"In addition, after these Fengyang Mansion gentry were miserable, they didn't have many troops to defend the city, so they simply gave up on themselves, gave up all resistance, and surrendered!"

  After Zhang Yang heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case. Speaking of which, the gentry of Fengyang Mansion are really miserable!!"

  I understand, but Dayan's principled policy cannot be changed, Zhang Yang thought about it, and immediately ordered: "Follow my Dayan's principles, public trials will be held against people's grievances, and homes will be raided.

  Those who have a slight trace of evil are pulled to mine, the land is all confiscated, and the family property is confiscated.

  As for those who have no grievances and have a good reputation, just confiscate the land!"

  "If you can live a few, then see their own deeds!"

  "Make this matter public, spread it all over the world, and set up a model!"

Chapter [-] Sweeping the whole territory of Jiangbei

  After deciding how to punish these Fengyang House gentry, Zhang Yang took his mind back and returned to the battlefield.

  Now that the Fengyang Mansion City has been taken, it is also a matter of time before it takes over the entire Fengyang Mansion.

  If the problem of the northern state capital in Jiangbei is solved, then there is only one Anqing prefecture left in the entire Jiangbei.

  Once the entire Anqing Mansion is taken, the entire Jiangbei will fall into the hands of Dayan.

  Once Jiangbei was occupied, for the Suzaku Army, this stage of the battle would come to an end.

  The next thing that needs to be done is to stabilize the occupied Jiangbei area, start large-scale construction, and build and digest Fuzhou County in the Jiangbei area at the fastest speed.

  And at the fastest speed, let the Jiangbei region achieve self-sufficiency and support the main force of the Suzaku Legion.

  After all, if the whole army were to attack Huguang non-stop at this time, although the battle could be fought, the front line would be too long! From Jiangbei to the rear of Dayan, the distance would be long! Moreover, the railway is If it is not repaired, it is only transported by ships and carriages, and the pressure on logistics transportation is too great! It is only the materials consumed by transportation on the road, which is also an extremely terrifying figure.

  The Suzaku Legion's offensive rhythm must be slowed down a bit! After digesting the Jiangbei territory first, and realizing that the entire Jiangbei state and county can be self-sufficient, then the Suzaku Legion can march westward in a big way, attacking Zuo Liangyu in Huguang, and attacking Zuo Liangyu in Huguang. All sites north of the Yangtze River in Huguang were occupied.

  The battle of a large army is not only to compete with the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under his command, but also the logistics supply is the real problem.

  If the transportation lines for logistical supplies are not secured, then even if there are countless sieges and lands, and occupying many territories, it will be useless! If you fight them, you will not be able to defend them! I can't afford to consume it! Fighting, it's not... pat on the brain, pat the army to fight over, siege the city and loot the land.

  The most important thing is to digest the occupied territory.

  Turn the newly occupied territory into the help of the army! It is precisely because of this clear understanding that the military operations of the Dayan Army are completed with steady and steady strikes.

  Occupy a place and build a place! Neither the generals of the Great Yan Army nor Lin Feng himself will be worried, so the enemy will have a chance to rest and recover.

  Because, the speed of development of Dayan, the powerful speed, is other forces that can't keep up! Although Jiangbei has not completely occupied at this time, but in Zhang Yang's heart, this is only a matter of time, and he does not need to be too concerned about it.

  As a high-level general of Dayan and the commander-in-chief of the party, he not only needs to consider military issues, but also the governance of the newly occupied territories.

  After thinking about it, he immediately waved his hand and issued a major construction plan for all the prefectures and counties in Jiangbei! Jiangbei, especially Yangzhou Prefecture, as the most important frontline base for the Zhudu River to travel south in the later period, must become a transportation hub.

  In Zhang Yang's view, a railway must be built here, from Jinan Fucheng, directly southwards.

  Once the railway is built, Jiangbei will enter an unprecedented high-speed development track! Here, the commander of the Suzaku Corps, Zhang Yang, issued the order for the construction of the entire Jiangbei and the construction of the project.

  On that side, the Suzaku Corps attacked everywhere, heading west and north.

  It didn't take long to occupied the entire territory of the prefectures and counties under Fengyang Mansion, and the front line was swept away in one breath.

  It moved to the border between Huguang and Zhongzhou.

  After occupying the entire territory of Fengyang Mansion, they began to proceed quickly, in the trial of Fengyang Mansion's gentry, the clearing, and the confiscation of land.

  Because the Fengyang House gentlemen knew each other, gave up all resistance and surrendered.

  Therefore, this time, the Suzaku Corps did not launch a massacre on the gentry of Fengyang Mansion.

  It was only the gentry who had great resentment against the common people, who held a public trial and sentencing, and executed the gentry himself and his family members with evil deeds in front of all the common people.

