The divisions are temporary and, like the front-line headquarters, will be disbanded once the state of war is over.As for the establishment of the division-level establishment, that is to better mobilize the forces of each guard and cooperate with each other to fight.

  A division of [-] to [-] troops is enough to face any incoming enemy.

  It will not be the same embarrassing situation as when he was in Fuzhou Guard, facing [-] cavalrymen from the Tartars and more than [-] people in the second guard, but the troops were insufficient and could only retreat!

  Moreover, this time, I was going to occupy the territory, but I would not retreat at will as in Liaodong.

  If you say stick to it, that's the real stick to it!

  Following Lin Feng's order, three temporary divisions were established, and three division commanders took office.

  Immediately, Lin Feng issued an order to launch an attack within three days.

  The reason for giving three days is that it also takes time to establish a front-line headquarters, as well as time for the people below to formulate tactical plans to accomplish strategic goals.

  The specific tactical plan for how to complete the mission, Lin Feng and the General Staff will not formulate for them.

  This all needs to be formulated and completed by the staff of the frontline command.

Chapter 3 The All-Army Attack (4/[-])

  Weihaiwei Frontline Command.

  "Our army dispatched a total of [-] guards and more than [-] people in this battle plan, including [-] field troops and [-] local garrison troops, to launch an attack on Dengzhou and Laizhou. In addition, there are [-] farmers to assist. , responsible for logistics and transportation, making siege ordnance, establishing defense lines, etc. The lord ordered me to be the commander-in-chief of the front line."

  Liu Yunxian, the commander of the first guard, briefly introduced the troops and then said: "After discussing with the staff of the front-line headquarters, I decided that the total plan for this time will be divided into two groups of troops. The first division is the North Road Army. After attacking westward from Ninghai Prefecture and occupying Dengzhou Prefecture at the fastest speed, he then led the army to attack Laizhou Prefecture City, Pingdu Prefecture and other prefectures and counties, and went west to the east of Weixian to establish a defense line against Qingzhou. Fufu City and Anqiu area to invade the enemy!"

  "The second division is the South Route Army, which launched an attack westward from Rushan on the southern line, quickly occupied Haiyang County and other counties in Dengzhou Prefecture, and then led the army to attack the Jiaozhou area of ​​Laizhou Prefecture at the fastest speed. , to defend against incoming enemies in the direction of Qingzhou Prefecture Zhucheng!"

  "The third division, as the general reserve, operates in the rear in the central part, and is ready to support and prepare for the frontline, north and south, at any time!"

  "The garrison of the four guards is ready to receive the captured cities, personnel, wealth and land, and defend the enemy's counterattack!"

  Liu Yun released the combat objectives in one breath, and divided the tasks for the various troops and horses.

  Next, the divisions and guards have designated their battle plans according to their own mission objectives.

  "Do you understand your respective combat goals?"

  Liu Yun asked with a serious look.


  The commanders of each division and each guard nodded solemnly.

  "Okay, let's go down and arrange a battle plan!"

  "Tomorrow morning, launch an attack immediately!"

  Liu Yun waved his hand.

  After the order of the front-line command was issued, he began to return to the front-line station of the [-]st Division, and began to release the battle plan of the [-]st Division without stopping.

  Who made him not only the commander-in-chief of the front command, but also the commander of the first division?

  There is so much he needs to do.

  The three infantry and cavalry mixed guards of the first division, the guard commander of a cavalry guard, and the staff of the first division were called in, and a military meeting of the first division was held.

  "The goal of this battle is very clear. As the North Route Army, my [-]st Division will launch an attack on the towns of Dengzhou Prefecture and Laizhou Prefecture North Road, because the cities in these two prefectures are both on the battle route of my [-]st Division North Route Army. Therefore, the task of our first division is very heavy!"

  "But no matter how heavy the task is, all officers and soldiers of my first division must complete it!"

  Liu Yun stood in the first seat, set the tone for the meeting, and then issued a combat order: "Tomorrow morning, the first guard will launch an attack to take Ninghai Prefecture. The second and third guards, the first cavalry guard, the third guard Try to bypass the city of Ninghai Prefecture, go straight to Dengzhou Fucheng, open the passage to Fucheng, and at the same time take down the outer stronghold of Dengzhou Fucheng!"

  "Interrupt the reinforcements from the counties under the Dengzhou government to rush to support, wait until the first guard goes north, join the first guard, and thoroughly

  Take Dengzhou Capital City.At the same time, the navy will also act, and together with us, jointly take down the water city in Dengzhou! "

  The mission objective is very clear, first take Ninghai Prefecture, then take Fushan County, the main traffic road leading to Dengzhou Fucheng, and finally cut off the reinforcements of the counties in the west and south, and take Dengzhou Fucheng!

  The commanders of the guards nodded, indicating that they understood their mission, and did not talk nonsense, and then left.

  The entire front-line army of Weihaiwei was busy, and the officers made various combat plans and were busy issuing orders.The soldiers, on the other hand, eat well, sleep well, recharge their batteries, and when the time is up, they board the battlefield to fight.

  Time passed quietly, and on the second day, just after dawn, all the soldiers in the army began to eat, eat and drink and rest for a while, until the scorching sun in the east rose from the sea level.

  "I ordered the whole army to attack!"

  With a big wave of Liu Yun's hand, the soldiers stationed in the camp began to act, and they all walked out of the camp and headed east.

  The first guard took the lead, rushed out of the line of defense and attacked Ninghai Prefecture.

  All the way, it was like a broken bamboo, killing all the strongholds in Ninghai Prefecture one by one.


  Ninghai Prefecture.

  "It's not good, the adults, it's not good!"

