"Shameless, the Great Yan Army is so powerful in combat, and even playing a sea of ​​​​attacks, this is simply too shameless!!"

  "Brothers, run away!!"

  "Fuck it, it's important to escape!"


  Watching this scene, the entire defense line was only a few tens of thousands of Dashun Army, and the mentality exploded on the spot! The scene of more than [-] Dayan Army launching the sea tactics and charging together is really scary! The tens of thousands of the Dashun Army, with almost no resistance, were drowned by the huge Dayan Army.

  Not a single splash of water splashed.

Chapter [-] swept the army of Ru Ningfu, and the soldiers approached the city

  "Stop, stop! Stop chasing, I surrender, surrender!"

  "Don't kill me, don't kill me!!"

  "Forgive your life, spare your life!!"

  "Brother, don't kill me!!"

  "Fall down, down!!"

  "Brothers, this is really hard to beat!!"


  The entire line of defense, countless positions, were charged up by the Great Flame Infantry, and they were broken in the blink of an eye.

  The terrifying combat effectiveness, and the strong military force that covered the mountains and plains, the crowds, and the Dashun Army soldiers who fought, exploded in their mentality, and no longer had any resistance, they threw away their helmets and armor, and turned to flee.

  This led to the collapse of the entire Dashun army!! However, the more frightening fact appeared. The soldiers who fled the Dashun army were horrified to find that they could not escape! Because, a large number of Dayan cavalry charged and attacked them. A crazy chase.

  Anyone who did not immediately put down their weapons and surrendered on their knees suffered a mad slaughter.

  This killing completely terrified the Dashun Army, who had been killed by the army, and they all knelt down and surrendered, screaming and begging for mercy.

  Looking around the entire battlefield, the Dashun Army did not cause any resistance to the Dayan Army. First, it was bombarded by artillery. The artillery bombardment suffered heavy losses, and the casualties increased greatly.

  Then the Great Yan Army rallied, and the whole army launched a charge. As soon as the sea of ​​​​tactics advanced, the Dashun Army was completely unable to resist, and the entire line fell, and the entire army collapsed.

  The whole process was crushed and beaten! The ones who were beaten had no temper! It was extremely miserable! And this also proved that the combat effectiveness of the Great Yan Army had already surpassed that of other forces for an entire era! Can produce a rolling effect.

  "Clean up the battlefield!!"

  "Take a rest, then the whole army will attack!!"

  "Give me the fastest speed to take down the city of Runing Mansion"

  The commanders of the field divisions sitting in the rear immediately showed smiles on their faces when they saw that the defense line of the Dashun Army was completely broken.

  The breach of this line of defense means that the gate to the city of Runing Mansion has been completely opened! The Great Yan Army can march south and kill under the city of Runing Mansion in one fell swoop! For today's Great Yan Army, except for those Relying on the geographical advantage, it takes some effort and energy to defend the defense line according to the danger.

  The rest of the cities can't stop the Great Flame Army's footsteps at all! The Great Flame Army, equipped with a large number of guns and artillery, is a professional class when it comes to sieging cities and looting the ground! In the past, all the armies in the world were most afraid of siege warfare! Because every city was attacked, the personnel and materials consumed were extremely terrifying.

  There is almost no force in the world that can bear it.

  But with the rise of the Great Yan Army and the installation of a large number of guns and artillery, the siege battle has become the easiest war! Especially for the Great Yan Army, the city protected by the towering four walls is the easiest. Broken! Almost equal to undefended.

  "Hurry up!!"

  "Rush rush!!"

  "Speed ​​up the march and run under Ningfu City in one breath!!"


  After the rest, the army moved again, went south with all its strength, and headed towards the city of Runing Mansion.

  Runing Mansion City, Mansion Ya.

  "General, it's not good, the big thing is bad!"

  "The front-line army was defeated, almost the entire army was destroyed, few escaped, and all the defense lines were lost. The Great Yan Army broke through the defense line and came to our city of Runing City!!"

  The messenger hurriedly broke into the mansion, and loudly reported the bad news from the front line to the garrison general of the Runing mansion in Dashun.


  I heard that the defense line fell across the board, and the front line was large

  The news that the entire army had been destroyed, the general guarding the Ru Ning Mansion, stood up in shock and shouted loudly, still disbelieving the news.

  "Anyhow, there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers on the front line, but all of them are elite soldiers, capable of fighting!"

  "How come the whole army was destroyed in less than half a day!"

  "Is the Great Flame Army so fierce!"

  "Damn it, it won't be a front-line general, fear war and avoid war, be greedy for life and fear death!"

  The guarding general of Runing House shouted and questioned loudly.

  "General, this has nothing to do with the front-line army, it's all because the Great Yan Army is really capable of fighting!!"

