Laws of the Insect Hive

Vol 2 Chapter 362: Basically sure

   After clarifying the ins and outs of the will of the north wind, Systrom relaxed a little, and his thoughts became clearer.

   In fact, asking the will of the north wind he didn't need to use any weird routines, just ask the sage Eliot directly. Sisterm quickly sent an email to the sage Eliot in the name of the **** of krypton Manai.

   Unlike Jones and Adam, who were ashamed to speak, the sage Eliot immediately responded to everything he knew, the **** of Krypton.

   The north wind is whistling, and winter is approaching.

   Compared to the goddess of Winter, the **** of the north wind is not well-known. He has two powers: wither and wind. Although not comparable to the true **** of storm, he is also considered a powerful god.

  Because of the relationship between the goddess of the north wind and the goddess of winter, they were both infested by the gods of the void and annihilated by the gods at the same time.

   Like the Will of Winter left by the Goddess of Winter, the God of the North Wind also left the Will of the North Wind, and the Will of the North Wind was still in the Winter Wonderland hundreds of years ago and was kept by the heroic wind chaser Jones.

   A few hundred years ago, the mighty glacier lord Ola seemed to have gotten some news to enter the winter wonderland, and then took the will of the north wind away.

  Elliott speculated that Aura had successfully absorbed the Will of the North Wind, and Aura, the lord of the glaciers, may have fallen a few years ago, so the Will of the North Wind and the Will of Winter were missing.


   Looking at the content written by Eliot in the email, Systrom's cheeks opened slightly, and once again showed a happy and kind smile.

   With the confirmation of the sage Eliot, Sisterm is completely certain that this north wind will is something related to the deity.

   "If Elliott didn't leave, maybe I could get to know him in detail, but that's fine, after all, Eliot also has his mission."

   At this time, Eliot was taking a train to the south. He was not only instructed by the God of Krypton to **** some humans, including the traveling merchant Dorn, to the human kingdom.

   was sent by Manai, the **** of krypton, to preach to human society, that is, to distribute [data template].

Every hero has its own unique abilities. Although none of the heroes in Winter Wonderland has a power similar to [Psychic Transmission], there are also two heroes who have the ability to release [Data Template], Elliott It was one of them, and one that Sisterm could call indirectly.

   To the outside world, the sage Eliot is the third bishop recognized by Manet, besides Golden Banana Archbishop Systrom and Golden Banana Saint Jenny.

However, Elliott’s release of [Data Template] is not like Systrom or Jenny. It only needs to pay a negligible amount of experience (potential) and mental power, and then it can be distributed unlimitedly. This time, I will go to the human kingdom. Only 575 copies of [Data Template] can be distributed by LITTLE.

   This is because Eliot has a book with a black cover in his hands-"May the world be free from hunger".

Although the name of the book is high-end, it has no actual effect, nor can it be transformed into food out of thin air. In addition to the role of decorations, this book can store a thousand pages of spells, and can store the spells in the pages anytime and anywhere. Law release.

   The reason Sisterm can only record 575 pages [data template] in the book pages is precisely because Eliot’s book has recorded 425 pages.

   Although there are only more than 500 [data templates], these [data templates] will undoubtedly attract far more human beings.

by that time……

  Sistem looked at the crystal pendant on his chest. The heroic spirit was resurrected because of people's memory and became powerful because of people's memory.

Perhaps when the gods recover and the saints descend, Kun will also become stronger at that time. As long as there are enough users using [Data Template] and people pay enough attention to "Lord Killing", perhaps Kun will become a fantasy rank at that time. It is not impossible.

   Following Systrom's thoughts, the crystal pendant on his chest once again flashed a faint light, and some unpleasant emotions spread.

   Although Tiankun's mental power has become increasingly stronger these days, it seems that he is at odds with him. Every time after his resurrection, he has sent some protests like this to him, and then fell silent.

   But this time is different.

   Sisterm grabbed the crystal pendant and said, "Okay, I promise you, after the Medland is settled, I will take you to see the glaciers in the Lierte Mountains and the sea beyond the mountains."

   Along with Sisterm's words, the crystal pendant gleamed again for a while, and then slowly dispersed.

   This time the crystal pendant lasted for half a minute before it slowly went out.

  Sisterm can feel that Kun’s resurrection is getting closer...


   In order to confirm the authenticity of the will of the north wind, Sisterm decided to ask little Aura again, to thoroughly confirm the matter.

   When Sisterm once again went to the treasure house where Little Butterfly Aura was, Little Aura holding the gold coin was already asleep on top of Little Flying Dragon.

   Little Flying Dragon showed him an aggrieved expression, and did not dare to move, for fear of awakening the little Aura above his head. As for the little flower demon Duoduo, leaning against the gold coin castle and fell asleep.

  Sistem's arrival aroused little Ola's vigilance, but little Ola just opened his eyes symbolically, and when he found out that it was him, he closed his eyes again.

Sisterm didn’t have any politeness. He flicked Little Ola’s forehead with his tentacles and asked: "You said at the time that you had gone to Winter Wonderland and snatched a big gem. You know it is Will the north wind?"

"...Wait for me, wait for me to sleep for a while and tell you..." Little Ola was obviously sleeping Zhengxiang. When Systrom knocked on the forehead, she just made a dazed sound. She closed her eyes again and was pregnant. The gold coin he was holding was also thrown down, adjusting to a more comfortable sleeping position.

   Seeing this, Systrom had to use the storage ring to collect a few gold coins.

   It didn't go beyond Sisterm's When the gold coin was put away by him, Little Ola immediately came to his senses and looked at him unhappy.

  Sisterm didn't intend to take these gold coins, and poured out a few gold coins in the ring directly in front of Little Ola.

   Following Sisterm's movements, Little Aola's unhappy expression did not fade. After all, a good sleep was disturbed, and no one would be happy.

  Sistem ignored little Ola's anomaly, and asked again: "You once went to Winter Wonderland and snatched a gem. Do you know that it is the will of the north wind?"

Although a little unhappy and a little sleepy, little Ola responded according to Systrom's inquiry: "I don't remember clearly, as if they said that. I was just looking at where there were more heroes and grabbing them. , I grabbed a gem without expecting it."

   Little Aura’s words were a little unpleasant, as if she was thinking of the poor appearance of the heroes of the Winter Wonderland, a little angry.

   "Is that gem in the treasure vault you hid in the sea now?" Systrom asked directly.

   Little Ola nodded, and flew in front of Systrom and said, "Should be, what are you asking me for?"

   With these words of Little Aura, Sisterm has basically determined that this north wind will related to the **** of the north wind is indeed in Aura's treasure house.


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