Because the trouble was out of control, it turned into a confused account, and no one could figure it out.

  Even Qi Jiguang, a peerless and famous general who made great achievements in the southeast sea frontier, was driven to the north by the rich and wealthy businessmen of the southeast.

  The Japanese pirates were driven away, but they did not die. Most of them returned to the Japanese country, and most of them settled in Nagasaki.

  The gathering of a large number of wandering warriors was hired by the merchants, which led to the fact that the Japanese merchants in Nagasaki were not small, and they were also an extremely powerful force among the daimyo of various conquests in the Japanese country.

  Of course, this also requires the whole of Nagasaki's businessmen to unite.

  It's just that with the Nagasaki Wharf, the port city was occupied, and almost all the Japanese were driven into the Nagasaki county to stay there. The harsh environment forced the Nagasaki merchants to work together, with money and money, and some people, and strong contributions. .

  And at the fastest speed, a Nagasaki defense team with thousands of soldiers gathered under this defense team, which is equivalent to self-defense.

  And opened the warehouses of various weapons merchants, and armed thousands of wandering warriors.

  Pick out the senior with high qualifications, the general of this defense team.

  I have to say that no matter who they are, they all have great potential. If it wasn't for the Chengshan Fleet attacking Nagasaki, the Japanese merchants in Nagasaki would have no idea that these merchants could explode such a powerful force.

  This is the strength that unites all businessmen! Many Japanese businessmen, looking at the thousands of armed wandering warriors in Nagasaki Port, are full of pride and pride. This army has his share! The emotions of the Japanese merchants were inflated, and the officers of the Nagasaki Protection Corps were worried one by one.

  The difference in strength is too great! It's almost as big as the sky! What's more terrifying is that dozens of artillery pieces have been aimed at the city wall, and the Marine Corps of Chengshan Fleet can use more artillery pieces at any time to move them ashore .

  It is almost impossible to defend the city! As for street fighting, it is even more impossible! Even if all these wandering warriors in the Japanese country are armed, they will only have one Japanese sword per person at most. Matchlock guns are absolutely unaffordable.

  Before everyone used arquebuses, their respective technologies did not cross generations and form a qualitative gap.

  The arquebus is a strategic material! It is extremely expensive! Although the Japanese merchants in Nagasaki are rich, they cannot afford to be armed.

  Not to mention whether they have... so rich, even if they are rich, they would not be willing to go bankrupt, just to fight such a battle.

  This is human nature, and not many businessmen are willing to go bankrupt for the support.

  "Defending the city is a slow suicide and cannot be defended. We must get out of the city and launch an attack!!"

  The general of the Nagasaki Defense Force, this is an old samurai. He has spent his entire life fighting. Although he has not fought any major battles, he also understands that in the face of such a strong enemy siege, especially the enemy with a large number of artillery , defending the city, that is the stupidest way.

  Moreover, even if the whole city is dead, it is impossible to defend the city! Before building a fortress that can resist the bombardment of artillery, it is possible to defend the city in the face of the bombardment of artillery! For the Qi defense team, the only chance to win is to go out of the city and fight to the death!

  He can understand this principle, and many Japanese warriors around him understand it.

  "Your Excellency General, since this is the case, let's go out of the city and fight to the death!"

  "Yes, fight to the death!"

  "We are not afraid!!"

  "A true samurai, dare to launch a decisive charge against a powerful enemy!"

  "I'd rather die on the road of the charge than get hit by a rock that smashed into the air!"


  The warriors around him roared loudly.

  The temporary commander of the Nagasaki Defense Force nodded heavily, with a dignified expression and excitement in his eyes: "You are very good, you are the real samurai of my country!!"

  I have to say that the wandering samurai in Nagasaki, because they have too much contact with outsiders, are far more aware of the world than others.

  Already awakened some signs of racism.

  This is also a very normal manifestation. The more races you come into contact with, the more you can unite together. In this era, only by sticking together can you not be bullied by others.

  Outside the city of Nagasaki, the second guard of the Marine Corps, the fourth thousand households, looked at the closed city gate of Nagasaki county with a surprised look. It quietly opened, and there walked out many Japanese warriors with white cloths tied to their foreheads. : "It seems that the Japanese in Nagasaki are very bloody, and they dare to go out of the city to fight us!"

  "However, this is more interesting. We have been fighting the city siege battle, and the artillery has robbed all the merits of the battle. We, the infantry and cavalry, have become the corpse collection team!"

Chapter 4: The whole process of hanging, massacre-style war (5/[-])

  "Kill for it!!"

  The commander of the Nagasaki Guard Corps, the old warrior of the Japanese country, pulled out the Japanese sword, raised his head high, and roared.

  "Kill it!"

  "Kill it!"

  "Kill it!"


  Behind him, thousands of wandering warriors drew their swords one after another, raised them over their heads, and roared in unison.

  Afterwards, no need to say more, all of them, each with ferocious faces and red eyes, like mad dogs, barked loudly, and charged at Weihaiwei's Marine Corps.

  They are not afraid of life and death, and their will to fight can be called crazy! Their performance frightened countless white-skinned merchants from Xiyi who were watching the battle. People are crazy they are attacking a powerful army with a lot of artillery and muskets! They are dying!!"