  "Weihaiwei has launched an attack!"

  In the prefecture, the Ninghai prefecture, who was dreaming a sweet dream and sleeping very soundly, was frightened and fell off the bed, with a confused look on his face, and before he recovered, he asked, "What? the city?"

  Originally, after the war three months ago, the Dengzhou Prefecture army was almost completely destroyed. At that time, he was waiting for the Weihai Guards to attack the city, and he was already ready to live and die with Ninghai Prefecture.

  It's just that no matter how well he was determined to fight, he was embarrassed to find that the Weihai Guards did not move at all, which made him extremely uncomfortable when he thought about coexisting and dying with Ninghai Prefecture.

  After a month of trembling, I found that Weihaiwei still did not move. Gradually, the vigilant battalions of Ninghai Prefecture also relaxed and returned to their normal state of scorn and laziness.

  Even the wealthy squires and businessmen who ran out of refuge came back one after another.

  I really can't bear to give up the fertile fields and shops in my hometown!

  Before choosing life and silver, they all chose silver in surprise!

  It has to be said that the rich and wealthy squires are all people who want money but not life.

  After two months of this kind of good life, Ninghai Prefecture completely forgot that the Weihai Guards not far away were eyeing them.

  Who would have thought that if the Weihai Guards did not move, it would be shocking when they did!

  Tens of thousands of elite soldiers rushed to Ninghai Prefecture, and among them, thousands of cavalrymen appeared, scaring everyone up and down in Ninghai Prefecture to death.

  The squires and wealthy businessmen and officials of the entire Ninghai Prefecture vomited blood and took out their money. They recruited less than [-] battalions, and their weapons and equipment were not ready.

  The disparity in strength is so huge, how can this be fought?

  From Ninghai Prefecture up to the prefecture's order to the country gentry and wealthy businessmen, seeing such a lineup, they are all scared to pee!

  This book comes from: .

Chapter 4 Take Ninghai Prefecture in One Breath (4/[-])

  "Sir, are you still guarding the city?"

  On the city wall of Ninghai Prefecture, the Ninghai Prefecture battalion officer trembled and asked with a trembling voice to the Ninghai Prefecture governor who was dragged out of the bed and rushed to the city wall in a panic.

  "Come and help this official!" When the Ninghai Prefecture Commander saw the tens of thousands of elite soldiers outside the city, including thousands of horsemen, the Weihaiwei army could not see the end, and the whole person was almost paralyzed, and his feet were weak. , shouted angrily at his subordinates, venting his anger and cowardice.

  Once again, he glanced at the elite teacher outside the city who couldn't see the end, and the darkness of despair overwhelmed him, and he couldn't help but feel sadness and exclaimed: "If I have such an elite teacher, how can I fall here? Like fields?!"

  The camp official on the side pouted, if it wasn't for the greedy and greedy officials like you, how could Daming fall into such a field?

  Now crying bitterly, it is nothing but distressed for his official hat and the money hidden in his home.

  The people who should cry bitterly are the people from Ninghai Prefecture, the state order is an official from other places, the family members and clansmen at home, and the fertile farm shop in their hometown are not in Ninghai Prefecture, but in the hinterland of Daming.

  In this case, even in desperation, the Ninghai Prefecture Commander would not dare to surrender and open the city gate, and he would definitely die.Unless he doesn't want his wife, children, mother, and the entire family.

  And at the same time, there are very few people who do not want a wife, children and mother, and give up the whole family.

  Now that the strength of Daming is still there, officials from all over the world do not dare to surrender to the city on a large scale!

  Now that the army is attacking, they are suffering from these battalions!

  Desperately it is them!

  However, the silver was not caught, and the prosperity and wealth were not enjoyed. It was just a month or two of food.

  Even the legendary life-saving money can't be seen.

  For a time, the city wall fell into a very strange atmosphere.

  The people above wanted to protect their lives, reputation, and wealth, and wanted to defend the city, and shouted that they would live and die with Ninghai Prefecture.

  The battalions below were worried that the sword had no eyes on the battlefield, and they accidentally killed their lives.What frightened them even more was that the enemy army was huge and the gap in strength was too great, and there was no hope of winning at all.

  In such a situation, morale is depressed or even collapsed.

  There is a feeling of not wanting to fight, but the supervising team behind them is eyeing them, and they don't dare to kneel and surrender now.

  No one spoke, and time passed quietly in this strange atmosphere.

  "Huh? The troops are divided, they bypassed Ninghai Prefecture and divided the troops north!"

  Seeing the large army outside the city, they began to divide their troops. Most of the troops did not stop at all, bypassing the city of Ninghai Prefecture and heading northwest.

  The governor of Ninghai Prefecture couldn't help shouting excitedly.

  "Okay, that's great!"

  "Hahaha, it's good to go north, this is going straight to Dengzhou Fucheng, right?"

  "I hope they will suffer heavy losses under Dengzhou Fucheng, so that my Ninghai Prefecture will be at peace!"


  The squires and wealthy businessmen were even more excited, almost applauding, as if they had won the battle.

  The battalion officer, who had a little military knowledge, almost choked when he saw these people like this, and couldn't help pointing to the outside of the city and said, "Sir, don't be too happy, they are divided, but there are still thousands of elite soldiers left!"

  "Look, they are all ready to attack the city, the cloud ladder and the wooden bridge over the moat are all ready!"

  As soon as these words came out, the laughter stopped abruptly.

  The Ninghai prefecture and all the wealthy squires and businessmen were extremely embarrassed, blushing like a monkey's buttocks.

  Looking outside the city, the [-] officers and soldiers of the first guard left by the Weihai Guards, the Ninghai prefecture and the squires on the city wall

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