Late. Tamer's day.

192 Stories Goods Expansion?

Shit, I drank too much again in good shape...... The intoxication that was about to heal was critical again. I'm a little fuzzy here.

"Shiragana! Over here, over here!"

"There you go! Come on, come on!


Calling me was a less uniform table. Men and women of various occupations, such as Asihana and Marca, are bickering.

No, it had one feature. The bears. The bears were seated on the circular table, not the players.

Coumas and Little Bears are sitting in chairs getting snacks and juices. Who's that? Who's got all the bears up front or something? You're so cute! I gave Suksho a good pastry. This is too destructive.

"Yes, uh..."

"It's honey ~"

Bears and little bears are sticking their hands and around their mouths and eating honey, but that seems to be cute again. All the bear maniacs surrounding the table were deredere.

Marca and Asihana are friendly enough to feed their bears honey. Apparently, we got along as homosexual people. What the hell was that noise earlier?

"Oh, yeah! I'll give Mr. Ute something good!

It was Asihana who raised those words.

"Good stuff?


Asihana takes something out of the inventory. And there was a sighing cheer coming from all around me when I saw it.

"Wow, wow!

"Yeah? What is this!

"Ho, I want..."

What a wooden figure modeled after our kids. It would be about 20 cm in size. Because the colour is not painted, it is not known whether it is unique or usually individual that it has become a model. But at first sight, I understood they were my children.

For example, Ort. Norm looked subtly different from individual to individual, but he carved up Ort's face beautifully. Honestly, I don't know much about individual differences in the case of grey squirrels, so I don't know if it's Rick...... However, the pose was a common salute pose, so I thought at the moment I saw "Oh Rick, you're right".

I honestly don't know if it makes a difference because I've never seen any other Tame individuals like Kumama or Ruffle, Sakura or Fou. But I think Ruffle is able to faithfully reproduce that smile. Sakura is still a beautiful girl. Fou sits back on the stump and rattles the lute, it's a snafkin pose. I guess the reason I don't have Olea is simply because Asihana has never seen it. I can't help it because Asihana is the only one with 3 bear.

"This is amazing!

"Isn't it?

"Are you sure you want me to have it?

"Yeah. I need a favor instead."

Asihana said she had carved it in her hobby at first, but she was having trouble asking acquaintances and others to want it too.

"So, I was wondering if I could get permission to sell this"

"Ha ha, I see"

I see the figures of the devils lined up in front of me. Great job on Asihana's arm. Well, this could certainly sell. Even if it wasn't my kids, for example, I'd want some good monster figures. Or you should definitely want it.

"But don't you have to be our kids?

"That's what you're asking for by name, isn't it? You want Orto's, or Sakura's? After all, Mr. Youto's Mons have a lot of fans."

Hmm, finally figuring it out. You're like an idol. I know my kids seem to be more popular than I imagined these days because people have been teasing me... I didn't think so much as they wanted a figure by name.

"The title of Mr. Silver's exorcism series is" I'm going to sell it exclusively. "What do you say?"

"Huh? Is that the name?

"Definitely a dumb sell!

But what about this? I don't mind if I let you... You're not gonna get weird trouble, are you? Because of intoxication, thoughts don't work subtly.

"Definitely buy it!

"Please come from us too!

"Kuma-chan Higgia, I'd love to!

"Because I'll pay a proper model fee too! 20% of sales! Even for Mons fans across the country!

"Nationwide...... Well, that's all right, but don't sell it to a very weird guy, okay?

"Let it be! Because I only sell to people who are properly loving me!

That scares me, but I wish I was a fan. It's great to do, and I'm honestly glad you have a fan who says you want it.

"So, if you like, I don't know if there's a sukshaw or something that would help - I don't know?

"A helpful susho? It's our kids'?

"Yes, yes! All I have is the one I took the last time I saw him and the official video released by the operation in the event image."

That said, there was something to say about an official video. For some reason, the only place my kids would salute and drop off the battle squad was for a few seconds, but it was used. Of course, it's stored permanently.

Thinking about it, the figure might be even more so now. Videos are already available to all players.

Still, it's a scho to reference the figure. There are a few, but which one would you prefer?

"Hmmm...... Oh, yeah! Then I have a really cute sukshaw. You've got to see this."

"Huh? What kind?

"Er, yeah - no, wait. Would it convey cuteness better to have it looked at in person than to Sukshaw? Hey, Rick, Fou! Hey, over here!



What I wanted to show everyone was Rick and Fou's combined moves. That was adorable. I'm sure Ashhana and the others will like it.

"Squirrel Rider! Now is the time to merge!



They just passed it on. After Rick and his friends line up to salute Bishi, Fou flies on Rick's back.

Rick stomped on his limbs, an ambitious pose with his tail peaned. Fou hips up in a forward leaning position as if he were a jockey and grabs a bandana wrapped around Rick's neck. He seems to be pinching Rick's body with his legs to support his body while gently placing his knee on Rick's back in a crotchy state.

Besides, it didn't even work with Pickle as it was. They're posing properly.

The yellow screams of Ashhana and the others are amazing. But it doesn't bother me right now. Because I was focused on shooting all over Sukshaw. Yeah, yeah, I might have figured out a little bit how my camera dad feels about taking pictures of kids all over.

"Mr. Ute! Fine! Fine! Excellent!"


Asihana also has a rough nose and is shooting Bashabasha Suksho. I'm glad you understand.

"Sell this figure to me first if you can."

"Yeah. I don't need the money! You've given me the best motif and I appreciate it!

I would love to take this to Asihana if I could still get a good sukshaw in the future. I mean, you suddenly have a shooting party. People are pushing me from other tables when I realize it.

"Fine, fine. Keep it up."

"Turn around."

"Shh, so good......!



"Couma-chan. Hands, should we get out of the way?

"Oh, Kuma and Little Bear hugs! Sounds great."


This is going to take a while to calm down.

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