On the defense line, the high-ranking officer in charge of the entire Jinan Prefecture defense battle heard that the Weihai Guards on the opposite side were actually involved.

  A large number of troops launched an all-out attack, and suddenly his face changed greatly, he shouted, and frantically urged the messengers, and quickly went to the rear to command the envoys for help.

  Now the entire line of defense has only [-] troops, and as for the [-] young men who are reinforced, they are still madly pulling the strong men, and they haven't sent them to the front line at all.

  It can be said that what he is most afraid of is the situation where the defense line is tight and the Weihai Guards are attacking frantically before the reinforcements are sent.

  It's just a pity that the Weihai Guards are not fools either.

  Knowing that behind the defense line, Jinan and Dongchang are frantically recruiting young men and wanting to send [-] young men to support the front line, how could it be possible to watch them increase their strength and be unable to get around, and the cavalry can't attack. Under the intelligence of the rear support army, there is only one way, and that is to madly attack the defense line, and strive to break the defense line before the [-] young men supported by the rear reach the front line! And in the entire defense line, Jinan House is among them. To the east and west of Qingzhou Prefecture, the Changchengling defense line between the two prefectures is the most important.

  Once the Great Wall Ridge defense line is broken through, the entire defense line will be smashed into a sieve. The [-] troops of the Weihaiwei First Army will be able to break out of the Great Wall Ridge and enter the Jinan Mansion to carry out a crazy operation of seizing the city and plundering land. .

  When the two armies confront each other, it is to see tricks and dismantle tricks.

  First, the Jinan government army made a move, but now it was the Weihai Guards' turn to make a move, and they hit the pain point of the Jinan government army in one hit, forcing the Jinan government army to take over the move.

  "Kill it!!!"

  Attacking the entire line, it does not care about the loss.

  Almost a larger mountain, the fulcrum of the entire defense line, is a thousand households, more than a thousand troops, dispatched together to attack the stronghold on the mountain.

  The sword and shield soldiers and the spearmen were in the front row, advancing step by step towards the position on the hilltop stronghold.

  "Fire arrows, fire arrows!!"

  "The kerosene will fall down and burn them to death!!"

  "Stones! Stones! Hit me, hit them!!"


  The Jinan government army occupying the high ground on the mountain top watched the Weihai Guards form a battle formation like a turtle shell, advancing step by step and climbing.

  Immediately panicked, he began to rush and fight back desperately.

  The archers drew their bows to shoot arrows one after another, the one who poured the kerosene down and the kerosene started to set fire, and the one with great strength lifted the stone and threw it down frantically.

  All in all, I tried every means to prevent the Weihai Guards from approaching, and at the same time did my best to kill the Weihai Guards.


  And the Weihai Guards, who were climbing down the mountain, did not open fire at close range according to the previous method.

  Instead, they all held muskets, and in the shield gap between the sword shield soldiers and the sword shield soldiers, they began to raise their heads to fire, with a distance of more than [-] meters.

  At this distance, the musket has no accuracy at all! Nor can it reach the terrifying lethality of falling down a row when it is fired at close range.

  But the counterattack is also extremely impressive, and it can effectively suppress the condescending attack of the Jinan mansion guards on the hilltop.

  10 meters away, and still firing from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the accuracy rate is not one in ten! That is to say, a row of a hundred musketeers can hardly defeat ten ten ten defenders.

  But it still had a powerful deterrent effect, greatly weakening the resistance of the defenders on the hill.



  Several rows of musketeers in the rear hid between the shields of the sword and shield soldiers, firing alternately, advancing step by step.

  Steady and steady, orderly, it is difficult to see mistakes, maintain your own fighting rhythm, win positions one by one, drive a famous defender out of the position, and rush to a higher mountain.

Chapter [-]: The Edge of Collapse

  "Bang bang bang!"

  Another burst of gunfire rang out. Even though the distance was [-] meters away, in the blink of an eye, there were still seven or eight people who were shot and fell.

  The artillery did not bombard, but a more deadly musket came! What is even more terrifying is that when more than one hundred muskets were fired in a salvo, some of them would fall.

  There are seven or eight people when there are few, and a dozen people when there are many! As long as the head emerges, there is a possibility of being hit by platoon guns! And every person who is hit is not good. He was literally dying of pain, screaming incessantly, his voice getting smaller and smaller, until he lost too much blood and fainted and died.

  What's more, it is a life-threatening death! Every person who dies is a well-known person around him. This is really an unbearable blow for the Jinan government soldiers who survived.

  What's even more frightening is that the frequency of firing guns is extremely high, at least five or six per minute, and the fire is fired! It is almost fixed at this frequency! The more passive the fight, the more suppressed it is everywhere.

  The positions were lost one by one, and they were driven from the mountainside to the top of the mountain! Thousands of people were crowded into the narrow tunnels on the top of the mountain, and everyone was full of fear.

  If it wasn't for the Weihai Guards who hadn't killed them yet, and the supervising team was staring at them fiercely, holding knives at their necks, they would have to collapse on the spot and turn around and run away.

  "Stand up, stand up, even if I die, stand up for me!!"

  "Death to those who retreat! Death to those who disturb the heart of the army!!"

  "Think about your own lives, think about your family!"

  "Beheading one level, reward five taels of silver, and the reward is unlimited!!"

  "If you want to get promoted and get rich, just kill the enemy for me, kill the enemy fiercely, and serve the court!!"


  As the positions were lost one by one, one team after another was driven to the top of the mountain from the mountainside. A large number of soldiers were killed and injured, and the losses were heavy, and one by one died horribly.

