Latent Syndrome

Chapter 552 551 Infinite

Chapter 552 551. Infinite

The ultimate enemy is yet to come.

Primordial Chaos scorned.

Despise this ordinary person.

Whether in the universe, outside the universe, within time, or outside eternity.

No other existence can be equal to him.

No existence has such qualifications.

What arrived were nothing more than chaotic eagle dogs.

These are the three pillars of gods that have existed since the beginning of time.

In the past, Anonymous had already defeated the spirits of the three of them, but had not yet destroyed the essence of the three of them.


Above mind and matter, it is the true origin of a thing.

And as the eagle dogs of the original chaos, under the blessing, the three of them cannot be understood by humans, outside the existence of eternal numbers.

Can't be described too much.

Sane men do not understand them, and those who have seen them are insane and cannot answer them.

Life, existence.

Years, dimensions.

A terror that crushes all reality and reason like a hearse of dreams.

All swept in.

Even though we are across the end of the universe and countless dimensions apart, these powerful forces are everywhere.


Kill ordinary people.

However, for Anonymous.

These are all trivial things.

Just a thought.

The great power released by the original manuscript cannot even be understood by the three pillar gods.

That's a rivalry...

Original power.

The essence of the Three Pillar Gods was also negated and obliterated by the powerful thoughts of the Nameless One, vanished into thin air, turned into indescribable characters, and was sealed in the original manuscript.

The stars change, the years change, and there is no reincarnation.

There seems to be a paradox already existing.

When Anonymous closed the original manuscript and opened his eyes, he was already there.

Abyss of Stars.

Under your feet is a shallow pool just below the soles of your shoes. This pool is endless and exists at the same time in all the times that people have forgotten or are feeling.

This largest and most powerful abyss is actually a shallow pool.

However, this shallow pool reflects the galaxy universe, holds the memories of all essential existences, and swallows up the brilliance of the stars on the sky.

Brutal and...elegant.

Reflecting the stars that have passed throughout history, all the beautiful memories of ecstasy or despair.

This is.

The source of all worlds.

The end of thought.

Original chaos, the abyss of stars.

It was a man wearing a khaki trench coat, with long hair and emerald green eyes, like those of a snake or scorpion.

"Suppose we move from disorder to order."

"1 is the most confusing."

"Ten is totalitarianism."

"But at this moment."

"We have all stepped out of eternity."

"Beyond the numbers."

"What exactly is going to happen..."

"In order to add heavier weights."

Di Wei put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and looked at the stars in the sky that were disappearing with a complicated expression.

Anonymous said nothing.

This man is the complete opposite of Colin.

Di Wei has always had his name, and he has never lost his essence.

Just like him.

He thinks everything is a bondage, everything is a yoke.

He always thought someone was watching him, he always thought someone had something stolen from him.

He always felt that the world was working against him, trying to flatten his will to neutralize his threat.

He will destroy everything and burn everything to ashes.

He is opposed to everything.

Thinking that only in this way can freedom be found.


But he is bound by himself.

He felt like what he was fighting would only stay with him longer.

He did not fight and abandoned everything.

It became...

Slaves of Chaos.

Everything is there.

Under the control of original chaos.

The one true God.

This is the only truth.


Di Bong's commander.

to the end.

When everyone is gone.

Only Anonymous remains.

This is an ordinary person.

"Is this what you want?"

"Di Zhu."

"By now."

"Did you find it?"

"Your freedom."

Anonymous asked calmly.

Di Wei thought seriously for a long time.

"This is a really difficult question, isn't it?"


"I have no idea."


"There is another being that I have not defeated."



Di Wei said so.

Anonymous just picked up the record book in his hand.

"This is the original transcript."

"It records your end."

"You want to know."

"You are a hero."

"Are you still a coward?"

Anonymous said calmly.


Anonymous's opponent is far from Di Biao.

There is no need for a so-called one-on-one duel between real men.

Anonymous already knew.

The essence of Dickon.

This primitive chaos is the vanguard.

The aura of the Nameless One can suppress the universe and galaxies, and the entire history. That kind of majesty is enough to look down on the original chaos.

The entire pool reflecting the sea of ​​stars and the heavens made endless ripples and trembled.

This directly caused Di Wei to kneel on the ground, with deep frustration in his eyes.


As far as the ordinary people in front of me are concerned.


is a coward.

This drove him into eventual madness.

"I don't care about the original chaos..."

"I don't care about the ultimate truth..."

"At least leave the proof of my existence."

"Even if it's just one..."

"Pathetic monster!"

Di Zhu stood up, took a step forward, and stepped out into a ripple in the abyss of stars. Each ripple was the shock of countless historical years, the creation and destruction of the heavens and the universe.

The scale behind him has long been damaged.

Beyond the numbers.

There are no weights to add.

A sharp sword appeared in his hand, passing through the long river of time, stealing the essence of all heavens, shattering the order of the vast civilization and turning it into the most terrifying misty chaos. More madness and madness than billions have interpreted fallacies and mistakes to the extreme. Time and space Separation, collapse of logic, the mystery of nothing.

This indescribable mystery is beyond the heavens and above the great road.

Gathered into the original power.

Following the thoughts of this pitiful monster, Brahma collapsed in a weird arc that was beyond the comprehension of numbers, setting off huge waves in the Styx that reflected the sea of ​​stars.

He slashed towards the unknown person.

But the opponent of the unknown.

Far from being like Di Bong...

Slaves of Chaos.

He holds the rubbing pen of eternity without any help.

Just inject the will of an ordinary person into this blade of truth.

This is the most powerful thought of an ordinary person.

Pure, monotonous.


The Nameless One gently waved the Blade of Truth, and the arc of light collided with the original power.


The stars dimmed and all cosmic dimensions collapsed.

Nothing that exists exists.

A primitive darkness of extreme scarcity.

Only the arc of the two forces turned wildly.

Black and white intertwined with thousands of colors.

Time and space change.

Time and history repeat themselves.

Displacement of truth and falsehood.

In the dim mist.

Two rings overlap.

Those arcs of light that contained infinite secret power gradually revealed an infinite number symbol.

When it stands alone, it is just a symbol.

It blends in with everything.

It contains the power of the entire universe and radiates the energy of the entire history...


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