Late. Tamer's day.

133 Stories Wrestler Rabbit

I bought the information from Mr. Alyssa, and I was on my way to Ruin's.

I was contacted that the harvesting ono I had previously requested was ready.


"Oh, it's been a while."

He said, "I've got an ono."

"This is it."

Morning Dew Logging Ono

Rarity: 3 Quality: 7-Star Durability: 250

Effect: logging

Weight: 1

"Isn't that nice! Cool!"

It looks like a regular hand axe, but when the blade reflects light, it glows in a light water color.

"I was able to use the water ore and green peach trees and rock ant-based materials you gave me to hold the weight but increase the endurance value"

"Yeah, yeah."

"No special effects but should last a long time"

"Thank you. I liked it. So, how much money do you want?

That's 3000G.

"Isn't it cheap?

"No, that's what I'd do if I brought in material"

We're going for a feather forest, and I'm sure we'll get a variety of wood. I'm looking forward to it.

I got an axe from Mr. Ruin, and I went back to the field, and now I'm on the mix. Even with map data, that's not the only way to attack. We have to prepare ourselves.

Now, let's talk a little bit about the neighborhood. This game takes the starting town as the 0th area, and the numbers add up every time you walk away from it.

Four fields are in the first area: the northern plain, the southern forest, the eastern plain and the western forest facing the town of beginnings.

And the 'Fang Forest' at the end of the northern plain, the 'Sea of Horned Trees' at the end of the southern forest, the 'Feather Forest' at the end of the eastern plain, and the 'Sea of Claw Trees' at the end of the western forest. Take these four fields two areas away from the starting town for a second area. Further ahead of those second areas, the four fields with towns to the north, south, east and west are referred to as the third area.

Since then, they've had fields with even areas without towns and odd areas with towns. This is only bulletin board information, though. They can go to two different fields each from the third area, but I guess we're still ahead of us.

I've defeated Savage Dog before, the field boss in the North Plains. So we can get into the Fang Forest without a boss fight. All we had to do was break through the woods of fangs and we should have been able to reach the town north of the third area......

"I see. Is that why Mr. Alyssa recommended the eastern town?"

Among the various pieces of information that Alyssa received about brewing, there was an amazing brewer in the eastern town, who wrote that when he made the request, he could get skills and a special brewing barrel.

So we have to start by destroying the bosses on the eastern plains.

"Fou joined us and we got a full party, and we got to the level at the event"

The way you attack the Ghost is aligned with my water magic with Sakura tree magic and Faw's Firedemon summons. As long as we have an emergency recovery item, we should be able to break through the second area ahead.

"All right, now you've finished all the potions. And then... let's finish our meals before we leave."

Treat the medicine you made to the inventory and now take out the tools for cooking. It's the ortho to make, the juice for the bear, and the cookies for Rick, but this time I added a little arrangement.

Olt's juice is honey pear juice, and bear's is honey persimmon juice. Rick's cookies are honey nut cookies with added walnuts, tungsten and soy beans.

"If I eat this, I'll finally leave."





All right, all right, everyone looks delicious. You're devouring food.

Finish your meal and 2 hours after you leave the starting town. So far so good. The rest is the second area if you defeat the boss.

The eastern plains were able to make a light breakthrough. If you're an enemy of the 1st area in the first place, you can defeat it without any struggle.

In old RPG terms, there's enough level difference to knock it down with no damage with an A-button hitting streak.

"The boss's information is perfect, and you're gonna be fine"

The field boss on the eastern plain is a rabbit called Wrestler Rabbit. As its name suggests, it's a rabbit as big as a professional wrestler.


"You say rabbit... you look like a bear"

He stood up on two legs and raised his hands to intimidate this one, as if he were a white bear. If I hadn't had long ears, I might not really be able to tell the bear apart.


"Guys! Please!


Ort's decree? So our children scattered in unison. And then we go with the offense as per the operation.

Wrestler rabbits are fast and have high arm strength, but they only have two attacks with special effects. They're also low on defense, so it wasn't hard to break through with no damage if only they knew the pattern.

One thing you need to be aware of is the stomping you start using after your HP is halved.

It is an attack that jumps high and tries to crush it. The unpleasant thing about this attack is that it rocks the ground, even if it's critical to avoid it, and its vibration inhibits our movement.

So it seems that by jumping back and avoiding it, it is best to avoid attacks as well as stamps due to vibrations.

I'm the one who looks the worst at our party.

Still managed to push the wrestler rabbit to 10% HP left just by eating one shot of stomping. No, that's the boss. Stomping took half of my HP.

"But a little later - seriously!

It's the weakest wrestler rabbit in the boss, but there are two attacks to watch out for, one being the stomping I ate earlier too.

The other is an attack called Rabbit Heaven, which is used after being driven.

This technique is not used by all wrestler rabbits, but appears to be used by individuals about once every 30 times. I can't tell on the outside, so the info said I wouldn't know until I tried to fight... I didn't know you would hit that individual!

"Guys! Defend!

Rabbit Heaven. As its name suggests, it is a move that summons countless rabbits to attack the entire party simultaneously. It's not as damaging as it sounds because it's a rabbit, and after the attack it disappears, but it was a tricky move to prevent anyway.

"" "Usa Usa Usa!

Nearly 40 rabbits gushing out of nowhere jump endlessly and kick in here.


You've managed to withstand... But I also put in stomping damage and lost about 30% of my remaining HP.

How's everybody doing? When I checked the condition, there was no Fou.

"Yabe! Fou is back in death!

Because the level was only 4 ~. I was going to level it after I went to the feather forest. You don't think you're gonna run into a special individual that only has a one-thirtieth chance of appearing!

"This Lord Usa!




After that, the wrestler rabbit, which ate our intensive attack with anger, was scraped off the remaining HP and disappeared as a grain of light.

"We need to get back to the town where it started"

We've all eaten a lot of damage in Rabbit Heaven, and Faw needs to pick us up.

"The Feather Forest attack starts tomorrow."

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