Controlling Zhang Lin is very simple, but after controlling Zhang Lin, the next thing to do will be complicated and very important.

Next, Han Ruofeng will watch Zhang Lin in his office, and wait for Gao Qi and Huang Fei to kill Liu Qiang, then Zhang Lin will leave it alone.

As long as Liu Qiang is really dead, Zhang Lin will do it whether he wants it or not. He has no way out.

Huang Fei and Gao Qi left Zhang Lin's office without saying a word. The two of them went straight to the parking lot and got into a patrol car of the Dangerous Control Department.

It is to pull the dangerous control department into the water, and it is to stretch the forest into the water, so why hide your head and show your tail.

Getting into the car, Huang Fei sighed, then wiped his forehead, and said in a low voice, "I'm so scared without saying a word. It seems I'm good-for-nothing."

Gao Qi was also nervous. Although he didn't have any special feelings for Minister Zhang Lin, when he followed Han Ruofeng directly to the palace, he did feel a little weird in his heart.

"It's up to us now."

Gao Qi's voice trembled when he spoke. Huang Fei couldn't help but said: "Are you nervous? I rely on, don't you Well, don’t you just start to do it, and tell me no more."

"Tension is nervous, but how can it not work? You say it is me?"

" Let me talk."

Huang Fei picked up the microphone and turned on the high-power radio in the car, but after holding the intercom in his hand for a moment, he finally threw the microphone to Gao Qi. Said: "Let's come, now Wanghu can't wait to call you a brother."

Gao Qi took the intercom, without any hesitation, immediately pressed the launch button, and whispered: "Call the mouse, please answer if you receive it."

There was only an electric current in the headset. Just as Gao Qi couldn't help calling for the second time, Wanghuo's voice rang.

"I am a mouse, who is looking for me."

"Mouse, I am the ability group Gao Qi, there is nothing unusual on your side, right?"

Wang Laohu immediately said: "Leader Gao, I am fine here, but there may be something wrong, it seems that I have seen some deserted people."

Sometimes the radio station may cross the frequency, so Gao Qi and Tiger Wang are speaking in the agreed coded language, and so far, their conversation is normal.

Gao Qi whispered: "Oh, then take a good look. If the situation is not right, call for support."

"Good brother, I understand."

Gao Qi put down the communicator, he looked at Huang Fei, and then adjusted the radio frequency to the fixed frequency band of the production department.

"Brother Fei, this frequency band is okay, right?"

Huang Fei added lips and said, "No problem, anyway, Boss Qin used this frequency band to communicate with Liu Family. Contact, as long as someone on the radio station in the city is watching to answer, Liu Family must have received the message."

tone barely fell, the radio station rang Wanghuo's nervous and anxious call.

"Anyone? Anyone? I'm the king tiger, I'm the king tiger of the salt mine. Hey, why don't you talk? Hey, is there someone? Talk, someone fucking hit us Ah, what kind of mutual aid association is for disaster victims. Does anyone speak, what's going on, don’t you just use this contact if you are in a hurry? What can I do..."

"Brother Hu! You have to let go, you I keep pressing the person who can’t speak, let go."

Huang Fei couldn’t help but said: "Pretends to be quite alike, but he looks silly and hehe without knocking it out. It’s also a dramatist. "

Wang Laohu has done a good job of performing a deserter who doesn’t know how to use radio. Gao Qi couldn’t help saying with a smile: "It depends on how Liu Family reflects, if they are really willing Tell the news..."

Before Gao Qi finished speaking, he listened to a man on the radio anxiously said: "What's the matter with you? Make it clear!"

"Hey Hello? My tiger, who are you, you can find me the high team leader of the ability group, or Huang Fei team leader Huang, hurry up, you hurry up to contact them."

" This is Chaoxi City... the city defense army, don’t have to look for the ability team, just talk about the situation on your side."

"No way, no way, then no! Team leader Gao has confessed that he must personally talk to him. Contact, but this... Damn!"

There were sparse gunshots on the radio, but an explosion interrupted King Tiger’s call.

Huang Fei couldn't help saying again: "All of them are the masters who lie to the dead and do not pay for their lives."

"Talk back! Talk back! What's the situation on your side!"

Wang Hu once again yelled on the walkie-talkie: "No, people have called the door, at least a thousand people, said to be from the Mutual Aid Association of the Disaster, you should quickly notify the leader Gao, hurry up and send someone to support it, hurry up! It’s okay if the salt is robbed. I’m afraid they will destroy the salt mine. Hurry up..."

The gunfire became fierce, and no matter what the production department called, King Tiger did not answer.

Gao Qi put down the headset and said, "It depends on how Liu Family reacted. If Liu Qiang really reports the news and does not move by himself, then we will lose. Then we will think about how to appease Minister Zhang. "

Huang Fei didn't feel nervous at all, but rather happily said: "Soothing a fart, knocking him out, let's run away on John's spaceship, hey, run away!"

The two people waited quietly in the car for ten minutes, and they did not hear any sound in the public frequency band.

A little bit of time passed. Twenty minutes passed. When Gao Qi and Huang Fei were both impatient, Meng Hairui's voice finally rang from their headphones.

"Group leader, I want to take a leave, I am a little uncomfortable, I want to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Gao Qi and Huang Fei looked at each other in surprise, and then Gao Qi hurriedly took the walkie-talkie and said: "What's the matter with Old Meng, where is it uncomfortable."

"I have diarrhea. I have been to the toilet several times. I ran out of toilet paper and ate seven. The antidiarrheal medicine doesn't work either. I still have three antidiarrheal medicines at home. The key is that there are two rolls of paper."

"If you don't go home, find a place to solve it outside."

"No way, there is a toilet at home."

The code word, of course, is the code word.

Meng Hairui stared at the barracks of the city defense army. The diarrhea was Liu Family’s battallion. The seven antidiarrheal medicines meant seven armored vehicles were dispatched. The family had three antidiarrheal medicines which meant that three armored vehicles were left behind. Two squads remained in the barracks, but the toilet was at home, but Young Master Chen did not follow the battallion.

The battle of a thousand people, with 70% of the troops deployed, lured the tiger away from the mountain. It is reasonable to say that it is a success. However, the most critical Young Master Chen did not leave, which is a little bit It's not good.

Gao Qi whispered: "Old Meng, do you have to go home? Is there no toilet outside?"

"Where can I find it outside..."

Young Master Chen did not leave the city, so there were big variables. Gao Qi's face was a bit ugly, but at this moment, an unfamiliar voice said in their intercom: "It's all about you. There are a lot of children, and you have to use the toilet. The deserters don’t always find a place to pull it, and quickly find an open space to solve it."

Huang Fei sighed lightly and said: "Young Master Chen I'm out of the city too, damn, the code you ordered is not disgusting!"

Gao Qi finally let go of his heart, he said with relief: "It's time for the two of us to go, then go."


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