  The whole clan was punished into the mine or the road construction team, and they were busy with mining and road construction. As for their land, the clan property was all confiscated.

  And those gentry who have no evil traces have their land confiscated! Those who commit crimes but do not die will be tried according to the laws of the Great Yan, and most of their property will be confiscated.

  Of the entire Fengyang mansion gentry, one out of ten survived! This ratio can be said to be huge! The news spread, causing a stir among the Jiangbei gentry gathered in the Anqing mansion! The Jiangbei gentry, polarized, followed suit. The split! The good families have decided to give up their resistance. For them, although the loss of land is painful, it is better than the whole family being wiped out.

  Moreover, they are also confident that their descendants will be able to pass on well in the great flames.

  And those gentlemen with evil traces are panicked, panicked, and extremely panicked.

  Knowing that he fell into the hands of Dayan, he would definitely die! After the panic, a large number of Jiangbei gentry, a large number of people, and their families fled, crossing the river south.

  In the blink of an eye, most of the Jiangbei gentry in Anqing Mansion escaped! Those who stayed did not have the heart to resist.

  When the Great Yan Army marched south and entered Anqing Mansion, they encountered little resistance, and wherever they went, they looked down at the wind.

  Anqing mansion can be said to be the last mansion in Jiangbei! The general trend has long fallen to Dayan's side! Those who can run have run away, and those who can't have decided to surrender.

  As a result, the Dayan Army regained Anqing Prefecture without much resistance, and easily occupied the entire territory of Anqing Prefecture and confronted the small court of Nanming across the river.

  The strength of the Great Yan Army's army can be described as frightening the small court of Nanming across the Yangtze River, trembling and terrified.

  The last state capital in Jiangbei, Anqing Prefecture, means that the main force of the Suzaku Corps has completed the first stage of the task and swept the entire Jiangbei! After the territory fell into the hands of Dayan, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately said loudly: "I immediately report the good news to the capital and inform Your Majesty that my Suzaku Corps has completed the first stage, sweeping Jiangbei and occupying the entire territory of Jiangbei. Mission!"

  "At the same time, report my request to build the railway from Jinan Fucheng to Yangzhou Fucheng!"

  After speaking, Zhang Yangzhi came to the sand table with great satisfaction, and planted the flaming golden dragon flag on all the prefectures in the Jiangbei region.

  Looking at the state capitals in the entire Jiangbei region, the flame golden dragon flag of Dayan has been planted, and Zhang Yang has a full sense of achievement.

  He looked at the Zhongzhou battlefield in the northwest of Jiangbei.

  He muttered to himself: "First go down to Jiangbei, then take Zhongzhou, and finally swept across Huguang, marched westward, and entered Sichuan and Chongqing!"

  "The day when my great flame dominates the world is coming, coming soon!"

Chapter [-] Jiangbei Great Victory, Overhaul Railway Plan

  The capital, the palace, the imperial study.

  "Your Majesty, good news, great news!"

  "Good news came from the Suzaku Legion. The main force of their legion crossed the river south, successfully occupied Huai'an Prefecture, and then went south to Yangzhou along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and won the entire Yangzhou Prefecture without any accident!"

  "The good news just came, the main force of the Suzaku Corps swept across Jiangbei, and has successfully occupied the whole of Jiangbei!"

  "The Jiangbei Army led by Ma Shiying was destroyed by more than half. Ma Shiying led the remaining Jiangbei Army remnants, fled to Huguang, and joined Zuo Liangyu in Huguang, trying to unite with Zuo Liangyu to resist the attack of our Dayan Army. cut!"

  Li Gan, chief of the general staff, reported to Lin Feng with a look of excitement.

  Hearing this, Lin Feng immediately showed a look of joy, and then took over the good news of the Suzaku Corps and checked it carefully.

  In the good news, all the details of the march and the battle plan of the Suzaku Corps were reported in detail.

  Looking at the details of the battle on the good news, Lin Feng immediately walked to the sand table to the side, and slammed a flaming golden dragon flag into the Jiangbei position.

  Although the Jiangbei region belongs to Southern Zhili, the area of ​​just one Jiangbei region exceeds that of a province.

  That is to say, winning Jiangbei means that Dayan will expand another province! It has four provinces! Moreover, Lin Feng believes that this is just the beginning, and soon, more good news will be spread. Come.

  After all, this time, he has used nearly five million troops, and the resources and military expenditures invested are astronomical. How can he only win a province! "Your Majesty, Zhang Yang, the commander of the Suzaku Legion, also made a presentation in person, inviting him to Open up a railway from Jinan Fucheng to the south, follow the lines of Yanzhou Fucheng, Huai'an Fucheng, and Yangzhou Fucheng, and repair the railway to Jiangbei!"

  After seeing Lin Feng's excitement, Li Gan reported the matter again.

