Late. Tamer's day.

442 Stories Tree Spirit Squirrel Info

"Oh, I was there. Mr. Alyssa!"

"Is that you, Ute? What's wrong? Another big discovery? Really?

After destroying the event spino with the walnuts, I was visiting Mr. Alyssa.

I have some information I would like to buy. Plus, there's a little information that's going to sell. In other words, my three daughters recommended that the title system should definitely be sold early.

It is also because of them that they were able to defeat Spino. I told him I would give him some of the information fee, but when he told me it was enough to get the title, he refused.

Instead, I gave him amber bait and extra glasses ura. I want you to do your best.

Even so, did you come when you were busy? You looked amazing, Alyssa, when you saw my face.

"In the meantime, I want you to sell the information"

"... ho. All right, let's talk over here."

Go to the private room of the coffee shop and tell them again what information you want.

"So, what information do you want to buy?

"Let's start with the information on where the squirrels are evolving."

"Oh, I see. Is it time for evolution?

Rick hasn't brought him in right now. I stopped by the simplified house before I got here and left everyone behind.

Fighting Spino was a fierce battle, and I need to give you a break.

"There were three types of wood squirrel evolution destinations: Lesser Car Bankle, Gardener Squirrel, and Tree Sea Squirrel, right?

"Oh, my God, you already know."

"So, I want you to see this."

"... wait a minute"


I tried to show you the status window, but for some reason Mr. Alyssa was off the screen.

And he was breathing weird for some reason.

"Hi-ha-hoo, hi-ha-hoo"

Why the Lamars Act?

"Oh, I took a deep breath wrong!

"So, are you okay?

No, Mr. Alyssa, maybe it was a joke. Should I have laughed? It was too urgent and I was worried.

"Yeah. I managed to calm down. So, what do you want me to see?

"Evolutionary Rick's status."

"That is, that it has already evolved. And he says it's a new race with no information."


"Yeah. I thought this would happen anyway! Well, let me show you!

Alyssa prompted me to display Rick's status before Alyssa.

"Tree Spirit Squirrel?

"It is. Evolved from wood squirrels."

"... I see. Ute, you did have the title of Protecting the Spirit of the Great Tree, didn't you?

"Yes. Huh? Could that have something to do with it?

"Actually, there are other players who have evolved into squirrels that look a lot like this."

Ask Alyssa to share that information too.

Ahead of that player squirrel evolved is the earthly spirit squirrel. They said it wasn't originally a wood squirrel.

"So that player had the title of Protecting the Earth Spirit."

"I see. So, by the Spirit who gave me the title, you think the evolutionary destination will change?

"Maybe. Thanks to you, Ute, that possibility has grown."

They say the protection of earthly spirits is what a title you can get when you complete the trials of earthly spirits.

"Huh? Was it cleared?

"Yeah. Just Earthly Spirit Gate. There's a lot of other offense going on, so I guess it'll all be attacked at the beginning of the event?

They also sell tactical information, so if you're trying, I'll take care of you.

"So, this is what I really want to know from here. Look at your skills. Psychomagic and tree spells. You want information on this."

"Well, it's psychic magic."

"Are earthly spirit squirrels different?

"Yeah. That was some spiritual magic over there."

I wonder what it is. Spirit magic seems stronger. In fact, they say it is a fairly rare and strong sorcery that summons compatible spirits to be able to attack.

It's just that mental witchcraft is so rare that they can't even beat it. With regard to competence, there was only information that was almost no different from that of bulletin boards.

However, I was given a special NPC location where I can't communicate without using psychic witchcraft, so maybe I could go. Normally, you think it's an event where you have to get along with NPC who can use psychic magic and reading stories and get them to work together?

Well, I'm talking about NPC for a special evolutionary event for martial arts skills, so I don't think it makes sense to me.

"What about tree spells?

"I don't totally see this one for the first time. The earthly spirit squirrel remembered the earthly spell, so I can speculate somewhat."