  The morale of the defenders was almost on the verge of collapse, and it seemed that the next moment, it would not be able to withstand such huge casualties and the pressure from death, and collapsed completely.

  The commander-in-chief was a little flustered.

  I have to panic! Once you lose your position, you are driven out of this mountain stronghold, and the defense line loses an important support point, it will cause great damage to the entire defense line, and even cause a chain reaction, and the entire defense line will collapse. Nothing too much.

  After escaping back, there will never be any good fruit to eat! Being suppressed everywhere, the strength is crushed, and the officers of the supervising team have no good way to improve the morale. They can only repeat the old saying, coerce and lure.

  I don't want to kill the soldiers under my command, screaming and screaming.

  But at the very least, don't collapse, and then cause a big rout, surrender or.

  The officers of the supervising team repeated the coercive and enticing words one by one.

  The taxis who retreated to the top of the mountain sneered at each other, and the battle has been fought until now, and they are all down: they all reacted, and they were all deceived! Any good treatment, any bounty, all are deceitful! They are cannon fodder! Cannon fodder for consumption! Their lives, in the hearts of gentlemen and gentlemen, are not worth mentioning! After recognizing the truth and realizing that the Weihai Guards on the opposite side have completely crushed their combat effectiveness, no matter how coercive and enticing the supervising team is, they will not be able to lift it up. The morale of the soldiers under his command.

  Morale is very low, declining, always on the verge of collapse

  behind the defense,

  Weihaiwei First Army Headquarters.

  Liu Yuan looked at the large number of infantrymen on his side, most of which had been killed halfway up the mountain. He was resting and recuperating, replenishing supplies, and nodded with satisfaction.

  He said to the staff around him: "The defenders of Jinan House on the opposite side can't stand it anymore. After the rest and recuperation, we will increase the offensive, and we must drive out and capture the enemy troops on these important fulcrums on the defense line! !"

  The staff members nodded one after another, with smiles on their faces: "Firing at a distance of [-] meters, platooning guns forward, the army does not fail to advance, although the attack is very slow and consumes a lot of money, but the attack is very stable!"

  "Step by step, the army will press up, and it will be easier to make the opposing defenders despair!"

  "According to our estimation, once the large army of our army rushes to the position on the top of the mountain, it can completely overwhelm the psychological defense line of the defending soldiers and knock them down!"

  Liu Yuan nodded, without doubt, he laughed firmly: "They are all young men who have been pulled up, how can the will to resist be stronger than most soldiers, when they see that there is no hope of winning, they will be timid and afraid of fighting. of!"

  "As long as our offensive increases and the army pushes up, it will overwhelm the last straw in their hearts, and it will be difficult to escape without breaking down!!"

  "The gentry are greedy and want to fight their soldiers, but they don't distribute benefits to the soldiers below. They can't be stingy. They only treat the soldiers below as cannon fodder. How could the soldiers be obedient and give their lives to them!"

  "Look, the harder they squeeze, the faster these soldiers collapse, and the bigger the scale!"

  "Take some cannon fodder, the rabble, fight the war of attrition with our First Army, and want to block my First Army!"

  "It's just whimsical, it's just too much thinking!!"

  In Liu Yuan's eyes, these gentry groups have brought in young people, and the troops they have formed are all rabble! The gentry groups are all paper tigers! They look powerful on the surface, but in fact they are bunkers on the beach. Crush and collapse! Only those who do not know their true nature will be shocked by their apparent strength! Weihaiwei, from the lord Lin Feng to the ordinary soldiers below, will not have any fear of the gentry group, but scoff at them! These gentry The group, I don't even know what power is! After resting for a few hours, the personnel and materials were replenished, the frontline soldiers were fed and sated, and after recovering their physical strength, the artillerymen fired again and smashed the cannonballs on the hilltops. .

  On the vast battlefield dozens of miles away, a deafening roar of killing sounded once again.

  "Assemble, assembly!!"

  "Quick, quick, all for the whole team, ready to climb up and attack!!"

  "Strive for a bang, drive the enemy troops on the hill out of the hill, and seize the position!!"

  "The most important thing in this battle is to seize the position and move the army forward! The secondary goal is to kill people and reduce the effective strength of the enemy army, everyone understands it!"

  On each battlefield, the thousand households of the Thousand Households Institute began to lecture.


  The soldiers under his command nodded and roared.

  "Very good, kill me!!"

  Thousands of households nodded one after another, drew out their war knives, pointed in the direction of the top of the mountain, shouted loudly, and issued an attack order.

  "Kill kill kill!!"

  The deafening roar of killing sounded on the long line of defense that was dozens of miles away.

  Like a tide, the densely packed army attacked the mountains everywhere.

The first seventy-fifth chapter kills the mountaintop position

  "Get up, get up for me, the Weihai pirate army is coming!!"

  "Stop lying there, stand up quickly!!"

  "Defend, defend me!!"

  "Keep it, keep it all for me!"

  "Whoever takes a fucking step back will chop off whoever the fuck's head!"

  "If you don't want to die, give it to me!!!"


  After a short rest for a few hours, the Weihai Guards launched a full-line attack, launching a fierce attack from the mountainside to the position on the top of the mountain.

  Immediately, the supervising team at the top of the mountain was frightened and panicked. They rolled and climbed to their feet and stood up, brandishing their swords, urging and shouting fiercely at the soldiers who were lying in the tunnel to avoid the shelling.

  The situation at this time was extremely unfavorable for the defenders of Jinan Prefecture.

  Almost all the hilltops on the defense line were occupied by the Weihai Guards, and these defenders were all driven from the hilltops they were stationed to to the nearby big hills, even the main peak.

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