  Lin Feng took over the memorial made by the commander of the Suzaku Corps and read it. Then he carefully looked at the map on the sand table. He stretched out his hand on the sand table and drew a line. It went south from Jinan Prefecture City, passed through Yanzhou, then passed through Huaibei area, and finally Cross the river and enter Huai'an Fucheng, then go south along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and arrive at Yangzhou Fucheng.

  After pondering for a moment, Lin Feng raised his head and asked Li Gan, "What do you think about opening a railway from Jinan Fucheng to Yangzhou Fucheng!"

  Li Gan pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Opening a railway from Jinan Fucheng to Yangzhou Fucheng, for me, Dayan, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!"

  "Jiangbei area has always been prosperous, economically developed, and it is also a coastal area. It is very necessary to open up a convenient transportation line! The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the proof!"

  "Only one canal connects the north and the south, making the coast of the canal prosperous, and greatly increasing the exchange of personnel and materials between the northern Zhili and the southern Zhili! Therefore, economically, it is very important to build a railway to the south of the Jiangbei. necessary!"

  "What's more, from a military point of view, once our army has completed the task of occupying all areas north of the Yangtze River, the next stage of the campaign will be to cross the river south, sweep the south, and unify the north and the south!"

  "Yangzhou Fucheng will become the most important front-line base for our Dayan army to cross the river south, and it has extremely high requirements for logistics and transportation! Therefore, building a railway to the south as soon as possible will be the next stage for our Dayan army, which will sweep across several southern provinces. Action, only good and no harm!"

  "Whether it is economic or military, this railway from Jinan Fucheng to Yangzhou Fucheng must be built!"

  "And, even after completing the military strategic task, this economy will show a great effect!"

  Lin Feng listened and nodded, and after doing the math, he built a railway to go south to South Zhili.

  , that is not a loss in any way.

  From a business point of view, it's both a loss and a profit.

  Not to mention from the strategic sense of the country! Once the construction of the railway between North Zhili and South Zhili is completed, the two major Zhili provinces will strengthen communication and can use North Zhili in a very short period of time. resources to develop Nanzhili.

  Moreover, Nanzhili's resources are already abundant, and it has the advantage of the right time, place and people.

  Once Nanzhili is developed for a period of time, the industrial and commercial development of Nanzhili will probably catch up and become the southern economic center of Dayan in the future! Moreover, after Dayan unifies the world in the future, the site will be large, and it will also need a southern economic center. The economic center, to strengthen the rule, strengthen the connection of the southern provinces, in order to achieve the purpose of complementary resources.

  In the development of industry and commerce, the most important thing is the complementarity of resources: no! Without resources, it is impossible to develop industry and commerce.

  Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately nodded and waved his hand: "If that's the case, let's build the two southward railways together!"

  Another railway is the railway from north Zhili to south to Zhongzhou, south to Huguang, and finally to Guangdong and Guangxi.

  Connecting the central region, whether it is military or revitalizing the central economy, is of great significance.

  Now that we have come to the era of big steam, we have a big killer such as railways. If someone wants money or money, Lin Feng will certainly not be stingy. He will definitely repair the big killer such as railways to the end.

  This is a real killer to rule a vast territory! Whether it is the mobilization of troops or the circulation of personnel and materials, railways have incomparable advantages in this era.

  Lin Feng will not stop until the railway is built all over the world! Immediately issued a plan to build two southward railways, and start construction immediately! Wherever the front line is hit, the railway will be built! With artillery, gunpowder, cement, The great flames of steel bars can almost proudly claim that they can build railways anywhere on the earth! When encountering mountains and rivers, they build bridges! No matter what the cost, the railway will be built! People are displaced.

  It is also the need to carry out large-scale projects and constructions to absorb the population, win the hearts of the people, and allow more people to survive.

  Not to mention that it has important strategic significance, even if not, Lin Feng has to build the railway! All kinds of major projects have to be started! After the order to start the construction of the two railways was issued, Lin Feng became interested in building the railway. , and immediately drew a map on the sand table.

  From Taiyuan Prefecture to the west, cross the Yellow River, enter Guanzhong, then go to Gansu in the west, and finally to the Western Regions.

  Lin Feng directly drew a line! "It is too far to pass through Guanzhong, and the railway from Gansu to the Western Regions will be planned immediately. After occupying these sites, it will be built immediately!"

  Then he went north from Datong House in one breath, passed Hohhot, and went directly north to Lake Baikal.

  Then from Shanhaiguan, through Jinzhou, and then to Shenyang, going north to Heilonggang at the mouth of Heilongjiang.

  The three railways were immediately drawn by Lin Feng on the sand table.

  Lin Feng said in a tone that could not be rejected: "The three railways are planned first, and when the time is right, they will start construction immediately!"

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