"Liu Zongmin is waiting for my Dashun general, and all of them will die in battle!!"

  "The Great Yan Army occupied Pingliang and Fengxiang in one breath. Hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers marched south and surrounded my Xi'an Prefecture!!"

  "Now, the main force of the White Tiger Legion of the Dayan Army is approaching the city!!"

  The messengers rushed into the Dashun Palace in a hurry and reported the news, causing an uproar among the civil and military officials of the Dashun Dynasty, and the hall shook.

Chapter [-] Dashun shook the whole country

  This news was like a bolt from the blue for the civil and military affairs of the Dashun Manchu Dynasty! Everyone in the courtroom was dizzy, panic-stricken, panic-stricken, and panic-stricken.

  "What kind of frontline army was defeated, I Dashun the main force of hundreds of thousands, and the whole army was destroyed!!"

  "My God!! Hundreds of thousands of main forces are destroyed at once, which is different from my Dashun army being wiped out. Can it be possible to re-raise a large army by relying on those scattered remnants!"

  "The sky is falling!! Almost all the generals of my Dashun Army have been killed in battle, and even if a team of hundreds of thousands of people is pulled up again, there is no one in command!"

  "It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

  "Damn it, the old man has already said that we shouldn't have a decisive battle with the Great Yan Army. This is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and bringing about our own destruction!! Look, what the old man said, everything has been fulfilled, and my Dashun Army is dead!! "

  "When the Dashun Army is dead, it won't be far from the end of my Dashun Dynasty!!"

  "Ah, ah, the old man doesn't want to die!!!"

  "What should I do? My Dashun Army is completely destroyed, and there is no more army to defend the center. Now the main force of the White Tiger Army of the Dayan Army has already entered the city, and there is not much time for us!!!"

  "What else can I do to wait to die!!"

  "Without reinforcements, soldiers and horses, generals, and food, there is no room for me to make a comeback in Dashun!!"


  For a time, the civil and military affairs of the Dashun Dynasty were almost crazy.

  Some were crying, some were laughing wildly, and looked crazy.

  Most of them were turning around in a hurry, sweating profusely, looking terrified, with a look of despair and collapse.

  The entire Dashun Dynasty's Manchu civil and military, at this moment, all fell into panic, despair and misery.

  No one can come up with a solution to the problem! No one can stand up and turn the tide.

  Instead, they yelled at each other loudly, blamed each other, and shied the blame from each other.

  The entire courtroom was in a chaotic mess, as lively as a vegetable market.

  At this moment, Li Zicheng, who was sitting on the dragon chair, didn't seem to see the panic and noise of the civil and military people below.

  At this moment, he looked extremely calm, as if nothing had happened.

  Just looking at it seriously, you can see that his eyes are full of sluggishness, shock, despair and infinite self-blame.

  When I learned that Liu Zongmin and other seven generals, seven old brothers, all died in battle, and there was no news of surviving.

  Li Zicheng's whole person collapsed!! For both public and private, to him, these seven generals are his left arm and right arm, the loyal and good pillar of his Li Zicheng's Dashun, and the champion of his Dashun. Pillar! The real pillar, the real Dashun army spirit! Li Zicheng has no doubts that as long as the seven generals under his command are there, he will have the ability to make a comeback, and he can start all over again, build one side of the force again, and rebuild Dashun. .

  And once these seven generals were all killed in battle, the Dashun Army would be over, and there would be no military soul! Not to mention the destruction of the entire army, even if there were still hundreds of thousands of troops in hand, it would only exist in name only.

  The more he thought about it, the more Li Zicheng blamed himself! "Old brothers, it's me Li Zicheng, I'm sorry to you!!"

  Li Zicheng murmured, and the voice was brought out, utterly grief-stricken.

  At this moment, there is no reason why he wants to give the seven old brothers on the front line,

  A mortal military order was issued! As a direct result, the army was gone, and the seven old brothers were gone.

  The seven pillars of the entire Dashun are all gone! Without these seven generals, he Li Zicheng, his Dashun, the sky is falling! The seven generals and seven old brothers died in battle.

  The rest of the hundreds of thousands of troops were wiped out, and when the Dayan Army was approaching Xi'an, the blow to Li Zicheng was hardly worth mentioning.

  When he really lost his left arm and right arm, Li Zicheng really knew what regret was! Only then did he suddenly realize where his strength and power came from! The Dashun Dynasty was full of people in the courtroom, and he learned that it was shocking. Bad news, chaos, panic, uproar, shaking all over.

  The people of Dashun in Xi'an Fucheng below learned that the main force of the Dashun army on the front line of hundreds of thousands had been destroyed, and seven generals including Liu Zongmin, Li Laiheng, and the pillars of Dashun were all killed in battle.

  It was like a thunderbolt from the blue! The people in the city were in an uproar, and the whole city shook! "The sky is falling, it is falling!!"

  "It's over, it's over, I'm finished with Dashun!! All seven generals died in battle, and hundreds of thousands of main forces were destroyed in one battle. My Dashun Army has already existed in name only, ah!!"

  "The Great Yan Army has already invaded the city, and I, Da Shun, have no troops to defend the city! We are finished, we are all finished!"

  "How could this happen? It's too sudden. How could I Dashun end up like this!"

  "Heaven has no eyes!!"


  People in the whole city were talking about it, and all of them were shocked by the news.

  For them, this is truly terrible news, a bolt from the blue! They never dreamed that the mighty Dashun Dynasty would end up like this, and reach such a step.

