Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 352: Gift for Luen

The third major update of [Data Template], the more Systrom thinks, the more he feels that it will have a great impact.

It is foreseeable that fierce competition will surely start in order to make the videos uploaded by oneself more popular.

Either improve the quality of the film, or start a price war, or adopt some unfair and malicious competition methods.

Therefore, for the third update of [Data Template] and the opening of the Ability Mall website, Systrom must be cautious and formulate relatively complete measures.

The current Kryptonium network has expanded to a considerable scale. If he accidentally makes people drill a loophole, although he can clean up the bug, it will waste a lot of energy, and the gain is not worth the loss.

And before that, Systrom had to find ways to promote the three abilities related to mental power, [Concentration], [Spiritual Excitation] and [Spiritual Concentration].

After all, without [Concentration Technique] and [Enthusiasm], users of [Data Template] cannot record videos with clearer mind and consciousness; and if they do not master [Mind Concentration], the effect of users’ learning ability will be greatly reduced.

However, this should only be in the early stage. When the ability store website reaches a certain scale and gains a certain degree of popularity, even if Systrom does not promote it, these three capabilities will be naturally spread.

Even at that time, more practical mental abilities will be unearthed, and the fidelity of the ability movies will not continue to improve, and the effect of [Data Template] user learning ability will be better.


After a short period of thought, Sisterm looked out the window with a group of workers who were repairing the locomotive, and decided to call him over.

Although Luen attaches great importance to the study of steam trains, Systrom knows that this so-called steam train is completely incomparable to the value of Luen's posts on the Krypton Gold website a day ago.

Systrom decided to give Luen the reward he deserved.

Although Sisterm used [Data Template] to pit a lot of creatures, those creatures also got the rewards they wanted in some ways, and they gained happiness.

This can be regarded as an equivalent exchange, at least the party who was pitted generally feels that they are not losing.

Whether it was the former old lich Kazasimor or the current little Johnny, after looking for a deal with him, he would treat him like a good fool.

But the dwarf craftsman Luen is different. Luen is dispensable whether it is the krypton points of [Data Template] or the entertainment functions.

After coming to Systrom, Luen paid far more than what he got.

It can be said that Luen the Dwarf is considered a great existence dedicated to the cause of science.

Although his strength is low, perhaps leaving the small town established by Sisterm and returning to the dwarf kingdom, he will return to the grandson who was blessed by the king of the hills and is not very popular, but Sisterm is still Very respectful.

Systrom decided to give the dwarf Run a suitable reward.

Following the message sent by Sisterm with mz, the dwarf Rune took the magic elevator newly built by the Kryptonian skyscraper a month ago and quickly came to the top floor of Sisterm.

As for the other snake-man wizard Rex who made a contribution, he has not returned because he was sent by Sisterm to hunt for treasures. Sisterm directly rewarded the snake-man with 1 million krypton points, so he gave up. After all, the contribution of the snake man wizard is actually not great.

The so-called hunting for treasure is actually what Sisterm experienced when he first came to No matter Plain a long time ago.

At that time, he was low-powered. After killing a ratman, he collected a mana gem false eye, and used the false eye to obtain a treasure map in the depths of the Warren Plains.

Because the distance was too far away, Sisterm had never had the opportunity to find it. Later, he entered the pupalization and went to the abyss and gradually forgot about it.

Sisterm also watched Shava organize her treasure chest a few days ago, and found the small crystal, a few gold coins, a bag of Frost Flower seeds and the false eye of the gem in the treasure chest, and recalled Wo The Treasure Map of Lun Plain.

Considering that the snake-man wizard Rex has experience in cracking the treasure of the bone dragon Moned, Sisterm sent him to explore the treasure with the local resident, the Jackal Golden Retriever Credo.

But whether or not he could find anything, in fact, Systrom didn't care that much.


With a knock on the door, the dwarf Luen walked into Sisterm's office. Because he didn't know what Sisterm was looking for, the dwarf scratched his head with some doubts and nervousness, as if exploding on the train. I apologized for the matter, and finally turned his eyes to the pendulum of the mechanical clock in the office that kept swinging, and again thought about the cause of the previous steam engine explosion.

From a distance, Luen, the dwarf master, looks similar to Johnny the dwarf. They are all brownish-yellow curls, full of beards, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Well, almost all dwarves look the same in Sisterm's eyes.

But compared to Johnny's shameless character, Rune was too serious.

Although Systrom added the nickname of a master, the dwarf Rune is not the kind of scientific madman who is desperate for research, but has a slightly shy personality. It belongs to the kind of first contact with nothing special. Dwarf at the place.

Systrom still remembers that when he first met the dwarf master Luen, Luen said to him with a little confidence that he hoped to make more practical machines and help as many people as possible.

However, compared with the uncertainty of the tone, the emotions contained in the dwarf's heart appear extremely firm.

Sistrom also knew at that time that this dwarf named Luen had unwavering faith.

Yes, if Systrom had expected it well, then this dwarf named Luen undoubtedly has the potential to become a hero, and may have a higher potential than Shava and Beethoven.

Only because of the awkward status of the craftsman in this world, coupled with the terrible strength, this dwarf named Luen is difficult to remember by people, and may not be destined to become a hero.

However, it was really easy for the current Sisterm to give the heroic spirit a smooth birth.

Systrom said to the dwarf Luen, "I have read the post you wrote with Rex. It is a very great note."


"That post..." Sisterm looked at the appearance of the dwarf master Luen and wanted to explain, but it turned into a thank you: "Forget it, nothing, thank you..."

The dwarf master Luen glanced at Systrom with some suspicion. After seeing Systrom said that there was nothing wrong, he quickly walked away suspiciously, and then reinvested in the maintenance and improvement of the steam train.

Sistrom opened "Lord Killing" and began to compile a brand new character card. When [Data Template] 3.o goes online, this character card will be online at the same time.

And while Sisterm was writing a new card, his [Shadow Incarnation] suddenly sent him a message that the old Druid Medland seemed to be back...


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