This time, everyone in Ninghai Prefecture breathed a sigh of relief and escaped the catastrophe!

  The commander of the Dengzhou Guards walked out of Ninghai Prefecture carelessly, and returned to Dengzhou Mansion with the remnants of his defeated soldiers.

  The news that the [-]-strong army was almost wiped out had already spread throughout Dengzhou.

  The prefect of Dengzhou is also very helpless, to hold the commander of the Dengzhou guard accountable?

  Not to mention that he has no power to govern Dengzhou Guard's guardhouse at all. Even if he has power, Dengzhou Guard is already the most capable army in Dengzhou Prefecture.

  If one fails, it will also lead to a mutiny.

  I can only ignore it very annoyingly. I can hide this matter for as long as I can!

  In nearly a month, he has also figured out the situation of the pirate army in Weihaiwei. This is an ambitious force, and the refugee army in Shaanxi and Henan is different. They destroy everywhere and eat wherever they go.

  The forces of Weihaiwei are actively developing agriculture, commerce and maritime trade.

  For Weihaiwei, the war is only for more development resources, and the demand for development is far greater than launching a war.

  Weihaiwei needs time to develop and digest the newly occupied territory.

  And he was the same in the state government. He also needed to reduce the impact of this matter until no one discussed it, so that outsiders would not know the situation of Weihaiwei at all.

  On the development of the truce, Dengzhou and Weihaiwei reached an agreement very tacitly.

  Of course, the biggest reason was that the [-]-strong army of Dengzhou City was wiped out in one battle, and there was no more strength to fight again, so the battle had to be stopped.

  As for Weihaiwei, there is no need to continue the war. It needs time to develop, digest the newly acquired territory, and accumulate strength to prepare for the entire Shandong Daming army.

  This book comes from: .

Chapter 2 Objectives - Robbery of the Manchu Qing Tartars (4/[-])

  It took one day to take Wenden, Chengshan, and Jinghai, and it took nearly a month to repel the Dengzhou Prefecture army, which had to stop the fighting, ignoring the development of Weihaiwei forces.

  This month spent a lot of manpower, material resources and other resources. Among them, there were more than [-] casualties in the entire army. Fortunately, Lin Feng was willing to give medical treatment to his soldiers. Just after the war ended, [-] wounded soldiers were treated and cured.

  More than [-] wounded soldiers were seriously injured and ended up disabled. Lin Feng also planned to support them all the time, retire them, and arrange them into the newly established police force.

  The police force, with the expansion of the territory and the population, and the difficulty of governance, began to form.

  The army must have the appearance of the army. It is impossible for Lin Feng to use the elite field army as the security police. This is a great waste.

  It just so happened that in this battle, there were many wounded soldiers who were seriously injured and disabled. It would be best to use these veterans as the backbone, supplemented by some farmers, to form a police force.

  In this battle, a total of four or five hundred soldiers were killed.

  Compared with paying the price of more than [-] casualties, occupying Wendeng, Chengshan, and Jinghai, defeating the [-]-strong army of Dengzhou Prefecture, killing nearly [-] people, taking [-] prisoners, and defeating Dengzhou Prefecture without any force to attack the glorious victory. to say.

  This price is well worth it.

  Perfectly achieved Lin Feng's own strategic purpose.

  After the battle is over, the territory is also occupied, and then the results of the battle are digested.

  [-] prisoners, there is nothing to say, the mining of the mining, the road construction, it is really good to establish a convenient and perfect transportation network for the newly captured three places, and there are [-] more prisoners of war, you can How much resources are saved!

  As the territory became larger and the population increased, Lin Feng also felt the pressure of insufficient resources.

  Although various resources, the production speed and scale are getting bigger and bigger, but the consumption is also increasing!

  An army of three guards armed to the teeth, a navy fleet with hundreds of warships and thousands of people.Just these men and horses consumed a lot of his resources, and they were still consuming them in real time.

  After all, he needs to feed these people, eat, drink, and clothe them, and let them train all the time to maintain their combat effectiveness.In addition, although these people are systematically produced, they are also human beings. They also need to get married and have children, and they also have the obligation to support their families.Therefore, he must pay the monthly salary in silver dollars.

  If you are injured, you will receive pensions, and if you die in battle, you will receive pensions.

  These people are all loyal to his confidants and [-]% trustworthy beings. They fight hard for themselves, work and produce, how could Lin Feng treat them badly?

  Whether it is wages, or various pensions and pensions, they are all of the highest standard.

  Even for the peasants who work under him, Lin Feng sets their wages as the group with the highest income.

  He has hundreds of thousands of peasants working and nearly [-] soldiers fighting.

  It can be said that these people are the richest group of people in the territory.

  The consumer market of the territory is cultivated by them.

  Otherwise, how could so many businessmen come to Weihaiwei for development? !

  Not yet, seeing the huge consumer market here, can you make a fortune? !

  This is a very real problem, there is no love for no reason, everything is for profit.

  If you win the battle, you have to pay a bonus, right? !

  Although they are currently fighting against their own people, they still need to attract soldiers in the territory in the future, and everyone in the entire territory cannot feel that the safety of the territory has nothing to do with them.

  This requires the establishment of a system of the system!

