"Fuck you, don't show mercy to me!!"

  "Smash the cannonballs!!"

  "Break the opposite side!!"

  The first person to come back to his senses was the heavy artillery divisions who had set up artillery positions long ago and had no idea how many times they had launched artillery bombardments.

  The commanders of these heavy artillery divisions, after hearing the order of the general attack, issued the order of shelling without even thinking about it!! Several heavy artillery divisions, as well as the artillery battalions of a large number of field divisions, assembled thousands of large and small artillery pieces. A fierce artillery bombardment was launched against the defensive line of Zuo Liangyu in the direction of Huguang.

  "Boom boom boom!!!"

  The defense line stretched for hundreds of miles, and for a while, the sound of artillery bombardment was everywhere, and the landscape was flooded by artillery fire, stirring up the sky.

  Immediately, the soldiers of Zuo Liangyu's army on the opposite line of defense were stunned! Not many, the soldiers who were nibbling on steamed buns and telling jokes were drowned by artillery fire in the next moment. , submerged by countless blade-like iron marbles.

  It was as if he had been slashed by a thousand knives, dripping with blood, and there were countless pierced wounds on his body.

  What's more, half of his body was blown off by the violent artillery explosion.

  Those with broken hands and feet, with blood all over their faces, are innumerable.


  For a time, the entire defensive line was filled with screams of incomparable pain! Just the sound made people shudder.

  "It's not good, it's not good, the Suzaku Corps of the Great Yan Army on the opposite side launched a violent artillery attack!!"

  "General, this is the omen of an all-out attack on the opposite side of the Great Yan Army!!"

  "Thousands of artillery pieces hit our defense line, and artillery shelling was everywhere on the line of defense!!"

  "General, our front-line soldiers were suddenly bombarded with heavy artillery by the opposing Dayan Army. The scale of the bombardment was unprecedented, and the soldiers suffered heavy losses!!"

  "General, the soldiers on the front line can't hold it anymore, the brothers can't hold it anymore, urgently ask for reinforcements!!"



  Behind the defense line, there was almost a commotion in the tent of the front line of the Huguang Zuoliangyu Department, and many messengers rushed in to report the attack on the front line one by one.

  It's all bad news, not one good news! And one is worse than the other, and one is more urgent.

  The front-line general of Zuo Liangyu's quarrel, his head would explode! He was also stunned by the sudden full-scale artillery bombardment by the Great Yan Army.


  "How can there be any reinforcements!!"

  "We don't have enough troops everywhere!!"

  "Even if you ask Wuchang for help, it's too late!!"

  "Not to mention, there must be wars everywhere at this moment, and the Great Yan Army has launched an all-out attack, definitely not just me in Huangzhou Prefecture!!"

  The front-line general of Zuo Liangyu's department screamed in a hurry, sweating profusely, panic-stricken and at a loss.

  And this scene also happened on the borders between Huguang and Jiangbei, Zhongzhou, and Xiangyang Prefecture.

  The Dayan Army launched an all-out attack on the Zuoliangyu Department of Huguang and Guangxi, and the battle line stretched for thousands of miles!! More than two million troops were dispatched!!

Chapter [-] Destroy hundreds of thousands of enemies, and even conquer the land of three houses


  "Army attack!!!"

  Seeing the Huguang Army of Zuo Liangyu's department on the opposite side, they were immediately stunned by the artillery bombardment. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. They did not react at all, and their defense strength was greatly reduced.

  The field divisions and commanders of the Dayan Army on the front line issued military orders for the entire army to attack.

  On the long line of defense, more than [-] field divisions and infantry, lined up in neat formations, marched in neat steps, and launched a charge towards the Zuoliang Yuhu Guangjun.

  "Kill it!!!"

  "Snatch the ground!!"

  "Fire, fire!!"

  The roar of killing in the sky and the sound of musket fire sounded one after another.

  The Dayan Army's infantry, using artillery to clear the way, and the infantry charging tactics, reached the Huguang Army's defensive line position and captured the positions one by one.

  The Huguang Army had almost no resistance during the whole process. As soon as the infantry of the Dayan Army rushed to the position, they knelt down and surrendered on the spot!! The wind of surrender, even if the Huguang Army dispatched a large number of supervisors, would not help.

  The defeat is like a mountain, and no one can turn the tide.

  With the advance of the Great Yan Army, positions were seized and seized everywhere, the entire line of defense was thousands of holes, and a large number of soldiers surrendered or fled, which directly led to the collapse of the entire line of defense! of!!"

  "The Great Yantian Army is invincible in the world. There are countless muskets and artillery, and they are not afraid of death. We can't fight at all!!"

  "Brothers kneel down and surrender if you can't run. It's okay, as long as you kneel down and surrender, Dayan will not kill us!!"

  "Be smart, surrender if you can, it's better than losing your life!!"

  "It's a fight, it's still a civil war, and it's all the Han people who fight. It's a fart. If you can't fight, you should surrender!!"

  "Hmph, what are you selling your life to that dog thief Zuo Liangyu? He is a warlord, a ruthless, ruthless warlord! He doesn't look like a master at all, brothers, don't give your life to him!!"

  "Fall down, down!!"


  On the battlefield that spreads thousands of miles, one of the soldiers of the Huguang Army is counted as one, and there are voices everywhere shouting to surrender to save their lives. Countless Huguang soldiers are even kneeling and surrendering in unison.

  There is no fighting intention at all! It can be seen that Zuo Liangyu's actions have long been seen by the officers and men in Huguang and remembered in their hearts, and there is no loyalty to him at all.

