Late. Tamer's day.

164 Stories Results of Exploring with Early Ear Cats

In Junken, after the members decided to dive the gate, I decided to go back to the field and bring the monster. I'm heading to the dungeon with Alyssa and the others.

While Alyssa and the others are exploring the city, go and come back. Four of them will be brought in: Orto, Sakura, Rick and Fou. It is an organization that weighs more on collection and aid than on combat power.

"Thank you for waiting"


"Ah, welcome home."

Returning to the city of earthly spirits, the early-eared cats greet us. Looks like we're not done mapping the city yet, but they're heading to the dungeon first. You can still explore the city later.

Because of this, I didn't get a skill scroll. That still seemed like a first-time liberator only.

"Oh, it's Mr. Silver's Gnome!

"Undine, I'm not..."

"I want a fairy!

"No, you're certainly born with the soul of a gnome and a tree sperm, aren't you? Then if we get the Gnome here, isn't it possible?

"I see!"

I'm bothering to look at my kids. Well, I can't help it because it's cute. But as they say, if information on the Spirit Gate comes out, Pixie might look more like him.

It's only my prediction, but I guess we're born with souls between spirits. At its fastest, is it the spirits of the Gnome and the Fire Spirit Gate?

No, they say the dendrites are extremely rare, but they can sometimes appear on normal fields, and maybe there are players who are taming besides me. If it were that person, it might be possible to lay eggs as soon as you even tame the gnome. I want you to do your best.

Talking about that, Tamer, the early ear cat, surprised me.

"Can other players get Pixie?

"Huh? Well, I don't mind. If you don't want to, I'm not selling Fou's information."

"Oh yeah...... That's silver."

Somehow I was praised. Why not? If there were any other Pixies, I'd like to compare them to how they're different from our Fou, and maybe we could find out what the difference is in where they evolve. Isn't that just a good thing?

"Well, let's get to the dungeon."

Copy that.


"I dig ore! I'm gonna dig around!

Before Attack, I experiment with a lot of things. I go in separately, partying and teaming up, and try different ways.

Then I found out that the dungeons were apparently separate for each party. You can enter the dungeon on a team, so the maximum is up to 12 people on the team. When they go in solo, they all get flown into different dungeons with the same build.

I didn't care, but Alyssa and the others are discussing everything from there. First of all, Laid boss says yes. That's true. Only up to 12 people can enter the same trial.

Also, the treasure chests I discovered were specifications that I could get one per person. When we partied and opened the chest, it contained the same number of dark sighted necklaces as the number of partying people. Even after that I cancelled the party and headed to where the crate was in the solo, the crate had disappeared. It seems important that it was organized into a party when the chest was opened.

I was hoping I'd get another one, too. I opened the chest in the form of us joining the three unopened ones, but I only got three necklaces. Doesn't seem to work that well. Well, if anyone doesn't want it, maybe they can give it to me. Yeah, well, there won't be anyone like that.

After that, I fought with Mr. Alyssa and the others in the earthly spiritual trials, and when my data was corroborated that it was not incorrect, the verification ended.

Once a unique individual Gnome emerged, in the end we couldn't take a taste. We got a 4-Star quality soil crystal, so it turned out to be O'Rei. Now the two remaining ones will be allowed inside as well. For this reason, I was greatly thanked for my unique Tamer title and for Olt's luck. Instead of giving this away, most of the other materials and collections have been received. They'll put you on the reward for what's missing.

Because of this, Carlo, the early ear cat Tamer, was not a Gnome, he was Taming Dark Bat. Stone Snake still seems to be a monster for Summoners, and I couldn't take a taste for it. You think a flying monster is valuable even in the dark?

It was Mr. Maple who was after Norm. She's playing in the field, but they're also getting Tame and targeting Norm. Well, it's a low level I just got, so I couldn't take a taste of the unique individual or the regular gnome either. You'll be seen caging here for a while.

"Thanks for the help. Thanks."

"No. It was easy for us to fight. Sakura has evolved."

"We are the ones who are thankful to show you the precious things that Mons has evolved. I also got Sakura's information sold. I'll put it on the information fee."

Yes, what a level of Sakura reached and evolved during this verification. The excitement of Alyssa and the others who saw it. Well, I can't help it because Rick got tense when he evolved, too.

Sakura's evolution was the same three types as Rick's. It's all my first look because I don't have much information originally, but they are all interesting evolutionary destinations. Maybe dry adds that would normally be evolution. The other is High Trent. Dry Adds feel their abilities rise as they are. The role will be pretty much the same as before.

High Trent seems to evolve into a monster specializing in the management of fields like Orea with additional skills in tree splitting, non-combat and farmland management. Maybe it's all Trento. In the meantime, there won't be Trent. There's Olea.

And the spirit of the last young tree was thought to be a unique evolution. This is what it looks like in comparison.

Name: Sacramento Race: Dry Adds Foundation LV25

Contractor: Ut

HP: 74/74 MP: 76/76

Arm 14 Health 22 Agility 12

Dexterity 16 Intelligence 17 Spirit 20

Skills: Tree Breeding, Tree Magic/Advanced, Photosynthesis, Collection/Advanced, Regeneration/Advanced, Patience, Whipping, Water Resistance, Attraction, Woodworking, Forest Guard, Shielding, Material Production, Beekeeping

Equipment: Tree Spirit Whip, Tree Spirit Clothes, Tree Spirit Little Shield

Name: Sacramento Race: Young Tree Spirit Foundation LV25

Contractor: Ut

HP: 74/74 MP: 76/76

Arm 15 Health 23 Agility 12

Dexterity 15 Intelligence 17 Spirit 19

Skills: Tree Breeding, Tree Magic/Advanced, Photosynthesis, Collection, Regeneration, Patience, Whiplash/Advanced, Water Resistance, Attraction, Woodworking/Advanced, Forest Guard, Shielding, Abnormal Resistance, Material Production

Equipment: Tree Spirit Whip, Tree Spirit Clothes, Tree Spirit Little Shield

Dry Adds become advanced in tree magic, collection and regeneration, adding beekeeping and material production.

Young wooden spirits seemed to be advanced in tree witchcraft, whipping and woodworking, with unusual resistance and added material production.

I know you would have bothered without a bear with beekeeping, but this would be a unique evolutionary choice. Woodworking and advanced looks interesting. Abnormal resistance is a skill that increases resistance to state abnormalities, so it becomes harder as a wall actor.

The evolutionary Sakura became just a little taller. He would be about 150 centimeters tall. I was about to go up to middle school, but it started to look like I was in third grade. I think my expression just got a little grown-up.

Otherwise, did the costume get a little flashy? Until now, it was a green garment with a combination of leaves, but the evolution transformed it into a costume with a single point of light peach flowers everywhere.

"You're so cute. We'll definitely want this. Could it be something where there's no place for a massive outbreak of tree sperm? You don't know, Ute?

"No, I just don't know."

"If you discover it, definitely let me know!

"Do you have a place like that?

In the first place, sakura-like trees are powerful raremons, right? If we went to a place where there was a mass outbreak, we'd be killed instantly.

"Well, I'll go sell the information when I find it."

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