  With a big wave of his hand, Lin Feng directly handed out one year's salary as a bonus.

  You know, even for an ordinary soldier, the monthly salary is as high as five silver dollars.

  Almost [-] silver dollars per soldier, nearly [-] people, Lin Feng handed out hundreds of thousands of silver dollars in one breath.

  Fortunately, a lot of money was obtained from the squires and wealthy merchants. In addition, salted fish, salt, cloth, sea boats and other commodities were sold well and sold very well.Plus the rent of thousands of shops, the bank's seigniorage, and business taxes and other income.Lin Feng had accumulated two or three million silver dollars in his hands, and he was not short of money.

  Only one hundred thousand silver dollars can be given out as a bonus!

  At present, Weihaiwei has more and more financial revenue, but also more and more spending.

  Nearly one million people in the newly occupied Wendeng, Chengshan, and Jinghai are under the control of Weihaiwei. Although the battle with Dengzhou this month has not delayed the digestion of these three guardians, it has not produced any output. , all invested.

  It takes money to build roads, and it's still

  Big money, all the cement roads are more than ten meters wide, the cost is extremely high, and the money is spent.

  Urban renovation, the establishment of various buildings and shops, which requires money!

  There are also more farmers to invest, to expand farms, to open mines, and to build various factories, all of which require money.

  Moreover, the first phase is calculated in units of millions of silver dollars, and the investment will be increased in the future!

  But these investments are worth it to Lin Feng.

  Because the greater the investment, the greater the benefit.

  As for losing money?

  It is impossible to lose money!

  Whoever dares to lose money, he will kill anyone!

  He even had the intention to open up the market in order to open up a bigger market and prepare to learn from those Western robbers.

  But after thinking about it, if you hit the south, you really stabbed a hornet's nest!

  The North is not the sphere of influence of the Donglin Party, and it has already been smashed. They don't care about the North.But if they move their nest, they will really work hard.

  Don't look at the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the Manchu and Qing Tatars entered the customs, the momentum was broken, various mentally retarded operations in the south, and countless surrenders, they felt that they had no strength.

  On the contrary, their power is very powerful, it can be said to be the most powerful force in this world.

  It's just that the Manqing acted very smartly and chose to cooperate with them to keep their privileges.

  A squire is still a squire, and a rich businessman is still a rich businessman!

  As for the later fallout, it was also the policy of the integration of the squires to pay grains implemented by Emperor Yongzheng of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which subsequently caused great chaos in the entire Qing Dynasty, and various rebellions and riots appeared.

  However, the Manchu Qing had occupied China for so long, and they had already accumulated a deep foundation, which was not overthrown and could not be overthrown.

  The final result can be seen by looking at the untimely death of Emperor Yongzheng.

  No one can say clearly which side wins.

  Still compromise with each other!

  The privileges of the squires and wealthy businessmen were preserved. At the back, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom swept across the southern part of Shenzhou, almost across the Yangtze River, and ruled by the river.

  These squires and wealthy businessmen contributed their money and money to protect the Qing Dynasty.

  The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which was in a good situation, will be wiped out!

  Therefore, it is conceivable what these people are.

  If it doesn't violate their interests, it is enough. Once their interests are violated, it is like the suppression of the Tempest Gang.

  The systems and policies that Lin Feng came up with in Weihaiwei were destined to go against them passively.

  Once they move their old nest, Lin Feng has no doubts, I am afraid that Li Zicheng's refugee army, all the armies of Daming, and even the Manchu Tartars will give him a three-sided siege that arrives ahead of schedule.

  No way, the current Li Zichengjun was actually funded by the wealthy businessmen of the country gentry.

  However, after occupying the capital and forcing Emperor Chongzhen to hang himself, Li Zicheng turned his face and stabbed them.

  Later, Wu Sangui joined the Manchu Qing Dynasty and put the Manchu Qing Dynasty into the customs.

  As for Chen Yuanyuan, the woman who said that Li Zicheng moved Wu Sangui, and she was so angry that she was able to clear her way through the border. This is an excuse.Even if there is no such excuse, other excuses can be found.

  Who made Li Zicheng unable to recognize himself, and dared to use a knife on their country gentry and wealthy businessmen? !

  A full tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of taels of silver!

  Heartache blood!

  Lin Feng is still very self-aware. At present, he really can't afford to offend these rich and wealthy businessmen in the south, so sending warships to open the market in the south cannot be considered.

  But it is still possible to send warships out to fight pirates, sweep the routes, go to Liaodong Korea, be a pirate by the way, and rob the Qing Dynasty!

  The war horses, population, fur and even ginseng of the Qing Dynasty are all money!

  It is impossible to trade, and only by robbing the Manchurian Tartars can you make your own territory, earn more money, and maintain the operation of the territory.

  Therefore, in the next plan, Lin Feng decided to develop the navy and deploy troops against the Manchu and Qing Tatars.

  Although the Manchu and Qing Tatar navies have no strength, they are weak like scum, easy to bully, and rich? !

  If you don't rob him, who else can you rob? !

  Further south, Zheng Zilong and the ships of the Netherlands and Spain's Jianli Cannons are all tough, and now his strength is not good for robbery.

  In the eastern Japanese island, except for silver mines, there is nothing good.

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