Chapter 154

Kong Xuan disagrees with Zhou Xuan’s statement. She admits that colorful beans are very important to her, but this small bag of colorful beans does not help her lack of origin.

As a monster who has been sealed for more than three thousand years and has been out of touch with the world, Kong Xuan hates staying in the same place for too long.

Moreover, in this era, there are many new things that make her curious, so Kong Xuan did not wait in the late-night canteen, but turned into a colorful light and flew away.

Before leaving, Kong Xuan left Zhou Xuan with a mobile phone number. If Eluma comes again, she must contact her.

After taking out the latest Longhua mobile phone from Kong Xuan, Zhou Xuan suddenly had a clear understanding of her.

Oh, woman.

“Boss, are you okay?” Nie Xiaoqian ran from the backyard and asked with concern.

Zhou Xuan shook his head. He just felt a little tired. Tonight has happened so much that made him a little tired.

Then, Zhou Xuan looked at Nie Xiaoqian, this female ghost who relied on him, since she has decided to keep her, she must be responsible to her. Zhou Xuan said: “Since you want to live in this world, then there is something about You must be familiar with the common sense of this world.”

Zhou Xuan’s finger lightly touched the bewildered Nie 200 Xiaoqian’s eyebrows. He is also a master chef of the eighth stage, so he can naturally achieve this little means of transferring knowledge.

This is quite similar to Daigo’s initiation, but it is simpler. It just cuts out one’s own memory fragments, and then forcibly instills them into the other party.

Nie Xiaoqian only felt that his head had become swelling, and there were many unfamiliar pictures in his mind, which were some common sense of life in this world, and some were scientific knowledge of this world.

Zhou Xuan was able to live in this world seamlessly when he just crossed over, because it was the same as his previous world development process, computers, mobile phones, high-speed trains, airplanes… he had all seen it, even though the high-speed train he had taken before was actually The formation will be engraved, but Zhou Xuan can easily accept it.

But Nie Xiaoqian can’t.

As an ancient person, looking at the unfamiliar pictures in her mind, her mouth opened uncontrollably, and even after a long time, there was a trace of crystal clear saliva hanging at the corner of her mouth.

“Oh my god, that iron bird called a plane can even allow ordinary people to fly in the sky?”

“That iron box called a car runs so fast, even the Chollima can’t catch up (cffh), right?”

“Computers and mobile phones can let people know what’s happening thousands of miles away, and they can even communicate with people far away. It’s incredible.”

“Computers and mobile phones can also be used to buy things. You can buy everything? Clothes, bags, shoes, cosmetics…”

Nie Xiaoqian’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and she felt that she had opened the door to a new world.

She couldn’t wait to get into Zhou Xuan’s bedroom, where there was a computer.

Zhou Xuan looked at Nie Xiaoqian, who was as enthusiastic as chicken blood, and felt very grateful. Fortunately, he didn’t tell Nie Xiaoqian how to pay for online shopping, otherwise he would definitely see how a prodigal lady was born.

Zhou Xuan simply ignored her. After showing a little white light in the east, he closed the shop and went back to the bedroom in the backyard to fall asleep.

Sleeping until eleven o’clock noon, Zhou Xuan woke up on time, lying on the bed, he heard a fierce fighting sound from the computer desk beside him.

At the same time, Nie Xiaoqian gritted her teeth and snarled, “Team pig, if you have to play Yasuo, you are happy yourself, and you hurt my old lady.”

Good guy, is this a game that was played all night?

Zhou Xuan hurriedly got up and stood behind Nie Xiaoqian to take a look. It happened that the blood-red “failure” on the computer screen was lit up, and soon he saw the record Nie Xiaoqian had tuned out.

Twenty-five consecutive losses…zero wins, played all night and morning.

Typical people are addicted to food.

“Should I train an otaku girl?”

Seeing Nie Xiaoqian who had already started a new game, he was so provocative that he would not give up if he didn’t win a game. Zhou Xuan decided to sign in and check in first to ease his emotions.

“Congratulations to the host for getting the sign-in reward-general ingredient purchase library”

Note: This reward has been integrated with the cold fresh storehouse of the Midnight Canteen. The host can purchase any fresh ingredients from the system-produced ingredient store at the normal price (only ordinary ingredients, fantasy ingredients can only be obtained through the sign-in reward or the host’s own collection. ).

With this common ingredient purchase library, the host will no longer have to go out to buy common ingredients from now on, and the ingredients produced by the system are definitely the freshest, which is convenient and quick to buy as you use them.

Zhou Xuan’s eyes lit up, so Nie Xiaoqian, who didn’t bother with the food, hurried to the kitchen to check. After pushing the door of the original cold storage room, Zhou Xuan found that the place had changed a lot.

There was only one device like a claw machine in the room. The claw machine was empty inside, but the screen lit on the side listed dozens of different kinds of ingredients.

There are all kinds of meat, seafood, rice noodles, vegetables, fruits, beverages, seasonings…everything.

Moreover, the price is marked on the above, and the cost of the corresponding ingredients can be deducted by binding the bank card.

Driven by curiosity, Zhou Xuan ordered a bottle of soy sauce and confirmed the purchase.

In the claw machine, the grappling hook hanging in the air started to move. From the bottom of the claw machine that Zhou Xuan could not see, he grabbed a bottle of soy sauce and delivered it to the outlet.

“Good stuff!”

Zhou Xuan was overjoyed. This library of common ingredients was really convenient. He soon thought of a good idea.

He put his hand on the claw machine, and then said silently: “Store”.


The claw machine disappeared out of thin air, but appeared in Zhou Xuan’s system storage compartment.

“In this way, I can take it to roam Otherworld?”

“Even if you go to an extremely unfamiliar and harsh environment, at least you don’t have to worry about starving to death with this food library.”

Zhou Xuan is very satisfied with the sign-in reward this time.

“It seems that today is a day full of European spirit, maybe there will be good luck!”

When seeing the tray on the kitchen table, the colorful beans have grown up to more than an inch under the spring water of the fountain of life. Zhou Xuan believes in his good luck today.

The water of life in the tray is almost dry, but the colorful bean sprouts look very full, with a hint of fresh sweetness.

Each colorful bean sprout has a color, as gorgeous as a rainbow in the clear sky after rain.

Zhou Xuan smiled slightly and said, “Perhaps I can use good luck today to let the Phoenix God descend into this world in one go!”

As soon as this thought came out, Zhou Xuan immediately became eager to move.


The stove fire was rising, and golden flames were shining in Zhou Xuan’s eyes. .

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