  It will come to an end, it will be crumbling, the dynasty will collapse, and the country will be destroyed one day! They can't figure it out, and they can't understand why this is! None of them! But why did they come to this stage of great obedience to a power that is so high in the sky, about to unify the world and build a new dynasty? It seems that I can't find one, like Da Shun, like a comet, an extremely dazzling, but fleeting power.

  The rise is too fast, too fast! It collapsed, too fast too fast! For the people of Guanzhong, Dashun launched the Eastern Expedition, captured the capital, and destroyed the Ming Dynasty, in just over half a year! More than half a year ago, they Still: cheering, still: boiling, still: celebrating.

  Their Chuang Wang is about to rule the world and ascend to the supreme position of the Supreme Ninety-five! But half a year later, they learned the shocking news that the Dashun Army was destroyed, and all the famous Dashun Army generals called the united front. died.

  The enemy army is approaching the city! And they, Dashun, have no extra troops to defend the city to resist! The entire Dashun dynasty is crumbling, about to collapse, and completely perished! These Dashun people are about to perish! , it's too unacceptable.

  All the people in Dashun were unable to accept this fact, their faces were full of disbelief and disbelief.

  There were sounds of shock, unbelievable doubts, and cries of fear and frustration about the uncertain future.

  And, the tragic cry of the collapse of faith.

  On this day, the entire Dashun Dynasty, the entire Xi'an mansion, were weeping and howling.

Chapter [-] self-immolates, Li Zicheng dies

  In the Dashun Palace, Li Zicheng sat paralyzed on the dragon chair, his face full of grief. The death of seven generals under his command made him unable to recover from this heavy blow all day.

  At this moment, the sky was already dark, and the civil and military officials in the court had also dispersed early, each arranging their own funerals.

  They quarreled all day, without arguing for a solution to the present crisis.

  In the end, they all collapsed in despair! They dispersed on their own and went their separate ways! Li Zicheng, who had recovered, looked at the empty court hall and couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face.

  In the past, the lively scene with hundreds of officials gathered, and the empty and incomparably cold scene at the moment formed a clear contrast.

  No comparison, no damage! The more you experience recovery, the more you can't bear the blow.

  Li Zicheng has never been so depressed and despairing! He has fought for more than ten or twenty years, and he has appeared several times in the past.

  But at that time, he was full of fighting spirit, never giving in or despairing.

  Always keep your fighting spirit high, and be ready to make a comeback at any time.

  But at this moment, Li Zicheng no longer has any fighting spirit! What is even more terrifying is that at this moment, there is no confidant around him who speaks! Leave one by one.

  And what did he get, Li Zicheng! He pursued the supreme position of Ninety-five Supreme, but in the end, he got nothing but nothing! "Is it worth it?"

  "Is it all worth it?"

  Li Zicheng muttered to himself, kept asking himself, and finally revealed an extremely desolate wry smile.

  In my mind, I began to recall everything in the past, scene by scene.

  He suddenly discovered that since he conquered the capital and destroyed the Ming Dynasty, after that period of high spirits passed, he has never laughed.

  Always: Acting, Always: Endure humiliation and burden, Always: Care about gains and losses.

  Almost all of my body and mind are devoted to it! For the sake of power, for the supreme position of the Ninety-five Supreme, I have invested almost everything, at all costs.

  In it he sacrificed his old brother and all his own emotions.

  In the end, I got nothing.

  Even the civil and military officials around him abandoned him.

  At this moment, Li Zicheng felt that there was no difference between him and the Chongzhen Emperor, who had always been despised by him.

  The two of them were enemies in life and death, and everything they encountered was very similar.

  And at this moment, he finally understood what Emperor Chongzhen was thinking when he broke down in the capital city and went to the coal mountain to hang himself.

  More ironically, before the death of Emperor Chongzhen, there was still a Wang Chengen by his side.

  And there was no one around him Li Zicheng! There was no one to accompany him in the end and give him a ride.

  "My life is too much to lose."

  At this moment, Li Zicheng was extremely depressed and heartbroken.

  With a murmur, he staggered from the dragon chair with difficulty, staggered out of the main hall of the court, and headed for the imperial study where he had been working.

  Go to the imperial study and look at the map of Dashun above.

  From the peak moment, he occupied Beizhili, Zhongzhou, Shanxi, Guanzhong, and ruled the north. He was invincible! Up to now, the only place he can control is the lonely city of Xi'an! There is no direction at all! Even though there are still scattered Dashun army remnants controlling the territory, the roads leading to these territories are all blocked! His Dashun dynasty, he is self-sufficient, can't fly! It's dead! Pfft! Li Zicheng swept away vigorously,

  All the maps and objects on the desk were swept across the ground, smashing and cracking, smashing precious pieces of porcelain.

  "I, Li Zicheng, even though I have a lot of ugliness and a despicable character, I have even harmed the old brothers who have followed me for more than ten years and have lived and died together!!"

  "But I, Li Zicheng, have fought for decades, fought in the north and south, and defeated countless enemies!"

  "It was once brilliant, but it can't live forever!"

  "Anyway, he is also a king who has risen from commoners!"

  "How can you learn from those doujinshi who cry and cry, burst into tears, and don't think about Shu?"

  "Even the old man Chongzhen had the courage to hang himself and die with the country!"

  "I'm Li Zicheng, how can I be inferior to them!"

  Li Zicheng stared at the broken objects on the ground, stared at the dazzling, lonely Xi'an mansion surrounded by countless great flame armies, saying word by word.

  There was pride in his eyes, and a sharp light flashed.

  Knowing that there is no way to live, the Dashun Dynasty is about to perish.

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