  "They have changed to a brand new artillery piece. Just the artillery piece can bombard our soldiers with heavy losses and more than half of the casualties!!"

  "That's not to mention. After the artillery bombardment, the Great Yan Army went too far, and dispatched nearly several times the strength of our army in one breath to launch an all-out attack!"

  "Brothers on the front line, can't stop such a fierce attack at all, and they were all overwhelmed by the great flame army like a sea of ​​people!!"

  The messenger looked aggrieved, and began to call out Qu Dao for the army on the front line.

  "Just shelling will cause more than half of our army casualties!"

  "After the bombardment, we dispatched several times as many troops as our army to launch a full-scale attack!"

  The garrison general of Runing Mansion let out a sigh of relief. Although he did not witness the entire battlefield with his own eyes, just from these two descriptions, his mind came to mind on the battlefield where his army was crushed and beaten by the Great Yan Army. scene.

  More than half of the casualties being bombarded by the Great Flame Army had not collapsed, which was far beyond his expectations.

  Not to mention, the number of troops behind him launched a full-line charge! Just these two moves, he wanted to blow his head, but he couldn't think of how the army of Ru Ningfu could resist such ferocious and brutal Da Yan army. attack.

  "Damn Da Yanjun, you are really bullying people!!"

  "Too deceiving!!"

  "Not to mention the unparalleled combat power in the world, and even dispatched several times the strength of our army in one breath!!"

  "This is not fighting, this is simply bullying people!!"

  The more he thought about it, the more angry the guarding general of Ru Ning House became, and in the end, he was so angry that he was trembling all over, unable to speak for a long time.

  Because he has already seen it.

  The Great Yan Army is so shameless and bullying people so blatantly! They don't pay attention to any strategy, nor do they pay attention to the principles of marching, fighting, setting up and so on.

  They have only one action from beginning to end, and that is to crush them simply and rudely with their powerful combat power and strong troops.

  They will crush all the enemies who stand in front of them! It makes no sense! It is clear that it is to use powerful strength to bully people!! "Boom boom boom!!"

  At this moment, a few cannonballs were in mid-air, making a harsh, even terrifying screeching sound, smashed down fiercely, and a violent explosion occurred.

  The entire city of Runing Mansion trembled, shaking, and the mountains shook.

  "what happened!"

  The expression of the Ru Ning Mansion garrison changed and asked loudly.

  "Not good, bad, General!!"

  "The Great Flame Army is approaching the city!!"

  "Just now, it was their artillery that was testing the artillery!"

  At this time, outside the hall, a personal soldier rushed in and reported loudly.


  "The Great Flame Army is coming to the city!"

  The garrison general's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he scolded angrily: "Why is the damned Great Yan Army so fast!"

  I am already panicking!

Chapter [-] Occupy the entire territory of Runing House

  "General, run away, the artillery of the Great Yan Army is too powerful, we can't defend the city!!"

  "Yes, General, leave the green hills so that you won't have to worry about no firewood!!"

  "Now that Dayan's army is large and powerful, my Dashun army is at a disadvantage everywhere, and it is really not suitable for it to be hard to bear!"

  "Let's escape, let's escape, the Great Yan Army is strong, and our Ru Ning Mansion is lost, it's already lost!"

  "The destiny is like this, the destiny is hard to violate!!"

  "The destiny makes the Great Yan Army so powerful, and I wait to resist, like an ant carrying a tree, wasting my energy!!"

  "I'm afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty, ah!!"

  "Miracles don't happen! The general trend is like this, what can I do!"


  The subordinate generals heard that the Great Yan Army had already approached the city, and they had already started to test their artillery, and they were so frightened on the spot that their faces were pale, trembling, and there was an uproar.

  One by one, they opened their mouths to persuade them! Having fought so many battles with the Dayan Army, the Dashun Army has long since seen the strength of the Dayan Army.

  Under the conditions of the same strength, they were all hanged and beaten by the Great Yan Army, and there was no resistance.

  Not to mention, the Great Yan Army is now many times stronger than them! This battle has been decided from the beginning, they will lose without a doubt, and they will not be able to defend Runing Mansion or Zhongzhou! Forcibly resisting, it can only be self-inflicted humiliation and one's own death.

  Death, no one wants to die.

  Especially for the generals of the Dashun Army who have passed away after becoming famous, they have already enjoyed the taste of power, the taste of glory and wealth, and none of them is willing to die.

  This kind of mortal war, let alone the soldiers of the Dashun Army under his command, even the generals of the Dashun Army are not willing to fight.

  Before the battle started, the Dashun army in Runing City began to panic, the army was unstable, and the fear of war was high.

  Even if the Dashun Army's Runing House garrison general wanted to fight with the Dayan Army to defend the city of Runing House, at this time, he would not dare to force his subordinates to work hard.

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