In the case of soil spells, the effectiveness of the soil based facilities of the home is increased. During battle, earthly magic resistance. He seemed capable of increasing the effectiveness of his buddies' earthly magic.

"So you're saying that tree spells might have a similar effect"

"Maybe. If you find out more, come and sell the information."

Well, let's give it a try.

"Anything else you want to buy?

"What about the use of this?

"Oh, you're a weird fish fillet. Well, it's delicious to eat, but you can use it to catch mosas, so you're buying them away for a high price, right?

Using the amber body of an ancient fish, they can give Mosa to land without having to use the ancient fish itself. I see.

"Is that where you want to buy the information?"

"Hmm. So, you don't have any information that's going to sell?

"Yes, I do."

"Oh, there is? Isn't that just the squirrel info?


"Sa, that's you Yut...... It's only been a few hours since delivery...... So, what's the information?

"Look at this."

"Yeah, yeah."

Peek into the window with a rugged look as Mr. Alyssa roars his throat with cockroaches.

I get nervous until I get a look of determination like I'm about to peek into the abyss.

However, the title relationship sells high every time, and this time there are three. I'm pretty confident.

"Huh. What do you say?

I'm going to have to scroll slowly while only showing some of the logs. That's a good show for me. Mr. Alyssa is peeking into the window so that he can bump into it.

First, he showed the title of 'The Defeater of the Dinosaur', which he earned first. Then I found out that Mr. Alyssa's shoulders were out of strength. Besides, I say it out loud.

"Oh, this title"

"Huh? Could it have been pre-existing?

"That's right. Could this not be the only information on the title?

"Did you know that too"

I've accumulated so much, I've tried so much, I didn't know it was already known information! Or your face is hot! That's amazing, LJO! You're reproducing it all the way here!

I got embarrassed and turned the log to full view.

"Well, everyone's defeating the boss, and I'm not the only one getting the title, am I?"


"As you already know, all I wanted to sell was three pieces of information: The One Who Defeats the Dinosaur, The One Who Kills the Dinosaur, and The One Who Observes the Dinosaur."

Let's stop getting on well in the future. Don't let this embarrassment happen again.

At this event, I was the first to open an ancient island, and I was going to be in the top group.

Come to think of it, there are already plenty of players on the island, and it wasn't weird to have players that would destroy all kinds of bosses in one day. Brachio, if you think you destroyed Mosa for the first time after you defeated Spino, it's no surprise you're already here to get the information on the title and sell it.

In the first place, did I ever get on well or anything? No, I don't. I mean, I guess it suits me to live carefully.

"Mr. Alyssa, I'm sorry to be on track -"

When I tried to bow my head with a blushing face, Mr. Alyssa's screams blocked it.



My ears are keen!

"Ute, at the time you arrived, I knew this would definitely happen! How could you be alarmed? Me!

Mr. Alyssa suddenly screamed with her head in her arms.


"What! The one who destroys dinosaurs! What kind of people observe dinosaurs? Aren't you the benefactor of the pirates?"

"Pirate benefactor?

"Take the pirate flag you can get on a sunken ship to an abandoned village cemetery and you'll get the title! Looks like he attacked a sinking ship with delivery, so I thought it was definitely that way. No, no, no, no!

Apparently there's a title I haven't got. Let's go get it later. More than that, it's information about the title I own now.

"Um, I mean, you think the information on these two titles will sell?

"Let me buy it high!

In the end, the information fee amounted to a total of 140,000 Ibeto, net of any deductions. Those who will perish know the terms of their acquisition to some extent. I guess this is expensive.

If you can combine the Ibeto you got in the boss battle, it's better than 300,000 Ibeto.

Now you can buy more breeding cases. Let's buy lots of perfumes and stuff.

"Yes, if we don't sell the information now, the order of events...... Against policy, but a little high...... No, you can't, Alyssa. Don't sell your soul to the devil! As usual, I need to sell it for a price that's not enough to get my legs out...... But that ranks...!

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