"

  "I wait for a gentleman, although I don't hesitate to die, but there is only one life, the sage said, leaving the green hills so that there will be no worries about running out of firewood."

  "According to this official's opinion, all my forces in Luzhou Prefecture will be evacuated from Luzhou Prefecture and transferred to Anqing Prefecture in the south!"

  "Anqing Prefecture is on the verge of the Yangtze River. Once the matter in the north of the river is impossible, we can cross the river south and save our own lives and even the lives of our entire clan!"

  "Everyone, that's great!"

  The remarks of the prefect of Luzhou Prefecture immediately made the eyes of all the gentry lit up and gave birth to a hint of hope.

  "Since it's impossible to do something, then it's better for me to keep my usefulness, and wait for the future Master Wang to go north and fight back to Jiangbei!!"

  "Hey, it's just a pity that I am waiting for the land and the ancestral hall!!"

  "That's better than the whole family being wiped out. The matter of Yangzhou Mansion is a lesson from the past!"

  "Yes, yes, let's evacuate Anqing Mansion first!"


  The gentlemen of Luzhou Prefecture, with every word of yours, found their way down the steps one by one, and almost reached a decision to withdraw their troops and withdraw from Luzhou Prefecture in the most efficient way they have ever been.

  Decide, the Great Yan Army is eyeing the tiger, and it is possible to attack the city at any time. Countless lessons from the past will tell them that if they don't run quickly, they may not even have the chance to run.

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