  These soldiers may have little knowledge, not many things they can see, and they do not understand the general trend, let alone the righteousness of the family and the country.

  But they understand a very simple truth! Zuo Liangyu didn't assign them to them, and let them fight for their best interests by staying under Zuo Liangyu's command as soldiers and fighting, that is, they just eat together.

  Since it is a meal to eat, it is normal to see the opportunity and be ready to fight.

  As long as you are not blind, you can see what is even more terrifying is that the combat effectiveness is extremely sturdy, and they will be crushed and beaten in an all-round way! There is no hope of victory! At this time, if you don't surrender, you can save your life by surrendering. If you don't surrender, you will definitely die. It's settled! More importantly, Zuo Liangyu is not worthy of the loyalty of Huguang soldiers at all! For the soldiers at the bottom, it is to surrender to save their lives.

  For the low-level officers in the Huguang Army, and even some generals, Zuo Liangyu is not like the master, and there is no future for Zuo Liangyu.

  It's not worth giving your life to take refuge! Therefore, these grass-roots officers, seeing that the situation is not good, lead the soldiers under their command, in large numbers, in large numbers.

  Kneel down and surrender.

  The collapse of the whole line has been completed and cannot be stopped! It directly led to the Huguang Army, which seemed to be vulnerable to a single blow. The whole army was defeated, and there were countless surrenders!!


  "Legion Commander, our army has launched an army of nearly two million to launch an all-out attack on Huguang!!"

  "First use artillery to open the way, then infantry charge tactics!!"

  "Zuo Liangyu's Huguang Army can't be stopped at all. His officers and men have no fighting intentions. When they see our army, they immediately kneel and surrender. Our army successfully defeated the hundreds of thousands of front-line troops in Huguang. , to break the Huguang defense line!!"

  "Now our army's front-line troops have all entered Huguang, and easily captured the Huangzhou Prefecture, De'an Prefecture, and Yunyang Prefecture in the periphery of Huguang!!"

  "It is connected with the Xiangyang Mansion occupied before!!"

  "The four outer prefectures on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Huguang have been captured by our army!!"

  The messenger broke into the legion headquarters excitedly, and reported to the legion commander Zhang Yang with great excitement.

  When Zhang Yang heard this, he immediately showed a look of joy, and immediately looked at the sand table map on the side.

  On the Huangzhou, De'an and Yunyang houses in Huguang, the fiery red flaming golden dragon flag was planted.

  In addition, the Xiangyang Mansion, which was previously received from the Dashun Dynasty, was added.

  The four prefectures on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Huguang are completely connected.

  The encirclement of these four prefectures is like a big black pot, covering the top of Huguang's head, leaving the Huguang army on the north bank of the Yangtze River with nowhere to escape.

  In the entire north of the Yangtze River, only the whole territory of Chengtian Prefecture and some counties of Jingzhou Prefecture are left.

  More importantly, opposite the occupied Huangzhou Mansion is Wuchang Mansion.

  Looking across the river with Huangzhou Mansion.

  In other words, Wuchang Mansion has been exposed to the artillery fire of the Dayan Army! The Dayan Army can directly set up artillery positions on the opposite bank, and can launch artillery fire on Wuchang Palace.

  Zhang Yang can imagine that Zuo Liangyu will be completely frightened at this moment!! After thinking about it, Zhang Yang did not issue an order to launch artillery bombardment on Wuchang Fucheng, but ordered the entire army to move on and sweep the north bank of the Yangtze River! "Tell the commanders on the front line, don't be satisfied with the current record, continue to work hard for me, and take the entire Chengtian Prefecture and some states and counties of Jingzhou Prefecture as quickly as possible!"

  "Give me a breath and sweep the north bank of the Yangtze River!!"

  The messenger immediately took the order to retreat.

  At this time, the chief of staff of the legion next to him said with a smile: "Congratulations to the army commander, congratulations to the army commander, our army has fully blossomed as soon as the war started, and won a brilliant victory.

  After that, the army chief of staff began to look at the sand table map and the direction of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and then said: "The entire north of the Yangtze River is not enough for our army to fight!!"

  "Do we want to cross the river south and take down the entire Hubei region north of Dongting Lake?"

  Zhang Yang looked at the map and found that north of the Yangtze River, there was only a small piece of land left, which was not captured by the Great Yan Army.

  What's more, the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, that is the fat on the mouth of the White Tiger Army, he is sitting on an army of two million, and it is not easy to rush in in a hive.

  Since we have given up Sichuan and Chongqing in the west, we can only cross the river south! "First, take the whole area north of Dongting Lake, and after the land of Sichuan and Chongqing is captured by the White Tiger Army, you can ask the capital to see if you want to. , in one breath, go south and conquer several southern provinces!"

  "Take the opportunity to rule the world!"

Chapter [-]: Desperate Zuo Liangyu

  Wuchang Mansion City, Huguang General Military Mansion.

  "My lord, it's not good, it's not good, the big thing is bad!!"

  "The Great Yan Army suddenly sent two million troops to launch a full-scale attack on us. They first bombarded us with artillery, and then the infantry charged. Our front-line army couldn't stop it at all, and the whole line was defeated!!"

  "Countless soldiers, kneel and surrender on the spot!!"

  "Hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line were almost wiped out, and very few escaped!!"

  "Huangzhou Mansion, De'an Mansion, Yunyang Mansion, the whole territory has been lost!!"

  "The entire north of the Yangtze River, the fall is just around the corner!!"

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