  "It's terrible, these Japanese people, they really don't want to die!"

  "All crazy!"

  "God, come and save this maddening nation!"

  "I just promised that if these Japanese dwarfs are equipped with muskets and artillery, the soldiers of our Western countries will definitely not be their opponents, and they will be scared to death by their crazy offensive!"

  "As expected of a country in the East, even a small island country has such a powerful heritage!"


  It is difficult for the white-skinned pigs of Xiyi to understand such a lifeless, suicidal crazy charge of the Japanese.

  One by one, they were speechless in shock, their mouths wide open and their jaws almost dropped.

  Thousands of Japanese wandering warriors, under the condition of almost certain defeat, went out of the city and launched an attack on an army armed to the teeth with muskets and artillery without any cover.

  Looking at these white-skinned pigs who can't understand the Eastern way of thinking, one by one is extremely shocking, and the eyes that look at the Japanese people have also changed, and they have begun to become: jealous.

  “Good coming!!”

  Qianhu of the [-]th Thousand Households of the Second Guard of Weihaiwei Marine Corps couldn't help but have a look of admiration in his eyes when he saw these Japanese warriors launch a suicide charge.

  Although I look down on the Japanese people very much, there is a certain quality in the Japanese people that is really admirable, and even a little shocking.

  Especially in this era, when army casualties exceed [-]%, it is very likely that the entire army will collapse.

  It is very difficult to see in this era that the whole army can work together, be united, fight to the death without fear of death, and launch a suicidal charge.

  The enemy was extremely heroic, and he did not fear Qianhu, who led the Weihaiwei Marine Corps, but was extremely excited.

  Finally came a tough battle that made his blood boil! "Brothers, the real tough battle is coming!"

  "It's time to test us!"

  "Let the Japanese warriors on the opposite side know that we Weihai Guardsmen are not only well-equipped, but also armed to the teeth, and we are no match for the will to fight and the courage to fight without fear of death.


  "In this world, we Weihai guards are the first."

  “First of all!!”

  Leading a team of thousands of households, they shouted loudly to boost morale.

  "Kill kill kill!"

  The Marine Corps soldiers of the Weihai Guards, without any unnecessary nonsense, let out a thunderous roar one by one, the sound spread more than ten miles away, and spread throughout the entire Nagasaki Port, so that everyone who heard it could hear it. Changed, shocked and horrified one by one.

  They've never seen, well-equipped, armed to the teeth like the Weihai Guard

  Not to mention, they are still in high spirits, and their will to fight is extremely strong.

  This is the army that anyone, any force, any race, fears.


  Qianhu, who led the team, waved his big hand and launched a suicide charge several hundred meters away. He frantically launched an order to fire on the Nagasaki Guards, who were rushing towards the Weihaiwei Marine Corps.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  The gunners, who had been aiming long ago and waiting for orders, fired at the fastest speed without any hesitation.

  There was a sound as if the sky was collapsing, and dozens or hundreds of cannonballs smashed on the heads of the Japanese warriors, killing hundreds of people on the spot.

  The cannonball that hit the ground did not lose its kinetic energy because of this, but instead bounced off the ground and continued to roll forward. Wherever it passed, flesh and blood flew, and no one could block the collision of the cannonball.

  If you hit it, it will explode, and if you rub it, it will hurt.

  With just one round of artillery salvo, the Japanese samurai of the Nagasaki Defense Force were killed and injured by hundreds.

  "Kill for it!!"

  However, these casualties were within the tolerance of these Japanese warriors, they didn't stop, and they didn't show any fear on their faces, they continued to run wildly, and rushed towards the more than one thousand marines of Weihaiwei.

  Thousands of people have been rushing from three to four hundred meters away to within two hundred meters! Those who rushed to the front have even rushed within one hundred meters.


  After the gunners were busy and frantically clearing the gun chambers, adding shells, and stuffing gunpowder, the second round of gunfire sounded again.

  Hundreds of casualties again! In two rounds of artillery shelling, the Japanese samurai did not even touch the Weihaiwei Marine Corps, and the casualties from the artillery bombardment exceeded a thousand! "Musketeers prepare!"

  The Japanese warriors were unmoved, and continued to charge towards them, while the Weihai Guard Marine Corps was unmoved, lit their arquebuses step by step, rushed in front of the battle formation, and aimed at those who had already rushed within [-] meters. The Japanese samurai.

  Aiming so hard that it was hard to even blink an eyelid! "Eighty meters!"

  "Fifty meters!"

  "Thirty meters!"

  The person responsible for reporting the distance began to report the distance, and asked the musketeers to grasp the muskets in their hands tightly and press their shoulders against the butt.

  "Twenty meters!"


  As the Japanese samurai plunged into the distance of twenty meters, the musketeers in the front row immediately pulled the trigger and opened fire.

  "Bang bang bang!"

  In the first round of salvo, hundreds of guns rang out, and hundreds of projectiles shot out from the muzzle with traces that were hard to see with the naked eye.

  Puff puff! There were two or three hundred on the spot, and the Japanese warriors rushed to the front, almost without warning, and fell to the ground in unison.

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