Law of Fire

Chapter 497: Double slit interference experiment

The double-slit interference experiment, the name sounds familiar, but Gao Qi doesn't understand what it means.

For a science slag, it is already very good to remember the name of the double-slit interference experiment.

"I remember reading this term in that book, but I don't understand double-slit interference experiments."

Talking to an old Taoist about the double-slit interference experiment, this kind of thing always makes people feel weird. If the old Tao is full of cultivating immortals, and an immeasurable Tianzun, he will gladly accept it, and feel that he has found the right person, but now, he starts More and more confused.

The old-fashioned spirit lifted up and said, "Since you don’t understand, it’s easier to handle. Well, I mean, I have to explain it. Speaking of the double-slit interference experiment, this is very complicated, but I will try to explain it simply. Well, conceptually speaking, the double-slit interference experiment is just an ordinary experiment in quantum mechanics to demonstrate the volatility and particle nature of microscopic objects such as electrons."

"Uh, Dao Master, what does this... have to do with the Guardian of Time and Space?"

The veteran waved his hand: "Listen to me. This is very interesting. In the double-slit interference experiment, the scientist emits a single electron, but the electron interferes in this experiment. In other words, the electron is This experiment showed the nature of waves, which could pass through two gaps at the same time in a wave manner. Then the scientist was confused and wanted to figure out what was going on, so he observed with an electronic sensing device and observed why a single electron There will be wave characteristics, but the strange thing is that when scientists observe particles with electronic sensing devices, they find that the self-interference phenomenon of electrons has disappeared, and only particles are shown."

He has a good memory, and his understanding ability is not bad, but what the old Tao is saying now makes him sound a bit big, so he has to say in a low voice: "Dao Master, this is a bit complicated, and the most important thing is a bit It’s water, otherwise, would you make a long story short?"

Although his face was dissatisfied, the veteran nodded and said: "In short, electrons or photons are not observable, do you understand? It is a matter that presents a state when there is an observer, and there is no observer. When it’s time, it’s in another state."

"Uh, don't let people observe..."

What can I do if I don’t let people observe it? I don’t understand it, but if you want to understand it, you have to let the old way explain it clearly. In that case, the number of words is too much.

At the height of the crisis, the old Tao continued: "The universe is infinitely large, and the universe is also infinitely small. This experiment actually tells people, don't try to figure out the mystery of the universe, because this universe has been locked by people."

Gao Qi now understands that after going around such a big circle, the significance of the double-slit interference experiment is here.

The old Dao stared at Gao Qi, and said: "The responsibility of the guardian of time and space is to guard this locked state of the universe, so that people cannot discover the truth of the universe, and most importantly, it is not discovered by other stronger civilizations in the universe."

High frowned and said: "Not discovered?"

"We humans observe electrons, but other civilizations in the universe observe humans. In order to protect humans, the ancient people with great magical powers created parallel spaces to house humans. Our world is a lot of parallel universes, or in other words One of many planes, but now our world has been discovered and observed by another powerful civilization. So, do you understand?"

"Understood this time."

The veteran said with satisfaction: "Taking electrons as an example is just the same, but we are not electrons, and other civilizations are not scientists, but invaders, but because of the existence of the traversers, some traversers have entered other worlds, and they are so exposed. What’s more terrible is that I was traced back to the source, so the earth was exposed. After the traverser was exposed, other civilizations immediately attacked us. The guardians of time and space fought and died in order to resist the enemy. Losing the maintenance of time and space allows more travellers to appear, and willfully change history and the future, leading to a chaos in time and space, that is, the present situation."

Gao Qi finally understood what the double-slit interference experiment had to do with the end of the world. He curiously said, "So, what should we do?"

"Power, master the most powerful force in the universe. Once it is strong enough, you can inherit the legacy left by the guardians of time and space. At that time, the survival of the entire planet will be within your mind."

"How strong is it?"

The old Dao smiled and said: "It's strong enough that I don't understand it, but when the guardian of time and space reaches the Four Elephants realm, he can dominate the destiny of the entire world, but he is still a bit weak, reaching the Liang Yi realm, basically There will be no opponents, but when you reach the realm of Tai Chi, you will be the founding **** who can make all things. It is meaningless to say what is strong or not, because when you reach this realm, you can create the world at will."

"Tai Chi produces two instruments, two instruments produce four elephants, four images produce gossip, and gossip produces all things. I understand. UU reading, then, what is your realm?"

The veteran spread his hands helplessly, saying: "I'm sorry, it's just a small gossip state, so there is no way to become a guardian of time and space, and there is no way to save the world."

"Then can I save this world? But I don't know what state I am in."

The old way looked at it for a long time, and then he smiled slightly and said: "You are in a difficult state now, I can't see through it."

"Can't see through? How about I show it to you."

The old Dao stretched out his hand, and then he calmly said: "No, I can't see through it because you look chaotic, and chaos is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, this world was born out of chaos."

Gao Qi is still confused, now he is really confused, but the old Dao's face is serious, and said: "I will teach you everything I know, and I will give you everything. If you can reach the fourth place before I die In the Elephant Realm, then you can guard this broken world, at least it won’t be finished soon. If you can reach the Two-Yi Realm, then you have the ability to restart the world and regenerate the world, just like everything It never happened."



"It has something to do with Sizhu? In other words, let the timeline go back to before the catastrophe?"

Old Dao nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, change the timeline and go back to before the catastrophe."

Gao Qi was silent for a long time, and then he whispered: "Forcibly change the timeline and erase everything that happened. This is indeed the way to save the world, but if I change the timeline, can I still exist? The important thing is to change the timeline, what about the other world I need to save?"

ps: Double-slit interference experiment. If you don’t understand, let’s look at the data for yourself. If you understand it, two chapters are probably not enough.

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