Since leaving the ability group and becoming the president of this bounty Hunter Guild Chaoxi City branch, Huang Fei's life has been obviously difficult.

Gao Qi walked into Huang Fei's office and found that Huang Fei was full of irritability.

"You can count back, screwdriver, did you say I was fooled?"

Gao Qi, who had just entered the door, was stunned at the door. He was surprised and said: "Fucked Is it?"

"I stayed in the ability group well, and ended up being such a broken guild leader, and then? Then there is no more shit."

With a look of irritation, Huang Fei patted the table heavily, and said angrily: "There are only three Bounty Hunters in Chaoxi City, just three of us, and none of them came to register, and none of them commissioned tasks. I have been all day long. Just guarding such an empty house, what's the point!"

After the first episode, Huang Fei said very impatiently: "Let’s not talk about this, John is looking for me again, Hunter Guild has sent another mission, and he wants to invite me to the Angel City. I want to go, but I should get married in a few days."

Gao Qi said in surprise: "So fast?"

Huang Fei waved his hand and said, "I haven’t had time to tell you, I’m going to get married, and Qi Family’s little girl. I thought I would get married when I was married, but how do I think Qi Family is thinking Bind me."

A sad looking towards Gao Qi, Huang Fei said helplessly: "Starter, you have a lot of sly plans, think of a way to postpone my wedding, I'll go to the angel first Let’s go to the city, take the task and play for a few days."

"Brother Fei, we could have gone directly to the Angel City from Bernhard. You said there is no simple task, just go. Maybe I won’t be able to come back, so I insisted on going back to Chaoxi City first. It only took two days to come back, and you have to go to Angel City. Can you tell me what benefits John promised you?"

Huang Fei's face is distorted.

Strictly speaking, Huang Fei is a very capable person, but also a very courageous person. He is actually very difficult to deal with under an inconspicuous appearance.

But now, Huang Fei looks a bit trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis.


First, with a long sigh, Huang Fei said in a daze, "Because just today, Qi...Old Master called me over and told me Qi Feifei My belly is about to show up. I can’t drag it anymore. Let me do the wedding next Wednesday."

Today, Friday, next Wednesday, the wedding will take five days.

Gao Qi also startled, saying: "So fast."

"Yes, it's too fast, I'm not ready yet."

Huang Fei Looking at Gao Qi with a begging look: "You can help me figure out how to delay the wedding."

Gao Qi was surprised: "Brother Fei, you don't want to escape marriage." Huh?"

"Escape from marriage? Huh? Uh, this..."

Huang Fei actually feels like be eager to have a try, and there is brilliance on his face. Face fascinated: "Why did I didn't expect? Let John use spaceship to pick me up. I got on the spaceship outside the city and went directly to the Angel City, and then I didn't come back! Screwdriver, your idea is good!"

Gao Qi said in amazement: "You really want to escape from marriage, I rely on, you wait, don't lie to me, I didn't let you escape from marriage!"

Huang Fei high-spirited and vigorous stood up.

"Screws! Or your scholars have a lot of spooky ideas, I will contact John, I think, I will leave tomorrow, I will not come back to the Angel City, do you want to go with me?"


Huang Fei is serious, he really is serious.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, my mind is a bit messy."

After patting on the head a few times, forcing himself to calm down, Gao Qi faced with a puzzled face. Huang Fei said: "Why are you running away from marriage? What's wrong with Qi Fei? Don't you want to get married? What if you run away from Qi Fei?" Huang Fei resolutely said: "Qi Fei... …It’s just a little girl, she doesn’t understand her fart, but I accidentally enlarged her belly, but I didn’t want to marry her! But now you can see the situation, her father, I can’t afford to offend, don’t get married No, what do you say if I don’t run?"

Gao Qi was like lightning hit his head, and then he was shocked: "Your sister, I understand, you kill Boss Qin to grab the salt mine Not to marry Qi Feifei, you are not to marry Qi Feifei!"

Huang Fei froze for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, that's right."

" Brother Fei, your idea is really unique!"

After talking fiercely, Gao Qi said in a nearly begging tone: "You will be married, so why run?"

"If you don't run, you can't do it. I can't run anymore if I'm really married. Screwdriver, I can't help you anymore. Will you go to Angel City with me or stay?"

Gao Qi sat down. He stretched out a hand and said, "Wait a minute, I will think about it."

There was a mess in his mind. Gao Qi had trouble thinking calmly, so he faced Huang. Fei said: "Don't you want to stay in Chaoxi City?"

"Think, but I can't stay. Let me get married instead of letting me die."

"Yes. You said I don’t want to hurt you, you have to come back and get married. I thought you were looking forward to marrying Qi Feifei."

"Yes, I always thought I was looking forward to getting married, but now I found out that I don’t want to get married. I just don’t want to. Huang Fei whispered: "The scum is scum. Anyway, I won't get married, um, don't get married!" Gao Qi said in an annoyed manner: "So you only discovered your true thoughts today? ."

"Yes, no, no, yes."

"Forget it, I won’t ask you, well, actually you don’t have to escape marriage. , I have a way. No matter whether it succeeds or fails, your marriage will not be completed."

Huang Fei immediately lowered his posture, he slid in front of Gao Qi in a swivel chair, and whispered : "Say it! Say it!"

"Let’s kill Liu Qiang."


Huang Fei was just startled, and then he slapped Gao Qi's leg hard, loudly said: "Okay! very good! "

Huang Fei stood up, his face was full of excitement, and he lowered his voice and said: "Killing Liu Qiang, Chaoxi City will be messed up, and we have a fart marriage. The best thing is that we kill Liu Qiang again. Go, no one can tell that I am running away from marriage, I have to run away, haha, hahaha! "

Can't help but laugh, and then Huang Fei pointed Gao Qi with his finger, seeing the brilliance of hope on his face, and said every word: "Screw! You are such a fucking genius! "

Gao Qi stood up, he said with a stunned look: "Brother Fei, don't be impulsive, you listen to me, I haven't finished yet..."

"Needless to say, I understand. Anyway, Liu Qiang wants to kill us. It's better to start first, and then no matter whether we succeed or fail, we can't stay anymore. I don't need to get married anymore, kill two birds with one stone. , Wonderful, wonderful. "

After finishing talking with excitement, Huang Fei waved his hand and said, "No need to say anything, you can make a plan. "

This misunderstanding is a bit big, but what else to say, Gao Qi hesitated, and said: "This matter must be cooperated by Han Touer. "

Huang Fei said immediately: "I called him over. Don't say I was trying to escape marriage, just say that this is for the overall situation, the overall situation is more important! "

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